### H2EARTH REPLICATION of Stan MEYER Electrolysis: (page created at November 2007 Update)
## Stan Meyer Cell by David L. Wenbert from H2Earth.com, interviewed by Sterling Allen, at http://peswiki.com/index.php/Video:David_Wenbert_on_Water_Fuel_Cells_and_Electromagnetic_Overunity_Similarities
David Wenbert on Water Fuel Cells and Electromagnetic Overunity Similarities
INTRODUCTION:On August 27, 2007, as part of the PES Network Free Energy Now http://freeenergynow.net radio series, Sterling D. Allan http://peswiki.com/index.php/Congress:Member:Sterling_D._Allan conducted a 1-hour interview with David Wenbert http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:David_L._Wenbert with H2Earth Institute http://H2Earth.org regarding his work with Water Fuel Cells http://peswiki.com/index.php/OS:Water_Fuel_Cell , and his theory that the “over unity” being observed in various electrolysis http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Electrolysis set-ups is closely related to the reason for “over unity” being observed in some electromagnetic http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Electromagnetic set-ups.
– The following transcription and video were prepared by Matt Imber. (Complete transcription in .doc format (for Word), 15 pages, 96 ko, is available from this link: http://www.pureenergysystems.com/news/Radio/Free_Energy_Now/shows/2007/Transcript–David_Wenbert–Water_Fuel_Cells_and_Electromagnetic_Overunity_Similarities.doc )
– The Audio file of the interview, MP3, 13 Mo, at http://pesn.com/Radio/Free_Energy_Now/recordings/2007/070827_H2EarthWaterFuelCells_DavidWenbert.mp3
Our guest today is David Wenbert.He is the Founder and Executive Director of the H2Earth Institute, and has been involved with advanced research for more than 20 years in energy research.H2 Earth Institute is in the process of replicating the water fuel cell technology of the late Stanley Meyer, who ran vehicles on water, and whose patents have just now become public domain.Mr. Wenbert is now in the Washington D.C. area and is developing the H2Earth Institute and the companion Trade Association for the emerging water fuel industry.In particular, he has a theory or concept that these over-unity electric systems have a tight correlation to the over-unity electrolysis systems that are being observed, that hes been involved in founding.
– Sterling Allan:[…] hundreds if not thousands of people have replicated what appear to be over-unity electrolysis scenarios, where theyre getting more energy out than what traditional electrolysis equations would say is possible, and apparently, there may be some tapping into zero-point energy or some other energy source in the process – and youre saying that this over unity observed in electrolysis – and youve been heavily involved in an open source project tool, to publish plans of how to do these things as Stanly Meyers plans and others, and facilitating this massive proliferation of the replication of this effect.But youre saying that this is quite similar to whats going on with the over-unity electromagnetic systems.
– David Wenbert: Yes, the Hearth Institute has formed a group over 60 research associates in 16 countries around the world.These researchers have all been replicating the Stan Meyer Water Fuel Cell – the patents on which expired June 26th (2007).Weve had a number of successes; our members have been producing gas at down at 1 ½watt hours per liter and down below that — 0.38 watt hours per liter.Anything below 2.4 watts hours per liter is over-unity.
– Sterling Allan: According to Faradays equations, right?
– David Wenbert: Yes, and the water fuel cell is a lot more complex than it seems.There are many processes going on within it at the same time.Many people have been confused by the way Stan Meyer referred to the use of resonance as the mechanism that splits the water.Its not a molecular resonance in the way most physicists or chemists would refer to it.Its more of an electrical resonance between the resonance charging choke coils on either side of the water fuel cell in the circuit.And weve found that the way those coils interact is virtually identical to the way the coils in Tom Beardens motionless electromagnetic generator interact.And weve traced this further, and it appears pretty conclusive that the electrodynamics that are happening within the water fuel cell in Stan Meyers circuit, are the same that are observed in not only Beardens, but Joseph Newmans energy machine, John Bedinis motors – its all the same.[…]
– Sterling Allan: For the sake of those who are sitting at their computers listening to this right now, or through the archives, lets give out your website domain name.
– David Wenbert: Its actually pronounced Hearth, the Hearth Institute is: www.H2Earth.org
– David Wenbert: […] Dr. Peter Lindemann, I think made a major contribution to this field with his book: Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity.Its really a detective story, where he went back and found the connections between original works by Nicola Tesla – which had nothing to do with Teslas more well-known contributions like A.C. current and so forth.But some of Teslas lab notes referring to radiant energy and electro-radiant events that were anomalous, and didnt fit in with any of the rest of electrical theory, but were reproducible.Dr. Lindemann then traced that to the work ofE.V. Gray and the Gray Motor, which definitely employed the same mechanism — and then, traced that further to Stan Meyer and the water fuel cell.And the more we look at Joe Newman and John Bedini, and a hundred other inventors out there – its the same circuit, its doing the same thing.These are not different devices.And Dr. Lindemann and Tom Bearden, in his book Energy From the Vacuum, I think– just in the last few years — are really bringing this together – to coalesceto the point where industry can pick up this technology and begin turning it into profit.
– Sterling Allan: At the recent extraordinary technology conference, by Tesla Tech in Salt Lake City in July 26-29 (and this is the year 2007 for people who are years ahead of us, listening back, years behind), anyway– Peter Lindemann was there with a demonstration of a number of circuits that hes come with that are actually very similar to the Bedini circuit, but dont involve the Bedini patent.And he has actually published those, and thats a story Ive been sitting on and need to get around to.Ive been procrastinating a little bit, because its hard work to pull together something like that in a comprehensible way.But he has done similar work in showing some very amazing electrical phenomena that go far outside what classical physics describe in text books, and which can make motors so much more efficient, so youre not fighting back EMFs, you can actually use the back EMFs, and get more mechanical output from your motor using much less energy.And he has not published a complete set of plans about how to build an over-unity motor, but he says if you piece together what he has out there, you can do it, hes just not going to tell you how to do it.
– David Wenbert: Exactly — we call it the IDU, or Irrefutable Demonstration Unit, and it will consist of a 3 kilowatt portable generator – just an off-the-shelf Honda generator, running itself off of a water fuel cell.And the water fuel cell will be plugged into the 10 amp (12 volt, 10 amp) DC auxiliary circuit.So, it wont even be running off the AC.And we should be at that point in the next few months – its just a question of building a final cell that incorporates everything that weve learned so far.Our findings to-date are generally posted on that page (at http://www.watercell.info ), and if you look at the bottom of that page, there is a graphic showing the input waveform that the water fuel cell requires (from Stan Meyer), and above that, some oscilloscope tracings of the output waveform of the Joseph Newman energy machine.And you can see at a glance that they are virtually identical.
– David Wenbert: Anyway, that was the first clue, but since then weve found several others.For example, if you go to Tom Beardens book: Energy From the Vacuum, on Page 401, there is a diagram of the MEG coil assembly (Figure 7.5 on Page 401).Well, that image is virtually identical to the voltage intensifier circuit in Stan Meyers documents.
– David Wenbert: Now, I dont think the word water appears anywhere in the 900 page book by Tom Bearden, and I dont know if he ever talked to Meyer at all.And Stan Meyer didnt have the benefit of the work that Tom Bearden has done over the last 10 years, in analyzing free energy, but, they still seemed to have arrived at the same conclusion.
– David Wenbert: […] Thats why I havent updated our website in a while because this emerging understanding has been unfolding, and weve been trying to figure out whats the best way to present it.Various things like the Tesla switch are also public domain technology, and we believe that, at some point, a master design can come together that incorporates this into one practical device.The bottom line of the water fuel cell is — it really is a fuel cell. Its not a misnomer. You just add water, expose it to the universe, in the form of that radiant energy pulse, and it gives you electricity.And you get combustible gas out of the byproduct.
– David Wenbert: Yes, properly constructed, according to what we know now, the water fuel cell will consume no current.It will produce net current.Whats actually happening there is,youre achieving dielectric breakdown in the water, over and over again – doing it with voltage.Youre not allowing any current to enter the cell.When the voltage spike grows to a certain magnitude, it forces dielectric breakdown.If no current is entering in from the cathode (which Meyers cathodes were insulated, by the way), the electrons are ripped from the water to fill the holes in the anode.And as you pull electrons out of water, water molecules break down.First, you have ionization when they lose one electron, and then you have disassociation when they lose 2 electrons. And thats what happens in the water fuel cell – over and over again.And all those electrons build up, and theyre drawn off by what Meyer called the electron extraction circuit. And, so youre getting DC current out of the water fuel cell, and that electron extraction circuit — in direct proportion to how much gas you produce.Now if you want more gas, you fix it so it pulls out more current, and vise-versa.
– David Wenbert: […] – the simplest depiction of all of this is in a document that was released on July 27th, 2007, by Patrick Kelly.Patrick Kelly, as you know, is the editor of The Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices, which is now hosted at http://www.panaceauniversity.org And his document – Number D3, (and its easy to find at www.panaceauniversity.org),that document goes into various similarities between the Bedini motor, the Tesla switch, and a patent by Harold Aspden (the British physicist).On pages 25-36, of that descriery document, you see a walk-through of the Tesla switch, which John Bedini first presented at the Tesla Centennial Symposium in 1984.But, youll see diagrams that show just how the Tesla switch circuit works between 4 batteries – keeping the batteries charged, while you draw off a load.The more load you draw off, the faster the batteries charge.Its completely the opposite of a normal electrical circuit.It depends on the switching.But that is the single, simplest embodiment of this same principal.And whats going on in that Tesla Switch was just a handful of transistors and capacitors. Whats going on in that Tesla Switch is the same thing were seeing in the water fuel cell, its what Joe Newmans motor does, its what John Bedinis motors do, its what the MEG does – in the final analysis.Now, Joe Newman uses, what is in effect, a rotary mechanical switch – his commutator. And Newmans commutator is the secret to the Newman energy machine.The coils and the magnets are amplifiers.Thats not where the magic happens.Its happening in the switch.
– David Wenbert: […] Now, its also true that that commutator is probably a better way of doing this than transistors and other discreet modern electronic components.Theres certain things about this energy flow that may be difficult for elements like MOSFETs and so on, to accommodate.
– Sterling Allan: Peter Lindemanns circuit also has a transistor.Its really quite nifty how hes redesigned that circuit to accomplish the same thing, but outside of the Bedini patents.So thats more of an open source type of beast than what Bedinis is — where theres a patent protection.
– David Wenbert:And, theres enough of it now in the public domain.You know, even the foreign patents, which Joe Newman was awarded in various counties under the patent cooperation treaty in 1988 – that patent has expired.So, with all do respect to Joe Newman, his technology is in the public domain – at least what hes exhibited so far.
– David Wenbert:And Meyers and the Tesla Switch and so on.And from all this, it should be possible for anyone whose got the fabrication and assembly capability to organize a practical device.And thats something that were looking at right now.
– Sterling Allan: M-hmm.What about the theory thats put forth by Moray King, who says that these electrolysis scenarios are somehow tapping into zero-point energy.The gas clusters on an atomic level are creating a self-organizing criticality that somehow gets the zero-point energy moving, and thats the true source of energy in these scenarios – NOT the water itself.
– David Wenbert:Well, yes.Like I said, the water fuel cell is complex.Not only does the circuit behave like a Tesla Switch or the MEG, but in the water itself, when that voltage spike is applied, but no current is allowed though it- what is happening in the water is the same thing thats happening in the circuit.Its just happening all over again.And that appears to be where you get this ingression of energy from the vacuum — in the quantum vacuum.
– David Wenbert:Stan Meyer, in one of his lectures, actually described it that way.He said with that pulse, were opening a door, and as long as we can keep that door open, the energy will continue to come in.But its very hard to do, and you have to keep pulsing it, and keep opening the door over and over again.Well, thats the same thing as the Gray Tube in E.V. Grays Motor, and the same thing the Newman Commutator is doing.
– David Wenbert:Well, yes and no.I mean at the simplest level, water fuel cell seems the best description.Its also been referred to as a water capacitor, although there are more mundane, closed water capacitors for other purposes.I think that as the understanding of these things comes together, and Im talking just over the next 3 to 6 months, youre going to see some very reliable, replicable demonstrations that are going to make it irrefutable that the excess energy is real, and that its being used in these devices.And then grudgingly, youll see the scientific establishment start taking a more serious look at it.
– David Wenbert:[…] You have to remember, Stan Meyer died in 1998, and were just coming up on the 10th anniversary of his death.He didnt have Tom Beardens papers to go by.
– David Wenbert:He didnt have.. well, virtually everything thats on the internet now, in the field of free energy, didnt exist 10 years ago.And I think that by finding the keys to the phenomenology that we think we have now, the water fuel cell can be made simpler and more reliable.And ultimately, youwont need– for a home power system for example
you know, we were envisioning: youd have a water fuel cell, and youd take the gas and youd run it through a microturbine, and the microturbine would generate electricity, and with the waste heat, youd heat your water.So youd have a home power system not unlike a Generac – or one of these things on the market today for backup power that you can buy at Home Depot.A microturbine would be better than a piston engine for reliability reasons, but thats beside the point.Anyway, thats where we were, looking at doing with the water fuel cell – was getting it to the point where it can be used for home power, in that regard.But now, as weve studied it further – in the relationship to the electrical power that comes out of the cell, in the electronic extraction circuit, it could be a lot simpler than that.It could just be a question of having a battery bank, like you would if you had solar PV panels on your roof – where you have a dozen batteries, or 20 batteries, and an automatic transfer switch, and inverter, a charge controller, and voltage regulator.You know, all this stuff is off-the-shelf in the solar industry.(36:34) Youd have that same system, but there would be a water fuel cell, and the current thrown off by the water fuel cell would keep your batteries charged, and the batteries would go to a 12 volt inverter, and convert it to 120-volt AC, to run your home.
– David Wenbert: In that case, its almost like the gas becomes irrelevant, but yeah, you can use it in your HVAC system, you know, in an absorption chiller or something like that.In an automobile, its just the opposite.There, you would use the gas in the internal combustion engine, and the fact that its generating a lot of electrical power, well,youll make use of that in some way, perhaps a hybrid vehicle is ideal for use with this.
– Sterling Allan: So, you said it a number of times that apparently bears repeating – I had not appreciated- that the water fuel cell is not only generating gas, the hydrogen/oxygen coming off of the broken bonds from the water,but youre saying its also generating current.
– David Wenbert:Yes, as a matter of fact, one of the things that became apparent in our research is that you can not neglect that electronic extraction circuit — you NEED to pull that current out of there, because every electron thats left in the water is inhibiting ionization and disassociation from occurring.Thats why the pulses are timed in such a way that they keep the current from entering the cell.And the cathode that the electrons would normally come out of, is insulated in Delron.Stan buried that in his documentation.It was hard to figure out he was doing that, but yeah, the sort of bounce-back and the resonant effect is the primary factor in keeping the current from entering, and the Delron insulation prevents any leakage beyond that.But meanwhile, as the result of ionization and disassociation, you have this free electron current that arises in the solution.And the way the circuit works is, when the high voltage pulse is off on the anode, the Electronic Extraction Circuit kicks in; because the electrons cant all move through the water fast enough to get to the anode during the pulse.So the EEC draws off this free electron current, and you can power a light with it; weve had people use it to run motors & fans and pumps and so on.But its very important, because otherwise those electrons will build up and change the nature of whats happening chemically, and inhibit the process.
– David Wenbert:I think that if a home power system based on free energy, whether its the Tesla Switch, or whether its a version of that involving the water fuel cell – either way, youre going to be able to do with a little green box for $2,000 what you would otherwise need $20,000 worth of solar panels to do.Now, the balance of the system is all pretty much going to be the same, and were fortunate our friends in the solar industry developed this to a high art – and there are a thousand installers around the country, who put these things in every day.You know, the battery bank, and its associated electronics is now something you can buy out of a catalog from a dozen vendors.That wasnt the case way back in the 20th century.
– Sterling Allan: In our video that were putting out here in a couple of days, theres a snip showing Xogen technology (spelled Xogen.com is their website).Or, actually, I think its dot
(David & Sterling together: its dot CA I believe).Yeah, they lost their dot com.Anyway, they are claiming to use the technology not to produce gas, but to purify water.
– David Wenbert:Well, yes, and you can do that with high voltage in water.It doesnt mean that they have real water fuel technology though, unfortunately.You know, there are a number of companies doing that sort of thing, and we refer to it as exothermic plasma synthesis.They all have different trade names for it.Youve got companies like StarTech.net, and U.S. Magnagas.com.There are a dozen others, and they use a high voltage discharge under water to produce combustible gas.And what theyre doing is – carbon based.Most of them are using carbon, or graphite electrodes, and the electrodes ablate and you get COH2 out –carbon monoxide and hydrogen in a loose bind, and it is fairly clean and very efficient.But the graphite electrodes are expensive.That is a field that were interested in, but thats not really the same thing as the water fuel cell per say.
– Sterling Allan: Ok, so the idea that water fuel cells could be used clean the water, while also providing energy is a bit misplaced?
– David Wenbert:Well, no.I mean, one of the things weve uncovered is that you can use any water in this thing.I mean, first, when we realized that Peter Lindemann was correct, and that the dielectric break-down in the water was the key, our people started all using distilled water, and triple distilled water, and isotopically pure water, and so on.But, that only matters if youre passing current through it.And we realized that, no – there is no current being introduced into the water fuel cell, because the cathode is insulated.Then we realized that Stan Meyer really was correct when he said you can use sea water.It doesnt matter, you just adjust the parameters.But when the water is
whatever its resistively is, or how conductive it is – it doesnt matter.You can still achieve dielectric breakdown if you drive it with enough voltage fast enough.
– David Wenbert: Well, Stan Meyer and Yule Brown were contemporaries.They were rivals.They were going around the same time in the 70s and 80s promoting their technologies.Theres conflicting evidence about whether the gas coming out of the water fuel cell is really Browns Gas or whether it has the same unique properties as Browns gas.Thats going to take some spectroscopy to really get a handle on that, and we plan to do that in the future.Browns Gas machines typically operate at about 3 watt-hours per liter.With the water fuel cell, were seeing at least twice as efficient, and ultimately, many times more efficient in producing the gas, although studying Browns Gas has told us a lot about what is going on in the water fuel cell.Browns gas is ionized.And the Browns Gas flame is impinging on something – its transferring a charge. Thats what accounts for all the bizarre properties of Browns Gas.A normal flame, whether its a torch or a candle, or whatever – its a plasma.All fire is plasma, but its neutral.The total number of positive charges and negative charges are roughly equal in an ordinary flame.Not so in the Browns gas.And that tells us that when you create this gas in an electrically asymmetrically fashion, you draw off the electrons.You start seeing unusually effects occur, and indeed thats the case.
– Sterling Allan: Are you observing the similar effects to what Browns Gas is observing? You, know, you can take a torch and you can wave across your hand and it doesnt burn your hand, but you can then take that same torch, on the same setting, put it to tungsten and it will sublimate it almost immediately.
– David Wenbert:Right, thats due to the fact that the flame is highly charged.
– Sterling Allan: And youre seeing that same effect with the gas coming off the water fuel cell?
– David Wenbert: Well we havent been analyzing its combustion characteristics yet; weve been concentrating on gas production efficiency.
– Sterling Allan: The other is, how does this relate to people who are using hydrogen injection systems into their air intake in the vehicle they have in an onboard electrolysis scenario — producing browns gas, which then goes into the air intake, and increases the fuel efficiency and decreases the emissions.
– David Wenbert: Yes, those can be generically referred to as hydroxy-boosters for cars, and I think there are, I think about 50 of them on the market, and have been, and theres more all the time — and people do seem to get incredible results with them.The Hydroxy Energy Association that theyre putting together will hopefully serve as a trade association for all kinds of water fuel technology, not just the water fuel cell.And youve got out there companies that make Browns Gas welders. Youve got companies that make these hydroxy boosters that are examples of water fuel technology thats in use today.Theres a company in Korea that actually has a Browns Gas system that feeds into a roaster, and you can roast chickens on a commercial scale using Browns Gas.They claim that the meat cooks better, and that its juicier and so forth.But, yeah, the Hydroxy Energy Association for Renewables and Transports and Homes (or HEARTH) will be based here in Washington DC, and will represent the interests of the new water fuel industry in the same way that the American Petroleum Institute represents oil companies, or the gas association for natural gas and coal industries represent their fields.Indeed, a thousand other industries that have trade associations.
– David Wenbert: […] were talking with the Panacea Foundation in Australia about possibly doing a joint function with them at some point.It would be nice to do something in Hawaii, in collaboration with Panacea, and bring together water fuel researchers from the U.S. and Australia – -which is where most of the effort seems to be concentrated worldwide – although, we do have some very active teams in South Africa and other countries around the world.
## Water Fuel Cell Open Source Project, OS:Water Fuel Cell, from Peswiki http://peswiki.com/index.php/OS:Water_Fuel_Cell
Stanley Meyers electrolysis. This project seeks to replicat what he accomlished before his untimely death. This is a publicly editable site. You are welcome to participate in its development.
Shortcut URL : http://watercell.info/ . An open source project by the H2earth Institute http://www.h2earth.org is in process of replicating the water fuel cell technology of the late Stanley Meyer http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Stanley_Meyer , who ran vehicles on water, and whose patents have just now become public domain.
# Water Fuel Cell Parameters : Physical Cell Construction:
The WFC consists of some number of independent sets of concentric tubular electrodes, where the gap between the Outer Tube and the Inner Tube of each set is no larger than 1.5mm.
– While corrosion is not apparent in a mature operating WFC, it can occur during the cell’s initial burn-in phase. Consequently, tubes of the 316L stainless steel alloy are preferred.
– While welded tubes are less expensive, and can be used for the inner electrode, the outer tube should be extruded, to avoid any inner weld bead which might provide a conductive path to short out the interelectrode gap between them.
– A thorough cleaning, to include an overnight soak in HaOH (lye) solution has been shown to enhance performance, most likely by dissolving any machine oils picked up on the tube surfaces in shipping (or carbon weld residues).
– An initial high amperage “burn-in” of 100 hours has appeared to enhance performance as well; this is believed to result from hydrogen loading of the cathode’s metal lattice, which changes its electrolytic properties. (See Cold Fusion).
– In procuring tubes, one generally selects the outer diameters of 3/4″ and 1″, and adjusts the inner diameter of the outer tubes for the desired interelectrode gap. While a smaller gap is preferable, water flow issues impose practical limitations on this. Some cell designs with forced water flow seek to overcome this limitation.
– It is believed that there may be acoustic resonance factors participating in the Meyer Effect, as well as electrical. Consequently, tubes are lightly mounted and allowed to vibrate, provided the inner and outer tubes are separated by spacers composed of a high voltage insulative material, such as teflon. When gas production peaks, a characteristic ringing of the tubes is audible; it is not known if this is a cause or effect of the process. (See Theoretical Considerations).
– A WFC is not grounded, and the cell container itself should be insulated from any conductive path leading to ground.
– Cell operating characteristics will change with the level of water in the cell; hence, an auto-fill system should maintain the water level on a constant basis as closely as possible.
– The incremental current draw for each additional tube set in the Cell is less than that which came before, with new tube sets producing an equivalent amount of gas to those previously in the system, consequently, larger arrays are preferable and more efficient.
# Pulsar Circuit, The Meyer Waveform:

The frequency generator for the unit will accept straight DC input at 12v/10a, and, produce a variable pulsed output of between 2Khz and 100Khz, in gated pulse trains of 4 to 10 pulses per train, with a variable gate width, enabling a duty cycle which can be throttled down from 90% to 10% during cell operation.
– Contrary to popular misconceptions, the waveform is not a simple sawtooth wave. It is a ramp of individual square wave pulses, step charging the water capacitor. (See Theoretical Considerations). Each pulse train builds to the point of catastrophic dielectric breakdown, but is interrupted before current can actually flow through the cell.
– There is no “magic frequency”. The optimal frequency in any given circumstance is a function of the specific configuration and dimensions of the cell being used, the water composition and temperature, and other factors. A complete cell will sense its point of resonance, and vary the frequency in realtime to maintain that condition.
– A relationship is known to exist between the length of the tubes and the frequencies used, which appears to observe the equations for Acoustic Resonance in metal tubes, used in the design of musical instruments, such as organ pipes.
– While 555 timer MOSFETs have been used successfully, there are indications both from Meyer himself and from the work of independent researchers, that more primitive pulse forming circuits may in fact be better suited to the requirements of the system.
– The circuit has been found to reach high voltage levels – in excess of 35,000v – in pulses with a duration of under 75 nanoseconds. Initial observations missed this, but faster instrumentation confirmed that multi-kilovolt levels were being achieved by Lawton, and that this is in keeping with Meyer’s lectures and writings about his work.
– The 555 MOSFETs can easily be blown by these high voltage spikes, and may give no outward indication of doing so (no ‘snap, crackle, or pop’, no discoloration or smoke), where the failure is only detectable if the right pin is being actively monitored. This can lead to researchers finding a ‘false negative’ result in their experiments. Protecting the timer with a 10v Zener diode is advised; a simple 10a fuse is insufficient.
Aaron’s WFC circuit http://www.freeenergynews.com/Directory/Electrolysis/StanleyMeyers/Aarons_WFC_circuit.pdf – close to the best iteration of the circuit at this point.

# Resonant Charging Chokes:
Two Inductor Coils, placed on either side of the WFC electrically, amplify and reflect impulses through the Cell, and establish an electrical resonance between them. It is believed that the high voltage potential exchanged between them – which can translate instantaneously – is able to interrupt the flow of current before it crosses the Cell, thus conserving amperage and reducing net energy input requirements.
– There is a relationship between the size of the RCCs in number of turns, and the length of the tubes in the Cell.
– It is believed that a detail which Meyer left out of some patents to protect his design may have been the use of bifilar wire in the RCC coils.
– The optimal coil core material is believed to be an engineering resin emulsion of River Hematite, an iron oxide compound widely found in nature, which various researchers (Lindeman, et al) have found to have superior properties with respect to magentization/demagetization for use in such devices. (See Theoretical Considerations).
# Voltage Intensifier Circuit, The Missing Piece: The VIC transformer coils were bifilar:

The Voltage Intensifier Circuit is a bifilar pancake coil transformer which provides distributed capacitance and inductance to the tube sets in the Cell. Its function is to manage the transfer of potential through the Cell, while inhibiting the passage of current by the circuit.
– In the WFC, Current performs no work, and is considered counter-productive, and a waste of energy.
– A perfect WFC would pass no current whatsoever, merely switching massless potential (Voltage) between the electrodes.
– The challenge is to trigger the sudden catastrophic dielectric breakdown within the Cell, between electrodes, while inhbiting the passage of current between them. When this occurs, all current required to effect the breakdown must be pulled from solution.
– Meyer left a subtle element out of the patents, to protect his technology; the fact that the VIC coil is wound of bifilar wire, as found in many Tesla devices.
# Electron Extraction Circuit, Lamp powered entirely by the Free Electron Current drawn from solution by the EEC:

The Meyer Effect is occasioned by the establishment and maintenance of an electron deficit in the water. As the Cell operates, a free electron current develops as two electrons are liberated per water molecule, through first, the ionization and then, the dissocation of each molecule. For this reason, the WFC is a “true” Water Fuel Cell, generating electric power as it operates, the fact that it is also producing fuel gas, notwithstanding. Removing these free electrons is necessary to prevent ionized species from dropping back down to equilibrium, and preventing Hydrogen and Oxygen from recombining back into water before the gases are released from solution. To remove the free electron current from solution, the EEC is incorporated into the Cell, but it is a separate circuit from the rest of the system.
– The Cell must not be grounded (either intentionally or by inadvertant conductive ground path), or its potential will entrain unwanted electrons from ground, as the EEC operates.
– The free electron current drawn from solution is substantial and has the ability to perform useful work. Bright incandescent bulbs and muffin fans providing practical cooling have been powered from EEC outputs in WFC experiments. Since this current is necessarily directly proportional to the number of water molecules processed by the Cell, the greater the current which can be extracted, the more combustible gas is produced.
– That the water carries a strong electrostatic charge is evidenced by visable changes in surface tension, meniscus, froth, and other factors.
# Theoretical Considerations:
The Meyer Effect has been established through circumstances which expressly exclude the operation of normal electrolysis. The water is not conductive, and no electrolyte is added to increase conductivity. The amperage used is insufficient to produce the gas volumes observed, and, when the effect is evident, there is a relationship between the net voltage (and frequency) reaching the cell, rather than its amperage.
– All polarity in the Cell is in one direction, at least per tube set, and never crosses the centerline. The objective is to produce the maximum possible unidirectional electrodynamic stress on water molecules within the interelectrode gap, and not allow their reorientation or return to equilibrium.
– This polarization affects the quantum state of the water molecule, as does photonic (light) input, but to a much greater degree, extending and elongating the electronsphere of the outer valence electrons.
– Meyer correctly anticipated the work of Scragg, Mills and Santilli, with respect to photokinetic effects, fractional quantum states and magnecular bonding in Hydrogen, and these are all directly relevant to the oepration of the WFC.
– Pulsed potential impacts on the polarized, aligned water molecule not only extend its electronsphere, raising its quantum state, but also affect the photoelectron yield of the water, in effect rendering it more susceptible to photodissociation than it is in a normal ground state. With photon emission occuring from Oxygen upon liberation, the quantum efficiency of photolysis becomes greater than one, with each dissociated water molecule triggering the dissociation of others. The peak absorption point of this photosensitivity is believed to be in the Infrared, around 900nm, which does not correspond with that of normal water, which is in the UV portion of the spectrum.
– Electrical resonance occurs with in the circuit between the RCC coils and VIC transformer, and also within the Cell, between the tubular electrodes, while there also appears to be an acoustic resonance at work. There may be a phase relationship between these three resonant phenomena.
* The acoustic factors could be as simple as vibrating gas bubbles loose from the electrode surface faster, thereby exposing more effective surface area per unit time. Whatever else applies, this is probably also happening.
* Another possibility strongly indicated by the dynamics of the process is that a standing acoustic wave arises between the electrodes, inhbiting ion transport and delaying dielectric breakdown until higher potentials are reached.
* Other researchers (Keely, et al) have reported phonodissociation of water at various acoustic frequencies, as low as 42.8 Khz; other harmonics may also be possible and at work in this system.
– Indications are that the VIC and RCC coils in the circuit behave in the same relationship as coils in the Bearden Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, and that currentless potential is switched in an analogous manner, with the water serving as the ‘degenerate semiconductor’. The voltage potential is pulsed at rates inside the relaxation time of the water, and similar effects are observed.
– References in Meyer literature and patents to a self-tuning mechanism may related to physical properties in nature, rather than (or in addition to) a phase-locked loop within the circuit itself. The similarity of the output waveform of other FE/OU devices, i.e. Newman, and the input waveform of the WFC is not coincidental. (See Below)
(see picture http://peswiki.com/index.php/Image:NEM-WFC.jpg
# For More Information: The H2earth Institute continues its work to refine this understanding and translate it into reliable plans which will be available at no cost to the general public as the earliest possible opportunity. If you are an active waterfuel researcher working on the WFC or any other hardware configuration (Boyce, Blue, Hasebe, Han, etc.), you are invited to participate in the Institute’s International Research Fellowship Program.
# Related Sites : The Australian website http://waterfuelcell.org/ is NOT owned or operated by the H2earth Institute or any of its affiliated organizations. However, it contains much valuable information.
# Contact : David L. Wenbert, project director http://www.ryze.com/go/h2earth
H2earth Institute ; Washington DC ; phone: (pending) ; email: H2earth@gmail.com ; Skype: dave.wenbert
# Replications:
Dave Lawton :
– Dave’s Cell Without Inductors or Alternator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf_nFQBBzmc 32sec posted 5th September 2007
“the WFC generates just as much gas as with the alternator or Inductors”
– Dave Lawton replication information and cold current information from Panaceauniversity http://panaceauniversity.org/D14.pdf
Ravi Raju : Stanley Meyer Replication with 9 inch, 9 tube sets. with an input current of 0.51 Amps from the frequency generator.
– using Panacea University Instructions http://www.panaceauniversity.org/D14.pdf for the Dave Lawton replication of the Stanley Meyer Water Fuel Cell.
– proper discussion at http://oupower.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1602
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#001] 47seconds, posted 15th August 2007 ; This video shows the innards of the WFC without water.
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#002] 10seconds ; This video shows Freshly filled Tap Water. No other impurities added.
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#003] 01min:37 ; This video is after the top is sealed and with an input of 0.5 Amps from the Frequency Generator. Produces really large bubbles (approx from 4mm to 10mm) not like the small ones we see in other videos including Stans setup….which shows a lot of small sized bubbles. You can see this in the video…this goes on from the start of the WFC till you stop after which traces of small bubbles keepleaving the top for about 20 to 30 secs….this is probably the capacitor (WFC) discharging. I have absolutely no idea why im getting large bubbles.
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#004] 01min:32
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#005] 18sec
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#006] 11sec
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#007] 01min46sec ; This was the first and second generation after the leads were changed. The light in these videos is good. These videos are about 5 or 6 days old.
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#008] 02min45sec ; This was the first and second generation after the leads were changed. The light in these videos is good. These videos are about 5 or 6 days old.
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#009] 02min39sec ; I had made this video in the night so the light is not so good, but the volume of gas the WFC makes is very clear. The output also is higher. The collection was for 20 secs….1.31min to 1.51min of the video and the volume of gas collection was @ 160/165CC, even if you take the volume as 150CC with balance as steam and other losses….it amounts to 7.5CC/sec of HHO….thats about 0.45 lits/min (minimum)
– Ravi’s Stanley Meyer / Dave Lawton Replication Water Fuel Cell video#010] 03min09sec ; I was asked for the voltage and the connections so I made this video and posted it a little before I got the call. I’ve switched off the left part of the circuit with the switch on the pin 3 of the 555 and you can see that the current draw increases over fourfold and you cant see any pulsing on the right LED. The left LED is connected before the switch on pin 3 as in [D14 http://panaceauniversity.org/D14.pdf].
– Tuning the Frequency of a Dave Lawton replication , not by Ravi RAju] 9min53sec – added 22th August 2007
Aaron Murakami :
– Aaron Murakami Replicates Stanley Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSFpBW8_v8o – Using a plastic pasta jar with stainless steel concentric tubes filled with tap water from his kitchen sink, and no added electrolytes, with an input power of 36 watts (12 volts at 3 amps) pulsed, Aaron produces enormous amount of “Brown’s Gas ” Stanely Meyer style. (YouTube; Aug. 10, 2007)
– I updated the video clip with a few more tidbits of info about what I did: http://www.esmhome.org/library/stan-meyer/wfc.wmv
– video on conditioning the tubes…I have 7 tubes setup and in this vid I am putting LESS THAN 10 watts into it. You can see the inner tubes are being coated with the white powder coating. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXRMVZWrgSk
– Video on the Bifilar chokes – info taken from tech brief: http://www.youtube.com/v/ozpRNpM6FqM
– WFC White Powder Coating on Cathodes – no conductivity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx2uEsbTt8Y
Crux_wfc :
– Electrolysis in distilled water with no electrolyte http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnPakaI701Y (34 seconds) – Crux_wfc electrolysis cell makes hydrogen gas in distilled water, with no electrolyte, which is supposed to be impossible. (YouTube; July 11, 2007)
– Aaron’s circuit http://www.freeenergynews.com/Directory/Electrolysis/StanleyMeyers/Aarons_WFC_circuit.pdf) (pdf; 12 kb)
username at http://waterfuelcell.org/ is “crux_wfc”
– Videos: http://www.youtube.com/h2earth
– Blog: http://my.opera.com/H2earth
– Downloads: http://my.opera.com/h2earth/blog/cybrarium – The Waterfiles Archive
– Forums: http://my.opera.com/h2earthbeat
– Overview Video: Water as Fuel (via ZPE) http://peswiki.com/index.php/Video:Water_as_Fuel_(via_ZPE) (3 min) – While academia has been spurning the topic, hundreds, if not thousands of hobbyists and independent investigators worldwide are working on various electrolysis-like projects which put out more energy than was required to run the electrolysis unit. (PES Network Video; Aug. 31, 2007)
– Special Waterfuel Acceleration Team: This report represents the ongoing work of a global Open Source collaboration of independent researchers, Associate Fellows of the H2earth Institute’s International Research Fellowship Program. Through a teaming relationship with the Pure Energy Systems Network, the invitation to participate in this project is now extended to the broader FE/OU community. Various schematics, documents, images, video, and data will continuously be added to this report, until waterfuel technology becomes universally available.
– Videos: http://www.nextenergynews.com/fuelcells/fuelcells1.html
– Public Domain Waterfuel Technology: http://www.h2earth.org/

On June 27th, 2007, U.S. Patents 4,936,961 and 5,149,407 by the late Ohio inventor Stanley A. Meyer expired, and his technology for the Water Fuel Cell fell permanently into the public domain in the United States. As what many consider the most sophisticated approach to “Hydrogen-on-Demand” technology (running a vehicle or genset on water alone), the Water Fuel Cell (“WFC”) may be the most practical free energy device to introduce on a widespread basis. While it is alone among waterfuel devices in being accompanied by a reasonable theoretical foundation as to why it works, it is also among the simplest and least expensive waterfuel systems to construct. For these and other reasons, on January 1st, 2007, a new nonprofit research & education foundation, the H2earth Institute (http://h2earth.org) was organized to explore waterfuel technology generally, and to re-launch the Meyer WFC in particular, once it became free of intellectual property rights issues, upon expiration of the patents.
Notably, the 5,149,407 “Design” patent, which issed more than two years after the 4,936,961 “Methods” patent, was deliberately truncated by Meyer so that it would expire coterminously with the primary one. Disclaiming the remaining term of a patent is an almost unheard of step for an inventor to take, and indicates the later patent to contain some critical improvements that Meyer wanted the world to have when his basic technology became public domain. Meyer, who died in 1998, was working on more involved and exotic implementations of the technology, involving water injecting spark plugs, which is embodied in other Meyer patents which remain in force until 2011. This project is not concerned with that architecture, but only with the body of Meyer’s work which is now in the public domain.
In June of 2006, retired U.K. Research Engineer Dave Lawton released a report, compiled by PGFED Editor Patrick Kelly http://www.panaceauniversity.org, detailing Lawton’s success in constructing a working Meyer WFC, which has produced gas at 3x the Faradic equivalent rate for the power consumed. Lawton, who spent much of his career at Britain’s Rutherford Labs (equiv. U.S. Lawrence Livermore) designing and constructing instrumentation for high energy particle physics research, is far from the average ‘tinkerer’. Videos of his two WFC units, one with an alternator based circuit, and one employing solid state timing logic, were posted on YouTube, and have received over 50,000 hits. The cells operated at 12-13v/3-4a – averaging approximatley 57 watts of input power – producing gas aggressively in distilled water with no electrolyte. On February 23rd, 2007 (the 18th anniversary of Cold Fusion), the H2earth Institute initiated an International Research Fellowship Program to facilitate realtime collaboration between waterfuel researchers around the world, working to decypher the keys to building a functional WFC, based on these Lawton WFC replications.
Almost immediately, some deficiencies were uncovered in the documentation, representing a difference between the Lawton unit “as built” and the schematics that had been published on the web. Presently, over 50 Research Fellows of the H2earth Institute, from 15 countries, are seeking to uncover the keys to making a functional WFC, and several have demonstrated gas evolution at 0.2 Amps (12v) in distilled water with no electrolyte. This is impossible by the known principles of conventional electolysis, and strongly evidences a real, legitimate “Meyer Effect”.
This platform on PESN is intended to publish the technical findings of the H2earth Institute with respect to the WFC, in a public format which allow the documentation to grow over time as the design is further refined and “Best Practices” in constructing replicating units become known and confirmed. In the descriptions below, Bulleted items constitute findings generally accepted by the Institute (as of June 27, 2007) as having been found to be indicative of success in WFC theory, design, construction, and operations.