Edwin Gray – Now

Press Articles about him

Aug. 18, 2005, Late EV Gray’s Nephew Wants to Resurrect Famed Free Energy Motor


The Gray motor was the first market-ready prototype replication of Nikola Tesla’s radiant energy phenomenon. It never made it to market for reasons that his nephew described as paranoia, secrecy, and greed. He took his invention with him to the grave — or did he?

by Sterling D. Allan ; Copyright © 2005 ; Pure Energy Systems News Exclusive

Who is EV Gray?

If you Google free energy, the first website in the results is http://www.free-energy.ws/ , Peter Lindemann’s site — and it has been this way for several years. (ref ) I mention this because of Google’s reputation for relevance.

In this particular case, I take exception with Google’s results, inasmuch as I have been working to broaden the accepted definition of “free energy http://www.freeenergynews.com/Directory/free_energy.htm ” to include all sources of energy that are free for the taking (though the devices that harness that energy are not free), including solar, wind, and in addition, the more exotic modalities such as zero point energy. Our FreeEnergyNews.com sister site, which is chock full of information along these lines, lags in fourth place in Google’s results.

Obviously, there is something about Lindemann’s relatively small website that somehow nails the “free energy” mindset as it is currently most commonly used, spurring enough cross-links to his site that it then comes up first in Google. What is it?

Featured on Lindemann’s site is the concept of “radiant energy” as put forth by Nikola Tesla (the king of free energy) and then later further expanded by Edwin V. Gray. Lindemann’s site showcases a book Lindemann transcribed from a lecture he gave called “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity”.

A prominent boast in Lindemann’s book is the assertion that he has figured out how EV Gray’s motor worked. However, Lindemann also contradicts himself by noting that several key pieces of information are yet missing, which has so far prevented a successful replication. His appendices list Gray’s patents in full.

I mention all this to document the next-to-center-stage position that EV Gray holds in the field of free energy, with Tesla at center stage.

US Patent 4,595,975 http://www.pureenergysystems.com/os/EdGrayMotor/PM_PEM_MG/patents/4595975/index.html Does not specify dimensions or make-up of Gray Conversion Tube

What Gray accomplished, which has captured the imagination of so many, was to harness Tesla’s radiant energy effect, enabling a mechanical device to tap into what Tesla described as the “wheelwork of nature.” Gray’s devices (he built several) put out excess energy in the range of hundreds to thousands of Watts. Investors pumped tens of millions of dollars into his operation.

When Gray died (I avoid the phrase “passed away” for reasons you will see below) it would seem that he took his secrets with him to the grave.

Meanwhile, hundreds of individuals from around the world have been attempting to recreate what Gray accomplished, mostly to no avail except when original inventiveness is present to fill in some missing pieces. And even at that, there are still no devices available on the marketplace that incorporate this technology. The field is on the brink of such a breakthrough, with several companies vying to be the first, but as of yet, they are all still working out bugs prior to having anything that will stand up to consumer-use needs.

Gray had that — a prototype set refined enough to commence the production process.

My Own Involvement:

I personally have been involved in three projects that are related to the Gray motor. The first was the posting of some designs by Alan Francoeur, who is in possession of one of EV Gray’s motors and has been trying to refurbish and back-engineer it.

Next came an open-source replication project by Gary Magratten, whose plans I posted on our PureEnergySystems.com website. While he had some preliminarily promising results, he had not yet fully proven the viability of his design. Still, he disclosed several missing pieces to the puzzle.

The other project was the Bedini SG http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Bedini_SG replication project which I founded with permission from John Bedini (who employs Peter Lindemann as an associate in his lab, which I visited). That project has dynamically evolved and is still very active, with new replications born regularly, and improvements reported. There are even a few claims to the “over unity” eureka — successfully harnessing the radiant energy effect. Despite these claims, though, I have remained skeptical as I have yet to see any one of these claims backed up by a believable report of materials, methods, and irrefutable data results. After three months of intense effort myself at achieving this eureka, on the premise that it was “easy” if one just followed instructions, I abandoned my replication attempt out of need to survive.

So, with this background, you can imagine my delight when out of the blue yesterday, the nephew of EV Gray phoned me, wanting to talk. I took seven pages of notes.

The Nephew Speaks:

He would not give me his name, nor would he give me his phone number nor any other contact information. He says that he does not wish to be traceable at this point, This nephew supposes there are still a lot of angry investors out there. He fears that they might go after him to try to recover at least some of their losses, and says he has nothing to give them.

I suggested to him that it might help de-fuse some of that anger if those investors and their heirs knew that EV Gray’s relative wants to make good on his uncle’s promises of a return — after successfully bringing the technology to market. He said that this is his intention — if he can get it to that stage, which is something he does wish to pursue.

He started out the conversation by making it clear that he believes in the technology — he saw it with his own eyes on many occasions over the course of several years. He had five of the devices secretly stowed away in the back of his store for security. EV Gray would come around every month or so and work on one of them, and leave with a big smile on his face having made some improvement or other. “AC power would come out one end, and DC out the other.”

There was another motor that disappeared with Dorothy, EV Gray’s girlfriend at the time of his death; and the nephew was wondering where it might have ended up. Having seen mention on one of my sites that one of the originals was being refurbished, Gray’s nephew was curious about whether it might be that missing model. That is why he was calling me.

In all that time, with all those opportunities, the longest he ever saw one of the motors running continuously was just two hours (not that it wouldn’t run longer than that, but that this was the limit of his curiosity and interest at the time).

Because his dad was EV Gray’s front man — organizing his appearances and interfacing with the various interests involved – this nephew’s exposure was substantial, even though he wasn’t directly involved himself, being 25-35 years old at the time.

He said that EV Gray was an extremely secretive, paranoid, and greedy person, all of which led to his technology going nowhere after his death.

EV Gray never told one person more than just a part of the process, so that he, himself, was the only one who ever knew completely how the technology worked. Those involved in making components for the device only knew enough to complete one segment of the device.

He was ever on the move, usually living in campgrounds and trailers in different locations, afraid that he might be tracked down. He had a post office box rather than a physical address.

The nephew said that his uncle turned down two massive offers that were essentially the same, one from the Israeli government, and the other from the Japanese government in league with some of the major automobile manufacturers in Japan. Both parties offered one billion dollars to be paid out over ten years, to secure the right to manufacture the technology — as well as royalty payments on sales. “He thought he could do better than that, so he turned them down,” the nephew said.

“The Japanese group was going to design a car around the device, from the ground up.”

“If he wasn’t so greedy, we [the family], would all be billionaires by now,” the nephew said. He wondered why his uncle never tried to manufacture the device himself. “We offered to help him, but he was not interested.”

At one point, EV Gray even tried to get President Nixon to unveil his motor. He presented his technology to a group of U.S. government and military officials and physicists at the Pentagon. They were not so receptive. After viewing the presentation, they said, “that is impossible,” accused him of some kind of chicanery, and walked out. (I offer my opinion that a possible scenario is that the black-ops military already had a form of the technology, and they used this boorish response as a way to shoe Gray off their porch without cluing in the non-initiated officials in their midst.)

The nephew said that his uncle hauled the various replications — perhaps as many as fifteen — to demonstrations in his forty-foot trailer. He made the frame out of nearly every material imaginable to show that this had no influence on the performance of the device. He made the motors of various shapes and configurations to help show what was and was not germane to the functionality.

The basic design consisted of a battery bank that would run the motor-generator, which would in turn charge another set of batteries, then once the input batteries got down to 85% capacity, the machine would automatically switch so that the output batteries were then on the input side. He could allegedly do this indefinitely, with excess energy being generated all the while. He said that the batteries would last as long on his device as they would on an automobile through continual charge/discharge cycles over time.

In the course of giving these demonstrations, EV Gray attracted 70 million dollars in investment money. The nephew said his uncle was lavish with those funds, which was part of the reason the investors ended up turning on him — not to mention the many grand offers for licensing that he turned down, such as the two mentioned above.

“One day Federal Marshals showed up with a horse trailer, and came into my store with a warrant to confiscate the devices that were being held in my store,” the nephew explained. “I called my uncle and my dad and they said to do as the court order requested, so I did.” Named on the court document were several investors. This was in the “late 80’s early 90’s.”

Not long after that, EV Gray died. 1992 was the year the nephew mentioned. The circumstances of this death are in dispute, with conspiracy theories abounding.

“The fact is, he had a hole in his skull the size of a hammer [head]”, the nephew said. He believes that his uncle’s girlfriend, Dorothy, bludgeoned him with a hammer while he was sitting in front of the TV.”

“The next day she had a yard sale, packed up, and left.”

He referred to her as “a gold digger”, perhaps implying that this mine had gone bad, so she cut out and left.

While the Feds took the five motors that were stowed away in the nephew’s store, they did not take the circuit boards, “which are the key to making the motors work.” The nephew later trashed the circuit boards, so they are no longer available. As he did not explain this action, it is hard to understand why such a crucial element of the design should have had no value in his eyes. Or it may be that he has only come to appreciate their potential value later in life, too late to reverse the earlier shortsighted act.

Where to from Here?

The nephew said he was quite astonished (he used the word “shocked”) to see how much stuff was out there relating to his uncle’s work. He said he hasn’t had time in his life up until now to pursue anything along these lines, but that now, finally, he is interested in seeing whether he can take his uncle’s technology the distance.

While no one person might have all the knowledge necessary, he thinks that by getting a few of these earlier players together that they might be able to bring enough missing pieces together to complete the puzzle.

At this point in the conversation, I broached the possibility of getting his name and contact information. He said that I “must keep it 100% confidential — to the point of going to jail if it should come to that.” I was not willing to be so dramatic; I have a family to support; so I declined.

As mentioned above, he is worried that there are “probably still a lot of disgruntled investors out there who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars,” and they or their descendants might want to try and get some justice any way they can.

A couple of his cousins lost their homes because of it, and would probably not be interested in any collaborative effort at this time, but he would like to at least try to get them involved.

Again, this is somewhat contradictory. While these people might be angry, the possibility of bringing this to fruition might give them a reason to bury the hatchet, at least for a while.

If his dad was a front-man and organizer for Gray, would that previous-generation name be known at least to some people and investors? Just mentioning his familial connection means this nephew would be identifiable — unless he’s changed his name.


While in part I am glad to see this development, it seems to me that the nephew is afflicted at least to some degree with the paranoia and greed problems that his uncle had. However, if one is suspicious of people to this extent, it will be difficult to obtain their collaboration and trust. Some caution is prudent for anyone, but there is a point in which caution becomes paralyzing, and it seems to me that this nephew is leaning too far toward the extreme of that balancing act.

Nikola Tesla wanted to give this technology to the world. He wasn’t in it for the money. For over 100 years we have languished, trying to replicate the science our society refused in his day. Until we also replicate his humanity, “free energy” on the scale he envisioned, will continue to evade us.

That said, if you are game for this nephew’s endeavor, let me know, and the next time he contacts me — if he contacts me again — I’ll pass on your name to him and let him decide if he wants to contact you in return.

It doesn’t seem that there is is much chance of this succeeding for the reasons stated above.

Open source is the way to blow the lid off this suppressed technology. Give the core technology away to the world — like the Internet. There will be many ways to make money from there, to support your needs and provide some prosperity as well, while cleaning up the planet and providing opportunities for billions of people because of the advent of very cheap energy.

If someone is of a mind to bilk billions in that process, they are of the wrong mindset, and the universe will spew them out, bringing their intentions to naught. Case in point: EV Gray.

I’ve created an index page at PESWiki for a directory of resources relating to Edwin V. Gray’s work. (see http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:EV_Gray ) Feel free to add any links that are pertinent there, or even to add some explanations that might be missing from the body of literature.

From: “Alan Gillette” ; Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: Edwin Gray’s brother

Hi, I read your article on E.V. Gray’s nephew wanting to resurrect this technology.

You also mention you may be interested in knowing what brother of E. V. Gray was a “front man” for his enterprise.

I believe that would be Renate Gray, whose name appears on a letter to Dr. Lindemann, displayed in Lindemann’s book, “Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity”.

Cheers, Alan Gillette ; Los Angeles

Feb. 6, 2006 EV Gray’s magic motor technology did not die with his passing


Four family members have stepped forward to talk about their late father’s technology and its present status. If the right offer is presented, they say they might be able to bring the technology forward, functioning.

by Sterling D. Allan ; Pure Energy Systems News Exclusive ; Copyright © 2006

The Father of Free Energy:

The name Nikola Tesla is revered with awe probably above all other names in the field of free energy research. In addition to his monumental work in bringing AC power and radio to the world, his experimentation with what is often referred to as “radiant energy” has captured the imagination of millions worldwide over the past century. Legend has it that Tesla had devised means by which energy could be extracted from what in layman’s terms would appear to be the air around us, similar to the transmission of unseen radio waves. The explanation is more complex in scientific terminology, and is the subject of endless research and theoretical work, as well as of speculation.

This energy is typically referred to as “free energy” because, like solar, wind, geothermal, and other such technologies, it is free for the taking and inexhaustible, thought the devices that tap into that energy are not free. Because the energy could not be monetized from a central authority, financial politics kicked in, and Tesla was marginalized along with the phrase “free energy.”

The Protégé: Enter Edwin Vincent Gray, Sr. (1935 – 1992).

If you Google free energy, the first website to come up is Peter Lindemann’s http://www.free-energy.cc/ . It has been this way for several years. (I would know, since I own FreeEnergyNews.com). Lindemann’s site features a videotaped lecture he gave and a book that was transcribed from that lecture, called The Secret of Cold Electricity, which discusses the work of Tesla, and the follow-up work of EV Gray. The fact that the Internet community has perpetually voted for this site by linking to it, making it the ultimate destination for a search on “free energy” is noteworthy.

EV Gray is probably the most well-known inventor to have replicated and improved upon Tesla’s work in this area. He brought forth a series of extensively tested and proven prototypes in preparation for market. In the process, he was courted by the Israeli and Japanese governments, each of which, at different times, offered one billion dollars to be paid over ten years, as well as offering royalty payments on sales, to secure the right to manufacture his electromagnetic motor. EV Gray thought he could do better than that, so he turned them down. A daughter says he preferred to have the technology come from the United States. Ford approached him about putting his motor in their cars. A prototype vehicle was built for them with the motor in it.

Millions upon millions of dollars were invested, hundreds, if not thousands of people witnessed the motor in operation.

Yet the motor never arrived in the marketplace. Instead, EV Gray died under suspicious circumstances in 1992. To this day, the cause of death is still mired in controversy. Explanations ranging from conspiratorial “men in black” to a disenchanted girlfriend bludgeoning him with a hammer. The girlfriend, Dorothy, held a yard sale the next day, then fled, taking with her the motor prototypes as well as some family possessions.

Left still simmering since the time of his death is a long list of angry investors who were growing irate from continued delays in realizing a return on their often sizeable investments. Also in the mix is the original family’s being dislodged as a new woman, Renata, comes into EV Gray’s life. Then secretary Dorothy becomes more than a secretary, nearly amounting to marriage were it not for Gray’s cold feet, leaving her at the altar, after which they were live-in friends. “Though my father was a brilliant inventor, he was not all that hot of a guy in his personal life,” commented one of the children. In addition to neglecting his children, “he was gifted in lying.”

One of the sons was run out of a town in Nebraska because of the reputation of his father, who was viewed as a charlatan by the community where he had come through on a tour of churches, which was how he was raising funds for a time. Yet the son maintains that while his father’s methods were problematic, the technology was legitimate.

Gordian Knot

EV Gray did not compose a blueprint with complete instructions of how to build and operate the motor. He intentionally did not convey to any one person all of the information necessary to build and operate the motor. Rather, he split the information among various people.

His untimely death left an emotional and intellectual mess. That has not kept hundreds of people from trying their best to fill in the missing pieces in a wide array of spin-off attempts to repeat what EV Gray accomplished in his technology. Some allege to achieved the same, or similar effects. None of these spin-offs or variants has arrived in the marketplace, unless camouflaged merely as a very efficient system, downplaying the actual capability.

It turns out, however, that there are among the 11 http://pesn.com/2006/02/06/9600231_EV_Gray_motor_reunion/ children of EV Gray, those who think that they might have among them the informational ingredients adequate to take the technology all the way. What has been lacking is the right combination of financing and protection.

As recent as 2001, a group from the World Trade Center in New York were in negotiations with a member of the family. The WTC group was offering $1 million up front for each of the siblings, but the siblings wanted royalties in addition. That was the stage negotiations had reached when the WTC group lost their lives on Sept. 11 in the demolition of the towers.

There have been other attempts to resurrect the technology, raising the hopes of the family that the motor might finally see the light of day, as well as that they might personally see some of the financial benefit that they have been anticipating for so long. Yet as each attempt peters out, a fatigue sets in to go yet another round with some new possible approach. Just two weeks ago, a man who was working with the family to revive the technology disappeared. He’s not answering the phone or responding to email.

Four Siblings

Because of PES Network coverage of EV Gray, four of the eleven children of EV Gray have now contacted us since August, 2005. All of them want to see the technology go forward. All of them saw the motor in operation many times and are certain of its credibility and of its potential to change the energy landscape of the planet. All of them seem to think that there is enough information available among them to piece things together and pick up where their father left off.

Some of them are willing to open source the technology. Others are set against that and want to see the family get the financial benefit that they deserve.

There does seem to be a willingness among them to see that those who invested in the technology get a return on their investment, should the technology finally go to market. Such an assurance would go a long way to de-fusing the danger they would otherwise face from the yet-angry investors, some of which include the mob back East. (This factor alone would probably close off going the open source route.)

One of the Siblings, Dr. James Gray, is willing to serve as a public contact point for a possible reunion of those who have been involved with the technology, to help piece things back together. The youngest sister thinks that all the key information is housed within the circle of the siblings and their close associates. She also states that any of the prototypes located at various places around the world could be retrieved to the family, with the right attorney. She is also confident that the technology is not in jeopardy of being lost by the death of someone else, but that her father had mechanisms in place to perpetuate the technology despite the death of key personnel.

Reunion Time

Perhaps the first reunion should be of the siblings, to mutually decide how they are going to proceed — and to compare notes about the circumstances of the death of their father, to bring closure there.

For example, a photograph of the body in the coffin did not show any penetration through the skull, nor evidence of bludgeoning. However, penetration is not necessary for a hammer to the head being lethal, and could explain the bruise on his head. The emotional scars should probably be addressed before they embark on the business aspects.

There were 32 grandchildren at the time of EV Grays death in 1992, and half of the siblings had not yet started families at that time. Perhaps some of the grandchildren will want to be included in the reunion for this purpose of resuming the technology.

Most of the siblings have a copy of an 8-hour video tape regarding the technology and its documentation, including footage from an Idaho television station filming a prototype that was being tested for NASA.

“We are the real thing” she said.

The first obstacle will be to get the funds to get the family together with a mediator. Next will be to come together amicably. “I don’t want to be involved in it if it is going to be filled with hostilities,” said the second oldest son. Then will come the process of piecing the technology back together. And then, finally, bringing it to market.

Many miles to go.


– Phone call to Dr. James A. Gray, Sr.; Feb. 4, 2006; Phone call from youngest daughter, Feb. 2, 6, 2006. ; Email correspondence with Dr. James A. Gray, Sr.; Jan. 23, 24, 2006; Email correspondence with Donna (Gray), the oldest daughter; Jan. 20, Feb. 6 2006; Phone call from “nephew” of EV Gray, Aug. 18, 2005

# Correspondence Excerpts: (With minor editing of spelling, etc.)

In response to “Late EV Gray’s Nephew Wants to Resurrect Famed Free Energy Motor (PESN; Aug. 18, 2005)

# Set the Record Straight:
From: Donna Gallion ; To: Sterling D. Allan ; Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:28 PM
Subject: RE: PES Network Inc., Executive Director contact

Mr. Sterling, Just in case HE [“nephew”] contacts you back, let him know he needs to get his information correct! I have a hunch who it may be and he is not his nephew. Mr. Gray has 7 children from his first wife Geraldine and two with his 2nd wife Renate. He died in Sparks NV, not Riverside and nor was his brother his “front-man”. […]

Mr. Gray had a vivid imagination and in many ways was a genius in his time. He was very cautious as to not show all his cards at one time and for good reason. The only thing this so-called nephew has gotten right is Mr. Gray left nothing behind but his technology which he had scattered around the world. […]

Another clarification, Dorothy was not his girl-friend, but his personal assistant at the time of his death, and was close with him for years. It so states that in the police report at the time of his death.

This nephew also stated that if Mr. Gray hadn’t been so greedy, his family would be billionaires by now. Greedy? Because he didn’t wish to sell to Japan? Because he’d have rather kept in the United States? That and his paranoia combined led to his dilemma of not completing his dream. Nothing more……………

So Mr. Sterling, if you would be so kind to relay this to his nephew for me, let him know his daughter would be more then happy to help him get his facts straight!

Sincerely, Donna Gallion’ (Ed V Gray’ s daughter!!!)

# Re. Dorothy:
From: Donna Gallion ; To: Sterling D. Allan ; Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:58 AM
Subject: RE: EV Gray — clarifications

Hi Sterling, […] As for Dorothy, she was hid girl-friend part of the time. They actually planned to marry and dad got cold feet and left her at the alter. From that point on they were not involved in a relationship, but Dorothy was always there for him and was a very good friend to him. He was blessed in that respect. […]

# Reunion:
From: Donna Gallion ; To: Sterling D. Allan ; Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:16 AM
Subject: RE: EV Gray — clarifications

Hi Sterling, In getting back to you in coordinating a reunion of those who might be able to piece together the technology that has been lost with father’s passing. I really knew nothing about his technology, only of his excitement over it, as he worked mainly with my brothers. I can however give you my one brothers email, so as you can get in contact with him regarding this matter. I will leave that up to you. And yes, feel free to post my rebuttal, only do not give my email address out. […]

I did not find it offensive about Dorothy, there’s no denial to it. Just giving you the facts…………….

Any other questions, feel free to write me. Thanks ; Donna

# Gamut of Information Accuracy:
From: Dr. James A. Gray, Sr. ; To: Sterling D. Allan ; Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:10 PM
Subject: Fw: EV Gray — clarifications

Hello to you Sterling Allan, […] What you know about my father’s work really depends upon whom and/or where you acquire your information. I’ve read many pieces written of my father over the past several years. Approximately, 50% of what I read about his personal life is true, about 30% is simply mislead information do to a lack of facts. This doesn’t really disturb me, though I often wonder what was that individual’s motivation. Then, I figure most of the remaining 20% who write and/or offer-up info regarding my father are . . . well, simply put, they’re angry with/at my father! Quite frankly, I can and do understand why! […]

[…] My prayer is that all we say is to be utilized for the good, to accomplish perhaps what my father’s original goal was: “Alterative Energy” for the common good of humanity! I will agree that my father had a very negative side to his nature, however, I cannot see the benefit of furthering this element.

And so, if your interests are to set-the-record-right (cliché as it may be), and attempt to corral and tap people and information from the past in an effort to “recreate” my father’s patented devise . . . I may be interested to know how I can help. One more thing. You must have an open mind and an understanding heart when it comes to the feelings of myself and family (brothers and sisters)! What folks don’t seem to realize is that my family has been through emotional battles like few ever even dream of in a life-time!

Sincerely submitted for your perusal and response, Dr. James A. Gray, Sr.

# Who Did What:
From: Dr. James A. Gray, Sr. ; To: Sterling D. Allan ; Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: EV Gray — clarifications

Sterling, […] In the beginning years of the EMA project, I had been involved with my father at the level of making engineering drawings of parts. The original casing and the bars and planes. As it was indicated to you from another source, this project was job-shopped out to various vendors, then assembled in my father’s body shop (Van Nuys, CA) . . . at first. The assembly work was done by a few inner-circle members. I was not one. In fact, as this project began to move into the “investors” arena and money started to flow (per say), the first family were pushed aside . . . no longer allowed any forwarding information. At least not for some time to come. This had a lot to do with my father’s new relationship with Renata. At this point, a 2nd family was in the making. My early involvement was due to the fact that I was a mechanical engineer, and I helped him on my off time. […]

[…] As far as being greedy, that’s inaccurate too! We were all (1st family) close to our father and mother and shared in our father’s enthusiasm and excitement as he began this project . . . long before Renata’s appearance and involvement. My father used to share with us what his motor could do in the scheme of world-wide reduction of natural energy elements (coal, oil, etc). Again, our ousting was sudden and extremely painful! And so I ask of you to not think harshly of my family. None of us have/had illusion of grandeur.

[…] After our father’s untimely death, the only persons who were privileged to my father’s possessions, including his: motor drawings, parts, prototypes, and other inventions were my brother Ed Jr. and Dorothy McKellips. The rest of the family saw Dad at his funeral in Riverside, California, then all things pertinent to his life and inventions disappeared! Up to this time, it is my understanding that my brother Ed worked for my father in an extended capacity (long-distance). Also, prior to his death, brother Mark was involved to a point. He and Ed traveled for/with Dad on occasions (business trips?). I, nor David, Donna, or Geralyn ever did have any business connections. My sister Judy was the only family member with my father on a continual basis till the end of his life.

In conclusion, as far as future rewards stemming from his main invention (EMA @ the time) for his first family, Dad told us that we should all be taken care of financially.

[…] As you may now see, my family still hurt. They aren’t bitter and greedy. With this said, I’ll attempt to help if I can.

You see, though my father’s academic status never exceeded the 8th grade, he was an excellent body-n-fender repairman. Add to this the fact that he was brilliant at designing and creating in the automobile world! […]

Remember, when all this motor business really started to dig in, we were all in our early/late teens. […] My father had a viable dream for humanity in the beginning, even though it has been improperly executed. Unlike any other time in history, the world needs this machine!

James . . .
PS: Your “caller” did not have his facts correct regarding my father’s manner of death. I have the proof! […] I have “official” copies of both the: “Sparks Police Report” & the “County Coroner’s Report.” My father was not bludgeoned to death, nor was there any hole bashed into his skull. However, his death is still “unsolved” case . . . it was determined that he died as a result of a massive coronary which was induced by “fright”. The fright was a result of several unidentified persons banging and rattling the large windows at office/living environment. He did have a bruise on the front-corner of his head . . . cause is assumed to be from a fall. […]

PPS: Sterling, if we are still in concert of ideologies, I believe I’ll help if I can. Certainly I’m willing to try. […]

# Mountain of Information:
From: *** [Youngest Daughter, from second marriage] ; To: ‘Sterling D. Allan’ ; Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 11:54 AM
Subject: RE: EV Gray nephew mentioned at PESN.com

At this point, I am not giving out anything. I explained to you yesterday that there is a mountain of information within this family. I’ve been out reading your’s and Lindeman’s information – don’t know where he got some of his info but it had me laughing this morning. It’s so far off base […]. As I told you yesterday, this family is willing to sell what all those who have tried for years to figure out; but it will only come at the right price. If you have that at your disposal or have the right person/company that does, then you know how to reach me. I am willing to talk to you but I won’t provide you with any written documentation without consulting with my lawyer first.

# Eleven Children:
From: [youngest daughter] ; Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 9:03 AM
Subject: RE: DRAFT: EV Gray tech story

There are 7 from his first marriage, 3 from his marriage with my mom – my mom had a son from someone else that my dad adopted and the two he adopted from his first marriage that were actually his brothers kids. So there are 12 of us.

# From: Donna Gallion ; Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 9:18 AM; 11:56 AM; 12:30 PM

I did forget about Rick and do believe dad adopted him.

There are 7 children in the original family and then my mother’s sister’s son George, who was legally raised by my parents, which make 8 Then there were the 2, April & Patrick dad had with Renata and dad then adopted her son Rick, which makes 11 in all. I notice Aprils “12”, but don not know of the any 12th one. Perhaps she miscounted? But there are only 11 siblings.

First family: Edwin Jr, James, Judy, David, Mark, Geralyn, and myself. (7) George, Jr was legally raised by Dad & mom as well, which now makes 8. Then came the second family, April, Patrick and adopted half-brother Rick, which makes 11.

# Why all the interest now?:
From: Donna Gallion ; Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 9:18 AM
Subject: FW: DRAFT: EV Gray tech story

Could you tell me why all the interest in this now? Seems this comes up every 2 years or so. ????

# Sterling Replies:
Perhaps you can think of it as labor in birth. The contractions come separated, but in regular and increasing rhythm, to help push the baby out.
The mother would not be able to handle it if the contractions came all at once without letting up.
I guess this is good and bad news. Good new in that it means the ultimate goal is getting closer. Bad news inasmuch as it may imply that this particular contraction wont necessarily result in birth.

# Not Much Help for Technical Details:
Responding to an email that said: I built this ion tube with 3 grid and I use a micro wave transformer of 2000 volts with capacitor of .88 uf . What is the best to make the pulse of the low voltage ? tyratron? What length le over shoot spark gap? If you take donation I will send you some ! thx for all

From: Dr. James A. Gray, Sr. ; Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 6:02 PM
Subject: My prototype

Hello Sterling, If this e-mail is indicative of a possible deluge of technical questions regarding Dad’s motor, then I am afraid I’ll be of no help. For starters I have already informed you of my vast lack of knowledge of the “EMA” program other than the initial casing drawings . . . and, the numerous times in which I saw it up-and-running!

Also, your question attempting to ascertain whether or not Dad’s motor may have been a “fraud”, N-O! Your question was basically, “did I think that my father could have perpetuated a type of deception: wires running from the machine and along the floor to a hidden device behind a wall, curtain or screen.” Or, perhaps some sort of “remote control device” . . . of sorts! Well . . . .

I can understand why you might ask such a question, with so many past disgruntled investors still lurking in the shadows, demanding to be recompensed by Edwin V. Gray’s offspring, however, let me turn this around on you.

There were hundreds of people in that auditorium, maybe even as much as a thousand, investors, potential buyers, family, friends, etc, now think about this . . . some of those folks were pretty savvy (engineers, physicist, electrical/electronic specialist from all over this globe), don’t you think that at least one of these sharp-shooters would have noticed and questioned any wires coming from the display cart? The “premier” took place in a large “rotunda room”, and as you can see, there is no wall/partition/curtain behind it. And as far as the concept of a “remote control” device manipulating the accelerator from some hidden area, if you will research such devices to that time-line (the 70’s), that kind of technology wasn’t available to the general public . . . in fact, even NASA had to depend on their astronauts to manipulate “onboard” switches in their manned space flights. On the other hand, even if there had been a crude system for remotely controlling Dad’s motor (which there were not) . . . the machine still went through “ITS” paces as presented to the audience! Let’s get away from any further consideration of the “EMA” being a fraud! Cause that hound just won’t hunt! If your line of questions about the motor and family are to postulate a “fraud”, then you are wasting your time, my time and the family’s time.

One more element of interest, it appears that those who could conceivably be of constructive assistance to the reconstruction of the EMA, simply put . . . W O N ‘ T WITHOUT SOME LAWFUL PLAN TO PROTECT THE FAMILY’S INTEREST! You see, we didn’t go looking for the misery that came to us via people like [D.R.] and [R.V.], they brought it to us. Thus, this offer to reassemble and/or recreate Dad’s motor is the 3rd time in less than 4 years! Everyone wants the technology, but no one wants to enter into an honest and meaningful dialogue with/for the Gray family. And as a family unit, this “invention” has caused us all emotional pain and suffering, from within and from without! We don’t really care to open this up again in the same manner as before. Oddly enough, it seems as though all who are interested in what knowledge that may still remain within the confines of our family system . . .don’t want to share in the fruits (remunerations) of Dad’s technology with the family.

Sincerely, Dr. James A. Gray, Sr.

Edward V. Gray: Electro-Magnetic Association (EMA) Motor


The National Tattler (1 July, 1973, page 5)

“Man Creates Engine That Consumes No Fuel; Invention Could Change History By 1984” by Tom Valentine

A California inventor has found a way to create limitless electric power without using up fuel — potentially the greatest discovery in the history of mankind.

Edwin Gray Sr., 48, has fashioned working devices that could:
Power every auto, train, truck, boat and plane that moves in this land — perpetually.
Warm, cool and service every American home — without erecting a single transmission line.
Feed limitless energy into the nation’s mighty industrial system — forever.
And do it all without creating a single iota of pollution.

Already, the jovial, self-educated Gray is forcing scientists to uproot their most cherished beliefs about the nature of electromagnetism.

Eventually, his discovery will transform the economic base upon which the society of the entire planet has rested up to this point.

Despite the ever-present danger from the petroleum and other power giants who face business extinction within the decade because of his invention, Gray and his associates in EvGray Enterprises have demonstrated its worth publicly — an act requiring great courage.

And Tattler is proud to report for the first time in America the complete nature of gray’s astounding system.

Displaying the kind of open honesty that made America great, Gray and his partners stress the fact that they want the whole world to benefit from their new technology.

“I won’t allow it to be bought up and buried by big money interests”, Gray told Tattler during the exclusive demonstration.

“I tried for 10 years to get American interests to pay some attention, but I’ve been tossed out of more places than most people ever think of going into.”

Neither government agencies nor private enterprise would listen to Gray, so he turned in frustration to foreign interests. The innovative Japanese were eager to listen.

“As soon as word got out that the Japanese were interested in what we’re doing, the Americans started flocking around.”

Today, the small shop facility in Van Nuys is crawling with visitors from every segment of US industry and finance.

“The big money boys from Wall Street started coming around”, Gray said with a touch of defiance in his tone.

“A bunch of them came in and suggested I file bankruptcy and get rid of all my backers and friends. Then they talked about giving me 20 million shares of a new corporation at $25 a share.”

Gray was being offered a deal worth more than $4 billion — on paper.

“That sure sounded rich, but I know darn well they would have fixed it up to sell that corporation off somewhere for a dollar and leave me holding 20 million shares of nothing.”

The key men at EvGray include Richard B. Hackenberger, an electronics engineer who formerly worked for Sony and Sylvania corporations and the US Navy; and Fritz Lens, a former Volkswagen mechanic who knows nearly as much about the fantastic electrical system as Gray.

All the corporate officers agreed that they are determined to get around the money roadblocks and bestow the discovery upon the world.

Tattler was given a thorough demonstration of Gray’s “impossible-but-true” methods for using electricity.

The first demonstration proved that Gray uses a totally different form of electrical current — a powerful, but “cold” form of the energy.

A 6-volt car battery rested on a table. Lead wires ran from the battery to a series of capacitors which are the key to Gray’s discovery. The complete system was wired to two electromagnets, each weighing a pound and a quarter.

“Now, if you tried to charge those two magnets with juice form that battery and make them do what I’m going to make them do, you would drain the battery in 30 minutes and the magnets would get extremely hot”, Gray explained.

“I want you to watch what happens.”

As Lens activated the battery, a voltmeter gradually rose to 3,000 volts, At that point, Gray closed a switch and there was a loud popping sound. The top magnet hurled into the air with tremendous force and was caught by Hackenberger. A terrific jolt of electricity had propelled the top magnet more than two feet into the air — but the magnet remained cold.

“The amazing thing”, Hackenberger said, “is that only 1% of the energy was used — 99% went back into the battery.”

Gray explained, “The battery can last for a long time, because most of the energy returns to it. The secret to this is in the capacitors and in being able to split the positive.”

When Gray said “split the positive”, the faces of two knowledgeable physicists screwed up in bewilderment. Normally, electricity consists of positive and negative particles. But Gray’s system is capable of using one or the other separately and effectively.

“He means we have to rewrite the physics textbooks”, Hackenberger grinned. It has been the engineer’s job in recent months to formulate gray’s system and put it into writing.

“That’s not an easy job because this system actually defies everything I’ve ever learned.”

Gray said, “I never had no schooling in electronics or physics, so nobody told me it was impossible.”

The “impossible” part of the demonstration was the lack of heat generated in the magnet. Heat is one of the biggest problems faced by electrical technology. Also “impossible” is the fact that only the “positive” nature of the energy was used.

“This thing is in its infancy”, Gray explained. “When the full potential of American technology starts working with it, the results will astound everyone.”

A further proof that he has an unusual source of power with unlimited potential was demonstrated next.

“We’ve been popping those magnets apart for the past 18 months with the same battery and it’s still got a full charge. Now I want you to watch this…”

Gray showed this Tattler reporter a small 15-amp motorcycle battery. It was hooked up to a pair of his capacitors which in turn were hooked up to a panel of outlets.

He flicked a switch and the tiny battery sent a charge into the capacitors. He then plugged in six 15-watt electric bulbs on individual cords — and a 110-volt portable television set and two radios. The bulbs burned brightly, the television played, and both radios blared — and yet, the small battery was not discharging.

“You couldn’t get all this current out of that battery under ordinary circumstances”, Gray said.

“This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!” exclaimed C.V. Wood Jr, president of the McCulloch Oil Corporation, who was also present at the demonstration. He began looking for hidden outlets from the wall.

“May I prove it doesn’t come from any wall plug?” Gray offered.

A 40-watt light bulb screwed into an ordinary extension socket was plugged into the panel powered by gray’s system. The bulb lit, then Gray dropped it into a cylinder filled with water.

“What would be happening if this was getting ordinary power right now?” Gray asked, as he stuck his hand in the water with the glowing light bulb.

“You’d be electrocuted and that thing would be popping and sputtering until the fuses blew”, Wood replied.

This reporter then put his finger into the water with the light — no shock.

“Gentlemen, this is a new manifestation of electricity”, Hackenberger said.

The engineer told the astounded onlookers that no laws of physics were being violated, but a new application of electricity has been discovered and put to work.

Gray, one of 14 children, comes from Washington DC. As a small boy, he was fascinated by electricity, magnets, and gadgets in general.

“I really got excited about electricity when they tested the first radar across the Potomac in 1936. I was 11 years old then and visions of buck Rogers danced in my head.”

He learned about radar during his World War II hitch in the Navy and “I’ve been messing around with coils and capacitors ever since”.

He learned to “split the positive” in 1958 and spent the next dozen years finding the funds to put his discovery to work.

Any abbreviated explanation of Gray’s system is an over-simplification of the technical aspects of this tremendous breakthrough, but some of the best minds in the US are now working with Gray to further improve his discovery.

Gray held the 40-watt bulb up out of the water and said: ” You know, to light this bulb takes millions of dollars in power plant facilities, transmission lines, and circuitry. With my capacitors, I can provide power to any home for a couple hundred dollars.”

The economic impact of that statement is beyond the imagination — not to mention the ecology and anti-pollution benefits.

Tom Valentine & Edwin Gray: Demonstration of “Cold Electricity”

# The National Tattler (January 23, 1974) “Two Inventors Work To Devise Fuelless Car” , by Tom Valentine

Merging an electromagnetic motor with an all-plastic body and chassis, two pioneering inventors will put the first fuelless automobile into production and on sale this year.

The revolutionary machine is being called “that car of the future” for Americans today.

“We have the answer to the energy crisis”, declared Edwin Gray, the Van Nuys, CA inventor who revolutionized the use of electricity by producing an electromagnetic motor using an ordinary auto battery that does not wear down in a few short miles.

“Our system can eventually solve the world’s fuel and pollution problems”, Gray told Tattler.

Paul M. Lewis, inventor of the “Fascination”, an ultra-modern, “three-point road contact”, all-plastic auto. His car of the future lists a number of engineering advantages over today’s models, and the EMA motor will slowly replace internal combustion engines

Although it looks like a “three-wheeled” car, the Fascination actually has four wheels. The two front wheels are set close together. It is similar to the front wheels of an aircraft. Thus the name for Lewis’ corporation — Highway Aircraft Corp.

The 77-year-old inventor told Tattler, “Mr. Gray has promised delivery of his EMA motor by March of 1974 and we’ll get our car on the road shortly afterwards.”

Lewis, a veteran of many hassles with the auto-oil monopoly, was finally forcing his way to the marketplace with an all-new auto design when he heard about the EMA motor.

“We had an advantage over standard cars even with our Renault engine. But, with this motor, the big boys don’t have a chance unless they get up to date,” the fiery inventor told Tattler. “I’ve battled the industry tooth and nail for years now, and now we’re coming on strong.”

In 1936, Lewis designed a three-wheeled car that looked a lot like the present Volkswagen bug. He called it the “Airmobile”, and his original model is still on display at Harrah’s auto Museum in Reno, NV.

Though he hid not know what Dr. Ferdinand Porsche was doing in Germany, the Lewis Airmobile was amazingly similar to the popular VW beetle.

Both vehicles were low cost, simplistic in design, used horizontal opposed four-cylinder air-cooled engines, transaxles, independent suspension systems and unitized body construction.

When World War II came along, it sent VW soaring in Germany, but killed the Airmobile. Porsche fit into the German establishment, but Lewis was a “crackpot” inventor and a pain in the neck to the economic status quo.

The VW beetle’s popularity proves that Lewis’ original idea was valid and worthy, despite the laughter from Detroit.

The Airmobile was driven out of business in the late 1930s by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Postal Department, who have been called bureaucratic flunkies for the oil-auto monopoly.

“I was harassed for two years and they refused to let me sell stock in my company on the pretense they were investigating possible wrongdoing”, Lewis said. “After I was beaten down, they sent representatives to tell me they found nothing wrong and I could sell stock. A man can’t make a dead horse walk.”

After losing the Airmobile, despite driving it through 26 states for more than 45,000 miles without a repair, Lewis went from Denver to Los Angeles, where he continued inventing.

His inventions made him financially solvent and he charged back into the auto business.

He planned to use his own “boilerless” steam engine in Fascination until the EMA motor came along.

A model of Ed Gray’s motor is on display at Lewis’ Highway Aircraft Corp., headquarters in Sidney, NE.

“We will eventually have stock to sell, but at this time we simply want the public to keep abreast of our progress”, Lewis told Tattler.

Although still in the embryo stage, the merger of the two inventions promises to keep America in the technological forefront of the world.

The first prototype car cost Lewis more than $200,000 to build and the first prototype EMA motor ran close to $1 million to build.

“We will eventually tool up for mass production and bring the costs down considerably”, Lewis said. “But the first 100,000 or so fascination cars with the EMA motor will cost the public about $2 per pound. Today’s cars cost about $1 per pound, but we’re almost twice as light.”

The buying public will pay an estimated $5,000 for the Fascination with the EMA motor.

Although the Fascination will be priced with moderate cars and more expensive than economy cars, the savings on fuel and repair costs quadruple its value.

The body of Fascination will be made of Royalex, a tough rubber-like Uniroyal product.

To insure that his radical design will be practical and not only meet but surpass all safety standards, Lewis has contracted with two of the best automobile engineers in the world.

Visioneering, Inc. (Fraser, MI) is concentrating on the Fascination in order to insure it does everything Lewis claimed.

Richard Hackenberger, the electronics engineering expert hired by Gray to put his motor to work on a practical basis, explained how the new car will operate:

“Because we are not taking current directly from the batteries, but rather are supplementing the static charge which operates the system, we are getting fantastic efficiency.

“Of course, further research and development will eventually allow a motorist to drive across the nation without recharging his batteries, but we estimate a family could drive 500 miles at highway speeds without recharging.”

Hackenberger said the 500-mile estimate is a “conservative” one and is applicable to a car using air-conditioning or heating and radio.

“Just driving around town, the EMA will last a lot longer without recharging”, he said.

The engine will run in any temperature and there is no noise, no cooling system, and no exhaust fumes.

“The battery will go to work when the key is turned on and the light on the dash will glow while the starter motor builds the rotor up to speed. The light is used instead of a tachometer and it will only take a few seconds for the motor to build up and be ready to go.”

Hackenberger was quick to explain, “We do not have perpetual motion here. We have an electrostatic generating system and a capacitor bank doing some very efficient work. The principle is based on a modification of Ohm’s Law.”

The power for the motor is generated by magnetic repulsion. Engineers have tested the motor and it develops 100 horsepower at the brake.

“This means we are as powerful as any standard internal combustion car on the road today. The inefficiency of the internal combustion engine is the reason”, he said.

# The National Tattler (1 July, 1973) ; “Gasless Auto Gets $6-Million Backing” , by Tom Valentine

The man who first told the world through a Tattler article that he had invented a no-fuel engine capable of providing electricity at half today’s cost has received more than $6 million to develop his machine.

“We’re finally out of the woods”, inventor Edwin Gray, president of EvGray Enterprises (Van Nuys, CA), told Tattler.

“We’ve been struggling against the big business monopoly (against the marketing of new types of power plants) for years in this country, but finally made it — and we did it without going to foreigners.”

Gray’s revolutionary ideas in power production were first made public in this periodical last summer. The inventor has received additional funds to develop an automobile motor for an all-new plastic car to be called “Fascination”.

He plans to build a battery substation to supply 100 megawatts of electricity at peak periods while expending only 40 kilowatts doing so, using cobalt batteries and electromagnetic association motors, which he developed.

This goal has been disputed by many “experts”, who claim Gray and his company may be perpetrating some kind of hoax.

Gray’s electromagnetic association (EMA) motor is not perpetual motion or any mystery, he stressed, but rather a unique blending of three known forces to make energy.

“Using static electricity isn’t new, neither is recycling power or activating electromagnets, but Ed Gray simply became the first to put all three together with the right combination”, Richard Hackenberger, his aide, told Tattler.

Whether it’s driving a car or generating power, the EMA system works the same.

The motor draws small amounts of direct current from a battery and blends it with static electricity to make the static “work”.

The static charge then activates the electromagnets, the engineer explained.

Tests conducted this past September by Crosby Research Institute (Beverly Hills, CA) showed the original EMA prototype motor had a “measured overall system efficiency exceeding 99%”.

Crosby Engineering director J. A. Maize conducted the intensive testing on behalf of Pan World Enterprises Company, Ltd., a Japanese conglomerate.

Maize operated the motor into a 10-horsepower dynamometer load at 1,100 rpm, a power output of 7,460 watts.

But the batteries used in the test were only capable of 5,454 watts per hour. Therefore, the motor was making its own electricity while it worked — and using absolutely no fuel in the process.

“The system will operate continuously for 203 hours at 10 horsepower and 1,100 rpm without recharge since the total battery power consumed is only 26.8 watts per hour”, Maize said.

“Recycling of the batteries during non-operational periods would permit continuous system operation until the end of battery life.”

Since those tests, however, the EvGray people have further improved their system.

Funds to develop the generating plant have been provided by a trio of wealthy US geologists who made fortunes in oil exploration, but now feel a new source of energy is mandatory for the world, Gray told Tattler.

“The men who financed this project don’t want their names released to the public”, he said. “They’re seeking electricity, not publicity.”

When Gray and “Fascination” car designer Paul Lewis announced plans to have the fuelless car on the road by the end of 1974, he already had improved the motor to the point where he could drive the car at normal speeds for more than 500 miles between rechargings.

“But since we are estimating, we are being ultra-conservative”, Hackenberger insisted. “We now plan to have a prototype car on the test track by the end of summer.”

Original plans called for the car to be in prototype earlier, “but lawyers, not our system, held us up”, Gray added.

Gray now is beginning negotiations with foreign groups after refusing the temptation for years while waiting for some developments in the US.

“The Italian government is very interested”, Gray told Tattler. “We were told by one representative that they wanted to develop this source of power quickly because they never want to look at another Arab as long as they live.”

# Progress Bulletin (Pomona, CA) July 7, 1975 ; “Either Saint or Sinner ~ Auto Motor Inventor Just Fueling Around?”

Los Angeles (AP) ~ Edwin Gray, a self-educated inventor, says he has designed a car motor that needs no fuel. Hundreds of investors have put their money on it.

But local authorities have charged him with bilking his believers out of thousands of dollars. A specialist in energy engineering saw the prototype motor and said if it worked, “it would violate all the laws of physics”

In the eyes of Gray’s supporters, it is a case of a small-time inventor being harassed because he is on the trail of a revolutionary idea that challenges the auto establishment.

If allowed to develop his invention, Gray said, “This motor will probably replace most motor power in the very near future.”

Claims for the device have varied over the past four years, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, but essentially it has been described as an electromagnetic motor” that is started by a set of batteries, then runs virtually on its own and puts energy back into the batteries — enough so that they need charging only infrequently.

“If it did what he says it would violate all the laws of physics”, said Donald Cronin, a staff scientist at TRW Systems, Inc., who watched a test of the motor about a year ago.

“It ran for about 10 seconds and then everything blew”, he said. “A group of scientists from a big research firm in Japan had come with an elaborate amount of equipment — gauges, instruments, and TV cameras — and were ready to sign a letter of intent. After the test, they packed it all up and went back to Japan.”

Gray, 50, says he has been toying with the idea for such an engine since he was 7 years old. He is almost boastful about his lack of scientific training.

“The technical people tell me that if I had a technical background I wouldn’t have come up with a motor like this”, he says.

Gray began selling shares in his invention in 1971 and attracted some 800 shareholders. Last July investigators from the district attorney’s office seized the prototype engine, plans, drawings and bookkeeping records. It was not until May that charges were filed against gray — one count of conspiracy to commit grand theft, eight counts of grand theft, and three counts of a securities violation.

Gray’s attorneys’ cite the 10-month delay as one sign of harassment. A national tabloid newspaper attacked the D.A.’s office for its “behind-the-scenes suppression of one man’s effort to help mankind”.

This kind of talk frustrates the investigators, who see themselves as acting to protect lay investors who aren’t able to distinguish a technically complicated fraud from a valid research effort.

Edwin Gray must be persuasive, though: two investigators from the D.A.’s office “went down to see and got hustled themselves — they invested money of their own for a while, but later got it back”, said Deputy D.A. Mitchell Harris.

As to why the case has taken so long to prosecute, authorities say that, in the first place, it has been hard to find investors willing to press charges.

The D.A.’s office also points out that the investigators were busy with other cases they considered more pressing, and this kept them form wrapping up the gray investigation.

# The National Tattler (March 1974) ; “Inventor of the World’s First No-Fuel Engine is Suppressed by L.A.’s District Attorney” , by Tom Valentine

Editor’s Note: On July 1, 1973, Tattler published a story announcing the invention of a remarkable “fuelless engine” capable of powering an automobile. The engine, invented by Ed Gray and named the EMS motor, functioned on an electromagnetic principle that allowed it to regenerate its own power.

At the time, Tattler predicted the Gray engine would revolutionize the auto industry. We also published Gray’s announcement to have automobiles containing the engine in production an available to the public by the end of 1974. That obviously has not happened yet, and for a very good reason.

For the past seven months, Gray has been the victim of an incredible campaign of obvious harassment by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. This harassment appears to be yet another chapter in a long history of attempts to suppress any automobile invention that might disrupt the status quo for auto manufacturing as established by Detroit’s car-making giants.

Tattler was warned not to print this story until the issue was settled in court. We are printing it because the public has a right to know what is happening and because it has become obvious that the district attorney has no intention of seeking a quick decision in the case. In this exclusive report, Articles Editor Tom Valentine reveals the sordid, behind-the-scenes suppression of one man’s effort to help mankind.

# “Threat of Arrest Spurs Tattler Reporter”

At one point during his investigation of the Ed Gray EMS motor case, Tattler Articles Editor Tom Valentine was threatened with arrest if he pursued the matter.

The threat came from Ran Novell, an investigator with the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office.

When Valentine telephoned the district attorney’s office to inquire why the DA had kept the gray case pending five months without bringing formal charges, Novell snapped back:

“I’m advising you of your rights. You have the right to remain silent because anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.”

“I don’t have anything to say. I’m simply trying to ask questions”, replied Valentine.

“Well, you might be indicted as a co-conspirator in this case”, said Novell.

“You’ve got to be kidding”, said Valentine.

Later, Valentine expressed his opinion that the threat was nothing more than an attempt to”scare me away from the case”.

“But if that was what he was trying to do he couldn’t have picked a worse tactic. All he succeeded in doing was making me resolve to get to the bottom of this”, said Valentine.

The effort of Ed Gray to produce a fuelless automobile engine that could greatly benefit mankind has been blocked by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.

Gray is the inventor of the EMS motor — a remarkable electromagnetic engine that regenerates its own power, thus eliminating the need for liquid fuel.

Gray had intended to have his motor in production and available to the general public by the end of 1974. However, a series of confrontations with the L.A. District Attorney’s office has completely stymied his efforts.

Gray’s problems began last July 22, when L.A. authorities raided his plant in Van Nuys, CA. Virtually everything in the building was confiscated — including his working prototype motor.

Seven months later, not a single charge has been brought against Gray. Yet, the L.A. District Attorney’s office still has his records and engine models.

The Van Nuys raid is only the latest incident in a strange pattern of “non-arrests” of automotive inventors that dates back more than half a century.

In a continuing investigation of this phenomenon, Tattler has documented dozens of cases in which inventors came up with “a better idea” for an automobile engine, only to be harassed into tragic situations ranging from bankruptcy to suicide.

One example was the invention of the Lewis automobile more than 40 years ago.

In 1933, Paul Lewis invented a three-wheeled car powered by an air-cooled engine. Called the “Airmobile”, Lewis’ product proved itself in road tests.

But when he began selling stock in his company in order to obtain capital to mass-produce the vehicle, the Securities and Exchange Commission stopped him.

For years the SEC kept Lewis “under investigation” without bringing any formal charges. Finally, he was harassed into bankruptcy.

“Once I was bankrupt the SEC dropped its investigation and told me I was clear to continue”, Lewis recalled during a recent interview with Tattler. “All I could do was swear at them and ask them if they knew any way I could make a dead horse walk.”

Today Lewis’ “Airmobile” can be seen in a museum at Harrah’s Club in Reno, NV.

Ironically, his “better idea” was not totally suppressed.

In Germany during the 1930s away from the influence of Detroit’s auto giants, an automobile was developed using the air-cooled engine principal first advanced by Lewis. Today, that car is called the Volkswagen.

Yet another example of such suppression is found in the history of the John Robert Fish carburetors.

Fish invented a carburetor that double the gas mileage of Detroit’s standard carburetors. When Detroit snubbed his invention, Fish tried selling his invention through the mails to do-it-yourself mechanics. He was growing successful when Post Office Department agents swooped down on him for “investigation of fraud”.

Several years later he was exonerated of any charges. But not until the mails to and from his business were stopped during a lengthy “investigation”. He was wiped out financially.

A modern case is that of the LaForce brothers, presently locked in a controversy with the Environmental Protection Agency, which yet another branch of our huge federal bureaucracy.

The LaForce brothers are outstanding mechanics and automotive engineers from Vermont who have designed and built an improved auto engine.

The LaForce engine was tested by the EPA last fall and government spokesmen announced they were impressed. It looked like a small time inventor had finally broken through the bureaucratic curtain.

Hardly a week passed after the impressive EPA tests when it was announced that the LaForce engine, though more efficient regarding mileage, was more polluting.

Ed LaForce told Tattler:

“That’s a crock of you know what! I don’t know what their motive is, but we conducted very thorough tests before going to the EPA.”

The LaForce brothers are not barnyard operators; they own and operate extremely sophisticated equipment and they know what their engine can do.

Like Ed Gray’s case, the LaForce controversy is just beginning.

On July 1, 1973, Tattler exclusively reported Ed Gray’s discovery. Using electricity, he had found a way to drive a car without fuel, without pollution, and without noise.

The motor can be used to generate enough power to drive a car while recharging its own batteries — providing practically perpetual power with super-efficiency.

On January 27, 1974, Tattler followed up with the story of how Gray and Paul Lewis were planning to put the EMS motor in the “Fascination” auto body designed by Lewis.

At that time, Gray said his system would need two banks of batteries and recharging would be accomplished simply because batteries could not take the charge rapidly enough.

Lewis and Gray could not get together financially and their plans changed.

Gray’s attorney, Joel Ward, filled Tattler in on the details since the July 22 raid.

“Despite the action by the D.A.’s office, I am unaware of any of the 800 stockholders in EvGray Enterprises demanding their money back.

“I am aware that some of the stockholders have offered more money, which is certainly indicative of their confidence in gray’s inventions.”

Ward said that the company is in the process of thoroughly testing and evaluating a new prototype EMS motor.

“It is apparent that the academic scientists have taken issue with Ed Gray’s layman’s language”, Ward said.

“Here’s an inventor with only a high school education telling scientists that he can do something totally new to them, and saying so in language they cannot accept.

We are in the process of fully explaining the new concepts in scientific terms”, Ward added.

The attorney stressed that the US Patent office has notified him that every claim for the Gray motor has been accepted and the patent will therefore be issued.

“This means they accept the novelty of his motor. Now we are testing the prototype to determine what it’s optimum capabilities are.”

Ward said that separate patents will be filed on Gray’s innovative energy process.

Ward said the company has not wanted additional trouble, and therefore they have maintained a low key approach to the D.A.’s actions.

Ward added: “I’m not going to discuss what we night do at this time. From a legal standpoint it might not be wise.”

Many people close to the controversy have wondered aloud why Gray doesn’t sue the D.A. for the apparent harassment.

Ward refused to comment on a possible suit, but Tattler learned that no suit can be field until the case is closed. As things stand it is an “ongoing” investigation.

The investigator in charge, Ran Novell, told Tattler that, “We’re going to charge Gray with grand theft for taking money under fraudulent pretenses. His motor doesn’t do what he claims. All he has is a starter motor run by some batteries”. However, Novell also admitted that no one in the D.A.’s office had tested the motor — or even started it.

Since Tattler has been diligent in checking Gray’s claims before publishing the first story, such a charge came as a surprise. A number of scientists pronounced the engine sound and workable before the initial story was printed.

Novell said that the original search warrant was based on a complaint by a former, and apparently disgruntled, employee.

The D.A.’s investigator, who is not an attorney, said there were also earlier complaints about stock sales.

As of this writing the charges are still “pending” and nothing has been resolved.

Normally, in cases of invention fraud, stockholders clamor for their money back and the inventor declares bankruptcy.

“I know a lot of people want us to get going and bring this invention out right now”, Gray told Tattler, “and we’re doing everything we can.”

Novell told Tattler: “Look, if this thing had any possibility I’d be the first to promote it.”

Tattler learned that Novell’s sincerity may be questionable. The investigator had every opportunity to get all the facts in advance of the raid.

“I wrote the D.A.’s office last April when I first heard of the investigation and stated our willingness to cooperate”, Ward said.

“My letter was ignored and they raided the facility. Then, and this is unheard of, after the raid I mad another offer to cooperate, which was also ignored.”

Ward said that he submitted written expert opinion to Novell’s office in the belief that Novell would exchange expert opinions.

“They have our expert’s opinion in writing, but I’m still waiting for theirs”, Ward said.

Tattler has learned from a source within the D.A.’s office that it is general knowledge that Novell is “persecuting” rather than “prosecuting” the case.

# “Power Plant of the Future”: (Unidentified reference/author: apparently EvGray Enterprises)

Would you believe, a battery-powered motor that recycles energy, hence is better than 90% efficient?

How? By generating electric pulses of 2,500 volts by means of an EvGray generator and storage in an oil-filled capacitor bank and introducing it into field and rotor winding at precisely the right moment by means of a patented programmer on the front of the rotor shaft.

Performance: Tests conducted on the 32 HP test model by Crosby Research Institute (Beverly Hills, CA), exacted the following:

The EMA motor was operated into a 10 HP dynamometer load at 1100 rpm. This power output is 7460 watts. The total battery power available from the four batteries was 5454 watts for one hour. The total battery power consumed by the motor during a 21-minute run was only 9.75 watts; this equals 26.8 watts per hour.

The system operated continuously for 203 hours (8-1/2 days) at 10 HP and 1100 rpm with the four batteries without recharging.

The batteries used were common lead acid with 2-3 years life expectancy, and can be recharged several hundred times.

General: The estimated performance figures, using the 50 HP motor in a car, are 300 miles per charge with top speeds in excess of 50 mph. This astounding prediction is a conservative one based on the performance of present electric car performance and the many tests conducted at EvGray.

We have also developed a fast-charge, low resistance battery, because of a new method of building lead acid batteries that will permit a 12 volt, 14 amp battery to be charged in 10 minutes with normal 2-3 year life expectancy (Not yet being manufactured). Tattler Weekly carries an occasional progress report on this motor.

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