### ‘HYDROCARS’ REPLICA of Stan Meyer WFC: (page created at November 2007 Update)
Collection of ‘Hydrocars’ posts on The Water Fuel Cell forum: http://www. waterfuelcell.org
## Post subject: ICL8038 Waveform Generator for your pulse generators :
– sibernetik, Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:54 am :
First I make my pulse circuit with 555 timer IC but i think this IC is not perform stable and i start search electronic database pages on web aaaand
i find icl8038 wave generator.This IC is very basic and adjustable, if you can download this IC’s datasheet from this adress, may be you can develope your pulse circuits
– hydrocars, Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:12 pm :
555 very stable! you must have done something wrong.
– http://www.diyguitarist.com/TestEquipment/FunctionGenerator.htm
– http://www.cip.physik.uni-muenchen.de/~wwieser/elec/oscillator/ICL8038/
– http://www.intersil.com/cda/deviceinfo/0,1477,ICL8038,0.html
– http://www.intersil.com/data/FN/FN2864.pdf
– hydrocars, Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:13 pm :
my secondary circuit i use.
– eclipsed78, Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:19 pm:
I think I agree with hydro, the 555 is very stable and I myself have seen my DL PWM work buitifully…I asked an electronics engineer whether the 555 chip was unstable and he answered with a question….he said: The 555 chip was made in the 70s, if the 555 chip was unstable, why would they be still using it 30 years later.
Although he doesn’t support the 555 chip with fact, here is the datasheet on the 555s that I use… NE555P by texas intruments….
I have no idea whether if this means anything but I found this:The Output-pulse rise time and the Output-pulse fall time is 100 to 300 ns tested with a capacitor of 15pF and a Temp of 25 C
The data sheet discribes the 555 as “These devices are precision timing circuits capable of producing accurate time delays or oscillation.”
Ref: Texas Intruments datasheet on NE555.pdf http://waterfuelcell.org/phpBB2/download.php?id=423
I do not know why you are having problems with the 555, but in my own experience with cars, computers, chemistry, software, women, jobs, life as we know it, there are general rules to follow, they’re called Murphies laws..
rule #1: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Just remember that Murphy was an optimist…
Double check everything and test all components individually…sometimes ive seen the 4007 not working and maybe the mosfet is blown..sometimes Ive just had to replace the 100ohm resistors, but sometimes Ive replaced all of the diodes just becuase I couldnt find the problem..(it worked)…anyways use the original DL PWM setup and do not connect anything from the input (pin 4 or 8) to the Output (pin 3) as the unedited revision of the DL PWM that include inductors in the solid state circuit diagram…If you are having problems on finding the original version that included the notched tubes…here it is…
I am interested in the icl8038 though as it does look like it has cool fuctions, like individual pins for different shaped waves…Maybe some experimentation could be done to see if a different shape waves would work better…but I am not knowledgeable about electronics enough to know how to design a circuit using the icl8038, maybe if someone came up with something, I could model it in B2 spice to see if it works….
– eclipsed78, Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:29 pm:
I did a little research and found that the tlc555 texas instruments timer chip that is fully interchangable with the ne555 and it can operate up to 2 Mhz….here is the datasheet…if we want higher frequencies, i think extra capacitors would be all that is needed to the existing DL PWM..
Where the rotory 3 turn 4 pole swith is connected to the the 3 capacitors, add a 2 or more pole switch and connect it to the existing capacitors and 3 extra capacitors at smaller capacitances, and connect the extra 3 capacitors to another pole of the 3 turn 4 pole of the rotory switch ..as there are 4 different poles, these capacitors will not be connected to the other capacitors, Dave was a right to use the 3 turn 4 pole switch as it allowed more capacitors to be connected for a total of 12 capacitors….I included a drawing to visualize what Im saying.
If anything more is needed, and if anyone has any ideas on how to modify it to handle the higher freq, or if anyone has any ideas on what the capicatance values of the extra capacitors could be in order to give ranges of like 20 khz to 50 khz, 50 kHz to 100 kHz, 100 kHz to 200 kHz, 200 kHz to 300 khz……etc…it would be greatly appreciated…
I always wondered why he used those 4 pole 3 turn switches as I was connecting the capacitors… anyways, again 8038 is not nessacary, tlc555 can produce output frequencies of 2 Mhz..
## Post subject: BEST CIRCUIT, Working LC :
– Hydrocars, Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:07 pm:
You gotta see it to believe it! i only used one ss tube cell as in my other post. Must try! Gotta try!
Maybee somebody can take this further, this is definitly the right way…
i don’t know how it works, it just does! haha
This circuit doesn’t produce alot of hydrogen, however i don’t know how it is working, it is unexplainable how it does what it does…
i don’t get it, i unplugged the freq generator, and i was working on it about to rearange some stuff and i got shocked, i touched it again, i got shocked again, i finaly realized that no matter what, im getting shocked, the circuit is resonating! and you can feel it lol.
Sloppy Hydrocars.jpeg
– Hydrocars, Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:50 am:
the coil was the one i used in the other post, the one from the tv, i don’t know the wraps but i can measure the resistance for ya.
if you put a charge on the caps, and remove the water fuel cell, after you remove the power source you can touch the probes where the wfc hooked, you can feel it oscilating, it hurts, but you can feel it, i can bare the pain, its not all that, but i like to feel it oscillate or resonate.
– Hydrocars, Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:34 pm:
0.31 amps, schematic not shown
– Hydrocars, Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:11 am :
i have confirmed that the circuit is resonating at its own frequency. to change the frequency would mean to change the size of the coil and cap. this circuit will resonate for a long time.
To observe resonation do this. Get you a coil, all coils do not work. Use a magnetic core and the wire size around 22 or smaller seems to work best. The winding around the core should have a resistance of around 6.1 ohms. If you want to get the results i am getting.
Do this simple test. You will need 1 led, 2 diodes, any should work but i guess smaller would be better, and a capacitor, i have a 470 uf cap about the size of a quarter and about an inch tall, it works great, i also have a 470 uf cap about the size of an, well its about as round as a tip of an pool stick, not hardly that big, but any big cap should work, and some small ones.
I will make the schematic in text right now, the led should stay lite for over 20 seconds, and even longer if you don’t use a led.
The led will stay lit as long as it is resonating, there is no need for a Frequency Generator, It don’t Do anything to the circuit. You wanted resonation, Here it is, Have fun!!
Make the circuit,, i want your comments. common, i know you got diodes and coils lying around the house hehe
– Hydrocars, Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:18 am :
I think stanley left a diode out boys! you remove a diode from that circuit and it wont work.
– Hydrocars, Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:32 am :
Here ya go …. 4 volts .23 amps, this is what it gets ya!and the frequency does seem to affect it too, i was wrong earlier.
– stevie1001, Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:53 pm :
Hydro, what you did is amazing. Where did you thought of using the 2 cap’s? The result is very new. I think even Meyer havent thought about that. The 2 cap’s are very heavy, so the small capacitance of the WFC is not important for the resonance any more. Just a little bit.
I wonder how stable this will work. Small changes in the WFC should not effect the resonance in this setup.
– Hydrocars, Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:59 am :
There is a terrible error, the circuit will not work for you right now. I noticed when i hooked it up on the bread board the diode arrangement, i also wrote it down immediately. i used small diodes then.
i also hooked it up with the water fuel cell with larger diodes, worked fine!!!
wrote it down, somehow it was hooked differently than the way on the breadboard, “hardly noticeable”.
Now, the reason it is working is because the diode is breaking down and reversing, i cant hardly explain it, i need a little help with it.
i do know it works, because when i moved a magnet around the coil when it was emitting light it did change the behaviour of the light. i know it was resonating because of this. and i also checked it with a dvm, and with my fingers.
each time the circuit was working, it was only because one of the diodes was broken, its very flusterating trying to figure out whats going on, and why it is working, i’m on it, if a broke down diode can make a circuit resonate then something is going on here, the diode is acting as a resistor but it’s still doing something strange, i have yet to replicate it but i am looking into how to do it without a broken down diode.
– Hydrocars, Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:41 pm :
once again, i’m sorry but this seems to replicate what I was seeing with the broken diode, took me a while to figure this circuit out, but here is what a broken diode will get ya MAN!!
i still don’t see how a broken diode can do this, but if you hook your stuff up the way i had it in the schematic, your diode will probley break down, so i wouldn’t do it.
this circuit also explains the magnet effect i was getting. Hrm, i was still getting good results with this circuit on the water fuel cell?? hrmmm, i’m clueless if this sends straight DC to the water fuel cell or not?
i did seem to get wacky readings with it, what was it, something like 4 volts 12 amps? that would be good if it was pulsed dc, but that i don’t know, so frusterated.
this circuit can not resonate, any circuit that has a diode of any kind between a coil, and an none bipolar power source can not resonate, i’m sorry guys but with a diode its not resonating, the only resonating is between the frequency generator, and the primary and secondary side of the coil.
i think we need high volts, NOT TENS OF THOUSANDS with amps behind it, Good Amps, If you pulse it with that, i think it would be what everyone is looking for. Sorry but true! don’t hate me
– stevie1001, Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:34 amPost subject: shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :
Today was my day of being shocked. All my hair is gone now…It’s funny to unhook the fequency generator, power etc and still being electrocuted…by a single coil, diodes and a .22Uf capacitor.
The power is unbelievable.It almost feld like a 230V blow. Now trying to get that power in my testcell.
## Post subject: Hydrogen and oxygen ionisation , in Stanley Meyer’s Voltage Intesifer Circuit (VIC) forum part :
– PULSED)ReverseH/Ofuelcell, Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:10 pm :
This may be one way the Water fuel cell breaks the covalent bonding of the water molecule. The two electrons covalently bonding the hydrogen to the oxygen are stripped of when the oxygen is ionised and looses four electrons, now because the oxygen atom needs another electron it takes it from the much weaker hydrogen atom, when it dose this the hydrogen looses its electron to the much stronger oxygen atom. The reason the oxygen is stronger then the hydrogen is because the hydrogen atom has only one proton whereas the oxygen atom has eight, so the oxygen has a stronger electrical charge. When the oxygen atom takes the hydrogens electron it breaks the covalent bond (remember we are only doing this with voltage). The hydrogen electron is the thing that is holding the water molecule together, so when the oxygen atom takes the hydrogen atoms electron it is breaking the covalent bond. The oxygen normally gets its electrons from amp flow, that would be the point where the high currant would flow, but because we are now restricting electron flow the oxygen atom takes the electrons from the hydrogen atom, this breaks the covalent bond.
Thanks, Sukhoi Company (JSC) – If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can’t be done.
## Post subject: Its Up to You Now!!! Can you do it????? :
– hydrocars, Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:31 pm :
No larger than little over half amp. This is about all the experimenting i’m doing right now, there is no need to look any futher, its figured out now.
– hydrocars, Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:33 am :
The schematic i made in the past was a working wreck, it was only working because it was screwed. now, enough about that deformed circuit, lets get on with the good stuff and put that in the past!
A few things you should know before you continue your water fuel cell adventure.
1. A coil of any kind in parallel or series with a (“none BI polar”) capacitor seperated by a diode in any direction CAN NOT AND WILL NOT RESONATE!
2. A (“None BI Polar”) Capacitor Can Not resonate with a inductor in any kind of Pulsed DC OR AC. (“Only bipolar ones can do this”)!
3. The Frequency Is COMPLETE BULLSHIT let me say that again, it is COMPLET BULLSHIT there is no Frequency, Stanley did this to confuse you. With Good meaning! you would have did the same.
4. The Patent “stanley meyers”, which shows the 5 spikes seperated by a delay where the pulses start at a lower voltage, and workes its way up to the 5 Spike then comes to a delay was simply to confuse you!!! it’s not true.
Faqs, There is a Pulse needed at a desired Frequency, but it’s nothing like you think, its not what you think. i hardly refer to it as a frequency, its much slower (“has nothing to do with the resonate or water molecule”.
The unite works off of COLD ELECTRICITY google that with inventors. WOOOOOOOOOOOOHhhhhh
I can clearly see why stanley used a alternator now. His transformer that stated 200 wraps of 22 gauge wire with 600 turns of 36 awg wire was complete bull, it was used to throw you for a loop just like the frequency, stanley “is” a smart man, i admire him for that, and i respect him!
CHOKES : They’re very very important, the wrong chokes will get really hot really fast, i just figured all this out, so you guys need to help me on them.
More to come if i don’t get bashed, But remember, Forget the dave lawton circuit, its not needed, and is a complete wast of time if you’re trying to use it with the wfc, drop it, it dont work. There is no frequency.
Think to yourself, ask yourself, back then if you was stanley meyers, would you patent the complete truth?? would you not do as he did???
today is a differnt day, there is no patent, now its public and money is not an object, the truth shall come out now!
The construction of my results are ready for you to experience, what ya waiting on? you guys with me or not??
When the Water is Orange, you know you’re doing something Right! That just Dawned on me lol
– M4rk79, Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:21 am :
Great work! Yes, that`s water split by voltage potential – very small, white gasbubbles, highly implosive and energetic
I am not new here, been reading here quite a wile, but now i would like to share what i think about the VIC.
What hydrocars says is what i also think now, it`s so easy. I had been “blindet” also for a wile, but while reading the newest results here last week, it really hit me:-)
May be Stanley Meyer was forced to complicate it, because it’s so easy and so wouldn’t get his patent granted. Who knows…
Well for me this works exactly like a ozon generator, only with water. The high voltage potential creates a corona/ cold plasma field with almost no current and transmutes the oxygen in the air to ozone.
Remove the insolator between the plates or bring them to close together, the HV arcs over- currentflow. The corona potetialfield collapses instantly!
Same when using tapwater or water with minerals (conductive) with the VIC, then you get current electrolysis, which isn’t that efficient and hot chokes…
You only need to hit the self-resonance of the choke (which all coils with airgapped ferrit-/metalcore should have), that’s why i would and will put all windings on the same core (Step up & Charging choke)
At that selfresonance the choke will generate the strongest corona/cold plasma field/voltage potential in the water between the tubes and transmutate/split it into it’s elements hydrogen and oxygen.
So i think Stan Meyer ment this coil selfresonance (Which typicaly lays in the audiofreq. range) and the simplest pulsing circuit should do the job!
May be there could be a visible blue-purpleish plasma glow between the tubes in a quite dark room.
So because Currentflow will kill this plasmafield emidialy, i only will use noncoductive demineralised water for the VIC.
– hydrocars, Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:24 am :
This is not the circuit that made the video at youtube, nor (“ALL”) the pictures on this thread.
This circuit is intended to Teach you, and allow yourself to gain an understanding of what is going on.
We’re still in the baby stages, Take this and learn from it. We will all work on this together here in the forums!
the main goal is that everyone understands how and why it works, after you have reached that level then it would be great to go larger as i did manually as you will see how i did the video soon.
Here in this picture, you can see 1 Power inverter, 600 watts, one Transformer from radio shack, it is 120v AC to 25 volts AC Step Down, You will also see the 470uf THE CAP MUST BE 200v no smaller.
2 diodes rated at 1000 volts, and you will see CHOKES in tape i made, they should be bigger. after you experiment with the schematic you will see what the chokes do, and why you need them. Those of you without ammeter’s you will need an ammeter that will read atleast 10 amps ac and dc, you need to get you one, if you don’t have one we will do our best at describing whats going on, i know what its like not to have an ammeter, it sucks.
Later we should be dealing with reed relays, or gas or glass tube relays, not very fast but not slow, they are ideal and out perform todays electronics, they’re very hard to come across, be on the lookout for these.
also we need to learn to make our on caps, i want cover that here right now, very dangerous!This is different, PLEASE BE CARUFULL
– PULSED)ReverseH/Ofuelcell, Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:50 pm :
Hydro, thats good to hear that you are getting results! Could you give a rough circuit that you used in your water fuel cell, The circuit that made all that hydrogen with ½ an amp? Looking forward to the video!
Now you say that the frequency has no role to play here, but for an LC circuits to {resonate} you need a frequency, now I know that this is true because of my Tesla coil. For me to get that high voltage archs I needed to tune the frequency generator and the spark gap (witch made the frequency even higher). It seem that you have found something new,
On the other hand, if you are saying that there is no fixed frequency, this opens up a whole new can o whoop ass. If that [is] what you meant then you are also right (you win either way), there is no fixed resonating frequency, it is all dependant on the chokes and capacitors values. You also can find the resonating frequency by doing some easy (hard) maths, I think I will pass and do some frequency tuning.
If you look at what crux has done then you can see how the frequency is indeed needed; now I am going to try two tests, the LC circuit test, this needs the step charge effect and high voltage resonating pulses with the blocking diode and Im going to try and replicate what you have done.
That is why the original circuit has the blocking diode [before] the choke and the capacitor and not in-between them, this allows for resonance between the inductor and capacitor, thus proving more that a frequency is needed, (I am not saying you are wrong, it is just that you have found something new! Thats great!).
There is no fixed resonant frequency that depends on so many factors. You need the frequency generator though for an LC circuit.
My [12] v battery is arriving tomorrow and then I can get started with my LC tests! Ill let you all know how that goes
With regards to high voltage, I love relating the Tesla coil to the water fuel cell. I think there is no arch in the water between the positive and negative electrodes that would be shorting and would affect the water molecule. But this process applies to the browns gas generator, the one with carbon rods and the under water arc.
Rather the high voltage affects the water molecules because of the high voltage field. In a Tesla coil there are arches and sparks but there are very high voltage fields to. If you can get the voltage field under water in the plates, and put the plates as close together without arching, you will get a pretty intense voltage field. No amps would be consumed just like a magnetic field.
The way to generate a high voltage field would be through LC resonance, this means high voltage so be careful. The resonance builds up the voltage field in the water capacitor, and, just before a dielectric failure (arching) occurs the high voltage pulses stop, only to start again and so the process goes, no amp flow no electricity being used. Sure some amperage will be used, nothing is perfect, but if we can get it as low as possible low wattage will be used.
100000v x 0.001 amps = 11 watts, easily doable by the alternator.
– hydrocars, Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:17 am :
-> sbeehre wrote: ok i get that but could you also just hook up a plug from your wall outlet to the transformer? thats if you didnt have an inverter.
yes you could, but it is important that the primary side is fused with about a 2 amp fuse. the inverter is less dangerous.
– hydrocars, Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:43 pm :
-> CoronaFire wrote: In your demo circuit, you have the high voltage (120V?) from the inverter going into the transformer (into the 25V side?) so then the output from the transformer (the 120V side?) goes into the diodes to the cap. That would mean you’ve got 576V DC at the cap, which you pulse (with the switch) through the chokes and across the wfc.That would suggest to me that the at least 200V rating you said for the cap is no where near high enough to safely run, unless the transformer is around the other way and you only have 25V.Is this a high voltage setup or a low voltage setup?
yeah, the transformer is hooked up as it is built for. 120v to 25v, 25v to the water fuel cell.
– hydrocars, Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:49 pm :
-> BeginnerForever wrote: I also have questions for Hydrocars. In your diagram, what are the two black rectangles? and is the circle the wfc?what is the dimensions of your SS tubings?(inner and outer tubings), what gauge, diameter, length, spacing between two tubes)
the black things are diodes. yes the circle is the wfc unless it’s drawn like a cap symbol. 1 inch tube od, inside tube 3/4 od, gap 1/16th.
I am having issues, i’m hoping that the caps i ordered will work for this but i am having my doubts after watching Xogens Video at youtube, they seem to have it figured out, and they mentioned that the proper frequency was needed, where i was leaning toward cold electricity because i have had no luck with a frequency, and also there is a video at youtube and they guy that stands up sounds just like stanley meyers, they said on that video the frequency was just to confuse you also, i’m so confused right now and flusterated.
you dont know what to believe because Xogen isn’t gonna want you to get it working, it would be a money thing for them, and you dont know what to believe when you watch them kinda video’s, they seem to put in our heads what they want us to think, they could be leading us in the right direction, or they could just be throwing us a loop of lies, who knows
– hydrocars, Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:45 am :
oh, im sorry guy’s, the schematic i was using is found on page 2 of this tread, it is named Pulser.jpeg
i’m sorry i didn’t measure the liters output, i didn’t feel it was time to do that because the circuit dont run long enough before it overheats.
i think it is more important to get a good working circuit first, but thats what i used so knock yourself out, i didn’t use chokes in the video.
– hydrocars, Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:07 am :
(“i did not want to post this”) but here it is pulsed.
– PULSED)ReverseH/Ofuelcell, Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:34 pm :
Those capacitors store up the high voltage and then once one discharges they all go and deliver a HIGH voltage discharge to the water electrode, thus high voltage. I JUST got what you are talking about like five seconds ago; it all just came back to me! I will post much more on this soon!
– Hydrocars, Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:33 pm :
i’m reading on how to dishcarge the capacitors to the wfc, i think cold energy would do it, allthough i’m not really sure, just have to try and see what the output is, right now i’m trying to figure out how to charge the big caps at a decent speed, its not looking good.
– PULSED)ReverseH/Ofuelcell, Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:10 pm :
Hey Hydro! yeah I thought to my self when I saw those pictures of the capacitors, how the heck is he gonna chargeem all In series!
I am going to try my old TV capacitors, and by the way, your right, I dont need to spend all my money on ferrite core and wire, just pop down to the dump and get yourself an old TV whip out its innards flip it on the top side and spin it inside out!
– PULSED)ReverseH/Ofuelcell, Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:15 pm :
Hey Hydro, I just tested my ferrite rods and they are magnetic, but the loose there magnetic fields very quickly. They are ferrite cores those doughnut shaped things, they are ferrite. Good cores to use.
– PULSED)ReverseH/Ofuelcell,Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:04 pm :
Hydros tests work on capacitive discharge; you put in high voltage to the high voltage capacitors by means of a transformer, these high voltage pulses charge the first capacitor witch, when discharged, build up in the next capacitor and so on, until the last capacitor is discharged into the main capacitor, the water capacitor. It is this high voltage potential is what breaks the water molecular bonds. Not amperage, but high voltage fields.
This is not even Stan Meyers process! Stans process needs [two] amps and [five] volts, thats 10 watts of electrical input!
It then turns this into tens of thousands of volts by electrical resonance, charging the water capacitor in series with a choke at a resonant frequency, multiplying the voltage.
This works the same way as a Tesla coil, using low input and using electrical resonance to generate very high voltage.
I am going to ask Muzza to put a forum section for water fuel cell skepticism, or doubts.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I am not trying to be mean, cutting, or a know it all, if you stay like that you are just going to get worse reception here, lighten up a littlie, were here to help [you], not put you down!
You know what non directional pulses means? That the frequency is not alternating, but direct currant, witch means that the water will stay charged and will not drain.
You also say that Stan Meyer did not give clear instructions, you know why? It is NEW you cant understand is overnight, it has taken us a long time to get an understanding of this technology, but, thanks to the input of many helpful and up building people we can and are replicating it.
– Ron Knight,Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:37 am :
The energy that Stan’s technology is using is Teslian in origin. Below are some web page addresses that will help you to better understand exactly how Stan was doing it and other researchers that use the same technology. The Bedini information is for educational purposes; anybody found to be commercially profiting on the patented technology will be prosecuted. Trust me when I say a license is not that expensive as opposed to being sued.
– Stanley Meyer – Water Fuel Injector http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7BAODqqcpQ
– Stanley Meyer – Stainless Steel 304 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRXlm5AO9mY
– Stanley Meyer – Electron Extraction Circuit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clafqu0Xw6E
– Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices http://www.panaceauniversity.org/
– Water Fuel Cell Technical Brief by Stanley Meyer http://www.panaceauniversity.org/Stan_Meyer_Full_Data.pdf
Below are Teslian related resources to enhance your understanding.
– Interview with Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden (ret.) http://www.cheniere.org/misc/interview1991.htm
– Bedini Technology http://www.icehouse.net/john1/index11.html
This group here is a good start to understanding radiant energy. You can build a working device that will positively enhance your understanding to RE and you might even want to explore other possibilities.
– Bedini Monopole 3 group
This egroup is for people wishing to build and test John Bedini’s monopole energizers as directed. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Bedini_Monopole3/
– John Bedini Monopole Mechanical OscillatorSimplified School Girl (SSG) Presentation http://rpmgt.org/SSG.html
– Hydrocars,Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:36 pm :
I found this on like the second page of this thread, if you reed threw it you will be able to tell what i was doing.
this was my schematic i drew up that everyone seems to have overlook. http://waterfuelcell.org/phpBB2/files/pulser_129.jpeg
## Post subject: My Project with Video :
– Hydrocars, i think i hot these in the right order
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56Lcyp8X75g
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf7uaPylkgo
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBAk6xlcOYg
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdCLdv9Nhfs
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x62E-ZjnUD8
youtube is doing a sorry job, this was over 8 hours ago i uploaded this.
– Hydrocars,Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:16 am :
it’s showing hydrogen production at .50 amps 1 amp and 2 amps. the circuit is show in the video to. also there is a single cell that i was experementing on..
## Post subject: Stanley Meyers Coils & Specs : http://waterfuelcell.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=437&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=
– Hydrocars, Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:29 am:
In the Example of a fuel cell circuit of FIG. 1, a water capacitor is included. The step-up coil is formed on a conventional toroidal core formed of a compressed ferromagnetic powered material that will not itself become permanently magnetized, such as the trademarked “Ferramic 06# “Permag” powder as described in Siemens Ferrites Catalog, CG-2000-002-121, (Cleveland, Ohio) No. F626-1205″. The core is 1.50 inch in diameter and 0.25 inch in thickness. A primary coil of 200 turns of 24 gauge copper wire is provided and coil of 600 turns of 36 gauge wire comprises the secondary winding.
In the circuit of FIG 1, the diode is a 1N1198 diode which acts as a blocking diode and an electric switch that allows voltage flow in one direction only. Thus, the capacitor is never subjected to a pulse of reverse polarity.
The primary coil of the toroid is subject to a 50% duty cycle pulse. The toroidal pulsing coil provides a voltage step-up from the pulse generator in excess of five times, although the relative amount of step-up is determined by preselected criteria for a particular application. As the stepped-up pulse enters first inductor (formed from 100 turns of 24 gauge wire 1 inch in diameter), an electromagnetic field is formed around the inductor, voltage is switched off when the pulse ends, and the field collapses and produces another pulse of the same polarity i.e., another positive pulse is formed where the 50% duty cycle was terminated. Thus, a double pulse frequency is produced; however, in pulse train of unipolar pulses, there is a brief time when pulses are not present.
By being so subjected to electrical pulses in the circuit of FIG. 1, water confined in the volume that includes the capacitor plates takes on an electrical charge that is increased by a step charging phenomenon occurring in the water capacitor. Voltage continually increases (to about 1000 volts and more) and the water molecules starts to elongate.
The pulse train is then switched off; the voltage across the water capacitor drops to the amount of the charge that the water molecules have taken on, i.e., voltage is maintained across the charged capacitor. The pulse train is the reapplied
# from : rexresearch.com/meyerhy/4936961.htm
TABLE 1 ; Process Steps:
The sequence of the relative state of the water molecule and/or hydrogen/oxygen/other atoms:
A. (ambient state) random
B. Alignment of polar fields
C. Polarization of molecule
D. Molecular elongation
E. Atom liberation by breakdown of covalent bond
F. Release of gases
In the process, the point of optimum gas release is reached at a circuit resonance. Water in the fuel cell is subjected to a pulsating, polar electric field produced by the electrical circuit whereby the water molecules are distended by reason of their subjection to electrical polar forces of the capacitor plates.
The polar pulsating frequency applied is such that the pulsating electric field induces a resonance in the molecule. A cascade effect occurs and the overall energy level of specific water molecules is increased in cascading, incremental steps.
The hydrogen and oxygen atomic gases, and other gas components formerly entrapped as dissolved gases in water, are released when the resonant energy exceeds the covalent bonding force of the water molecule. A preferred construction material for the capacitor plates is stainless steel T-304 which is non-chemical reactive with water, hydrogen, or oxygen.
An electrically conductive material which is inert in the fluid environment is a desirable material of construction for the electrical field plates of the “water capacitor” employed in the circuit.
Once triggered, the gas output is controllable by the attenuation of operational parameters. Thus, once the frequency of resonance is identified, by varying the applied pulse voltage to the water fuel cell assembly, gas output is varied.
By varying the pulse shape and/or amplitude or pulse train sequence of the initial pulsing wave source, final gas output is varied. Attenuation of the voltage field frequency in the form of OFF and ON pulses likewise affects output.
The overall apparatus thus includes an electrical circuit in which a water capacitor having a known dielectric property is an element. The fuel gases are obtained from the water by the disassociation of the water molecule. The water molecules are split into component atomic elements (hydrogen and oxygen gases) by a voltage stimulation process called the electrical polarization process which also releases dissolved gases entrapped in the water.
From the outline of physical phenomena associated with the process described in Table 1, the theoretical basis of the invention considers the respective states of molecules and gases and ions derived from liquid water. Before voltage stimulation, water molecules are randomly dispersed throughout water in a container.
When a unipolar voltage pulse train such as shown in FIGS. 3B through 3F is applied to positive and negative capacitor plates, an increasing voltage potential is induced in the molecules in a linear, step like charging effect.
The electrical field of the particles within a volume of water including the electrical field plates increases from a low energy state to a high energy state successively is a step manner following each pulse-train as illustrated figuratively in the depictions of FIG. 3A through 3F.
The increasing voltage potential is always positive in direct relationship to negative ground potential during each pulse. The voltage polarity on the plates which create the voltage fields remains constant although the voltage charge increases. Positive and negative voltage “zones” are thus formed simultaneously in the electrical field of the capacitor plates.
In the first stage of the process described in Table 1, because the water molecule naturally exhibits opposite electrical fields in a relatively polar configuration (the two hydrogen atoms are positively electrically charged relative to the negative electrically charged oxygen atom), the voltage pulse causes initially randomly oriented water molecules in the liquid state to spin and orient themselves with reference to positive and negative poles of the voltage fields applied.
The positive electrically charged hydrogen atoms of said water molecule are attracted to a negative voltage field; while, at the same time, the negative electrically charged oxygen atoms of the same water molecule are attracted to a positive voltage field.
Even a slight potential difference applied to inert, conductive plates of a containment chamber which forms a capacitor will initiate polar atomic orientation within the water molecule based on polarity differences.
When the potential difference applied causes the orientated water molecules to align themselves between the conductive plates, pulsing causes the voltage field intensity to be increased in accordance with FIG. 3B. As further molecule alignment occurs, molecular movement is hindered.
Because the positively charged hydrogen atoms of said aligned molecules are attracted in a direction opposite to the negatively charged oxygen atoms, a polar charge alignment or distribution occurs within the molecules between said voltage zones, as shown in FIG. 3B. And as the energy level of the atoms subjected to resonant pulsing increases, the stationary water molecules become elongated as shown in FIGS. 3C and 3D. Electrically charged nuclei and electrons are attracted toward opposite electrically charged equilibrium of the water molecule.
As the water molecule is further exposed to an increasing potential difference resulting from the step charging of the capacitor, the electrical force of attraction of the atoms within the molecule to the capacitor plates of the chamber also increase in strength. As a result, the covalent bonding between which form the molecule is weakened — and ultimately terminated. The negatively charged electron is attracted toward the positively charged hydrogen atoms, while at the same time, the negatively charged oxygen atoms repel electrons.
In a more specific explanation of the “sub-atomic” action the occurs in the water fuel cell, it is known that natural water is a liquid which has a dielectric constant of 78.54 at 20 degrees C. and 1 atm pressure. [Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, 68th ed., CRC Press(Boca Raton, Florida (1987-8), Section E-50. H20(water)].
When a volume of water is isolated and electrically conductive plates, that are chemically inert in water and are separated by a distance, are immersed in water, a capacitor is formed, having a capacitance determined by the surface area of the plates, the distance of their separation and the dielectric constant of water.
When water molecules are exposed to voltage at a restricted current, water takes on an electrical charge. By the laws of electrical attraction, molecules align according to positive and negative polarity fields of the molecule and the alignment field. The plates of the capacitor constitute such as alignment field when a voltage is applied.
When a charge is applied to a capacitor, the electrical charge of the capacitor equals the applied voltage charge; in a water capacitor, the dielectric property of water resists the flow of amps in the circuit, and the water molecule itself, because it has polarity fields formed by the relationship of hydrogen and oxygen in the covalent bond, and intrinsic dielectric property, becomes part of the electrical circuit, analogous to a “microcapacitor” within the capacitor defined by the plates.
In the Example of a fuel cell circuit of FIG. 1, a water capacitor is included. The step-up coil is formed on a conventional toroidal core formed of a compressed ferromagnetic powered material that will not itself become permanently magnetized, such as the trademarked “Ferramic 06# “Permag” powder as described in Siemens Ferrites Catalog, CG-2000-002-121, (Cleveland, Ohio) No. F626-1205″. The core is 1.50 inch in diameter and 0.25 inch in thickness. A primary coil of 200 turns of 24 gauge copper wire is provided and coil of 600 turns of 36 gauge wire comprises the secondary winding.
In the circuit of FIG 1, the diode is a 1N1198 diode which acts as a blocking diode and an electric switch that allows voltage flow in one direction only. Thus, the capacitor is never subjected to a pulse of reverse polarity.
The primary coil of the toroid is subject to a 50% duty cycle pulse. The toroidal pulsing coil provides a voltage step-up from the pulse generator in excess of five times, although the relative amount of step-up is determined by preselected criteria for a particular application. As the stepped-up pulse enters first inductor (formed from 100 turns of 24 gauge wire 1 inch in diameter), an electromagnetic field is formed around the inductor, voltage is switched off when the pulse ends, and the field collapses and produces another pulse of the same polarity i.e., another positive pulse is formed where the 50% duty cycle was terminated. Thus, a double pulse frequency is produced; however, in pulse train of unipolar pulses, there is a brief time when pulses are not present.
By being so subjected to electrical pulses in the circuit of FIG. 1, water confined in the volume that includes the capacitor plates takes on an electrical charge that is increased by a step charging phenomenon occurring in the water capacitor. Voltage continually increases (to about 1000 volts and more) and the water molecules starts to elongate.
The pulse train is then switched off; the voltage across the water capacitor drops to the amount of the charge that the water molecules have taken on, i.e., voltage is maintained across the charged capacitor. The pulse train is the reapplied.
Because a voltage potential applied to a capacitor can perform work, the higher the voltage the higher the voltage potential, the more work is performed by a given capacitor. In an optimum capacitor that is wholly non-conductive, zero (0) current flow will occur across the capacitor.
Thus, in view of an idealized capacitor circuit, the object of the water capacitor circuit is to prevent electron flow through the circuit, i.e. such as occurs by electron flow or leakage through a resistive element that produces heat.
Electrical leakage in the water will occur, however, because of some residual conductivity and impurities or ions that may be otherwise present in the water. Thus, the water capacitor is preferably chemically inert. An electrolyte is not added to the water.
In the isolated water bath, the water molecule takes on charge, and the charge increases. The object of the process is to switch off the covalent bonding of the water molecule and interrupt the subatomic force, i.e. the electrical force or electromagnetic force, that binds the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form a molecule so that the hydrogen and oxygen separate.
Because an electron will only occupy a certain electron shell (shells are well known) the voltage applied to the capacitor affects the electrical forces inherent in the covalent bond. As a result of the charge applied by the plates, the applied force becomes greater than the force of the covalent bonds between the atom of the water molecule; and the water molecule becomes elongated. When this happens, the time share ratio of the electron shells is modified.
In the process, electrons are extracted from the water bath; electrons are not consumed nor are electrons introduced into the water bath by the circuit as electrons are conventionally introduced in as electrolysis process. There may nevertheless occur a leakage current through the water.
Those hydrogen atoms missing electrons become neutralized; atoms are liberated from the water. The charged atoms and electrons are attracted to the opposite polarity voltage zones created between the capacitor plates. The electrons formerly shared by atoms in the water covalent bond are reallocated such that neutral elemental gases are liberated.
In the process, the electrical resonance may be reached at all levels of voltage potential. The overall circuit is characterized as a “resonant charging choke” circuit which is an inductor in series with a capacitor that produces a resonant circuit. [SAMS Modern Dictionary of Electronics, Rudolf Garff, copyright 1984, Howard W. Sams & Co. (Indianapolis, Ind.), page 859.]
Such a resonant charging choke is on each side of the capacitor. In the circuit, the diode acts as a switch that allows the magnetic field produced in the inductor to collapse, thereby doubling the pulse frequency and preventing the capacitor from discharging. In this manner a continuous voltage is produced across the capacitor plates in the water bath; and the capacitor does not discharge. The water molecules are thus subjected to a continuously charged field until the breakdown of the covalent bond occurs.
As noted initially, the capacitance depends on the dielectric properties of the water and the size and separation of the conductive elements forming the water capacitor.
– EXAMPLE 1 : In an example of the circuit of FIG. 1 (in which other circuit element specifications are provided above), two concentric cylinders 4 inches long formed the water capacitor of the fuel cell in the volume of water. The outside cylinder was 0.75 inch in outside diameter; the inner cylinder was 0.5 inch in outside diameter.
Spacing from the outside of the inner cylinder to the inner surface of the outside cylinder was 0.0625 inch. Resonance in the circuit was achieved at a 26 volt applied pulse to the primary coil of the toroid at 0 KHz, and the water molecules disassociated into elemental hydrogen and oxygen and the gas released from the fuel cell comprised a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen from the water molecule, and gases formerly dissolved in the water such as the atmospheric gases or oxygen, nitrogen, and argon.
In achieving resonance in any circuit, as the pulse frequency is adjusted, the flow of amps is minimized and the voltage is maximized to a peak. Calculation of the resonance frequency of an overall circuit is determined by known means; different cavities have a different frequency of resonance dependant on parameters of the water dielectric, plate size, configuration and distance, circuit inductors, and the like. Control of the production of fuel gas is determined by variation of the period of time between a train of pulses, pulse amplitude and capacitor plate size and configuration, with corresponding value adjustments to other circuit components.
The wiper arm on the second conductor tunes the circuit and accommodates to contaminants in water so that the charge is always applied to the capacitor. The voltage applied determines the rate of breakdown of the molecule into its atomic components. As water in the cell is consumed, it is replaced by any appropriate means or control system.
Variations of the process and apparatus may be evident to those skilled in the art.What is claimed is: [ Claims not included here ]
# Keelynet/Vangard Notes :
1N1198 Diode is also a NTE 5995 or a ECG 5994. It is a 40A 600 PIV Diode (the 40A is over kill and may not be needed).
Stainless Steel “T304” is a type of weldable Stainless, but other types should work the same. “T304” is just the more common type of Stainless tubing available.
The outer tube figures out to be 3/4″ 16 gauge (.060 “wall”) tube (a common size) cut to 4 inch length.
The inner tube figures out to be 1/2″ 18 gauge (.049 “wall”, this is a common size for this tube, but the actual gauge cannot be figured from this patent documentation, but this size should work) cut to 4 inch length.
You should also attach the two leads to the Stainless, using Stainless solid rod (1/6 dia would do) and USE LEAD FREE SOLDER ! (you may want the purified water that is returned to drink some day).
You also need to figure out a way to keep the two tubes separated from each other. This could be done with small pieces of plastic. They cannot block the flow of water into/out of the tubes.
It was not indicated if the inner tube is full of water or not. The guess here is that it is full of water, and this doesn’t effect the device at all.
The Patent doesn’t say but I would think that insulating the leads with some type of tubing up to the tubes would be electrically correct (and probably wouldn’t hurt).
The pulse frequency was not printed, it is estimated from the size of the coils and transformer that the frequency doesn’t exceed 50 Mhz. Don’t depend on this being fact, it’s just a educated guess.
The circuit to do this is not shown, just empty boxes. It’s time to get out your SCOPE and try things! Don’t forget to share your results with others ! GREED is why this type of thing never gets out into the world to do some GOOD. If you want to make some money, make something PRACTICAL that WORKS and that PEOPLE can use in their every day lives, then sell it! Holding onto information like this only hurts ALL OF US !!
## Post subject: Pulsed, Please help :
– Hydrocars, Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:42 pm:
Pulsed, i would like for you to run a test for me, i can’t do it dew to not having a ferrite bar, how many wraps does your ferrite have?
i would like for you to run this test for me, use both chokes and pulse them as usual, make sure you have a diode on the chokes like in the picture, dont worry about rewraping your chokes, just run the test and get back to me.
Please take note, you can hook the choke up backwards, it is important to get the polarity of the chokes right, if i am not mistaken one choke hookes backwards, it dont matter witch choke you choose to hook backwards, as long as one of them is.
i assume you have installed a diode on your lawton circuit? if so please test it to make sure it is not defective, that diode is very important in this replication, if it is blowed remove it, just hook your chokes up like in the picture.
if it isn’t to much trouble, try different wraps on the chokes, 22 to 24 gauge is good. i’m thinking 100 wraps is the best, i have not tried 200 wraps, i have not tried 30 or 50 wraps, i would like to hear your comment regardless how many wraps you are using.
when you do run this pulse test on the chokes, please use the capacitor on the second lawton circuit labeled 103K, do not use the primary timer circuit. check your output at .50 amps, and never reverse your leads, keep positive positive and negative negative, if you reverse them you will see bubbles and not white trails.
– Hydrocars, Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:28 pm :
i’ve looked at my cell so much i really cant tell if i’m getting more gas or not. i’m so use to my output that if i was producing more i wouldn’t know. i remember when i first setup my chokes i was like wow, i can notice when i unhook them the white is less. it is good for others to test this and post there comments. the more contributers the best, but just whenever.
my goal now is to better the chokes. i’m looking for a longer free cycle pulse, thanks to the source of my oscilloscope i can take this to the next level!
## Post subject: WFC Videos & Pictures, page 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY-AS13fl30
Dont! I repeat DONT kill your selves, with hydrogen explosions or high voltage shocks! We need your help, read about safety, use rubber gloves and bubblers! Safety comes before running a car on water. Im not joking, I (you) have to take safety very seriously, Ive had bad accidents and dont want any more, I have to quit launching H rockets of my patio 1; for my safety 2: for the wildlifes safety. Please take all precaution.
More things arriving today, ill keep you all posted, later, Pulsed.
## Cars running with pure water! Michels project status (Sept 05) from ‘Michel WFC Report_Sept05 .pdf’ (34 Ko) at http://my.opera.com/h2earth/blog/cybrarium
We believe in the S. Meyers concept, described in the patent 4 936 961, based on the break of the covalent bonds between Hydrogen and Oxygen in the water molecule, when its stressed by a high pulsed electrical field, in order to produce hydrogen and oxygen gas on demand in a car running with water.
We have been studied the subject for 2 years by reading lot of documents on physics, chemistry and electronics, and have also done lot of basic tests to understand the project
We followed the discussions on lot of Forums (watercar, icube, OUpower
2. Our water fuel cell: – Parallel plates in stainless steel T304 material (70×100 mm)
– Cylindrical plates in stainless steel T304 material (dia 14/21mm, L=150 mm)
Gap is approx 1.5 mm ; Water: standard low cost distilled water and very pure water from chemical lab
# Water fuel cell qualification (electrodes in water):Impedance of WFC (resistive, capacitive and inductive parts)
=> Impedance is mainly a pure resistance, independent of the dc signal frequency.
# Main conclusion of the tests: The schematics and process, as described in the patent, cannot work, because the step charging effect is not possible with a WFC as described by S. Meyer.
The water fuel cell (like in the patent) is not playing as a capacitor, but as a pure resistor, even with very pure water.
We think that the WFC must be a true capacitor in order to make this patent work. We are currently focusing on that point.
7. Our key points to reach :
– No dc current in water
– No temperature increase
– High electrical field must be applied between the 2 electrodes to stress the water molecule.
– Electrical resonance is only possible with inductive part of the charging choke, and the pure capacitive part of the WFC
– In that case, the step charging effect will be possible.
6. Key points of the patent 4 936 961: In our point of view:
– The step charging effect is possible with a real capacitor
– We believe in the global process and description
– The energy we get globally is coming from the ZPE (vacuum energy)
– We have checked that the dissociation process of the water molecule doesnt need any electron coming from the negative electrode (or vice versa to get an electron from the bath to the positive electrode)
5. Open points that are still unclear:
# Driving signal:
– What is the minimum value of the voltage to start the fracturing process in water: 1000V ? more ?
– Electrical resonance between L (charging choke) and C of the WFC: impossible because WFC is a mainly resistor in the range 100 Hz to 100 KHz (pulsed DC)
# Restriction flow current circuit: With any added component to restrict the current flow, the applied voltage on the WFCs capacitor will decrease, and the electrical field E in the cell will also decrease !
## Cars running with pure water! Michels project status (January 06) from ‘Michel WFC Report_Jan06.pdf’ (2 Mo) at http://my.opera.com/h2earth/blog/cybrarium
Our main conclusion for the moment: the process, as described in the patent … 961 doesn’t work! Most information in the patent and in the notes is separately true and seems coherent, but globally, some information seems missing, or hidden !
We understood through the video, that Meyer would have protected his invention. We have to investigate with patience to find again his secret.
One major point in our understanding of the patent is that the WFC is not a capacitor as explained in the patent. The WFC is in fact a pure resistor, very constant for any frequency and wave form. The value depends on the size of the electrodes, the distance, and the type of water.
# Consequences:
– The electrical resonance between WFC and resonant charging choke has no meaning
– The current leakage in the water is very high
– The step charging effect seems impossible.
In the next pages, you will find a sum up of the most important experiences we did, with diagrams, explanatio, pros and cons, and conclusion. Then you will see how we are coming back to the original patent as described by Meyer.
Before reading this document, please note that we have not yet produced any H2/O2 bubbles using the explained process of Meyer. All conditions are not yet finalized and completed to start the fracturing process.

# Circuit description:
– Sine wave generator: output 10Vcc / 600 Ohms, frequency adjustable (used range 1 to 40 Khz)
– Electronic rectifier to have a half sine wave (home made)
– Audio Power Amplifier (HiFi or similar)
– Tranformer Tr / different versions have been tested
– Diode D: 800 V, rated for switching power supply (high frequency)
– Inductor L: the resonant charging choke: different type, from 0.1 mH to 5 mH, with or without ferrite core; the value changes depending of the position of the ferrite core inside the charging choke.
– WFC: replaced by a true capacitor (Y type, used in the main filter in switching power supply; rated 400V, can absorb 2 KV
# Results: Input of the transformer 0 to 20Vc max ; Output of the transformer: 0 to 600Vc max
Caution: depending of the signal frequency, and core type, signal distortion could appear.
Without discharging circuit, the voltage on the WFC (=capacitor) became constant (DC), like a classical power supply!
Need of a discharging circuit: Resistor R=1 Kohms, carbon type, 3W ; Transistor T1: Mos typw or Hex Fet, rated 800V, 4A.
Principle: When the capacitor is charged, after some pulses, the transistor T1 is driven ‘on’ to discharge the capacitor with a 1 Kohm resistor, see next page.
# Different transformers have been tested:
– Power supply transformers 50/60 Hz
– Switching power supply from an old PC or other electronic devices
– Fly back transformer for line deflection unit in TV
– Home made transformers
Objective: Our need is to define and to find the right transformer to get a 1,500 V pulsing signal; Ratio ot 50, with 30V signal input should comply.
# Sum up the tests and results:
1 – Power supply transformers 50/60 Hz: Prim 220 Vac, sec 6 Vc, reverse connected, ratio 35 ; The bandwidth is limited: the useful frequency of the driving signal is from 50Hz to 1 or 2 Khz max, due to the metal core itself and high inductance.
2 – Switching power supply from old PC or other electronic devices: Since the core is in ferrite material, the frequency could reach 50 Khz, or more, depending of the core type and the number of turns involved in the primary and secondary windings. The ratio between Primary and Secondary is 15 to 30 max.
3 – Fly back transformer for line deflection unit in TV or PC monitor: Typical frequency 15 to 90 Khz, typical voltage on the primary: 200 to 400 V, typical voltage on the VHV 30 KV (colour TV), ratio is approx. 75 to 150 max. High voltage diodes are built in the transformer, unfortunately, the gauge of the wire is not adapted for high current (must be less then 0.5 mA!). It could be used only in procss working with insulated electrodes and low current in the WFC.
# Conclusion: There is no ideal transformer; it depends on the need and associated circuits and process.
(MDG nov07: It seems that Michel and al. are not aware of the concept of charging the capacitor WFC with high voltage (in the tens of thousands volts) Radiant Pulses. And to look for the rupture level of the water dielectric layer. Off course the diagram in Meyer’s patent seems to miss something to achieve this objectives; how can a transformer with ratio 3 (200 turns primary and 600 turns on secondary), bring tens of thousands of volts from a low voltage input?)
# Results: different views of the step charging effect. Voltage can reach 800 Vp (See 6 pictures on the original doc)
2 signals: driving signal on the pulsing transformer, and step charging effect:

With the programmable counter, we can define: the number of pulses needed for the step charging, and the numbers of pulses for the relax time.
The max voltage of the step charging is defined by the ratio of the transformer Tr, and the adjustable input voltage. Typical value is 400V peak; higher voltages are possible, but some problems occur: distortion, noise, ….
The shape is also adapted by tuning the charging choke L.
Note: More detailed information is of course available, but written in French.
# Conclusion: …
But we have already identified some limitations:
– The design of the transformer to get high ratio is not so easy, given a high value of the secondary inductance, and also distortion of the wave;
– The current in the primary is very high, the electrical yield will not be good,
– the power amplifier seems weak to drive inductive charges, …
– We are limited in the max voltage of the step charging effect (1,200V), because the transistor needed in the discharging circuit.
# Trials of step charging on a real capacitor, 3,3nF 400V:

In that experience, the inductance L (resonant charging choke) has a small influence on the step charging effect; The more the number of pulses, the higher the voltage on the capacitor (of course limited by the max value of the pulse on the secondary of the transformer)
With this method, it;s easy to get high voltage pulses on the pulsing transformer. The current in the primary is very low, because the charge applied on the secondary is only the capacitor C (no DC current). The ‘step charging effect’ is also easy to obtain.
# Next experiments: In the next few weeks, we would apply this signal to the insulated electrodes instead of the Y capacitor. To follow …
(MDG nov07: I didn’t found yet more recent results on their very very interresting experiments.
May be the solution to Meyer’s cell is the thin film that is reported to form progressively on the electrodes, like if they needed a conditioning; perhaps that film makes a powerful insulating layer on the electrodes, the cell becoming then a real capacitor without any current leakage. But in this case bringing the capacitor/cell to its breakdown voltage limit has no more sens, because it would destroy this layer at each breakdown … )
# New analysis of the water behaviour: We read recently an article about Meyer’s invention, and some technical comments:
‘… The resonance of the cell is very sharp, and can generally only be found by careful monitoring of the current while adjusting the pulse frequency very, very slowly. Even at frequency very close to the resonant frequency, there will be no indication whatsoever that the frequency has almost benn reached …’
# Future project: The idea is to get a specific generator driven by a computer, with a sweep Hz by Hz. Frequency increment is 1 Hz, every second for instance. So, it would take approx 20,000 sec = 5 hours.
The current observation will be automatic. If there is any drop of current at a certain frequency, the sweep on the generator will immediately be stopped by the computer, and the frequency memorized. This could work automatically, in the night. Several tests could be performed with different signals, with or without DC component part, different type of water …
(MDG nov07: Successful replications of Meyer’s cell by Lawtown and Ravi seem to prove that there is now ‘magical resonant frequency’ to look for … I remember reading somebody affirming that the resonant frequency wouldn’t appear at the exact moment we reach it, but that we needed to stay at list 8 seconds at this frequency for the effect to start … I think it was about Mateiro Electrolysis, and it was bringing the all staff a level higher in the complexity and unprobability to reproduce !)
# Charging chokes and inhibitor circuit: In the patent … 961, there are 2 resonant charging chokes: one is fixed, the other one is adjustable.
In the patent …961, there are 2 resonant charging chokes: one is fixed, the other one is adjustable. Till now, we haven’t understood the exact use of the 2 charging chokes: for us, 2 inductances in series could be equivalent to one, in a electrical point of view. In our design, the main inductance was adjustable; and we saw clearly his action on the step charging effect.

For example, our charging choke is 4.7 mH without ferrite rod, and 30 mH with it inside. We have re considered the use of them, and especially in the ability to reduce the current leakage in the WFC. In Meyer’s Memo 422DA (Memo3), the resonant charging chokes are the same (100 turns each). One is fixed, the other adjustable, to fine tune the resonant action.
The total number of turns (200) is similar to the primary inductance ! interesting ! Considering that the primary inductance stores a magnetic energy during 1 pulse, this energy is transferred to the secondary, and this energy goes through the 2 charging chokes towards the WFC.
In other Memo from Meyer, the 2 charging chokes are magnetically coupled. This sounds good.
The current Ic in the choke L1 goes through WFC and L2. But the same current in L1 produces a magnetic field, which creates in the choke L2 the same current Ic in the circuit.
Depending on the manner the connection is done with the 2 charging chokes, the current in the circuit will be very different:

– The driving signal through the transformer is a half sine wave
– L1 and L2: magnetically coupled; charging choke: 2 x 27 mH
Important: the beginning of each windings is located by the red point
– WFC: Water Fuel Cell: Stainless Steel electrodes 7 x 10 cm, 1mm gap, in distilled water. The behavior is like a pure resistor.
– Y2: the scope measures the voltage on the WFC
– Y1: the scope measures the current (thanks to 1.2 ohms resistor)
# Circuit 1: Standard connection, Y1= 108mA, Y2= 17Volts ; The current is due to the resistive part of the water, (157 ohms, normal value)
These values are stable in the range 500 Hz – 30 KHz, due to characteristic of the core.
# Circuit 2: Cross connection, this is the circuit used by Meyer, called inhibitor circuit (MDG nov07: Is it the Tesla/Bedini bifilar we were looking for to collect Radiant Pulses?), Y1= 2.5mA, Y2= 0.4Volt ; These values are stable in the range 500 Hz – 30 KHz
# Conclusion: In our experiment, the current is 43 times less, and also for the applied voltage on the water cell.
We tested another component, rated 2 x 15 mH, and we found quite the same values.
When the charging chokes are connected as explained in the Meyer document, the current is drastically reduced in the resistive part of the Water Fuel Cell. End of document.
## Essais Meyer, in French from : http://users.skynet.be/fa272699/Energie/Meyer/essais/index.htm
# Essais n°1: http://users.skynet.be/fa272699/Energie/Meyer/essais/essais1/index.htm

# Essais n°2: http://users.skynet.be/fa272699/Energie/Meyer/essais/essais2/index.htm