Universe Theory

(page created November 2007)

Is mathematical pattern the theory of everything?

10:00 15 November 2007 ; NewScientist.com news service ; Zeeya Merali http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12891

GARRETT LISI is an unlikely individual to be staking a claim for a theory of everything. He has no university affiliation and spends most of the year surfing in Hawaii. In winter, he heads to the mountains near Lake Tahoe, California, to teach snowboarding. Until recently, physics was not much more than a hobby.

That hasn’t stopped some leading physicists sitting up and taking notice after Lisi made his theory public on the physics pre-print archive this week (www.arxiv.org/abs/0711.0770 http://www.arxiv.org/abs/0711.0770 ). By analysing the most elegant and intricate pattern known to mathematics, Lisi has uncovered a relationship underlying all the universe’s particles and forces, including gravity – or so he hopes. Lee Smolin at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, describes Lisi’s work as “fabulous”. “It is one of the most compelling unification models I’ve seen in many, many years,” he says.

That’s some achievement, as physicists have been trying to find a uniform framework for the fundamental forces and particles ever since they developed the standard model more than 30 years ago. The standard model successfully weaves together three of the four fundamental forces of nature: the electromagnetic force; the strong force, which binds quarks together in atomic nuclei; and the weak force, which controls radioactive decay. The problem has been that gravity has so far refused to join the party.

Most attempts to bring gravity into the picture have been based on string theory, which proposes that particles are ultimately composed of minuscule strings. Lisi has never been a fan of string theory and says that it’s because of pressure to step into line that he abandoned academia after his PhD. “I’ve never been much of a follower, so I walked off to search for my own theory,” he says. Last year, he won a research grant from the charitably funded Foundational Questions Institute to pursue his ideas.

He had been tinkering with “weird” equations for years and getting nowhere, but six months ago he stumbled on a research paper analysing E8 – a complex, eight-dimensional mathematical pattern with 248 points. He noticed that some of the equations describing its structure matched his own. “The moment this happened my brain exploded with the implications and the beauty of the thing,” says Lisi. “I thought: ‘Holy crap, that’s it!'”

What Lisi had realised was that if he could find a way to place the various elementary particles and forces on E8’s 248 points, it might explain, for example, how the forces make particles decay, as seen in particle accelerators.

Lisi is not the first person to associate particles with the points of symmetric patterns. In the 1950s, Murray Gell-Mann and colleagues correctly predicted the existence of the “omega-minus” particle after mapping known particles onto the points of a symmetrical mathematical structure called SU(3). This exposed a blank slot, where the new particle fitted.

Before tackling the daunting E8, Lisi examined a smaller cousin, a hexagonal pattern called G2, to see if it would explain how the strong nuclear force works. According to the standard model, forces are carried by particles: for example, the strong force is carried by gluons. Every quark has a quantum property called its “colour charge” – red, green or blue – which denotes how the quarks are affected by gluons. Lisi labelled points on G2 with quarks and anti-quarks of each colour, and with various gluons, and found that he could reproduce the way that quarks are known to change colour when they interact with gluons, using nothing more than high-school geometry (see Graphic).

Turning to the geometry of the next simplest pattern in the family, Lisi found he was able to explain the interactions between neutrinos and electrons by using the star-like F4. The standard model already successfully describes the electroweak force, uniting the electromagnetic and the weak forces. Lisi added gravity into the mix by including two force-carrying particles called “e-phi” and “omega”, to the F4 diagram – creating a “gravi-electroweak” force.

Finally, he filled in most of the 248 points of the E8 pattern, using various “identities” of the 40 known particles and forces. For example, some particles can have quantum spin values that are either up or down, and each of these identities would sit on a different point. He filled the remaining 20 gaps with notional particles, for example those that some physicists predict to be associated with gravity.

With the points on the E8 pattern occupied, he could rotate it using computer simulations and so project it down in various ways to two dimensions. By rotating it a certain way, he found that he could recreate the earlier basic patterns describing the quark-gluon relationship and his gravi-electroweak force.

As he rotated the shape further, he found even more intriguing patterns. For example, in one configuration, you can see the gravi-electroweak interaction pattern surrounded by quarks and anti-quarks congregated into their individually “coloured” groups (visit www.newscientist.com/article/dn12891 to watch an animation of the pattern’s rotation) . What’s more, these quarks cluster into families of three, with almost identical properties but different masses. Physicists have long puzzled over why elementary particles appear to belong to such families, but this arises naturally from the geometry of E8, he says.

So far, all the interactions predicted by the complex geometrical relationships inside E8 match with observations in the real world. “As far as I have been able to tell, it’s a perfect match of tens of thousands of interactions,” says Lisi. “How cool is that?”

Lisi is specially pleased that his model is “without strings, extra space-time dimensions or other weird inventions that there’s no evidence for”, which bedevil string theory. The maths is simpler, too, which he says makes it even more compelling. Compared with string theory, “this uses baby mathematics,” he says.

Other physicists are impressed. “Some incredibly beautiful stuff falls out of Lisi’s theory,” says David Ritz Finkelstein at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. “I think that this must be more than coincidence and he really is touching on something profound.”

The question of why our universe should be controlled by the E8 structure is not one that Lisi tackles. “I think the universe is pure geometry – basically, a beautiful shape twisting around and dancing over space-time,” says Lisi. “Since E8 is perhaps the most beautiful structure in mathematics, it is very satisfying that nature appears to have chosen this geometry.” Finkelstein, however, plans to investigate whether space-time could be described as a quilt woven together from E8 patches.

Sabine Hossenfelder, also at PI, argues that Lisi’s idea could be complementary to string theory, rather than a radical alternative. She points out that string theorists already use E8 to describe a pattern of extra-dimensional space called the Calabi-Yau manifold, which they propose exists alongside the three dimensions that we see. “Is this a coincidence?” she asks.

The crucial test of Lisi’s work will come only when he has made testable predictions. Lisi himself accepts this, saying that although his theory is beautiful to him, “nature may disagree”. To fill E8 entirely will require more than 20 new particles not envisaged by the standard model. Lisi is now calculating the masses that these particles should have, in the hope that they may be spotted when the Large Hadron Collider – being built at CERN, near Geneva in Switzerland – starts up next year.

“This is an all-or-nothing kind of theory – it’s either going to be exactly right, or spectacularly wrong,” says Lisi. “I’m the first to admit this is a long shot. But it ain’t over till the LHC sings.”

A Theory of the Universe, The forces of nature

from file ‘Theory of the Universe.htm’ from yahoogroup ‘aggroup – AG Group’ http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/aggroup/

[Rel 7.7.7]
Based on the Wilbert Smiths new science 1950’s, [spin and relativity], the russian study of Torsion fields, the observations of the recorded works of SEARL, Helsinki, the Hamel cones, and the Kosol Spheres being developed.

This work represents a compression and combining of much previously presented vocabulary and theory on the subject of gravity and time brought into one place. No attempt has been made to site quotes or references, as most of these works are freely accessable on the internet to date.


A study of Wilbert Smiths work leaves one with a new view of relativity where all time flow becomes a function of distance from center of spin in a universe filled with seperate Densities, each one a new subuniverse. Smith introduces us to a universe where UFOs travel across [density] in order to traverse large distances then pop back into this one in the blink of an eye. A study of the Russians work with Torsion fields leads one to interchange Smiths “Spin” with a new label, simply “Torsion” bringing the observed interactions to a very recognizable and basic force of nature. A concept that has already shown weight reduction over 100 years ago in large heavy wheels that were spun up, hit with a hammer to “precess” and then easily lifted with one hand.

It has long been theorized that gravity is emitted from matter. It is my observation that gravity and time are so interlinked that they very probably originate at the same source, inside the atom. With time being viewed as a torsion force it becomes possible to develope a general theory to begin to explain some of the reported effects displayed by the SEARL disk, and many other devices claimed to alter gravity. Gravity and time may share a quadrature relationship just as electricity and magnetism but operating at a much higher frequency. A stronger gravity may simply be the result of the atoms smallest particles spining at a lower rate and generating a slower time field for a local area of space. In this sense it is not space that is curved by gravity, but gravity that is curved by time. While it is hard to envision a single atom emitting a force capable of reaching out through the universe as far as gravity and time, it is not so hard when you realize that gravity does do this. If time is linked and follows the same path as gravity then the force powering the universe from second to second is truly found within the atom, a unit that never needs recharging and never runs down. Energy may be shifted between the gravity and time fields just as it has been done with electricity and magnetism.

My own addition to this work, that of recognizing that as frequency raises, so does energy, and as we move towards the center of “spin” through Smiths higher densities and awareness increases, we aproach not a dead center but one with unlimited energy. The ultimate or “God force” is seen brilliant and powerfull, [Source]. This is a merging of a spiritual concept known as the TAO. All matter is now seen as a dance of opposite forces around God. Electrons are now seen crossing the threshold of our density as they wink on and off, carefully opening and balancing the forces of this universe. The inflow and the outflow of Source manifesting as torsion [time], gravity, electric, and magnetic forces. This work is dedicated to the understanding and comprehension of these forces, and the devices said to alter them. It begins with theory and then moves on to the actual devices available for study at the present attempting to offer a workable model.

Section one

Background Info: To date I have found several approaches to Gravity control, but mainly two flavors, that of Aether Theory and that of Field Theory. No collection on the subject wouldbe complete without a presentation of both. I shall begin with the consideration ofField Theory and then build towards Aether theory mixing in spiritual knowledge and creating a vocabulary from all diciplines. The goal is Comprehension.

Field theory

Source: Consider that to have awareness, there must be a [Source] a begining, a point where all awareness, energy, and matter are brought into this universe.

Space: All fields function inside space as we are aware of it, and thus an understanding of dimensional space is necessary as a first step.Space is made up of 3 basic yetseparate elements of awareness which all build on one another around [Source].

Line: A line in space is the stretching out of a single point from source in one direction. Within the consciousness or awareness of a line exists nothing spatialor unique, merely a direction impossible to distinguish from either side,or impossible to recognize or even agree universally on any fixed measurement.All measurements on a line are arbitrary to any universal cultures perceiving them.

Area: A line from source stretched out to form an area, now has the qualities of a surface which exist in a plane.Directions and increments are still arbitrary.

Volume: An area stretched out to form a volume, now possessing something real that ourawareness can perceive and “intuitively” comprehend as space. Each of the above elements relies on the previous ones for its existence. None can exist without all the preceding ones.

Spin: At this point of having only 3 D space there is still no measurement possible to which any culture having awareness can agree. All measurements are arbitrary along any line, area, or volume. It is only with the introduction of spin that a concept of exact universal measurement can be observed by awareness. Consider at the center of your local space a line, at [Source ] is stationary on one end, rotating through the area of a circle. We now have the first universal measurements developed. Angel, curve, rate of change, period, frequency. Measurements can now be present which all awareness must agree on, thus they are concrete realities for all awareness existing in 3 D space. 1 rotation is a finite quantity. 1/4 rotation is also finite. 90 degrees etc. Our labels can vary but the “intuitive” principle is exact. Now consider the center of the circle represents [Source] the center where all energy enters into our universe, having qualities of infinite energy where awareness is percieved operating at lightspeed.

Relativity: Simultaneous spin, Density, Light Speed: Consider two points. Point 1 is 1 unit from [Source], point 2 is 2 units from [Source ]. Energy within Electrons and Protons at point 1 has a higher energy then point 2 because they are closer to Source. Source energy is infinite. They both begin thier journey around center at light speed and arrive back at starting point simultaniously and agree that 1 rotation has expired. This is the only way both could agree. Point 2 [seems] to have traversed twice the distance. We can see that point 1 time scale must be faster relative to point 2 and its distance covered more [dense] to hold more energy in less space. Point 1 [light speed] must be lower then point 2. If a linear function was applied the lightspeed at point 1 relative to point 2 would be 1/2 c. It would seem that at [Source ] lightspeed would halt, and you would simply become the “light.” Now [light speed] becomes a function of how fast our awareness is accelerated towards it, and [we] are the ones seen moving not it. If light speed has lowered towards center for us then linear dimensions have been compressed and space in this region contains more energy. As respect to point 2, point 1 is more [dense ]. Point 1 relative gravity and momentum are lower then point 2. While closer in to [Source] we can move much faster around the universe, and people in outer densities will apear to freeze because of rate of lightspeed change relative to us. Some point along this line will represent any region of space where change appears to happen at a constant rate with respect to light speed. Thus resolving the paradox of Einstein’s dual relativity, by referencing all points to center or [Source] rather then referencing them randomly to each other. As awareness moves inwards between densities, towards Source, it is moving closer to lightspeed, so lightspeed apears to slow down, yet all matter holds more energy.

So spin is seen to have geometrical qualities as an angle, peroid, or frequency and should be thought of as a constant. Time [Torsion] is the varible not spin, this places a new universal reference between densities and the speed of our awareness as it is distanced from source becomes a varible. So lightspeed is no longer fixed with respect to us.

Density Threshold:The lower or upper distance from Source where matter apears to fade out crossing into another density and dissapearing from view. It has been estimated that as much a 98% of the matter in the universe is invisible to us as [Dark Matter].

DS factor [distance from source]:Within relativity, the factor is [Distance from Source], being 0 at source where Light speed is 0 relative to awareness and consiousness is God Awareness.

AW factor [Awareness factor]:Relative speed of awareness to light speed. At DS = 0, AW is infinite. Time as an increment within spin: This is the increment of spin for any one distance from Source. It has a linear quality existing in three space in any local density. Its analogy to a line is “intuitive” for our perspective, moving normally one direction. Lightspeed although changing between [densities] with respect to awareness, is a constant range for any one [density]. Time allows us to increment universal spin based on our local [gravity-torsion] and our relative [light speed.]

Density: Consider density forming an ordered structure, grouping itself into bands or rings of distance from source where realms may exist seperately which become invisible to one another. Earth is said to be presently in the 3rd level of ordered density moving towards the 4rth. Looking at a 4rth density realm which is moving closer to light speed with a lower DS, they may apear to be able to move very quickly and fade in and out of our density by increasing their DS. For us to see them we would have to decrease our DS [distance from Source] raising our AW [awareness factor].

Source is everywhere: A spiritual concept, assuming an inteligent quality. Consider that [Source] may move anywhere in the universe and begin to create reality on any density. A connection to source is necessary to maintain what is created and keep it relative to all other creations. Matter or energy moves both directions through this connection creating the dimensions that exists around it as well as the local space time fields for the object that may now interact with other Source connected objects to build a local universe.

# Fields
With this background in space we are now ready to consider the known Fields.

# The primary fields:
Torsion:The emergence and withdraw of expanding and contracting energy from source, having a vector of direction reversing. The flow of Aether, having elastic qualities at high RPM and solid qualities near light speeds. Torsion is radiated off a spining wheels ends when the wheel is given a movement perpendicular to rotation and becomes a [Torsion field.] The main torsion of the universe is radiated off the smallest movements of atoms and creates the time field.

Torsion [Time] Field: Torsion is a 1D filed moving into space with a direction vector generating the time field for a given density. All being relative to [spin] and time being a varible dependent on awareness’s distance from source.The first field necessary to hold all others is one allowing change. All frames of reference are altered by changing torsion including relative light speed. Torsion has linear qualities. As spin fills space at distance from source, the Torsion field is created across all densities and is relative to distance from source. It has been speculated that all matter in one local region of space, in order to attract and form higher structure, must have the same Torsion field. Planks constant may represent the spin present in our density, which is claimed to be constant for all matter. Violent fluxuations in the torsion field will cause matter to loose its cohesion and break apart. All tensel strength relies on a coherent torsion field presence.

Gravity as a 2D field: The second feild necessary to begin building a realm within a density. A force that can reach out and interact at the greatest distance. Manifesting 2D qualities and falls off as a function of inverse distance squared. Gravity must work for atoms and galaxies a like, therfore must emerge from the smallest creation of nature. It’s source is in the atom. Gravity is a strong force which may be a balance between two opposite radiated 2D fields. One expanding outwards to fill space [antigravity] and one compressing inwards towards source [gravity]. Gravity can be thought of as the area of a circle as it expands and then contracts along a torsion field into and out of source.Gravity shares a 90 degree relationship to torsion. [It is suggested that the expanding force radiates from the AntiGravaton, the contracting force from the Gravaton. The two particles emerge from the tornado of source doing a dance of balance. When torsion is moving in a straight line inflow and outflow are equal and cancel. When torsion is curved into a circle gravity becomes predominatly inflow or outflow. Combining the Proton and Electron interactions gravitys overall force is one of pull towards Source. This is due to relativity as viewed from the 3 point reference. As the gravaton pairs rotate around a helix they share different times within our density. Based on direction of spin and dominant vortex particle presence.

[Gravity – Torsion] Field:As the Gravity 2D field moves through a vibrating circle it inscribes the pattern of a spherical torus around the atom. Gravity is seen to operate from its center with a spherical nature falling off equally in all directions from center. Gravity has the shortest DS [distance from source] thus is the strongest force working inside a torsion field. May be thought of as radiating from a pair of gravatons in a tight helix having curved torsion and area moving through space. Torsion is the line through the center of the helix giving it direction. As a 3D field it falls off as a function of distance cubed and has a magnetic quality in this mode. Bundles of spiraling pairs of gravatons and antigravatons rotatiing in a circle around an atom form electrons. Electrons have a negative electric effect and gravatons may be balanced and act differently when placed into a curving path of altered radius. Gravity operating as a 3D field within the atom may be the force that keeps Electrons from crashing into the nucleus of the atom through reversed induction.None of the above fields can exist without all the previous ones to build from.

# The secondary fields:
Electric potential:Static: A static charge, extending its force outwards in a spherical pattern in space having a fixed gradient in space but moving through time. This field is not in movement but stationary. It can be pictured as a bundle of Graviton pairs spining with no curved torsional movement through space, therefore gravity is balanced to 0. Its field is “intuitively” compared to “area” in space, as its field strength falls off as a function of the distance squared. Electric field falls off as an area or gradient decreasing outwards from the center of a sphere in space. Consecutive hollowspheres of larger radius will have a lower electric potential. The capacitor, an electric storage device, is designed around two geometric planes, very close together, an “area” type device where a gradient measured as voltage may be stored. Static electric field has the quality of stored pressure where no relative motion is present in 3D space. Electric potiental apears in positive and negative spheres of field which atract one another. It is a weak force compared the those comming before it and can not exist without them. May be thought of as a bundle of spiraling gravatons and anitgravatons. The increase or decrease of potiental may be thought of as a [different distance from source] for the gravaton pairs spining inside it. In the case of the proton the direction of spin is reversed. Thus charging the air with a Van De Graph or Telsa coil adding a negative potiental tends to decrese the distance from source for the overall system. Part of Hutchisens work observed.

Current, a moving electric field: As the electron is moved throught space with the introduction of a positive field to attract it, it moves straight, therefore the gravity field generated is in perfect balance and results in 0. The electron is now moving through a wire at a constant [voltage] indicating its inverse distance from source. Current is present and may be calculated using all the present electronics theory. If no curve is present in its path at near atomic demensions then no dominant gravity field will manifest. The electron is seen to be an over all [expanding force] and the proton a [sucking force]. Thus electrons may be producing the overall Antigravity field, and Protons the overall Gravity field. Doing this in tight atomic curved movement, due to their opposite spin].

Note: Intresting to note that almost all our theory on electronics is from observing the movment of electrons, and little is known about the nature of positive electrical fields. It is observed that static negative electric fields repel, and that electrons are attracted to positively charged atoms. However it may not be so clear what happens between positively charged atoms. As electric current through a wire is always the electrons moving it may be hard to know for sure. Atoms of copper do not seem to be pushed apart as in ground rods with a positive charge placed on them, as they do with a negative charge. Charging a copper clad ground rod with a negative charge seems to preserve the cohesion of copper atoms in the earth.

Basic: When an electric field, having the quality of area [an electron], is moved through space, and time , it produces a volume. The volume produced by electric potential moving through space and time is magnetism.

A magnetic field can be seen as a circle spiraling around the electron as it moves straight, it is the [curve] of moving electrons, felt as a force over distance.

Magnetism falls off as a function of the distance cubed, as a volume expanding away from the center of a sphere. Magnetism is present within a volume, as with a permanent magnet. In an electromagnet the force of a magnet is felt to be pushing 90 degrees offset to the electric fields direction of motion that produces it. When the direction of electric field is moved into a circle or spiral coil, magnetism takes the shape of a spherical torus, one end of the coil takes on a dominant north pole and the other a south pole. The magnetic field strength is a function of electron current. This is the second field exhibiting this quality and is naturally present in the atoms of iron, cobalt, and nickel due to there atomic structure.

It is suggested that magnetism is the result of the gravaton pairs helix curve that is on a larger diameter circle, IE a spiral like gravity with a larger magnitude of radius. Thus the forces source is the same as gravity however its magnitude and frequency are lower due to incresed radius [distance from source]. The radius of magnetism is seen as the distance across complete atoms, or in wires of much larger radius curve in electronics, while the radius of gravity is seen as the distance to helix center for a very small movement of the electrons spiralling paired particles.

Complex: There is another theory of magnetism that emerges from the study of what torsion does as a large number of electrons move through the shells of atoms in one direction. As a torsion field is radiated off spiraling electrons as they orbit the atom, causing more to move through a spherical shell one direction causes an imbalance of canceling torsion which becomes non canceling at the 90 degree points of the electron shells orbits from the points of electron entery and exit. Magnetism is thus viewed as a bidirectional torsion field in this case originating only from the outer valence shell of the atom. Thus a magnetic field can be seen as a time compression in two directions only. Slightly altering the atoms overal torsion field in only two directions.

The above fields, like the spatial fields, also share a 90 deg relationship. Also all the ones before each are necessary for its existence. IE without electricity there can be no magnetic field. Without time, neither can exist within awareness.

At this point we have now [intuitivly] suggested a definition for all the forces of nature, within two particles dancing within a yin and yang structure [the electron, and proton] a dance that moves around the atom in it’s shell of vibration.

# Chemistry a new model
[Searching for the source of gravity torsion and space time]
It is now necessary to observe chemistry to see if we can explane the differences inside electrons and protons. Looking from the outside we see Protons having a positive quality of voltage present based on their distance from source and their dominant gravaton moving in and out of this density. Therefore we may identify them with a dominant Gravity as well. If both an electron and a proton have the same two forces operating within them, then the balance of release must be simply different. That is the Proton is the source of both positive potiential, and Gravity inflow. Its larger circular movement causing positive electric charge and its smaller gravaton circle causing Gravity. The electron having a larger orbit and yet a negative overall electric charge, may be the source of over all AntiGravity and not Gravity. This is all a function of Helix curving to move gravaton particles in and out of our density for different times. Thus we have now seen both ends of the threshold moving through our density. Speeds and directions of gravaton particles in both composite particles must all interact to produce the overall Field of Gravity. We know the the Positive voltage and the sucking Gravity are winning at the moment.

The 4 forces viewed as a [simplistic] helix particle theory:Gravity, Anti Gravity, Electrostatic [Positive and Negative], . From a single model. The helix of [gravaton and antigravaton] pairs spins two different directions. In the one direction it manifests as an electron, in the other a Proton. The two setting within a field stationary will attract. This gives 4 possible combination states for composite particles to produce field forces.

The primary particles: The primary particles operate at the edges of our density, winking in and out as they move between, delivering either expanding force or contracting force in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction.

AntiGravaton = Particle allowing inflow of energy from source while it is at density threshold.
Gravaton = Particle allowing compressing outflow of energy to source while it is at density threshold.
Gravaton Pair = The two particles emerging from source at the highest energy level of our density where the threshold may be crossed, minimum distance from source threshold in our density. They apear to move in and out of our density and are found spining opposite direction in composite different particles. The pair consists of an AntiGravaton and a Graviton.

# List of composite particles:
Proton: [Source of Gravity [inflow of Aether] and Positive Electric Potiental]
Gravaton pair: Gravaton spiral entry to our density CW [contracting force] ( as viewed from here)
AntiGravaton entry to our density CW [expanding force]
The two particles spin around one another as they emerge and regress across our density threshold. When this particle moves in a tight atomic radius curved path it produces strong forces of gravity due to its helix being sharply curved. Allowing Gravatons to spend more time in our density. While setting still or moving straight it would be expected to have a positive electrical charge. Its inverse distance from [source] is positive voltage and should be expected to operate all the way across the [DS factor] found in our density.

Electron: [Source of Antigravity [outflow of Aether] and Negative Electric Potiential]
Gravaton pair:AntiGravaton entry to our density CCW [expanding force] (as viewed from here)Gravaton spiral entry to our density CCW [contracting force]When this particle moves in a tight curved orbit at atomic radius it produces strong forces of AntiGravity due to its helix being tightly curved. Allowing AntiGravatons to spend more time within our density. While setting still or moving relativly straight it is the “electric” electron we are familiar with having voltage potiental as its distance from center, which will operate all the way across the [DS factor] found in our density. Electrons orbiting an atom are aproaching lightspeeds .999 999 999 95 * c. This is very near [source] from our point of view, thus they may have incredible power to tap ZPE if their motions are correctly minuplulated. The AntiGravity filed they radiate is very powerful with atomic sized curves yet weaker overall then the protons.

Summary: We have now offered a model to explaine the four forces at work to provide 4 fields within our reality all based on a flow of Aether pressure to and from source. The strong forces of Gravity and AntiGravity and the weak forces of Positive Electric and Negative Electric Potiential. Magnetisn is created from the electric field in motion and Torsion from the Gravity field in motion. To get to this point required a new theory of relativity based on distance from [source]. Assuming that all matter exists in an already moving state so can only be referenced to other matter with respect to its motion relative to source.

# Neutron Theory:
There is also a belief that neutrons may be the source of gravity. Electrons and protons the source of electricity. This becomes increasingly hard to ignor with the simplistic theory offered previously offering no explination for neutrons other then to be a neutral buffer between electron and proton.

As an electron and proton are combined into a neutron they form a new stable physical structure of vibrating opposite energies which may be the actual gravity producing unit within the atom. The neutron star lends credibility to this theory. Now seperating the forces of electricity and gravity into different particles within the atom. The frequency of gravity now looses its vibration across a band of electron shell frequencies and may become a single 2 D vibrational component unique to neutrons. The explanition for the SEARL and Helsinki devices would now have to involve the protons proximity to the neutron, and tapping cold protonic energy having a much greater effect on neutron vibrations, then electrons do. This may infact be the case, as the AG devices are usually seen to release cold energy.

The neutron being a combination of electron and proton, may as well be effected by electric and magnetic forces in close proximity. There is a theoretical threshold where as gravity increases within a neutron star a limit is reached where matter can no longer compress and begins to cross the density threshold. The current theory states that it moves into a “warp” or black hole, however I prefer Smiths view of a density shift to invisible matter. The matter would be seen moving into a lower density where gravity is stronger. If this model is correct then the creation of an electron shell in an AG device, will tend to neutralize the protons positive dominance within the atoms where it is contained. A high negative charge therefore would be seen as the most important field to establish an effect. In the SEARL model the positive charge towards the center, the containment field functions to harness the negative electric potiental but probably offers no effects in itself. The copper atoms at the surface where electron potiental becomes very high may be where the effect is happening. Thus it becomes important to release the scalar or tensor energy within this electron shell, and a positive charged field becomes of little value to pushing matter towards the density threshold.

Tilt or wobble [precession]: View from outside sources: Such a field, as gravity, may be produced from a “precession” of rotation, where top and bottom rotation axis of atoms rotate also in small circles, producing small variances in the spin rate on both ends yet maintains a steady center at the core. The axis of the atom now viewed as the intersection of two cones with a stable center. The actual spin rate has not changed however this circular movement viewed from outside and above, is acting to slow relative spin rate against the direction of motion by introducing a reverse spin. The angular inclination of this circular movement is referred to as “tilt”. Any surface now viewed along the electron shell will appear to have a circular motion introduced. It is natural, occurring in a top as it slows and first begins to waver. Although not readily apparent, depending on electron orbital speeds, this operation would be happening at very near light speeds and could actually have a very strong effect on spin if “tilt” angle was large. The actual tilt angle has not yet been recorded and may be slightly different for different elements or atomic structures. It may be different for ferromagnetic elements which have fewer electron orbits intersecting the magnetic polar regions of the atom, but is more then likely related to their atomic weight. Heavier atoms having a different overall resultant tilt, thus radiate a different gravity field.

I find this to be a somewhat credible theory of gravity at this time, because devices now exist which loose a large percentage of weight based on this principle discovered 100 years ago when emulated in very heavy fast spinning wheels being struck at the center of axis then lifted with one hand from the end of the shaft. With this theory, Gravity has added one more element of “spin” to the spin of time, and modulates the electric potentials of the atom to radiate outwards in a moving 2D field. The earth is on a “precession” know as the “platonic year” about 25,800 years long.

View from our model: As the Gravaton pairs spin inside the electron shell, we see the shell in operation as one cohesive unit with all electrons spread out as far as they can get from one another. Therfore as the higher frequency forces of gravity circle inside the electrons they produce a vibration seen in the entire electron shell. This leads to the movement of “precession” or “tilt” of the whole shell. The movement is explained within the gravaton pairs amplitude of vibration.

Induction of gravity:
View from outside sources: If gravity is an area type “field” with an electric component, it may have both attracting and repelling fields of force in some form.Like electric potential repelling other like forces away, the “attractive” force of gravity may actually be an induced reversed field set up in nearby matter through the movement or shifting qualities of the field. It has been speculated that gravity may be the only electric like force that radiates outward from an atom to any great distance, as most all others are nearly balanced within it.Moving further away, as you increase distance outwards from it. Less is cutting through the matter it encounters, but higher voltages are induced overall, as observed in the atmosphere of the earth increasing its local + static charge as you move higher.

View from our model: Gravity is seen to have both attraction Gravaton, and repelling AntiGravaton, spining with the reference of [Source], and changing between dominant flows based on the time spent of each particle in this denstiy the “wink on time”. As the helix of electrons treverses a tight curve encountered within the atom, a high magnitude force is created by unbalinging the two flows at its point of highest magnitude. The vibrational spiral within it’s orbit around the atom.

Spirals: There is a “rifling” effect present with any projectile in our local space. A clockwise movement, viewed from behind, as an object is propelled at high speed. Guns are now built around this effect. The electron may also have this movement as it moves around the atom. This may be the source of a field which keeps the electrons from smashing into the nucleus. A repelling force that has been calculated to originate at the electron shell of atoms found in “electro gravity theory,” which may be the source of gravity. Picture an electron moving in the pattern of a spiral path as it moves around the atom at near light speeds. It becomes a very tiny magnet with a spherical torus field. Because of its speed it possesses the qualities of high spin and exists in a different time frame. As we are now viewing the two spirals of Aether wrapped around one another emerging from source as a [helix] this is intresting. Now the overall winning force of gravity is dominant, the Gravaton inflow and may reveal the direction of its spin in the helix of the Proton. The Gravatons inward flowing component may now be viewed as a spiral rotating clockwise from behind as it is sucked into source. The AntiGravatons motion may be viewed the same only direction of Aether Flow has been reversed, and now rotation polarity has been identified. Antigravatons will be shooting energy into thier field in a counter clockwise motion as seen from where they emergy, and Gravatons will be sucking energy inwards in a clockwise motion for the Proton.The energy from [Source] flowing both directions forming a helix pattern.

Important note: An electron that is not in motion or that is in straight motion may still be crossing the density layer but will not radiate a dominant gravity. As it encounteres a curve, its helix will begin to release either more outflow or more inflow, resulting in the predominant Gravity polarity resulting. We may now consider that as the Electron has a negative charge it may be possible for this to occur with Antigravity being the result. The assumption is now that by altering the overal rate of spin for the whole system, its torsion field, we can cause the opposite of gravity, just as with voltage. All we need to do is mimic the Electron with a much different curve. Placing Protons in motion may be the difference, actually spining the device will effect both the [Protons] paired gravatons [distance from center] and the Electrons, oppositly.

Gravity control: In field theory, gravity control becomes, either suppressing the “induction” of gravity within an object, generating a reverse field, or altering one or more fields thought to effect gravity, torsion, electric, precession of spin, or pushing the atoms towards a density threshold. Exciting atoms and raising their frequency, lowering their distance from source. Any method of aligning the atoms axis to [lock in] or alter [tilt] for a time, may produce weightlessness by removing the atoms ability to respond to gravity.

Sound vibration, electric field rotation, energy flooding, reverse precession deep meditation, magic……
Strong magnetic fields produced by super conductors. Spinning pyramids.

Creating a large torus field in which these parameter may be controlled in a localized area of space. Searl disk, Kosol sphere…etc.

Van de Graph generators do not loose weight. However a large static gradiant may help to push the atoms towards ZPE threshold. With superconductors a very strong magnetic field has been claimed to block gravity partially. As with Hamels spinning cones, magnetic fields may possess qualities to block or redirect gravity.

Gravity is effected little by a potiential charge, but it is effected by its curved path through space.

Gravity control may be the amount we can alter the helix pattern of the gravaton and antigravaton as they spin around center at the point of threshold where it phases into our density. Using the electrons dominant counter clockwise entry and the protons dominant clockwise exit we may be able to engineer devices to bend electron and proton movements to alter Gravity either way.

Important observations: Static negative voltage or potiental within a substance may stress it towards upper [density threshold].

A static charge may shift the density threshold in the electrons and protons of a substance and thus alter at which point along the helix gravaton pairs cross the density threshold.

Forces compared: High magnitude forces: A quadrature relationship is observed between torsion and gravity. These forces are linked and may be source of the curved space time fields found in conventional Einstien theory. Rather then space being curved, it may be torsion or time which can be viewed as curved. Time moving slower causing a strong gravity field.

If this were true then Planks constant may vary as we measure it on the moon as compared to on earth.

Low magnitude forces: A quadrature relationship is observed between electric potiental and magnetic field. These forces are linked.

Comparison: The main difference between these forces may be merely the frequency of rotation generating them, or the distance from center of spin. This leads to the realization that forces may be seperated into different bands of operation, interacting only with other forces of nearly the same wavelength. Thus a magnet weighs the same no matter which way you set it. Gravity is acting on its smallest movements of matter and magnetism on a larger movement.

Electric force corresponds to gravity, it is an inflexible force, unforgiving and ever present in space, falling off as a distance squared force. Magnetism corresponding to torsion or the curve, an elastic force originating with spin, allowing for compression and expansion. Although torsion is presented here as a 1D force of the gravity torsion field, and magnetism a 3D force, the same model can be used to view both sets of forces. A circle moving perpendicular to its spin axis. The north south poles of a magnet can be viewed as a linear model, as well as torsion being viewed as a volume that contains the gravity component.

Torsion seems the most flexible of the forces and is shown to be alterable in matter that is spining at high rates for a period of time. The torsion component lags the motion changes, but is slowly equalized over time.

Since magnetism contains a torsion component it is a flexible force, magnets floating can be easily compresesed on one another and will bounce to stability for a peroid of time. Gravity and electric force on the other hand do not seem to offer this flexibility. In electronics oscillations result only from moving electrons energy into a magnetic field and back to an electric field as in an oscillator. Current lags voltage in an inductor, and leads it in a capacitor. The electric force setting in a capacitor offers little flexibility, and is not seen to bounce in any way, neither is gravity seen to bounce or show natural flexibility.

It may be that the only way to effect gravity is to work with the torsion field, or altering spin. Just as the energy in electricity is seen to be moved between the electric and magnetic fields, the energy between gravity and torsion may work the same. The tensor or scalar coil may show us the key principle involved.

# Theory of gravity and Aether:
Stepping out of the Theories of Fields and into the Aether brings up several paradoxes as well as magical intuitive qualities. These must be resolved to reach comprehension.

Aether: Aether is everywhere. “Intuitively” it is necessary to connect force over distance.Aether does not appear visible in the half of the universe we see, but in the underlying opposite one, intricately coupled to all fields, forces, and even space through magic. “Magic” being the quality things possesses which we can not “intuitively” comprehend within our present state of awareness, but would use to describe known reality perceived. Aether has a tendency to become a “catch all” for all forces we can not explain yet do possess an intuitive awareness of. It has been compared with Chi, Ki, Love and many other of the mystical forces found in “intuitive” systems of healing and Religion.

Stationary Aether: Aether [1]
Aether may be viewed as the fabric of space.
Transferring waves at light speeds.
Transferring or storing spin elastically.
Holding temporary spin or torsion memory.
Transferring gravity as a surface or 2 dimensional force.
Transferring magnetism as a 3 D force and electric potential as a 2 D force.
Maintaining momentum as a linear force.
Creating centripetal and centrifugal force.
Becoming a strong wall at near light speed.
ZPE being the sum of all waves moving through it.

Viewed this way Aether becomes the magical interface between an invisible universe and this one, sharing only light speed as the one constant.
Basically the Gravity – Torsion fields transfer medium.

Movable Aether: Aether [2] Aether may also be viewed as a substance that may be moved, warping the very 3D nature of space along with it. Holding a local background pressure or flow know as ZPE or zero point energy. Flowing up and down as gravity, flowing in and out of magnets, being pressurized as voltage. Circulating through our bodies as Chi. Any invisible force, even the wind, which flows. Imparting the “intuitive” existence of one underlying source for all these manifestations. [Oneness of God]. This is where things may become somewhat paradoxical however. Because if the Aether can be moved, what exactly is it moving through? Aether [2] must be moving through Aether [1]. The first premise of Aether [1] was to explain force over distance. If in fact Aether [1] can be spun, or small quantities of it sucked into vortexes as with tornadoes, manifesting on this side of the universe as atoms. Then it is hard to explain how fields may still move through it or how it can move through itself. The same would hold true for magnetism and gravity, being labeled Aether [3] and Aether [4]. If they were the same Aether flowing, then why do they not affect one another?

As Aether [1] moves, light speed would change. At points of high spin in the Aether [1] waves would not travel through at a constant velocity. So indeed this may be true. If Aether [2] density can be decreased, sucking all energy out of an inflowing area into a sucking vortex, then gravity may be simply a low pressure area of Aether. Magnetism a 3 dimensional flow of Aether [3], and electric potential as well as gravity an area pressure of Aether [4]. Time may still be the local spin rate, however it would not be expected to sum vectorally anymore as with fields, but instead be a point location effect different for every point in space dependant on Aether[1] spinning rate at that point.

Extrapolating Aether [2] that moves through Aether [1] is a complicated idea, and may be worth perusing. Keep in mind this is a very easy way to loose track of differences in forces and create confusion. Merely seeking to redefine all the known forces as Aether[x] may become redundant? It is my contention that if we want to explain invisible forces as a flow or a pressure we simply use their proper names. IE Gravity flows up or down, magnetism flows in or out, Chi flows through the heart charka, and leave Aether to its original Aether [1] meaning allowing a fabric for all these flows to move through. Due to the obscure nature of Aether [2] , field theory seems to offer more tangible definitions when adding only Aether [1].

# Aether Gravity: Whether gravity is viewed as a wave moving through Aether [1] or a pressure of Aether [4] flowing is an interesting question. Both models, “field waves inducing attraction,” as previously presented, and “Gravity pressure” should be explored.

Gravity as pressure: If gravity is a flow moving from high pressure space inward to low pressure earth then several qualities should be present. For a static pressure gradient to be present then there must be a constant sucking in inside matter and a constant replunishable supply coming in from space. If this is a quality of gravity flow then its pressure should drop as a “volume” moving towards the earth. It should be an inverse distance cubed force. It is this glaring inconsistency distance ^2 verses distance ^3 quality of gravity that makes me want to dismiss the Gravity pressure theory and return to field theory or waves moving through Aether[1]. Gravity may also be viewed as two particles in opposition as they enter our density, spining two possible directions in Proton and Electron. One is pressing outwards and one is sucking inwards. The Aether will flow through either one as it crosses the threshold of our density, bringing in or out either flow. Regulating the helix motion of the two particles as they move through space 90 degrees to thier rotation in a curve may regulate which one dominates and spends more time at threshold. So the Aether theory has explained many of the observed qualities of Gravity, as is found at the core of its entry into our density.

# Gravity as background or ZPE waves in the Aether: It has also been presented that Gravity may be a result of waves that move through Aether [1] consistently in all direction pushing on matter in all direction of a bandwidth of wavelengths capable to achieve this magical quality. In essence background invisible light pressure. As we stand in the shadow of other matter a percent is absorbed by that matter causing a reduction of outside pressure from that direction. Does this model follow the inverse distance squared quality of Gravity? This would seem to be the case; you stand in the 2 D shadow of an object so as you approach it the shadow would follow an inverse distance squared increase. The refuting evidence I could offer would be these things.

The patterns of energy in the galaxy tend to be radiation coming from its center and are not constant. Sun spots would affect small changes in Gravity.

How would introducing precession into rotating iron wheels cause weightlessness? How could vibration produce weightlessness? Why does gravity increase in deep caverns as opposed to on the earth’s surface? None of which seem to be explainable in this model.

# The earth and gravity: Gravity has been shown to be stronger on the oceans and even stronger in deep caves then on high mountains. It continues to increase as we move in. How far has not been measured, but we are aware of two different layers of changing density within the earths core. We know that a large enough body of matter will achieve gravity strong enough to break apart or crash the electron orbits, creating a density packed neutron star. Thus a hollow core is very unlikely. This is evident with the ability of gravity to extend itself by the distance squared function rather then falling off as a cubed function, being able to reach out much farther then simple pressure in 3D space or a magnetic field. The earth has a predominately positive electric field. As you move higher in the air the + charge becomes higher rather then lower seeming to defy electric laws. Gravity may be causing this through induction of movement from its center, where it can be seen that movement is greater moving outwards on a wheel or a spherical field in motion. The “electric” quality of gravity may be inducing potential in the air.

# Aether Time: Spin or multiple spins may be present in the Aether for any local volume of space.
Time may be the relative background Aether spin rate rather then its still quality.
The Zero point of local space may be the background Aether spin relative to light speed.
Altering the spin of Aether may effect time, as with torsion fields.
Spin in Aether can be altered and its effects last for a period of equalization time.
At high rate of speeds Aether [1] becomes elastic and alters timescale.
While it is possible that altering the density of Aether my effect gravity, altering the spin of Aether may effect time.
Spin may be thought of as a movement of Aether, or a movement of us through Aether.
If Aether spin is the rate of time flow then tapping the ZPE to extract energy may alter time in a region of space.
Time being the incrementing of spin [a constant] in the density you are located will vary, based on your DS factor [distance from center] which effects your relative speed of awareness to lightspeed [AW factor].
Aether moving through 3d space as a gravaton pair has torsion, and thus creates a field where time can be observed.

# Vibrational effects: It was noted that experiments with sound have shown it may be possible to make weightless a piece of uniform material like limestone with the bombardment of 5 frequencies of high volume sound. Using salt as an indicator, each low frequency was found through trail and error. Certain frequencies are seen to form patterns in the salt as it vibrates on the top of the material .By applying all 5 at once the material became weightless. The vibrational effects are unknown at present as to how this may operate but noteworthy is the 5 sided nature of the plutonic solids. And that the resultant flux operation may also be viewed as a vibration. Keeley stated that only three frequencies were necessary but did not elaborate. If atomic resonance was a factor then maybe we just need to explore how vibrations c an be used to alter the “precession” set up in a spinning object to solve this puzzle.

Cold Energy:Our present model of electronics has been built around observing the nature of Electrons. Electrons always seem to display [expanding] qualities. Even a positive potiental has been described as merely a shortage of electrons around atoms carrying protons with less electron balance. They are referred to as electron holes. Electric energy is propagated along the electron orbits of atoms which are loosely bound. The Sweet VTA was a device that seemed to tap a new much deeper source of [cold] or negative energy. Comming from the introduction of Barium atoms into a magnet, the cold energy seems to have the qualities of absorbing heat. Also the cold energy is theorized to be capable of propagation through very small wires and even powering devices. The Sweet VTA showed a tremendous power gain over convential devices, as well as a loss of weight. Negative energy however instead of electrical burns may cause frostbite if shorted through the body. Literally a freeze flow, absorbing energy wherever it encountered it, manifesting the opposite qualities we observe with electricity. The device Sweet built resembles a coil found in Smiths work instead of an iron core it uses a barium magnet wrapped on all six sides with three coils. All three coils are used during magnet programming, and only two are used to tap power. By convential electron theory this coil arrangement apears to do nothing. However as the pattern keeps poping up it deserves much more investigation. As normal electrons flow between atoms, hopping along, electricity is propagated down a wire. The wire is a [conductor] with electrons in loose orbits where energy can be added then removed. With the [cold] electric flow, energy is conducted possibly down an [insulator] or a barium laced aloy. An insulator has the qualities of having its electrons stuck very hard in thier outer valence orbits. There are no free electrons to flow energy. What ever is flowing down the cold wire is transferring, not expanding energy, but contracting energy. This makes sense if you consider electric flow from the standpoint of waves traveling between atoms rather then electron jumps. The negative energy present at the neuclues of the atom, having contracting properties, such as with the proton, may propagate this energy between atoms, through certain atoms like barium, that may be viewed as having loose protons, or tight electrons. The protons absorb negative energy then release it much as electrons do with positive energy. The same propagation would be expected to work, and this may explain some about dielectric constants that are always present when normal electricity flows in a conductor through a wire with insulation around it. Also however it is noteworthy that the Searl device, Helsinki, and David Hamels cones produced effects that opened the inflow of nature at some point. Drawing inward large quantities of cold energy, exposing our world to the direct drawing in of energy to source. We have already identified the Proton as the overall source of negative energy or inflow with respect to gravity and electronics. An energy propagating between atoms based on this type of energy may more properly be viewed as [Protonic energy]. This now gives us the whole picture as to the spectrum of both yin and yang aspects of energy flow, and explains why in electronics two positive voltages will still repel. They are merely different levels of the Electrons expanding energy.

Protonics: The study of how protons propagate negative energy potiential. As in our observations on the helix model we identified that both the electron and the proton have access to inflowing and outflowing forces. Due to the bends in their helix they manifest in two different ways. The electron resultant force is expanding outwards, and the Protons is compressing inwards. Thus Gravity, an inflow, is possible because the proton is winning in the fine balance between the two forces. However in electronics the expanding qualities are ever present, as electrons will even jump or arc to get away from one another. Protons then may be expected to draw together with a contracting force. Thus design of propagation devices must be altered to accomadate this type of energy. The effect of weight loss in protonic flows is also noteworthy, and indicates that at the proton it is possible to divert the gravity effect into a flow of energy.
On the one hand it would not be expected that proton energy [protricity?] would want to jump off wires as it has a compressing quality, however we still would have no desire to recieve freeze burns from contact with it.
Some form of protonic insulator is needed for a wire covering.
Noteworthy is the fact that barium is presently used in automotive spark plugs.
A study of the perodic table of elements shows us the electron conductors on the center to right of the table.
The semiconductors a little further right. The Protonic conductors may be the ones to the left of the chart around barium. Calcuim and Niobium present a intresting presence, as niobium is available in small quantites in arc-welding rods and calcuim is found in some quartz crystals as well as in lead calcuim batteries as an electrolite. These elements would be seen to have much tighter electron orbits and may be good conductors of protonic energy.
Conversion of electronic to protonic energy: The coils found in Sweets work as well as Smiths magnetic work are observed to have one coil that is not aparently functional. It is wound at right angles to the other standard coils and has a bipolar canceling nature.
With Smiths coil there is a normal coil wound on the center of a square figure 8 core. This causes both sides of the magnetic field to be split evenly between the windings of the 90 degree coil around the outside of the device. This would seem to have a canceling effect on its output if it were wound with conventional wire. In the Sweet VTA the two normal coils sit to the side of a perminent magnet that has been specially imprinted with a frequency as well as another normal electrical current. The ninty degree coil is bifield wound and seems to cancel out the normal electric field.
It is not evident how the VTA transferrs energy to the light bulbs connected however they do seem to light just fine. It is possible that the process converts the protonic energy back to normal electricity or that the insulation of the wires is the transfer medium. This is unknown.
It may be intresting to replace the output winding of the Smith device with [protonic wire] and see what the result is. Study may be done in this area which may open us to the ability to channel this negative energy originating in the neucleus of the atom.

Conclusions: If protonic energy turns out to be a viable working application, then the whole theory of electronics may be altered to explain both halves of it. [Electron Proton Fields] EPF. Discovering the connection between magnitism as generated between these two flows may be the crossing point. If they do lay at 90 degrees to one another the solution may be simplier then we could imagine. If other more complex energy transfer is necessary we have only to discover them. The side effects would be protonic devices that [over cool], rather then [over heat] as with electronic devices. A device using both methods would reach an effeciency much higher then in conventional electronics applications because both heating and cooling if allowed to interact would keep components working at normal temperatures and could be stressed much further.

## Section two (Devices)

The SEARL disk, the David Hamel cones, the Helsinki experiment, as well as the Kosol device, point the way to setting up a series of magnetic interactions that combine fields which may both attract and oppose one another in a pattern that may cause the Elastic qualities of the Aether to start to move or vibrate in the pattern of a “spherical torus” centered around them. The torus, although magnetic in 3D structure, may be electrical in nature having a gravity field appearing around it and possibly a time displacement “torsion” field as well. The field will affect all fields within its volume, including “relative” momentum, gravity, and time. With the creation of a spherical torus of this nature, the engine becomes the craft as well.

This work is dedicated to the “comprehension” of such devices, and methods of control.

# Scalar canceling or Tensor devices:
The use of a [tensor] or opposing magnetic compression force may be a necessary element of ZPE and density crossing devices. The simplest of these devices, two magnets glued together in opposition and a coil wound 90 deg to the intersection plane, where reverse magnetic fields come together. This technology offers a possible wave propagation through time. This could lead to cross density communications as well as energy inflow or outflow control directly from source, as atoms are powered. As scalar canceling technology is not yet mathematicly understood these devices will come only from expierment. My own butterfly coil is shown to produce a long trough of tensor area that can be used for expiermenting. The cirlce antenna may also prove effective in cross density work as it offers a larger area of tensor space to work in at a higher frequency. A frequency of 2 times the diameter will create an area of tensor stress inside the loop. Intresting to note this is not the normal resonant frequency for a loop of wire. The common scalar coils being wound as the Smith coil offers only very small areas and I would think communication would be the most you could hope for. Time and expiermenting will bring more of the pertinent questions.

# Smith coil: The original coil described by Wilbert Smith is simply a coil wound with each wire loop in opposition to the one above and below it. As electrons pass opposite directions through each winding the magnetic fields oppose and cancel the EM band. The only force left is one of torsion, or as Smith refers to it the tempic field. So the coil was intended to remove all magnetic and electric components from radiating and leave only a shell of altered tensor energy, or altered time flow rate emitting from it. The true Caduceus coil does not have wires crossing over one another, as you can see from inspecting the symbol denoted as two snakes coiled around one another. On a ferrite core, the Smith coil uses one wire up the coil then back down, if wound at the same time from the center of the wire, they cross over one another on two sides of the coil form.

The addition of spacing the coils such that wires cross at 90 degree angels adds another component to the coil. It allows only half cancelling, the rest of the signal is added and crosses the canceled field at 90 degrees similiar to the magnet description above. Thus one coil is able to create a [carrier tensor field] and modulate it with EM at 90 degrees.The tensor beam can be thought of as a lazer beam that does not spread out as it propagates, it is an altered torsion force and travels linearly as a torsion field, or as a cylinder of altered torsion, and thus may alter gravity. This would apear to combine the 4 forces in one device, using now a torsion carrier modulated by an EM field. Once again it is [time] seen as the flexible force, rather then gravity, being modulated by this coil.

Another perspective is simply, a magnetic field is a minor alteration of the time flow rate. Canceling the electro magnetic component frequiency band between two opposing magnets, still leaves the altered time rate in tact. The time field propagates at superluminal speeds exceeding that of lightspeed. As photons move “through” the time field. This coil structure was said to allow communications accross great distance. The downside is that it must be perfectly alligned, or it must be spun as with an atomic particle, because its field does not spread out.

Tom Beardens scalar potential and the vacuum:As to Zero Point energy I have taken a different stance then some in the theoretical field today. Radiant energy can always be traced back to it’s source, emitting from mater. The vacuum of space does not originate energy but merely traverses it moving between radiators and recievers. All energy can be traced back into atoms where it’s source must lie. Thus I believe that to harness the power of Zero Point Energy we would more apropriatly reach through the density threshold and tap source directly, within atoms. I have not to date included the “Vacuum” as a reasonable source of energy or included these theories. They are not intuitive or self evident. A close study of Tom Beardens work, although admirable and well motivated presenting many good concepts, has far too many holes that do not add up when scrutenized closely. The study of how a capacitor charges over time makes it quite evident that a voltage gradient can not be present before current has flowed in a circuit from the battery. You can’t magnetize a coil before current flows and then expect to get energy out of colapsing its field. Any piece of wire acts both like a coil and a capacitor because it occupies volume and offers inductance. Beardens description of a scalar voltage producing power, using the battery only to place a scalar voltage on a wire and disconnecting it before current flows, and then connecting it to the load to draw power, is rather silly. The best we could hope for would be RF or radio waves which do propagate down a wire at about 60 % of lightspeeds. Even the force is not present at lightspeed as he indicates, and is an oversimplified view. Building a resonant circuit, as with a class “C” amplifier is more effecient and always has been, pulsing the circuit with a very short spurts at the correct time. This is not a new discovery and does not lead to free energy. Tapping the [scalar voltage potiential] is not practicle in itself as described within Beardens opening work simply because to move a scalar potiential into a wire requires a dynamic flow of energy not just the scalar. Voltage or magnetism also need a vector. His desire to find ZPE in the vacume, as well as his urging not to mess with the neucleous or negative energies of atoms, I believe, will lead to a dead end. ZPE will not be found in the MEG as has been shown over the past 5 years of groups attempting it. Playing with the conventional electro magnetic forces will probably not provide usefull over unity, just greater effeciency with current technology. Cold energy is necessary to cross the ZPE barrier, and this may become evident to anyone who has studied these devices. The MEG has been shown to apear that it is barely overunity only if the correct load is placed on it. A load that will never power anything practicle. The load must vary depending on the voltage applied. This in itself proves to be a measurement nightmear as to accuracy, and it is not well understood how this effects power measuring meters. The load seems more complex then the device.

Legend of the circle antenna:[The disappearing paper clip]: This was a very noteworthy report I read from a fellow who had an intresting expierence as a child. He was playing with an old UHF antenna and an automotive ignition light circuit board that pulsed high voltage spikes that lit an intense, probably neon light, when it sensed a spark from a pickup coil placed around the ignition wires of an engine. He wired the circuit board output to the looped wire UHF antenna, placed a paper clip at the center of the circular antenna hanging from a string tied to the top of the wire loop. He hit the antenna with pulses from the circuit and the paper clip slowly faded then dissapeared. The string was still hanging as though it held the paper clip. He then pulsed the device again and the paper clip reapeared.

This memory stuck with him for life and his account was found on a site years later. He had no explination and often wondered what really happened. Seeing this from the eyes of a scalar or tensor interaction it becomes explainable.

By chance, the frequency of pulse hitting the circular antenna was an exact half wave of the wire loops diameter. This produced a total canceling effect of the EMF at the center of the antenna leaving only the torsional component. The time shift caused the paper clip to shift density and fade out as with the Parr wheel. A frequency of around 430 Mhz on an 11 inch loop should produce a simialar effect. However since the pulses were not sine waves possibly a Tesla type [short pulse] was involved as well. This expierment deserves further investigation. Since a loop antenna resonates as a full wavelength antenna, the diameter is circumference / pi, then the frequency must be f = (circumference/ 2 pi). Thus every point on the loop is exactly 1/2 wavelength from its opposite side of the ring. This relationship should produce a ring of cancelling EM waves leaving only the torsional [tensor] stress as a radiated field. The circle will intensify the effect at the center crossing point of all waves around the ring where all torsion will intersect and all EM fields will be canceled.

# The three fields of AG: The SEARL device, the Helsinki device, and the MAGVID share a common pattern. The creation of a spherical energy field surrounding them. At Helsinki called a blue plasma, SEARL called it a protective force field or shield, and the MAGVID calls it an electron shell. The shell seems to be the product of three seperate fields at work which become aparent as you study the devices. The formation of the shell seems to preceed the AG effects.

The first field: The deflection field. An overall magnetic field surrounding the device, mirroring the earths magnetic field. This field deflects electrons outwards at 90 degrees to thier aproaching motion and pushes them into a circle around the magnet very close to it. This is a natural interaction of electrons passing a magnet, they are deflected or propelled at 90 degrees to thier motion vector of approach. This field forces electrons away from the core using a distance cubed force, operating very close to the magnet generating the field. It also pulls them back to center as they pass the magnet, moving them into a curve around the device perpendicular to lines of flux encountered.

The second field: The containment field. An overall positively charged center or inner cylinder area. This static electric field pulls electrons towards center and keeps them from escaping the system if they wander outwards. It operates as a distance squared force and reaches out further then the magnetic field.

The third field: The excitation field, usually opposing magnets pulsing at 90 degrees to the deflection field. This field activates the tensor areas where electrons are set into motion with velocity which can escape their small magnetic fields as they are setting within the negative area of the containment field. The tensor area is where energy is flowing into the system cross density. Source of cold energy, this field may be producing a torsional or time alteration force as well in the entire electron shell.

The combination: The combination of these fields creates the electron shell where electrons are constantly being drawn in and can not get out which tends to build over time. The excitation field accelerates them towards their normal atomic speeds or vibrations. The manipulation of this electron layers vibrations by the tensor energy alters torsion and thus gravity for the whole system. If the combination pushes towards a higher density then gravity is reduced and time speeds up for all atoms effected.

As to spin direction and multiple spheres: It should be noted that when electrons aproach a magnetic field they do not turn the same direction when aproaching the outer flux path along the sides, as the inner flux path encountered over and under the magnet. The direction reverses as the the flux path curves around 180 degrees to where it leaves the top of the magnet and moves down the sides. Spin direction is the same top and bottom and it is the opposite on the sides. This effect must be considered when trying to form a shell of electrons moving coherently around the device and especially if it is expected to use electrons to accelerate the shell of a metal device. If we carefully consider which directions electrons entering the field will be deflected as they aproach flux lines from all directions it will become obvious that they will all be turned the same general direction as they encounter the field and spin clockwise looking down at the north pole. If any electrons penetrate the first field and hit a second one from inside they will be reversed and work against rotation. The magnetic field must be strong enough to turn them all, or it must be routed through a metal sphere around the magnet so that none can reach the cores primary field from a secondary angle at high velocity. Also it should become clear that in the case of a metal sphere conducting a central magnet flux, electrons will bend opposite directions when aproaching the inside of the sphere or the outside. Thus electrons must be kept from shooting outwards in the air. However alternate spheres could only be expected to rotate opposite directions if they were polarized with opposite or aiding magnetic fields. It would seem the only way to make multiple spheres spin opposite directions is to magnetize the spheres themselves with reversed fields top to bottom, as one overall field would cause all to rotate the same direction as ZPE is entered. Thus we see that on the Helsinki device, top to bottom magnet polarity is reversed between the cylinder and the outer rollers and they roll opposite directions in an attracting magnetic field. Any electrons accelerated towards moving parts are seen to aid rotation through induction.

# Spinning magnets:
First a word of caution on spinning magnetic fields. It is interesting to note that electric motors are now available that spin up to 200,000 RPM and no gravity effects have been encountered. Also magnetic flux fields still work, only mechanical limits are encountered. Transformers also take these moving magnetic fields to a much higher frequency and well into Gigahertz frequencies inside your desktop computer. Also atoms create the magnetic field in very small spaces by their electron orbits leading to the “intuition” that they are not large channels at their source. Flux does not seem to break down or split apart based on frequency, torsion, or size constraint. It is possible the “electric” or “time” fields of AG devices may be the source that destroys nearby electronics as well as air force jets that have tried to fly through them.

It was Einstein who suggested that antigravity may be produced from a rotating magnetic field. It is unlikely that a simple spinning magnet will do this, due to the motors now being built. It is also unlikely that Einstein viewed an electron as a small magnet spinning around an atom as more recent information has indicated may be the case, due to its 2 circular motions namely a “spiral” around a “circle.”

It is more likely that antigravity may be produced from a particular motion or vibration of the Aether which can be set up by spinning magnets or by wave interactions of EM fields compressing the electrons helix and altering its curve. Simply placing magnets in a ring and spinning them has repeatedly failed to measure up. Although this will produce torsion fields, which may be a necessary component, something more is needed.

# [The tornado effect] [Bringing order to chaos]
A tornado that we think of may really be the center of a spherical torus which creates the system. The center is where the effect moves fastest. All surrounding energies moving randomly are sucked in and realigned to an established order of spin. From a perspective of “moving Aether” the following has been conceptualized. Spinning a ring of very strong magnets in the presence of an Aether [2] high or low pressure may cause a vortex to form in the Aether that may become self sustaining at some critical threshold. As the speed reaches critical threshold there will be a sudden increase in RPM possibly leading to self sustained rotation and an inflow of energy from background ZPE. At these speeds it is said that the Aether[x] becomes like a viscous “elastic” fluid. Side effects of this phenomenon may be cars nearby stall, and other electrical fields are dissipated and de energized as energy is drawn inwards and reorganized. This is the Hollywood UFO effect. Also theories on dark energy or cold energy have been postulated.

At Helsinki the loading generators continued to work fine, and the system was slowed down using them to load the device to drop back out of critical ZPE speed. Also the Kosol device motors continued to work. The magnets of the Hamel device were also used to gate the device back down. There may be a proximity effect in action as well allowing systems inside the field to remain unaffected. The elements necessary may be “spinning magnets” as well as “magnetic or electric vibrations of a scalar nature” to feed the tornados energy until ZPE is reached. The Helsinki experiment, the only one to record actual data observed, indicates somewhere around 51.7 [telsa feet per second] was necessary to produce a self sustaining ZPE inflow, where the motors were disengaged and the device continued to run. I don’t know how much of the field was opposing [tensor] and how much was attracting. Figures are based only on the presence of all magnetic fields present in the device and its spin rate, which are the main factors present. Once ZPE was reached it produced 8Kw of energy output and was only 19 3/4″ diameter across the main ring.

# The Helsinki device
The Helsinki device uses sets of opposing magnets which move between one another like a gear with magnetic teeth. The large cylinder possesses a uniform top to bottom N/S magnetic polarity which does not change as the cylinder rotates, thus no inductive drag is present to slow its rotation. The small wheels roll across the cylinder with opposing magnets one entering compression as one is leaving compression and these do not place a drag on the cylinder spin either as they tend to balance one another.

This pattern of fields produces a scalar or [tensor] interaction of pulses along the surface of the cylinder where the electron shell is expected to form. These magnets [opposing] may also have the effect of compressing the helix of the atoms particles pushing them towards ZPE because of the increased torsion fields produced which are not canceled. With the Marcus device scalar torsional energy is held in a section of the ring wrapped with a bifilliar winding, and then shot towards the core using high intensity pulsed stubs. The increase of torsion with repect to surrounding earth levels, the force related to time flow, can be thought of as an Aether pump or displacment, increasing the energy or decreasing the distance from center of spin of all matter in the area, as torsion will equalize to the surrounding sum of all matter around it over time. All these devices require an element of time to reach criticle threshold, so the view of “Aether pumping” may be a usefull model. In this case Aether, an obscure force, is actually identified as Torsion.

# The Marcus Device
The Marcus device is an intresting system and not much is actually being shared on it. Marcus went private and avoids the press these days. A consideration of its basic elements show possibly the necessary fields present. At the center of the MD [Marcus Device] is an iron core layered with a thick dielectric and then a copper surface around that. The core is charged to 50 kv positive voltage. 6 rings with bifilar windings are spining around the core on tracks, such that each one comes very close across its surface and then extends away in a circular ring. Along the rings are an arrangement of stubs pointing inwards which move past the core having normal coils wound on them. The first descriptions have 4 bifilar windings on a ring and 4 stubs setting exactly between them. The magnetic interaction on the rings creates strong scalar or tensor interactions, at the stub points between the windings, and for a very short crossing time the stub is fired with a normal magnetic field when it is closest to the core.

Here we see all the same fields present with the exception that the central iron core is not a magnet, but this field is pulsed in a stub 90 degrees to the scalar interaction on the ring, so the iron core is recieving magnetic pulses regulary and probably holds a pretty constant magnetic force, or a vibrating one. It was said that around the core was seen a brilliant electron glow. The device is said to be under study at a major university in the UK. Sucessive emails to them resulted in absolutly no information. They will neither deny nor confirm its existence. It is said to lift 2 tons. Descriptions indicated a fading out of the device under certain conditions [density shift] , as well as AG, and a force field effect strong enough to deflect a hammer. Last I heard Marcus was having problems with the core iron breaking down, so it is probably that the magnetic pulses are jerking the magnetic field so fast it is damaging the metal. Or it could be the scalar interaction causing a torsion shock at the core causing a loss of tensel strength.

# Magnetic Gating technology:
It has been shown experimentally on aagroups, that if a sphere is entirely covered with a magnetic strip, North Pole facing out all the way around, when the last section is placed all the magnets seem to shut down, as though their flux flow has been cut off. No gravity effect was reported. Also David Hamel’s work mentions Magnetic gating having a gravity interaction. However Hamels gating technology seems to be performed only in one plane, giving him control only in one direction. His first craft shot straight up into the air and was gone, as witnessed by his neighbors. Just as to how gating Aether [3] magnetism can block the flow of Aether [4] Gravity is not well clarified. Possibly there is a saturation point where Aether becomes too far stretched to propagate Gravity. The spinning magnets pulling ZPE may be depleting it to local exhaustion, or this may be an incorrect idea.

# Spinning metal cylinders, spheres, and pyramids:
The original idea that SEARL started out using for his generator is still true. If a heavy metal cylinder is spun up at high speed electrons are hurled towards the outer surface. With the SEARL disc the presence of a large negative electric potential first appeared on the outer surface. On any charged sphere or cylinder the strongest voltage potential will appear on its outer surface. This is where it is most likely to jump off with an arc to any nearby grounded surface. Even though eddy currents may be formed deep inside the volume of the metal, the static charge will always move to the outer surface. In the case of the Kosol spheres the outer surface at the equator which is turning faster. High potentials were observed in every device thus far that succeeded at levitation, with the exception of the pyramid generator, which burned off its tips as it altered the gravity field and was seen to slightly fade out of time sync. The Marcus device, what little we have on it, was stated to break down its metal core over time due to the extremely strong EMF pulses being sent into it.

Possible helpful awareness as to working with such devices: Magnets could be mounted on inner surfaces of any metal spheres and all outer surfaces could be as smooth as possible. Insulating materials can be painted covering the inner surfaces especially magnets for closer tolerances, if it is thought that high voltages may become present. Outer sphere magnets may be blown apart if arcing does occur it will seek the sharpest points present on the outer surfaces to jump off. If outer magnets must be used consider coating only the magnets on the outer sphere with a spray on insulator for high voltage work.The outer metal surface may need to be left bare, to radiate electrons and fields. The outer surface is the critical surface for presenting electric potential and radiating electric fields.

## Section 3 [The Kosol Device Platform]

# The spherical torus: [The self contained CU]

# What is a Kosol Spherical Device:
The spinning of 3 or more spheres of magnets in the general pattern of an icosahedron, around a core. Successive spheres connected to opposite shafts of two motors. Allowing varying spin directions and varying spin rates to be applied. Magnet count is increased on outer spheres using the 3, 4, 6 pattern for flux intensity moving outwards. As many as 13 spheres have been conceived using the pattern 3,4,6,9,10,12,15,16,18,21,22,24,27. Successive spheres develop a conical shaped magnetic pulsing field tapering towards the center developing its tensor field at the point of crossing. This meets one of Beardens describbed models, a magnetic field increasing as it moves outwards. The Kosol design offers an excellent platform for expiermentation with spining magnet designs.

A time gradient shift may appear at a location away from the spheres, also a gravitational effect. These having the properties of a corona at which point the presence of a magnetic control device may be effective for motion control.

Motors must be considered that will spin the weight of the spheres as well as overcome the repelling magnetic forces encountered during the orbit as magnets cross on alternate spheres. The first designs locked up due to insufecient motor power, and very strong magnets all in platonic patterns that were the same on each sphere. Alternate magnet placement could also insure magnets crossing in a pattern that would not fight sphere rotation if one set is entering compression while another is exiting it.

Field generation with a sphere

The first field: The first field must be an overall magnetic field encompassing the device. As electrons enter it with velocity they will be deflected or turned at 90 degrees to motion as they cross the field. This will tend to move electrons in a circle around the spherical shaped device. This is a commonly understood effect in electronics, as a wire moves past the end of a magnet electrons are first pushed one direction, then as it crosses center direction reverses. Electron direction is perpendicular to motion of the copper wire but creates a sine wave as it crosses.

The second field: A charge must be built up at the core of positive voltage gradient strong enough to propell electrons towards it into the first field. This field will contain the electron shell from flying off at random angles. This must be an electrostatic field because it must reach out further then the magnetic field. Thier is also a theory stating that electrons may couple [like magnets] to a surface as they pass it, conveying their energy of motion into the surface and bending them around a curving surface. This is known as induction. The copper ring around the SEARL device may be operating this way as to electron sheets forming around it. This may be a factor for acceleration of the spining device.

The third field: This is the field described by Wilbert Smith as the “tensor” field. It is formed between opposing magnetic fields and radiates scalar effects perpendicular to the plane face or surface formed between the opposing fields.

The opposing magnets crossing will excite atoms causing the electrons in the outer atoms shells to increase in energy, jump off and be pushed outwards away from the small opposing magnets. As electric force will reach out further then magnetic force so some electrons outside these magnets will be moved to velocity which will start to be effected by the other two fields and this process will feed the electron shell. It is not presently understood how these scalar effects work nor is the math in place to predict how much force it takes to start this process.

When dealing with spherical models it becomes apparent there are 12 obvious ways to position and move the tensor magnets of the third field. [Using a magnet pattern around a sphere]
1- North poles facing outwards – clockwise spin
2- North poles facing outwards – counterclockwise spin
3- South poles facing outwards – clockwise spin
4- South poles facing outwards – counterclockwise spin
5- North poles facing east – clockwise spin
6- North poles facing east – counterclockwise spin
7- South poles facing east – clockwise spin
8- South poles facing east – counterclockwise spin
9- North poles facing north – clockwise spin
10- North poles facing north – counterclockwise spin
11- South poles facing north – clockwise spin
12- South poles facing north – counterclockwise spin

All of the 12 methods should produce “spin” or torsion fields, as well as electrical fields as they move, creating both electric forces as well as scalar time variants. Only the first four methods were initially considered.

It has been shown from tests with spining cylinders that magnet placement as to polarity of magnets is not a factor in induction drag to rotating metal spheres of copper or aluminium, however angle of compression tensors may be an important factor. Iron or steel spheres will not have any drag from induction as thier atoms easily realign with magnetic fields offering little resistance.

North poles facing one another may produce the opposite effect as south poles facing.

One polarity may compress and one may expand, this is unknown. The north pole is commonly thought of as the outflowing side of a magnet and the south pole the inflow. If this is true then North poles facing may produce a higher density connection and south poles a lower density connection, making stronger gravity a possibility as well. In a Kosol platform with three spheres we would expect one of each of these forming between successive spheres.

Magnet patterns

Magnet patterns may be altered to suit the expiermenter. Ideally a magnet pattern that would offer a smooth rotation may be desireable as far less energy would be required to spin the device up. Inverse patterns have been speculated where magnets cover the entire sphere and leave holes in the platonic shape. The idea is going to be vibrational control of the electron shell that forms.

Kosol Sphere Analysis

Basic interaction for aluminum spheres:
Stability: Consider spinning a single layered aluminum sphere, it’s magnets with north poles facing outwards, inside a solid stationary aluminum sphere with no magnets. The magnets crossing the aluminum should produce eddy currents that will create fields opposing, or in other words “virtual” like poles radiating from the aluminum. The two spheres should develop a smooth torsion of pushing pressure between them, from the entire diameter of the outer sphere to the magnets on the inner sphere.

This may become [extremely stabilizing] at every point where a magnet is located at high RPMs. Pushing the inner sphere centered within the system. With the magnets located along the areas of an icosahedron this will be a perfectly centering force. The faster the RPM the stronger the centering forces. The force will be stronger at the equator where speed is highest. It will derive its power from the torque on the motors and convert energy to a centering stablizing force.

Now consider adding a set of magnets to the outer aluminum sphere with north poles pointing inwards, opposing the magnets on the inner sphere.

A similar opposing field should be produced in the inner sphere pushing the outer magnets out along the entire diameter of the inner sphere harder at the equator then near the points of axis except at the points of crossing where we now have a scalar or tensor interaction. At the crossing points the opposing fields will bend each other away and may stop the eddy currents allowing only the two magnets to interact with a pushing field. This field may be stronger or weaker depending on RPM and thus more pressure and or physical vibrations may appear.

Placing the magnets on each sphere, both with north poles outwards, should produce a different effect of altering this opposing field, eddy currents will still oppose magnets, but now may be diverted through opposite magnets at the point of crossing creating only the expected reversed pulse of attractive pressure along those points. The pulse will be one opposite the repelling force along the rest of rotation so will produce a strong pull or vibration paralleling RPM x 10.

Thus we see the difference with reversed magnet polarity [tensor field] on successive aluminum spheres as being not vibratory rate, but in total reversal or increase, of the centering stabilizing force. As well as a deeper physical vibrating force with like alignments, and more overall opposing force for opposite polarities [more stable].

Field considerations

Magnetic: As the magnets spin around the axis poles in the pattern of an icosahedron, the reverse induced fields from eddy current activity, magnetic fields do not seem to add up to any unifying one field vectoraly that would reach out with any distance to encompass the device. Magnetic fields fall off quite rapidly as an inverse distance cube function. However on closer examination it becomes evident that as the magnets rotate they are also being vibrated in and out up to 10 times per rotation through a tensor area as they cross. This pressure may be necessary, as it is an almost exact parallel to the electron equivalent in the atom which is seen to spiral around on its circular path around the atom. This is possibly the root point where gravity originates according to “electro gravity theory” as referenced in the Cook coil paper on electro gravity, and commonly expressed beliefs of many researching the field. As electrons may be pushed at a greater distance then the magnetic field around these magnets some electrons will be pushed outside thier influence and begin to move within the other two fields if present.

Electric: Eddy currents, or induced electric fields seem to be an active component for electrical activity inside the system initially. Although seen to offer [stability] in the device as inwards magnetic pressure between spheres, as electric fields propagate much further then magnetic ones this would indicate that induced field energy if present may move electrons towards the center of the system where they all cross. Also since the electricity is moving up and down perpendicular to magnet movements small longitudinal waves may be present moving along the outer surface of the spheres. The waves will be in phase since all magnets are aligned the same around the spheres with like poles turned inwards. As sphere groups, even or odd, are moving opposite directions the resultant electric paths will be a rough DNA, helix, or caduceus coil pattern as viewed from the side. This is the equivalent to coils of copper wound around a sphere with a caduceus pattern. This may produce [scalar] electrical waves known to penetrate through anything much like gravity. The waves will be moved into center and compressed at the poles crossing at the axis of rotation where they will terminate.We must also consider that inside all the atoms of the device is setting the source of gravity already in a state of operation, which does involve movement of electrons as well at the atomic level.

Torsion Field [spin]: The spinning matter will initially create two oppositely spinning torsion fields moving along the center of rotation upwards and downwards. All the atoms of the device will begin to time shift taking on a lower momentum and faster time frame as will become present in the Aether with respect to normal surrounding space. This may effect time by a small amount in the spinning components. 550 RPM / c, which is a very small amount, but an effect just the same. This torsion field will be confined to the matter of the device if it is not moved vertically. Over a period of time all the atoms in the spining metal will begin to align to the new torsional energy state.

Torsion Electric interaction: Here is where things get interesting. The spin will also be throwing free electrons outwards along all rotating spheres as with the SEARL generator principle. Consider a magnet rotating at the core with both north and south poles in rotation. Although it’s magnetic rotation may be producing strong voltages 90 degrees to its spin motion, sending some into the shaft, due to the fact that the shaft has thickness. These should cancel out as longitudinal AC eddy currents.

However the cores Electrons are being sucked outwards from spin away from center and may initially collect on its surface. Also, at the same time electrons in the outer spheres are being sucked outwards with a greater velocity because speed is higher with increased diameter. Electrons will slowly work their way from the central core through the shaft path outwards to the outer spheres and all the way to the outside of them, being more located along the equator regions of the spheres. Due to this interaction a “positive” voltage gradient should become present on the core. Considering the construction may isolate alternate spheres between the two motors, if not both grounded to one another, a second positive voltage may form on the next sphere out from core also appearing on its motor shaft. If motors are connected to the frame electrically it may now also start to become “positively” charged to a very high potential as electrons feed the spheres. If motors and shafts are well connected to each other, and kept insulated from frame ground, then a smooth voltage gradient will begin to manifest from core to outer spheres isolated from the frame. This effect if made to become strong enough through engineering will produce a total outer electron shell to form around each sphere, which may even begin to ionize the air. This electron shell appearing along the surface of a spinning sphere may now be present to interact with magnets passing by it and should begin to emulate the movements found in the electron shell of an atom. The electrons possessing a repulsion for one another will spread out over the entire sphere and be exactly where we want them to form an electron shell.

It has been suggested that a static charge setting on spheres in motion will apear as a magnetic field to any sphere moving relative to it. However if magnetism is viewed as a bidirectional torsion field this may not be true, and an overall magnetic field may not form from the static charge spining alone on a moving sphere. It may be necessary to move the electrons through copper or aluminium atoms to produce a magnetic field, thus [current] may be necessary to produce a magnetic field, or the use of a perminent magnet to produce the first field.

Spherical Torus Field: [Magic]

Startup state: The overall fields presented in the Kosol spherical torus device will be, magnetic, electric, torsion or time, and gravity. Eddy currents may be providing “stability” and they may be radiating both longitudinal and scalar or tensor waves during startup phase. Their strongest radiation point would be as they cross and scalar energy would be released into the larger spheres magnetic field.

The operation happening inside the magnets spinning around the spheres may be simulating electron movements around an atom and inducing such qualities of movement into all surrounding matter through the already present Gravity field. By having the time scale altered through spin, throughout the device “relative precession” of all matter effected will change in rate with respect to all matter outside the field. This would make gravity alteration possible at a local matter level only to a very small extent during startup on the spinning matter.

ZPE connection at 10 inches: More importantly however will be the consideration of how things will react if a large electron layer is present on or around the spheres coupled with the positive charge at the core, at some point after the initial “Torsion – Electric” interaction.

Let’s consider now we have a very strong layer of electrons on the fastest moving layers of all the spheres, their equator regions. The electrons are spinning with the spheres around in a 10 inch circle on the outer sphere, loosely connected to the atoms they orbit. The result is the same as with the atom, a magnetic field will be formed in the shape of a spherical torus around the device at 90 deg angles to the electron path. This field will now effect all electrons in the system tending to keep their movments lateral. It will not be particularly strong at 550 RPM but it will be present. Now as static charges continue to build inside this magnetic envelope, a very few excited electron begin to jump out of their orbits around the atoms they were spining around.

Because of the presence of the initial weak magnetic field they will tend to move laterally. As they encounter the metal of the spheres they will induce reverse magnetic fields and tend to pull the spheres along with them, increasing RPM. As more speed is present now more electrons begin to be pumped to the outer surfaces and speed continues to accelerate. The typical surge of energy present in such devices now has manifest. If we are able to harness the near light speed electrons motion to move around our spheres then a stable atom begins to form. The typical blue corona will apear around the sphere, very faint at first. We have created a magnetic atom like iron or cobalt, with a diameter of 10″, because most electron orbits are situated laterally around our device, they are all in the same axis of rotation. It now has an abundant electron shell moving at high speeds which we are vibrating with our magnets into the shape of an icosahedron. The whole electron field may begin to vibrate and pulse as magnets cross. The system enters the ZPE! A very large gravity spherical torus now forms around the device several magnetudes of force higher then at conventional electric speeds, with one layer present per sphere entering ZPE. After all spheres reach ZPE the final configuration of our device has reached full power potiential. This would be expected to happen first at the outer shell and working its way inwards till all come up. The positive charge at the center of the device will pull electrons towards the spheres, and the outer magnetic field will push them inwards, being exactly out of phase with the inner magnetic flow by reverse induction. Also electrons in free orbit just inside the surface of any one metal sphere will encounter the reverse induction effects of stabilization that the magnets expierenced during start up phase because they are in a spiral path forming small magnetic torus shaped pakages as they rotate just as with the atom. The electron should be contained within the field and continue to tap ZPE as long as we choose to leave the device active, continuing to built until we stop or control electrons entering device orbits.

The “electric” field presented along the electron sheets formed just outside of our spheres now has the ability to reach out with an inverse distance squared function as with gravity. It will emulate the magnetic pulses presented with almost no resistance. Now the longitudinal waves, previously very weak in our magnets passing by them, will become standing waves top to bottom in the whole electron shell, which were present at startup only as eddy currents, but they will now be controlling electrons moving at near light speeds. The gravo – magnetic field will reach out a much smaller distance, creating the layers of our local systems corona and react with the electrons in rotation having a tendency to keep them harnesed around the device. The torsion fields present in the magnets are already receiving both circular spin, and spiral spin, induced from rotation around axis as well as magnet pulse. These fields will vibrate the whole area of the electron shell radiating out as gravity, just as in the atom. Since the electron shell in the atom is the point where all forces intersect, they can all be manipulated from this point now with relativly weak magnets.

Electrons are attracted to the core by a distance squared function.
Electrons act like magnets at a closer proxmity, with an inverse cube function.
Electrons in a spiral path will act like magnets because they are moving in a coil motion
Reverse incuduction is present and works for large magnets passing over a metal conductive surface.
In the Searl and Helsinki systems electron shells must have been operating on the outer surface of the cylinder.

Control: The creation of a 10″ atom now gives us the opportunity to study the physics of atoms, but more importantly when the magnetic torus forms it will enter ZPE as with all atoms. It may now be able to draw from the “magic” Aether containing ZPE. We also may be able to determine which forces of “precession” control gravity and time where they come together at the curve of the electron shell at near light speeds. We would have a field with an area large enough to enter, altering gravity and time flow relative to the outside frames of reference. The fact that we have created a magnetic atom, lends to controlling it along is equatorial faces using magnets polarized, poles up or down, and along it’s top and bottom regions with polarity.Now considering the interactions the pulsating magnets had initially, their effects at ZPE will affect the whole spherical field. They will still be relatively short distances, but now consider their ability to effect the whole electron shell. Since this is the layer purported to be responsible for gravity, we should be able to affect it for the whole system. It is through the electron shell that we can now radiate long distance effects, and through the small magnets we can alter it as if we were electrons. Now if we engineer alternate spheres to produce opposite polarized fields, we may become aware of two things. Magnetic fields are not canceled they merely bend and operate around one another. We will create more spherical torus fields at successive layers around the device. By having at least one layer in opposition this will produce the effect needed for external magnetic control! One field situated outside the other in a corona. At the balance point between them can be placed a magnetic device that should be locked into place. Moving one way will push; the other way will pull on our atom. This is the exact description of Kosol’s reports from the very beginning!

Analysis of parameters: Altering the relative parameters of gravity and time: It would apear that as torsion fields radiate only off the ends of a spining wheel when it is given a movement 90 deg to spin, that on our atom altering or squeezing the spin path vertically should change our torsion gravity field. As we became weightless we also begin to move at a faster rate of time, decreasing our momentum as well relative to the rest of the universe. Allowing us to move around the universe with relative speeds very quickly with respect to those we left behind. We would be zipping around as the universe apeared to stand still. The opposite we encountered in Einstiens relativity where he had the moving ships time scale slowing down and its matter staying within this density. [If moving towards the center of spin actually increases our time rate of flow as stated by Smith]

The Helsinki device used opposing magnets at horizontal postioning to alter gravity. Pressing inwards they are reported to lower gravity, as they would lower its vectoral modulating component. As the electrons comming off atoms should already have the current position and time vectors for local space they should already be in sync. Our goal then becomes to engineer our magnet positioning to acomplish the necessary squeezing to effect each parameter as desired. The devices thus far studied give us the patterns for gravity. Opposing magnets placed pointing at one another both sides of electron shell should squeeze the helix along the equator of our sphere.

# Power generation: It may also be possible to create power generation using the reverse inductive qualities of light speed electrons from ZPE to spin a large metal wheel, without modifing its parameters of gravity or time. As electrons are relativly harmless little creatures and do not possess qualitles of radiation that I am aware of other then light they should be easily contained within a spherical system of protection or the resultant magnetic fields. A set of cylinders could set up a ZPE field between them and the outer one should be able to spin up quite high in velocity. This was the original intention of SEARL in the begining.

Static electric orbital flow regulation:As was stated earlier regulation of intensity may be effective through the control of the sheer quantity of electrons jumping to device orbits, and leaving atomic orbits. The release of energy will be electrons shooting outwards untill the Electrostatic field is strong enough to contain them. At the point of stable containment a slow electron release may increase system output, a slow removal may decrease it. Thus regulation could be effected.

# Intensity and effects:
Sphere thickness: If the metal medium is made thicker more volume of magnetic field will interact. The sphere will become more stable in spin. A better conductor will produce a stronger eddy current, however there may be a trade off with “electric” field voltage if thickness approaches magnet fall off distance. If too thick some of the thickness will not be producing much current but it will be present to short it out, resulting in lower voltage for longitudinal effects. Thickness may be a balance of both effects, stability versus electric waves.

Sphere charging: The addition of a high voltage gradient to the sphere surface, would require insulating it at the motor coupling flanges. If this was done it may radiate the electric fields much further through space and towards center. It is unknown if the spinning spheres would produce this voltage gradient of their own accord merely by insulating. However electrons do get thrown outwards from spin so this may in fact happen. Since there will be stronger waves near the equator insulating may not be needed. It is not readily evident what the actual effect would be.

Spacing: As the magnetic field is an inverse distance cubed effect, close proximity of spheres and magnets will be a cubed increase of magnetic force effect for a smaller distance. 1/2 the distance between spheres, will increase tensor field strength by a factor of 8. The closer they come the stronger the stabilizing field intensity will be and the stronger should be the electrical interactions.The smallest distance allowable will be a function of just how high the voltages appearing on the surface of the spheres becomes. Any leakage from arcing between the spheres may lower the torus electric field which is a function of longitudinal currents flowing in the spheres. Teflon insulating coating or other high insulating material on the inner sphere lining, especially over the magnets may improve distance tolerances if such arcing should appear. Unfortunately if it does appear, magnet surfaces will get hit first.

Magnet polarity and pattern: It was discovered early on that placing powerfull magnets in a platonic shape causes a locking up of spheres and takes more powerfull motors to overcome this resistance to moton. Inverse patterns have now been sugested that should reduce this greatly.


# As to construction materials: The use of fiberglass as a sphere material has been suggested as well as copper, aluminum, iron, steel, and brass, [or even possibly a laminate of aluminum foil layers separated by a ceramic past mixed with miniature spherical plastic spheres that are 2 millimeter in diameter].

Fiberglass: Should result in very uniform Magnetic fields, a dynamic electric field will develop only along the distance of the metal shafts turning the device. Because the magnets spin around the shaft in opposite directions, this voltage produced along the shaft could vary, canceling out as longitudinal eddy currents. Static charges however may allign along the outer surfaces from electrons thrown outwards, more research is needed to determine static charge effects. These static charges may end up on the motors or frame so need to be considered. If they are necessary for the torus to form, they may benefit from some help in forming more quickly. The Van De Graph generator principle may help to speed this process. The rotation is already present, the addition of few stratigcly placed materials could increase this effect. Electric forces will now have no medium to travel through or become shorted out in the static field on the outer surface of the sphere, so resistence to tilt effect may be lower.”Eddy current stability” will be less, as fiberglass in an insulator, present only at the crossing points of magnets. This will reduce motor loading but sphere balancing will be more criticle. Balancing these spheres may become difficult at high speeds until ZPE is reached, where the presence of smoothly flowing energy becomes stabalizing.

Copper: The development of eddy currents is present whenever a strong magnet is moved along a conductive metal surface. For the choices of metals presented copper is only surpassed by silver in its conductive abilities and is twice as conductive as aluminum. These currents will flow in the direction outwards, or inwards, perpendicular to the motion of the magnet as it passed by. If all the magnets fall into basic ring patterns, with the same pole facing in or out, then rings of eddy currents should be expected to develop along the latitudes of the sphere. They should move both outward then inward as a magnet passes by generating an EM field which will oppose the magnet that induced them, this is a [stabilizing effect] that increases with metal thickness. They should appear as strong AC currents and magnetic fields that move along with the magnet that produced them. I calculate most of the simple eddy currents should be between 45.8 Hz to 183.33 Hz at 550 RPM assuming a dodecahedron magnet pattern on all the spheres with only one motor on. With both motors on it may double to 91.6 Hz to 366.66 Hz. More magnets and more spheres will result in a higher frequency for a given RPM. Eddy currents will also release heat, as well as stabilizing magnetic fields. As to human danger eddy currents may only cause a lethal problems if the sphere accelerates beyond, 800,000 RPM where dangerous microwaves would be the main radiation. Also static potentials may appear with a possibility of lightening strikes between any metal surfaces on the device and ground, or between the framework and the spheres. A complex merging of harmonic fields in the 45 to 366 Hz range could produce higher frequencies, but probably nothing to worry about.

*** The searl device had a copper ring and magnet rotation apears to rely on the magnet mirroring effect of copper induction to some extent.

Aluminum: In the Russian research of torsion fields, it was discovered that aluminum was unique in that it had the ability to reflect some radiated torsion fields, that would easily travel through copper and other substances. It will also conduct eddy currents quite well and used to be used as wiring in homes. It’s resistance to electricity is higher then copper, so eddy currents will be reduced a little, and thus EM fields may be increased with a lower stability factor. When eddy currents are present the metal can be repelled along with the eddy currents produced in it by an AC field. The effect is amplified when the metal is cooled with liquid nitrogen. Spinning aluminum by one pole of a magnet produces a repulsive force.

Iron, Steel, Nickel: The use of iron, steel, or nickel in sphere construction will introduce a new component that of magnetic flux transfer between the magnets located along its surface. Much as a transformer core does, it will spread out the magnetic field of each magnet. If all the magnets along the surface of one sphere are polarized the same direction, it is possible that a total magnetic gate could be created, that would basically shut down all the flow of flux into or out of the device. This may have the effect of turning off all the magnets. However if magnets are kept far enough apart, or are reversed in polarity along the surface, then the only effect will be that of focusing the magnetic fields onto the spheres surface, and creating more weaker magnet area. As the extended magnetic flux fields between spheres will be lower, the eddy currents will be reduced as well and a loss of stability. Both iron and steel will conduct eddy currents well, shorting out, and causing resulting opposing magnetic fields much as the copper ones will however these materials will also become magnetized as the magnets pass by them further canceling the reverse flux effects. Only when the induced fields become stronger then the magnetization field will any stabilizing effects happen. This will be at a much higher RPM then with aluminum or copper. Steel is a good conductor and does offer a medium for the forming of a magnetic spherical torus at low frequencies. These elements also allow for the sphere to be magnetized and become the source of the first field as in the Helsinki Device. A ferrite coating could be added inside a copper sphere as well and magnetized N – S up – down, to provide the first field.

Brass Bronze: Should fall somewhere between iron, copper and nickel, which is basically what it is made of. Although magnetic qualities are greatly reduced eddy currents will still flow.

Motors: Kosol has indicated motors that spin up to 5000 RPM may be preferable. DC motors that may also be used as generators would be preferable as they could also extract energy from the ZPE. Shaft size was recommended at 3/4 inch or more, this is very large and should be able to handle the stress of large torsion. It was discovered that poorly designed motors can be effected by the magnetic flux entering a motor through the metal shafts. The magnets on a sphere spining can induce a magnetic field in the shafts that will move all the way into the motor windings and saturate them, slowing the motors.

# Notes and suggestions to expand awareness:

Strategic placement of insulators: By using full multiple spheres the current necessary to form the torus may be readily available at lower voltages. However, it may be desirable to insulate the metal spheres from the motor shaft in order to allow the build up of an initial potential to form the torus more quickly. Especially near the equators where magnets are moving the fastest. Also coating the inner sphere and magnets with a high dielectric insulator may prevent arcing between spheres, which may drain the magnetic field or the torus energy.The SEARL disc used a metal cylinder as did Helsinki . At Helsinki the cylinder was insulated from ground so an external voltage gradient could be applied. It was not necessary to achieve critical ZPE, however when used it altered the gravity differential. The Searl disc was said to produce lightening strikes, it is not mentioned whether this could be grounded out and not affect functionality. The MD RP uses a copper sphere insulated from its iron core at the center by 1/4 ” high dielectric material.All known devices produced a high potential on the outer surfaces of the inner element which moved outwards, as electrons were hurled outwards. This is an unknown and may only be a safety issue to prevent large currents from reaching the motors and jumping back into the power source. Insulators can be added to the legs at the floor to prevent unexpected arcing to ground, or grounding wires could be attached to prevent arcs from blowing holes in cement floors. Standing the unit on plastic egg crates may be an easy alternative if necessary.

Magnet placement: Also as electric potentials always form on the outside of a metal sphere it is my calculation that magnets would be better utilized if placed on the inner surfaces of metal spheres, and all outer surfaces be kept as smooth and perfectly round as possible. Far less arcing should ensue with this construction. Also magnets should remain more stable as centrifugal forces will seat them rather then tear them off. And electric arcs may not blow them off as bad.

External container: It may be advantageous to add an outer stationary sphere, to provide stability to the device at high speeds. Providing an external completely smooth interaction of compression which should reflect all the way to the inner spheres. Also this sphere can be insulated from the shaft and allowed to charge up creating an outer layer of electric flow for the torus to form or it could be grounded if far enough away to prevent arcing. This container may also allow for a better anchoring if used to mount the device inside a craft.

Alternate layouts: Realizing the effects from eddy currents it may now become obvious that successive spheres may no longer even need magnets. “Virtual” magnets will appear as a mirror effect along opposite surfaces of spheres. If the torus field is a product of longitudinal electric waves, then it may be a much smoother operation to remove some of them and see if the results can still produce the effects. The virtual magnets however will now be turning the same direction as the ones producing them.

Example: Outer sphere no magnets ccw
Second sphere with magnets cw
Third sphere with magnets ccw
Forth sphere no magnets cw
Core with magnets ccw
Also placing magnets such that they do not totally intersect or cross at all.

This will reduce the physical vibration and allow for higher speeds quicker. It would also allow for magnets to be placed on two spheres facing one another such that they move much closer missing each other, thus maintaining bi directional eddy currents but at a higher strength. Tolerances down to 1/4 “or less clearance may be possible using an insulating coating.

Magnetic braking system or speed governor: The conceptualization of a runaway device presents a safety challenge. An outer shell may be conceived of a flower shaped design or simply a few petals of a flower which could be raised or lowered, moved in or out, to place drag on the system. Using lateral magnet polarities which will resist the rotation. A very solid row of strong magnets with correct polarity would be mounted top to bottom along the curve of the partial shells with poles pointing east and west. This should be effective for copper, aluminum, brass, or steel spheres.

Disclaimer: This is my present developing theory as to the design of antigravity devices. It is not to be considered as written in stone, much is based on observation of claimed working devices, which have not been widely proven to exist, witnessed only by a very few. [Subject to change and modification as experiment may hopefully prove out]

## Section 4: A search for the perfect ZPE devices

# Functionality: The unit must induce near light speed atomic particle forces at some point after startup phase. Harnessing the increased magnitudes of the atom drawing from source. It must do it in a safe maner, non destructive, and controlable. It must not cause destructive effects to surrounding systems or humans.

Starting methods:
1- The application of external energy.
Using physical motion such as a motor(s)
The use of external magnetic fields or other sources to achieve self sustained motion

2- The use of perpetual motion or ZPE

Device layout for a self sustaining operation:
1- The use of a multi layered vortex system, utilizing the spherical torus form. Which offers total directional control and self contained effects as found in operation at the electron shells of the atom.

2- Devices using a single vortex operation layer, or bidirectional nature such as the Hamel cones.

Control methods:
1- External magnetic gating of energy inflow for control and shutdown
2- Adjusting the active element input carrier source, ie static electric orbital flow rate
3- Motor or resistance loading, tapping power off using a governor device or generator

The introduction of magnetic bearings: Brings four things into the system.
1- Frictionless movement, and higher RPMs possible, total floating magnetic Spheres
2- 4x energy compression to the pole being compressed
3- Magnetic gate at the points of shaft entry
4- We are now faced with finding a new method of spinning the device, magnetic startup

Notes: Interesting to note that on a rotating sphere the magnets at the equator are moving faster then the magnets on the Polar Regions. This is the opposite effect observed in a tornado. However the resulting effect set up in the Aether may be much different.

More on magnets

[As to fully floating spheres]

Pyramids and magnets: If you move a magnet around a circle or ellipse pattern laid at the center of the outer face of a pyramid such that it moves all the way to the sides [not top or bottom], at the center of the base of the pyramid you get a rotating field. As shown by placing a compass at that location. Moving the circle pattern up very near the top of the pyramid, will still produce a complete rotation of the compass even though the magnet is only moving a few inches.This seems to be because of the angle which a magnet emits flux patterns.My experiment was conducted with 2000 gauss magnets on an 11″ hollow pyramid.If you spin at all four faces they should all interact at the base. By spinning a properly aligned and polarized ring of magnets along the faces of a pyramid, you should be able to spin a magnet on a shaft at the center N/S facing outwards. [Placing half the ring with North in and half with South in may produce a smooth turn.] This may provide a method of startup for inner spheres without using motors.

Octahedron: Rings with magnets facing in spinning around the faces of an octahedron should spin a magnet at the center in any of 3 planes [through the 4 point centers]

# Post Anaylisis: During the creation of this document it was realized by the compiler that when you get to the electron shell of the ATOM, the smallest unit we can see, using the background ZPE as its total power source, you have reached into all the mysteries of, electricity, magnetism, gravity, time, and ZPE. When solved you do not get just one solution, you get them all. It comes in one package, is the basic structure of this universe, and never needs charging. The relationships may be determined from the geometry existing at this level and the principles we have already known.

The key principles in this research, in a logical maner, one by one, have linked and shown the relationship between all these forces. Only the “comprehension” is necessary to put them into practice.

The solution to ZPE, and [time – gravity] relationship becomes “intuitively” understood. The message that is presented with the introduction of this secret, merely, Comprehension. Without it, the recorded data is worthless.

The data within this document did not come from the compiler of information, it has come from the dedicated individuals who have blindly fumbled and haphazardly suceeded at producing ZPE but never realized what they had done or how. Within is the understanding of the SEARL disc, the Kosol spherical device, the understanding of harnessing the sheer magnitudes of power, along with the beauty of the Atom. Its wonderous function as a stand alone unit of natures most unwavering source of total eternal existence, because within it is contained infinfity. Within infinity, there are No Limits!

Special Note:This document is part of the [public domain] and is intended for mankind to improve our overall “collective consciousness” leading to the use of clean energy. The writer assumes no liabilities, has absolutely no concern for monetary gain, places no limits on the use, copying, or distribution of contained information, and deserves no credit for anything other then mastering comprehension. For the greatest good of all involved.

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