## The Joe Energy Cell http://educate-yourself.org/fe/fejoewatercell.shtml
An Australian man, only identified by the name of Joe “X”, has designed a remarkable water Energy Cell that only utilizes water for a “fuel” and develops substantially more power than gasoline. It was originally designed for use in cars, but it can be used with almost any engine that normally runs on gasoline such as motorcycles, outboard marine engines, lawn mowers, portable electric generators, etc. The Energy Cell alone provides all the power that the engine needs. After an Energy Cell is installed and functioning properly, the gasoline fuel lines can be completely disconnected.
An engine that operates on Joe’s Energy Cell produces no exhaust by-products and no heat. Without any exhaust by-products, you eliminate the need for pollution control devices. Since the engine runs cold, there is no need for a cooling system per se, however, the water in the water jacket surrounding the cylinders may be playing a pivotal role in allowing this phenomena to take place.
Surprisingly, the Energy Cell does not deplete its water while in operation. The water is acting in the role of a catalyst in the transference of a special form of energy from the surrounding atmosphere into the engine and the water itself is not consumed in the process.
From all outward appearances, an engine operating with this cell seems to be functioning on the Implosion principle, a phenomena explored in the writings and patents of inventors Viktor Schauberger, John Keeley, and others.
The following characteristics have been observed with the phenomena of Implosion:
– 1. The energy is manifested as a suction force, not an explosion force.
– 2. In the presence of implosion, the ambient temperature declines, rather than expands, to what is called the Point of Anomaly. For water, the Point of Anomaly is 4 degrees Celsius.
– 3. There is an absence of resistance and friction.
4. Given adequate velocity of the catalyst medium (Water or Air), gravity is canceled and the engine or implosive energy producing device will levitate.
– 5. The power plant can produce enough energy to sustain itself and can operate continuously. .
– 6. There are no exhaust by-products.
– 7. Diamagnetic materials are required for implosion. Diamagnetic materials exhibit properties that are opposite that of magnetic materials. For example, a magnetic material will align in parallel to the magnetic lines of force from a magnetic field, while a diamagnetic metal (E.g. copper) will align at right angles to the magnetic lines of force.
The Joe Energy Cell incorporates common materials that are easily obtained. They include stainless steel, rubber, and water (see Materials). Practically anyone, who is careful and pays very close attention to construction and ‘alignment’ details, can build this cell.
Joe’s experiments with various prototypes of his Energy Cell were recorded on amateur videos recorded in Australia from 1993-1997. These videos include more than 2 hours of commentary from Joe recorded during a “Joe Symposium Workshop” held in Melbourne in 1997. The videos total about 5 hours and fifteen minutes and are divided into two cassettes.
– Tape 1 begins with footage shot in 1993 with Joe demonstrating his earlier cell designs and explaining the phenomena as he understood it at the time. The tape then progresses into the 1994-95 period where Joe demonstrates his evolving cell prototypes in the shop and on the road with vehicles which have been fitted with the energy cell. As part of the 1997 Melbourne “Joe Symposium”, Joe visits the workshop of local experimenters who couldn’t get their Energy Cell to function correctly and explains to them how to rectify common construction mistakes and avoid errors.
– Tape 2 continues the shop discussion with the local experimenters and then leads into amateur footage of other individuals, including Les Banki, who have made their own unique energy cell designs, mostly based on hydrogen fuel cells. The last section of Tape 2 includes a roundup talk on free energy devices presented by Ian Hacon at an Australian Free Energy symposium on April 7, 1997.
A book entitled The Joe Phenomenon by Barry Hilton, a well known researcher and author on free energy devices, was obtained with the tapes. It details construction notes and observations about Joe’s Water Energy Cell. In the book, Barry explains that after seeing Joe’s 1993-95 videos, he put together a paper on the Water Energy Cell and presented it at an Australian conference on free energy in 1996. Before the conference, Barry had attempted to contact Joe, but failed to locate him. After the conference had finished, however, Joe managed to contact Barry.
Joe told Barry that that he had seen a copy of his conference paper and wanted to point out some errors in Barry’s assumptions concerning how and why the cell worked. Delighted with the offer, arrangements were made (and subsidized by Ian Hacon) for Joe to visit Barry in Melbourne and conduct the above mentioned workshop. The clarifications and insights gained during this visit made all the difference for Barry who was now able to more clearly delineate the construction and alignment parameters of Joe’s extraordinary cell. As a result, Barry’s book has helped to illuminate many important considerations about the Joe Cell construction that are sometimes difficult to identify from the videos, unless you pay very close attention to what is being said on the tapes.
In 1999, a Joe Cell builder by the name of Alex Schiffer came out with a brilliant and well researched lab journal titled the Experimenter’s Guide to The Joe Cell. Alex’s book picks up where Barry’s leaves off and carries the Joe Cell story much further. Alex thoroughly explores the properties of orgone, the charged water, the capacitor effect, variation in cell designs, materials, alignments, specifications, seed diameter to height ratio, electrolysis, rotating fields, polarity, the “Y” factor, connections to the engine, and many other phenomena associated with the cell-including the emotional attitude of the builder. The Experimenter’s Guide presents the clearest explanation of the Joe Cell phenomena that I’ve seen to date.
Joe, the inventor, has not attempted to financially capitalize on his astounding discovery, but rather had decided to freely give away the information on how to construct his incredible Energy Cell for public benefit. In response to this monumental, magnanimous and altruistic gift, Joe has been the victim of threats and harassment to pressure him into stop talking. The intimidation has succeeded and today Joe no longer demonstrates or talks about his Energy Cell. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to figure out who is behind the harassment.
The Joe Energy Cell videos and Barry’s booklet were brought to my attention by my generous friend Milan. I want to express my thanks to Milan; to Barry Hilton for his splendid booklet; to Alex Schiffer for his excellent guide; and to Ian Hacon for helping to bring the Joe Cell story to the world. Our greatest gratitude, of course, goes to Joe “X” himself for making this divinely inspired invention freely available.
Thanks very much Joe. You have done a remarkable thing and we are all in your debt.
# Theory of the Water Energy Cell
Introduction : The first thing to realize when attempting to understand the nature of Joe’s Energy Cell is that many of the precepts and rules of conventional science do not apply. This cell does not operate according to the conventional rules of physics. It’s necessary to approach this material with an open mind and to be prepared to entertain novel ideas that often run contrary to conventional scientific thought. Essentially, Joe had discovered a unique and simple way to capture Orgone energy (explained later in this article). The Joe Energy Cell is NOT a hydrogen fuel cell. It’s an Orgone Energy Accumulator in which water is acting as the medium which captures the orgone and allows it to be transduced into the engine.
Skepticism : Some people react with immediate disbelief when first confronted with information about the Joe Cell. Such individuals find skepticism a comfortable refuge. It’s easy to be a skeptic. There are always those with flaccid minds who delude themselves onto thinking that scoffing at new ideas or theories that run counter to conventional wisdom is an affirmation of intellectual maturity and sophistication, but these individuals are too often intellectually lazy, hopelessly self satisfied and arrogant.
Almost without exception, a skeptic jumps to the simplistic conclusion that if he hasn’t heard about it or if the new information opposes ideas which he has been taught in school, then the concept being offered must be invalid! Of course, a skeptic will never actually build the cell and determine through observation whether the cell functions as described. Skeptical sermons are usually delivered from the ease of an arm chair.
Rigidly obedient to established dogma, skeptics routinely dismiss new or revolutionary concepts out of hand. The refusal to examine empirical evidence offered by hands-on experimentation is seen most often in skeptical professionals of the academic persuasion. Most physics professors are solidly married to their ego and ‘woe be’ to anyone who attempts to question their consecrated, anointed opinions of the universe.
My advice is not to waste your time trying to convince skeptics or knuckle heads married to conventional science why the Energy Cell works. They will only attempt to discourage you. Just build one and see for yourself. It’s not really important to understand why it works. The point is- it works!
Is it a Water Fuel Cell? : No. This design does not attempt to “crack” the water molecule with high voltage or by any other means. Water is not consumed in the Joe Energy Cell as it is with a Water Fuel Cell.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell? : No. This was my initial thinking when I first heard about Joe’s cell, but Joe’s Energy Cell taps into a much greater energy source. It’s called Orgone energy, a term coined by Wilhelm Reich. Joe’s Cell, however, can produce hydrogen gas and could be used as a hydrogen fuel cell if certain “alignments” are made. The Orgone energy is pulled out of the surrounding atmospheric fluroplasmic environment or Ether. Orthodox scientists have been strenuously denying the existence of the ether (also spelled aether, or aeither) for the better part of the 20th century. Important 19th and early 20th century scientists including Nikola Tesla, Lord Kelvin, James Clerk Maxwell, and Baron Carl Von Reichenbach all adhered to a firm belief in the existence of the ether, but were shouted down by supporters of Einstein’s theories after the turn of the century. It’s not a coincidence that the debunking of the ether theory was being promoted at the same time that the John D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan energy empires were rising in the opening decades of this century
(Today, it is clear why the ether theory was so vigorously and thoroughly debunked by academicians in the first half of this century. They were getting their marching orders from the hidden hand of the Illuminati, which included the above mentioned Rockefeller and Morgan families. The Illuminati had infiltrated the highest ranks of academia in the United States in the opening decades of the current century through the efforts of Fabian Socialists
Three Gases : Joe’s cell is capable of producing three different types of “gas”, depending on the “alignment” (Joe’s term) of the cell. Joe can change the cell’s alignment in a number of ways. Some alignment changes include: 1) reversing the polarity of the battery’s connections; 2) changing the location of the battery connections to different plates; 3) raising or lowering the plate assembly within the charging vat, or 4) using different sources of water. Other possibilities exist as well.
In the videos, Joe activates the Energy Cell by applying 12 DC voltage from a car battery. Bubbles quickly begin to come off the Energy Cell’s plates within 30 seconds. A Brown Scum or sludge begins to form on the top of the water to which some of the bubbles adhere and coalesce into larger bubbles. Joe then demonstrates the explosive effect of the gas produced by lighting a match to the bubbles adhering to the brown scum floating on top of the water cell. Each different type of gas produced demonstrates a different reaction when ignited with a match. A description of the gases follows:
– 1. Hydrogen gas comes off the cell as very small bubbles and will produce a yellow flame when lit by a match. Igniting the hydrogen bubbles with a match will produce a moderate crack or snap, similar to the sound of a cap gun.
– 2. After adjusting the alignment, Joe produces a second type of gas (name unknown. Some have speculated that it’s Brown’s Gas, but I’m not sure ). Holding a match to this gas will produce a louder report (sound); a sharp crack, but without the yellow flame or ringing in the ears.
– 3. The third type of gas (again, name unknown) produces the largest energetic discharge of all. When Joe puts a match to this gas, he get a much louder report with heavy ringing in the ears. This third type of gas is the gas that Joe uses to power the car’s engine. Here we have a ‘gas’ that has somehow captured a significant amount of Orgone Energy which is expendable within the confines of the engine.
An unconventional property of the second and third type of gas is that when detonated by a match, the resulting discharge of energy causes the eardrums to push outwards, away from the body. This means that the gas is imploding and not exploding (which would have forced the eardrums inward). This is an important and significant point to consider. In conventional physics, we are accustomed to thinking in terms of energy release as an explosion, an outward expansion of energy and heat into space (an exothermic reaction). Here we have an implosion (an endothermic reaction) in which there is a rapid condensation of energy which lowers the ambient temperature. This is precisely what Viktor Shauberger, the Austrian forester, inventor, and Nature observer discovered when he spiraled water into a whirlpool like vortex. The temperature of the water would decrease.
Barry Hilton speculates in his book that the third type of gas is possibly a unique form of hydrogen, heavily laden with expendable orgone energy, that is able to pass through and saturate the atoms of the engine’s metal. Alex Schiffer feels that the orgone from the Joe cell is transferred to the intake manifold by the cell , but is picked up or absorbed by the air rushing in through from the carburetor and carried into the cylinders. Alex also speculates that the water in the water jacket (of the engine) surrounding the cylinders plays a significant part in picking up the orgone energy
It’s pure speculation, of course, but both Barry’s and Alex’s ideas do fit the observable facts. For example, engines made completely of aluminum will adapt to the Joe cell within a couple of hours, while an all cast iron engine can take a week or more to acclimate to the cell. Since aluminum is lighter and more “porous”, the orgone/hydrogen ‘gas’ is probably penetrating and saturating this metal more quickly than the denser cast iron. As to Alex’s water jacket idea, water is one of the four ancient ‘elements’ to which the ether is bound (water, air, earth, and fire), so his proposition seems logical as well.
Another observable fact also lends support to the above theory. The outlet from the Car Cell is connected to a blind fitting or blank plug on the carburetor housing. This means that there is no opening through this fitting into the interior of the carburetor or the interior of the intake manifold. Yes, you are reading that statement correctly. There is NO physical opening between the output of the Energy Cell and the interior of the engine. Yet the cell works! Logic dictates that the gas must be passing THROUGH the metal of the carb housing to reach the interior of the engine. Since hydrogen is the lightest element of all (with only one proton), it doesn’t seem too far fetched to assume that this might be occurring. Wilhelm Reich also noted that orgone is not hindered by metal barriers, but is first attracted to and then repelled by metal surfaces.
Orgone Energy : Wilhelm Reich, a titan among 20th century scientists, discovered orgone energy in the late 1930’s as an outgrowth of his study of the psychic and physiological functions of the sexual orgasm of which he first published studies in 1923. His numerous experiments led him to a microscopic observation of decaying plant and animal cells. He noticed that the cells of decaying grass or moss, suspended in water, would gradually break down and reform into very small energy vesicles (only seen at 2,000x and higher magnifications) which he termed bions. These bions gave off an intense blue light and eventually would congregate into bion heaps, which-incredibly-later transformed themselves into living protozoa, such as amoebae or paramecium!! (This discovery alone should have earned Reich the Nobel Prize, but instead, the government threw him into federal prison on a trumped up charge and he conveniently died of a ‘heart attack’ in 1957 after serving less than one year of a two year sentence.)
Reich found that he could obtain much larger quantities of bion vesicles by first heating the organic (e.g. blood) or inorganic substance (E.g. ocean sand) to a very high temperature and then causing the heated substance to be swollen by immersion it in a specialized liquid medium. This procedure allowed copious quantities of bions to be ‘released’ from these substances which were now available to reform into new living organisms.
By persistent observation, Reich realized that it was Orgone energy which accounted for the blue lumination and the biogenensis activity of the bions. He discovered that orgone energy is permeated not only within all living substances, but it is also found in non living substances (E.g. sand, coal, and soil ) and is ubiquitously present in the atmosphere. The sun being the major ‘supplier’ of orgone energy.
Reich’s discovery of orgone energy is laid out in two books first published in German, but later translated into English: “The Function of the Orgasm” and “The Cancer Biopathy” available from http://orgone.org/ , a web site hosted by James DeMeo dedicated to disseminating information about this giant among men.
# Joe Cell Construction
Two Types of Energy Cells: Acid and Alkaline: Alex Schiffer indicates that you can make the Joe Cell as either an Acid Cell or an Alkaline Cell. He says that a lot of people can’t get their cell to work because they have mixed materials from both types of cells. In his Experimenter’s Guide to The Joe Cell, Alex lists which properties and materials match the acid or the alkaline cell. Alex prefers to only build acid cells. The glass test cell described here is based on Alex’s notes for an acid cell. .
Early Prototypes : The videos cover many of Joe’s early cell prototypes from 1991 onward. Rather than spend the time here describing earlier flawed designs, I feel it’s more productive to concentrate on Joe’s most recent and successful Joe Cell configurations. Interested investigators can review Joe’s earlier prototypes both on the videos and in Barry’s book, The Joe Phenomenon.
Joe discovered that constructing two different Energy Cells produced the best results. A smaller Energy Cell is used in the car itself and another larger cell (located in his shop) is used for charging the water
The following is a general description of the smaller energy cell and larger energy cell which we shall refer to as the Car Cell, and the Charging Vat respectively, but bear in mind that they are both Joe Cells working on the same principle. One is simply larger and the other smaller. To get a better understanding of how the Joe Cell works, Alex Schiffer suggests that one should first build a glass test cell and gain some experience. Then, you can build the charging vat and car cell with greater confidence and fewer mistakes. We’ll describe all three starting with the car cell.
The Car Cell: The Joe Cell that is placed in the car is much smaller than the Charging Vat. The dimensions are not critical, but a Car Cell container of four to five inches inside diameter for stainless steel is sufficient (six inch diameter for a glass or plastic container ). Larger diameters are possible, but probably unnecessary. The container itself can be made of stainless steel (S/S) glass, or clear acrylic plastic, but we’ll concentrate on describing the stainless steel container since the strength and rigidity of this material offers practical advantages for car use.
Checking For Magnetism : Every piece of stainless steel (including nuts and washers) that is used in this cell must have as little magnetic attraction as possible by checking with a neodymium, rare earth magnet (Radio Shack: Rare Earth Magnet ,Cat. # 64-1895). This magnet is no larger than a pea, but it will serve our purpose. Use Super Glue to attach 12″ of strong thread or thin fishing line to the magnet. Take the magnet with you when you go hunting for your food grade stainless steel (type 316L is most common). Select stainless steel in which the magnetic attraction is so low that it will not support the weight of the magnet itself. Next, swing or hold the magnet on the string right next to the steel and notice how much of an attractive deflection occurs. Pick stainless with the lowest level of attraction (there will usually be some attraction).
Making the Plate Assembly : The S/S container is also referred to as the Anode or anode container (the positive terminal of the car’s battery is connected to the anode). The Car Cell uses either 3 or 4 stainless steel cylinders (pipes) which Joe refers to as plates of approximately 1”, 2″ , 3″, and 4″ diameter respectively that are placed concentrically, one inside the other and placed within the anode (housing) container. These S/S pipes are insulated from each another by a “Y” arrangement of three rubber insulators (Alex Schiffer uses Ebonite or Teflon) that are separated at 120 degree intervals around the pipe and are fitted at the bottom and top between adjacent pipes of the pipe assembly. These rubber spacers act both as an insulator between the plates and a mechanical means of holding the plate/pipe assembly together (a friction/pressure fit). It’s important that the tops of the pipes are perfectly even (level) with each other. If one pipe is slightly higher or lower than its neighbor, the cell won’t work correctly.
Keep it Clean : After obtaining your stainless steel and cutting everything to the correct size, all S/S must be thoroughly cleaned with acetic acid (vinegar) mixed with juvenile water before assembly. Always work with clean hands. Use no other cleaner on the stainless steel except acetic acid and juvenile water. Polish the stainless before cleaning it. Don’t use commercial abrasives. Keeping everything clean is an absolute requirement for the cell to work.
The Stainless Steel Bolt : The Car Cell has a S/S bolt that is press driven into the bottom of the center 1″ pipe. You want to find a stainless steel bolt (check for magnetism) with a hexagonal head that will give you a tight force- fit into the one inch pipe (use a stainless steel (316L if possible) one half inch bolt of 3-4 inch length). The bolt and the 1″ pipe together constitute the Cathode of the Car Cell to which the negative terminal of the battery will connect via the chassis of the car. The Car Cell container has a hole drilled in the bottom which allows the bolt connected to the 1 ” pipe to pass through it. This hole is fitted with a large rubber grommet (or another type of insulator such as a stepped teflon washer) in order to prevent the metal of the bolt from touching the metal of the Energy Cell container. S/S nuts are secured on the inside and the outside of the bolt to firmly hold it in place. The nuts are also touching the flanges of the large rubber or teflon grommet through which the bolt passes in order to prevent the nut from making a metal to metal contact with the anode container. The portion of the bolt protruding from the bottom of the container is then bolted to the chassis of the car. A rubber pad must be placed between the bottom of the positive anode container and the negative car chassis in order to prevent metal to metal contact.
The length of the S/S pipe assembly within the Car Cell container is dependent upon the total number of cylinders used for plates. Alex Schiffer found that the length of the pipe assembly could be optimized by matching it to the “seed diameter” of the cell. Alex includes a complete table in his Guide, but a handy rule of thumb is to use 7″ long cylinders (pipes) for a 3 plate Car Cell and 8″ long cylinders for a 4 plate Car Cell (the anode container should be about 2 inches longer than the interior cylinder plates). It’s important that the length of each cylinder be approximately the same, regardless of the design length chosen. The 2″, 3″ and 4″ plates (pipes) are left electrically unconnected to the battery or to other plates, but they play a critical function in the operation of the Energy Cell. Joe calls them Neutral Plates. Remember, the negative side of the battery is connected to the center one inch pipe via the S/S bolt (cathode) which is connected to the chassis of the car. The positive terminal of the battery will be connected to the Car Cell stainless steel anode container via the one inch aluminum tubing will be attached to the cone top of the Car Cell.
The Anode Container : The plate assembly is placed within the S/S anode container. The plates are held suspended off the bottom of the container by the S/S bolt passing up through the hole that was drilled in the bottom of the container. The anode container needs to be capped with a cone shaped top. You can use either stainless steel or aluminum for this purpose. Off-the-shelf reducers in S/S or aluminum work fine ( a 5″ to 1″ or a 6″ to 1″ reducer will fit the bill). The cone angle must be at least 45 degrees, but 52 or 54 degrees, according to Alex Schiffer, works better. You weld a 1″ compression angle fitting to the reducer’s 1″ hole at the top in order to receive the 1″ aluminum tubing that will carry the orgone to the engine manifold. The one inch aluminum tubing should be polished on the inside since orgone behaves like an optical wave. Ideally, you want the aluminum tubing angle rising until it reaches the carb connection, but horizontal runs of the tubing are OK. Don’t, however, direct the tubing downwards. Orgone wants to rise, it does not want to go downhill.
The end of the aluminum tubing is not connected directly to the engine. Rather, a 4 inch length of rubber or neoprene tubing is used to connect the blind nipple on the carb to the end of the aluminum tubing. You connect the 12 volt positive wire from the ignition (after the key switch) to the aluminum tubing and fasten it with an airplane clamp. Remember that the aluminum tubing is electrically connected to the anode container and everything is at + 12 volts potential, so don’t allow it to touch any part of the engine or chassis (otherwise, you’ll short out the battery). Put a 5 amp fuse in line with the positive ignition wire connected to the aluminum tubing and insulate the aluminum tubing with either a plastic sleeve or wrapping (electrician’s tape).
Charged Water : To get the car cell to work, “charged” water obtained from the Charging Vat (or a test cell) is poured into the Car Cell ( it’s simpler and easier than than attempting to charge the water using the Car Cell itself). Since charged water (necessary for the functioning of the cell) is being added to the Car Cell, it is not necessary to produce it with the Car Cell. If the Car Cell is properly prepared and acclimated, the cell will begin to “breed” when charged water is added and electricity from the battery is applied to the cell. Alex found that a current flow of 1 amp from the 12 volt car battery creates the ideal electrolysis conditions for a Joe cell to work. Producing the charged water first, filtering it (coffee filter), and adding it to the Car Cell, prevents a lot of potential problems. Follow this hard earned advice.
The Water : The water you will need to produce the charged water is of enormous importance. Viktor Schauberger appropriately described water as a “living” substance. It can possess many types of different energy states that are not apparent to the eye. The sort of water that comes out of your kitchen faucet, or from bottled water, or even distilled water, for this purpose, is essentially ‘dead’ water. Alex Schiffer recommends obtaining what he calls “juvenile water” from a natural mountain spring source. Schauberger always said that water wasn’t ‘ready’ to be utilized by living things until it was properly ‘nurtured’ within the earth. When ready, this water would naturally rise up to forested mountain areas and gush forth, naturally, as a spring.
And this is where you want to try and get your Joe Cell water: from a natural spring source before man has a chance to pollute it downstream or run it through pipes (which kills the life-giving natural energies). Lacking availability of a spring source, the next best thing is to treat the water in such a way as to restore some of its life enhancing properties. One method is to spin the water in a vortex and capture orgone from the surrounding atmosphere through implosion. A second technique is to add substances to the water which will enhance its energy. (more info will be added here to explain how to treat).
The Acclimated & Breeding Cell : A properly acclimated and breeding cell will produce a small electrical potential of its own even when it is no longer connected to a battery source. Since the cell is an orgone accumulator, it accumulates orgone! After a certain saturation point is reached, the excess orgone energy must go somewhere, so it converts to electricity and this accounts for the small electric potential produced across the cell.. This cell generated potential, however, will not maintain itself indefinitely and it eventually will wind down to zero unless a periodic “boost” of electricity is applied to the cell. Alex noted that a one minute application of 12 volts battery power every day will keep the cell breeding and ready for work. The Car Cell is capable of maintaining this state of production readiness as long as the cell is not discharged (explained below).
Beyond containing the charged water, remember that the container acts as the anode for the Joe Cell. With battery potential applied, the charged water within the cell will ‘breed’ and create a field effect in which an electric potential of approximately 1.5 volts is maintained between the Anode container and the Cathode bolt protruding from the bottom of the cell.
The Field Effect : Joe attempts to explain the “field” effect that is taking place within the cell and between the plates on both tapes 1 and 2, however, since tape 1 starts with video shot in 1993 and ’95 and tape 2 includes video mostly recorded in 1997, Joe’s understanding (and explanation) of the phenomena is better understood in the 1997 video. Alex Schiffer explains the ‘field effect’ with even greater insight in his book, the Experimenter’s Guide; well worth reading.
Since the charged water is not consumed in the process of producing the third type of gas, the charged water is acting as a catalyst, which by definition is a substance that facilitates a reaction, but is not consumed by the reaction.
By placing pre charged water in the smaller car unit, you side step the problem of contamination of the car cell with the Brown Scum sediment which can coat the plates and rubber insulators in the event of a cell discharge.
The Charging Vat : The larger Charging Vat can be located in a shop, garage, or patio for example. Joe uses a big stainless steel beer keg with the top cut off. Remember, the stainless steel beer keg functions as both container and anode for the cell The size and shape of the plate assembly within the Charging Vat is different than the smaller Car Cell. The plates are of a larger diameter and are in the shape of a truncated cone. There are 9 plates used in Joe’s Charging Vat versus the 3 or 4 plates used in the Car Cell. Joe found that 10 inch S/S milk separator cones (from milk processing equipment) work well for these plates. However, different shapes of stainless steel plates can work just as well if they are sufficiently free of magnetism. Stainless steel classified as “food grade” or “317L” has produced good results for Joe. Alex Schiffer feels that it’s not necessary to use a large beer keg for the charging vat. A small S/S beer keg or even a test cell will produce a sufficient amount of charged water needed by one person.
The Number of Neutral Plates : Joe often mentions in the tapes that an energy cell with a larger number of neutral plates will produce a larger volume of “gas” and will draw much less current from the battery. You don’t have to limit the Car Energy Cell to just 3 plates, but since this cell isn’t producing the charged water and isn’t hooked up to the car battery, 3 plates are adequate. However, Alex Schiffer mentions that an additional plate will result in a less “leaky” cell and accumulate orgone more efficiently. Since a 5″ anode container will accommodate a 4″ pipe, it’s probably advantageous to build a 4 plate cell.
Cell Discharge : Joe found that if the cell accidentally discharged before the Brown Scum could be removed from the top of the cell , it would be necessary to totally disassemble and clean the cell before it could properly function again. This required a lot of work. Joe learned through bitter experience to take care and avoid discharging the cell. You need to avoid making this costly and time consuming mistake yourself.
The Energy Cell can be discharged by:
– 1. Failing to quickly remove the Brown Scum as it is being formed in the Charging Vat.
– 2. Accidentally shorting out the anode and the cathode plates or the neutral plates to each other.
– 3. Inserting your fingers or hand into the ‘charge water’
– 4. Allowing strong electrical or magnetic fields to penetrate the immediate vicinity of the Energy Cell
– 5. Allowing individuals with highly negative emotions or personality or character to get too close to the cell (I know this sounds crazy, but it’s true). Wilhelm Reich described this effect on orgone energy as the “Y” factor (“Y” standing for “you”).
Charged Water Transfer : After the Charging Vat is activated by applying battery power to the anode and cathode (about 30-60 seconds) and removing the Brown Scum, the Charged Water can be picked up using a glass beaker in which the fingers are not allowed to touch the water within the beaker or touch the cell water outside of the beaker. It’s not really that hard to do. You take a 500 ml or 750 ml glass (or Pyrex) beaker and you hold it by hooking your index finger or middle inside the beaker. Dip the part of the beaker opposite your hand into the water and scoop up a reasonable amount of charged water. Dump it into another large beaker of a large glass jar. Keep it up until you have about a quart or so of charged water. You then transfer the Charged Water from the Charging Vat into the Car Cell (just pour it in).
Car Cell Location : This Cell can stop breeding if it is exposed to high magnetic/electrical fields. Joe has located the cell within the engine compartment on some small cars, but usually bolts the cell to the foot well on the passenger side or puts it in the trunk (“boot” for our Aussie readers). You place a thick sheet of rubber insulation between the bottom of the cell and the car chassis. Note: the bolt that goes through the bottom of the cell and connects to the center pipe (plate) within the cell is insulated from the cell container by a rubber grommet. You want the bolt firmly connected to the chassis because the bolt represents the negative cathode (and the chassis is negative). You don’t want the cell container to touch the chassis because it represents the positive anode and touching the chassis would short out the cell..
Acclimating the Engine to the Joe Cell: An all aluminum engine can acclimate in a few hours while a cast iron engine may take 1-4 weeks to adjust to the Energy Cell. Joe begins by installing the car cell and then adds the charged water. He leaves the gas lines intact and runs the car until he notices an increase in the idle rate and/or the engine starts running more roughly. This indicates to him that the cell is beginning to take over and requires the timing to be slightly advanced until the engine runs smooth again. He continues to adjust the timing as the engine acclimates to the cell. Eventually, Joe found that he could disconnect the fuel lines completely and run the car exclusively with the Car Cell.
The Test Cell : It wiser to begin experimentation by first building a Test Cell using a glass container. Besides ease of construction, you can view the action of the cell from above, sideways, and below. You can have a glass company cut off the top of a large, restaurant size glass pickle jar or find a very large mouth one gallon glass container used for lemonade and that sort of thing.
We want to place five S/S cylinders of equal length in our Test Cell. The diameters of the S/S pipes are 1″, 2″, 3″, 4″, and 5″ respectively. Make sure you obtain S/S pipes which exhibit very little or almost no magnetic attraction to a neodymium magnet (this is extremely important). The pipes are held together in an assembly by using the rubber (or other) insulators spaced out at 120 degree intervals at the top and bottom of adjacent pipes (there are three rubber insulators between the 1″ and 2″ pipes at the top and at the bottom; same between the 2″ and 3″ pipes, same between the 3″ and 4″ pipes, and finally same between the 4″ and 5″ pipes; a total of eight sets of three insulators each). Set the insulators in about one quarter inch from the ends of the pipes. Be careful that the tops of all five pipes are on the same level and are even with each other. Set he pipe assembly down into the glass container sitting on top of glass/acrylic standoff strips or sitting on a few rubber insulators spread out on the bottom of the jar.
It’s not necessary to drill a hole through the bottom of the glass jar like the Car Cell (although you could if you want to), since we can attach alligator clips from wires connected to the battery directly onto the S/S pipes that we will use as the anode and cathode. It’s necessary to connect your negative battery wire to the bottom of the center S/S 1′ cylinder pipe and connect the positive battery wire to the top of the 5″ cylinder using an alligator clip. To connect to the bottom of the one inch center cathode pipe, it’s a good idea to use stainless steel strapping that is pop-rivited with a stainless steel rivet or tap-screwed with a stainlees steel screw (check for magnetism). You can use S/S strapping sized from one quarter inch up to one inch. It’s not critical. Checking for non-magnetism IS critical. You can arrange the S/S strapping to snake between the standoffs in the bottom of the cell and rise up through the water running along the outside perimeter of the S/S cylinders to emerge through the top of the water. You attach your negative battery alligator clip to this S/S cathode strap.
To be Continued as time permits…Last addition: August 5, 2000 ; Ken Adachi
(to link the article above use: #ADA1)
## Aussie Joe Cell Experimeter Runs 1983 Car on Water http://educate-yourself.org/fe/joecellanecdote17aug05.shtml
[Editor’s Note: The following story was taken from the Sep 5, 2005 Implosion Group Newsletter ( url below). In early 1998, I wrote an article explaining the Joe Cell (
Sol has followed the most important details to get a Joe cell to work. First, he’s using a 1983 automobile that uses a carburetor with ignition points and an ignition coil. The ignition coil is a Tesla coil and it’s RADIATING an electrical AND a magnetic field (including a 4th dimensional aspect) that can penetrate the walls of the engine and permit the implosion action to take place within the cylinder-which could allow the cell to operate WITHOUT spark plugs (but that’s not the case here). Second, he’s made a small version of the Joe cell as shown in the Joe cell videos. It does not have to be large or fancy or expensive. He’s using three stainless steel cylinders, rubber grommets to separate the cylinders, a glass jar to hold the water and he uses a plastic PVC top and piping to funnel the gas into the car. Note, there are two wires connected to the inner and outer cylinders which connect to the battery to start the cell breeding, but once the cell begins to breed, you can disconnect the battery power and it will continue to breed. Sol started the cell breeding on his bench and then let it seed overnight, carrying it out to the car-while it’s breeding. If you read the story carefully, that’s what he’s explaining to the reader (important remarks are highlighted in bold print for clarity).
He installed a simple, in-line switch to cut off electricity to the electric fuel pump once he got underway with the Joe cell breeding and in place. As far as I can discern, he hasn’t made any other changes to the car, not even advancing the timing (which will produce better power using a Joe cell) When you read that he switches the car off, he’s turning off the ignition key in the usual way and turning it on again in the usual way. Turning off the key stops the ignition coil from radiating its electromagnetic field and that stops the implosion action in the cylinder. When he starts the car again, the ignition coil field is instantly re-established and you once again get implosion in the cylinders. The Joe cell continues to breed whether the car’s ignition key is turned on or off. Later in the article, Sol disconnects the fuel line altogether and, of course, the motor continues to run (as explained in my Joe cell article). When Sol and his pals pull off the plastic pipe feeding the engine from the Joe cell, then naturally, the engine gradually puttered to a stop ( Auzzies will try ANYTHING to satisfy their curiosity– but thank God for such innocence).
Sol-with all due respect-doesn’t completely comprehend how the cell is working as he apparently is still thinking along the lines of electrolysis. But he does recognize that something weird is going on when he notes that the water ” doesn’t actually seem to get sucked from the cell into the engine there’s something else happening an energy, or charge or whatever”…
The most interesting part is the last section of the article. Sol and Ian visit a skeptical friend named “Chris” to show him how the engine is running on water. They disconnect the fuel line to demonstrate to Chris that it’s running exclusively on the Joe sell, but Chris is still skeptical. They agree to go on the road in two cars so Chris can observe the cell in action. Ian says to Sol as they head out on the road that “they’re being followed by a disbeliever (Chris)” and the car dies then and there.
The Joe cell died because of the negative DOR energy field which is radiated by NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. This is why people with an avarice intent or those of a negative spiritual orientation -CANNOT GET THE JOE CELL TO WORK. This is the mysterious “Y” factor (“you”) that Wilhelm Reich wrote about when it comes to working with orgone energy (and discussed very adroitly by Alex Schiffer in his book). When you follow Joe’s instructions carefully and build the cell for fun and adventure and have a light hearted attitude about the whole thing, the cell will usually work. If Sol can do it, YOU can do it. Give it a shot..Ken Adachi
By Solihin Millin ; http://educate-yourself.org/fe/joecellanecdote17aug05.shtml ; August 17, 2005 ; Web posted at: http://www.soulinvitation.com/pentup/
[The following introductory note from the editor of the Implosion Group newsletter:]
Picture and Article about new Joe Cell / Browns Gas (Hydrogen Implosion) -simple modification to power a CAR – in Australia. (thanks Noah!) – we suggest that the PRINCIPLE be taught-
If the recursive cylindrical (in this case materials critical stainless) capacitor whose high voltage triggered capacitance reduces the wattage necessary to invite the implosive hydrogen atom (Brown’s Gas) free from H2O, were golden ratio optimized – THEN fusion principles would be improved. (Car makers note – normal coil voltages feed the capacitor bubbling the hydrogen from water, they use partial vacuum from the manifold to further reduce the power needed to split out the hydrogen atom. When they first drove cars repeatedly across Australia on glassfuls of water, they had to defend themselves with guns willingly supplied by the local / Lismore police – against Australia’s equivalent of the CIA. The more we make this shareable – the more it will be impossible to make un-shareable.)
# From: Solihin Millin ; Cc: editor@echo.net.au (above pic from the Byron Bay / Lismore echo.net.au newspaper.)
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:26 PM ; Subject: The continuing diary of a Cosmic water mechanic
After three successful trials of the water driven car this week… Hey… I’m still reeling under the enormity of it all
# Today, 17 August 2005, started as per normal with a cheery hello to Chris where we have the BNE (Byron New Energy) Lab here in Byron. I was doing my chores when I had a feeling to ring Joe, which I did. We had a great talk and at the end of it my BNE buddy Ian wandered into the kitchen. We made a cup of tea and I recounted some of the things that had been happening (Ian gets the emails, so he already knew) and then we wandered into the lab so Ian could see the cell.
I’ve engineered it so it’s real easy to disconnect from the car and reconnect of course. It’s actually a pretty cruddy cell, PVC plastic 5 minute epoxy’d onto the cut off neck of a large glass jar! But hey! Peter had given me confidence when he said ‘Just try it Sol!’. No dew water here, that had dripped off the pristine tips of ancient hoary oaks of the deep fairy forests. Just plain down to earth Ozzie PVC tank water collected out of Chris’ kitchen tap that had been collected off of Chris’ workshop roof including bird droppings, frog whatever etc. etc! {Note-he used rainwater..Ken]
The previous night, I had been giving some thought to the misfires and instability of the cell on the previous day and as I’d experimented with sodium hydroxide as an electrolyte (pretty powerful stuff and really chews into stuff especially aluminium, hey by the way that’s another way of making hydrogen. Drop a piece of aluminium into a solution of sodium hydroxide) I considered it carefully and decided to put just a teeny weeny little bit of sodium hydroxide into the cell to see what would happen. You see sodium hydroxide increases the electrolytic processes in water enormously, and as I haven’t got a clue how this cell is working and being an experimental Cosmic water mechanic I thought I’d just try it.
Caustic soda is very easy to come by and dirt cheap. I had purchased some at the local hardware store. Zoooo. I took a leeetle bit (physically it is in small white granules far less than a millimeter in diameter) a soup song as they say in France, maybe about 200 minute granules and wacked in in the cell well, actually slowly spooned it into the cell while connected to my 12 computer power supply on the lab bench. Wow! Talk about action. The current running through the cell went up from 130 milliamps to about 2 amps (still only 2 x 12 = 24 watts which is chicken feed for a car battery and a computer power supply if it comes to that). Then I had to think carefully, since this stuff is as they say in the classics ‘not good for engines’, however, since my beautiful little Daihatsu Charade al la 1983 vintage had cost me $100 to buy ($840 all up when registered and insured for a year) I thought, what the heck! All in the name of science.
I considered carefully what would happen to her precious little valves and seats and pistons etc. and decided it was worth a try a) because the water (electrolyte) doesn’t actually seem to get sucked from the cell into the engine there’s something else happening an energy, or charge or whatever so I thought it could be OK for the next day’s tests, and b) well, what the heck!. All three previous successful tests had been on pure Mullum tank water! (not sure is ‘pure’ is the correct word here!) I let the cell bubble on the computer power supply for a few minutes (apparently to charge it) and then went to bed. By the way, while I was waiting discovered more about Walter Russell on the web due to my excellent friend Peter look him (Walter Russell that is) up on Google fantastic stuff
Anyways as they say in the US of A, we decided to give the cell a test. Ian had never seen it before. He carried it reverently out of the workshop (actually, come to think of it, Ian’s not really the ‘reverend’ sort of type, more sort of surfy dude I’d say) and I showed him how to connect it into the car. We didn’t put power on the cell (ie. left it disconnected from the car battery) and drove out of the lab property on normal fuel. After closing the gate, I showed Ian how to switch off the normal fuel which we did and off we went to Mullum (with me holding my breath, since she’d not worked that well in the later part of yesterday).
Well she started off down the main road to Mullum, missed a few times, backfired a few times but would you believe!!! kept going. Ian sat there in stunned silence ‘Hey man! It’s working’ I said happily You’re running on water! There was this absolute look of total disbelief on Ian’s face I was real happy because Ian is the first person I’ve had in the car with the cell working We beetled into Mullum (bimby) the motor was going much better now apparently the cell ‘acclimatizes’ itself to the engine and the car and another thing apparently it goes better with the timing advanced (Peter said even 20 degrees!). I haven’t fiddled with the timing yet, not knowing much about cars and engines myself. So the timing was ‘as is’ with normal fuel.
We purred through the main streets of Mullum to the Post Office where Ian had some businesses and parked normally with the engine idling perfectly. Ian just could get over it he just sat there in a daze. By the way, the temperature of the motor was as per normal.
‘Shall I switch it off and try and start it?’ I asked. Ian nodded vaguely.
I switched it off and then started her again Rrrrrummm. She started first time as per usual. Wow! Remember there was no electrical power going to the cell during all of this. I’ve got a switch and plug so I can isolate the cell. We wandered into the Post Office and Ian did his business. When we got back to the car I said to Ian ‘Do you mind if we go over to see the guy’s at Farmcare there a bloke who works in stainless steel there I want to connect with’. ‘No worries’ was Ian’s reply so off went (running on water, by the way!)
We went in the back entrance and stopped in the workshop area. Anthony was there working on some vehicle or other and I called to him ‘Hey! Anthony, she’s still running on water’. The boys came over and looked at the engine idling and we all had a great chin wag while she kept idling beautifully. I revved her up for them, they all examined the fuel tap (in the off position) and we all marveled. Hmmmmm. How can this be.. or as they say in the classics, ‘How is it so?’
The bloke who owns the stainless business wasn’t there so his mechanic had a look as well. We then took the car over to Malcolm’s Tool Shop for Malcolm to see the car, but he wasn’t there so we left a message and started off home (about 4 kms to McAuleys drive where the BNE labs are.)
The car went beautifully. When we got into the 100 kph zone outside Mullum, as we got up to 80 kph I said to Ian, ‘I’ve not taken her over 80 kph yet, so I tried accelerating but felt a slight drag on the motor, so felt it may be the timing and decelerated back to 80 kph. I’ve never actually got the car up the hill on McAuleys Lane on water before, but today she purred up the hill.
‘Geeez! I’d love to show Chris this’ I said to Ian, still sitting there in a daze. We got to the gate and she still kept running. Hey! This is something new! The gate was open so we drove straight in. Chris was there doing business with a courier and got a bit upset with us as he thought I was going to run over his 5 dogs (which I wasn’t). We parked the car and opened the bonnet with the motor still running. Now, you’ve got to know Chris. Chris is as dour as it comes let me tell you. They don’t make em more dour than Chris. From Nottingham you know says he’s a plumber lived in the district for yonks. Now Chris does not believe a word I’ve been saying, (and I don’t blame him) but he does allow me to continue experimenting which I really appreciate (thanks Chris), ‘Hey Chris, it’s running on water right now, come over and have a look!’. Chris wandered over more interested in his parcel than anything else.
‘Look Chris, see it works!’ Chris peered into the engine compartment, looked at the cell, and followed my finger to the switched off normal fuel switch’ ‘That switch is leaking’ he said with a cunning smile on his face. ‘OK we’ll pull the pipe off’, I said. Which with a bit of a struggle we did. She kept purring on as if nothing had happened. I don’t know what was going through Chris’ mind. ‘I wonder if you can disconnect the pipe from the cell to the motor’, Ian said. ‘Let’s try it!’, I responded and Chris pulled the pipe apart.
Now wait for it. You’re ready? OK.
She ran for quite a time and then stopped I decided to switch power onto the cell (in case it had discharged) and she started again. I think by now I was getting just a bit too excited. She ran for a while then stopped again. I could feel my energy getting confused and exhausted by now, but I wanted to keep going. ‘Let’s drive to Mullum with the fuel totally disconnected’.
We reconnected the plastic pipe between the cell and the engine, and Ian jumped in the car and we reversed up and out of the gate with the normal fuel totally physically disconnected. We heard Chris’ car start up so we waited for him to come out of the gate and Ian closed the gate for Chris and off we went. As we started out for Mullum Ian said ‘We’re being followed by a disbeliever’. As the words came out of his mouth, the engine failed.
‘Hey man!’ I said, ‘Say that it’s OK, say that you believe the car will work’ I said urgently. Ian looked at me with a pained expression on his face as though he been found with his hand in the cookie (actually that should be kooky) jar. ‘It’ll go’ Ian said rather lamely but I’m afraid dear friends, that was the end of that. We pulled over and checked the spark (OK), re-connected the normal fuel, had trouble restarting her because the the mechanical fuel pump was dry and any fuel there may have been there was vapourised (or that’s what I think), so I put a wet cloth on the mechanical fuel pump and cooled her down until she started. By this time we were quite exhausted so we decided to just go home on normal fuel and call it a day for the moment. Wow! Love and peace, Sol, BNE Coordinator
(to link the article above use: #ADA2)