Black Light Power

The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics

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Short Abstract

Dr. Mills has built on the field generally known as Quantum Mechanics by deriving a new atomic theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics (CQM) from first principles, which unifies Maxwell’s Equations, Newton’s Laws, and Einstein’s General and Special Relativity. The central feature is that physical laws hold over all scales, from the scale of subatomic particles to that of the cosmos.

Quantum Mechanics has remained mysterious to all who have encountered it. Whereas Schrödinger postulated a boundary condition that the wavefunction goes to zero as the radius goes to infinity, resulting in a purely mathematical model of the hydrogen atom, CQM was derived from known physics, i.e. Maxwell’s Equations. Under special conditions, an extended distribution of charge may accelerate without radiating energy. This leads to a physical model of subatomic particles, atoms, and molecules. Equations are closed-form solutions containing fundamental constants only and agree with experimental observations.

Further, the Schwarzschild Metric is derived by applying Maxwell’s Equations to electromagnetic and gravitational fields at particle production. This modifies General Relativity to include conservation of spacetime and gives the origin of gravity, the masses of fundamental particles, the acceleration of the expansion of the universe (predicted by Dr. Mills in 1995 and since confirmed experimentally), and overturns the Big Bang model of the origin of the universe.

About the Author

Dr. Randell Mills holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from Harvard and a BA degree in Chemistry from Franklin and Marshall College. He began his research on the unified field theory while studying electrical engineering at MIT. He has published widely and filed patents in the areas of hydrogen energy technology, magnetic resonance imaging, Mossbauer cancer therapy (Nature , Hyperfine Interactions ), Luminide class drug delivery molecules , genomic sequencing, and artificial intelligence . He is President, Chairman and CEO of BlackLight Power, Inc. More…


“Mills proposes such a basic approach to quantum theory that it deserves considerably more attention from the general scientific community than it has received so far. The new theory appears to be a realization of Einstein’s vision and a fitting closure of the “Quantum Century” that started in 1900…” Dr. Reinhart Engelmann, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology Read Review…

“Dr. Mills has apparently completed Einstein’s quest for a unified field theory… without largesse from the US Government, and without the benediction of the US scientific priesthood.” – Shelby T. Brewer, former Assistant Secretary of Energy Read Review…

“Mills’ ingenious way of thinking creates in different physical areas astonishing results with fascinating mathematical simplicity and harmony. And his theory is strongly supported by the fact that nearly all these results are in comfortable accordance with experimental findings, sometimes with breathtaking accuracy.” – Dr Günther Landvogt, retired scientist, Philips Research Lab Read Review…

“Mills’ theory explains the answers to some very old scientific questions, such as ‘what happens to a photon upon absorption’ and some very modern ones, such as ‘what is dark matter.’ …Lastly, Mills has made an extremely important contribution to the philosophy of science. He has reestablished cause and effect as the basic principle of science.” – Dr. John J. Farrell, Franklin & Marshall College Read Review…

Detailed Abstract

A theory of classical quantum mechanics (CQM) is derived from first principles that successfully applies physical laws on all scales. Using the classical wave equation with the constraint of nonradiation based on Maxwell’s equations, CQM gives closed form solutions for the atom including the stability of the n=1 state and the instability of the excited states, the equation of the photon and electron in excited states, the equation of the free electron, and photon which predict the wave particle duality behavior of particles and light. The current and charge density functions of the electron may be directly physically interpreted. For example, spin angular momentum results from the motion of negatively charged mass moving systematically, and the equation for angular momentum, r x p, can be applied directly to the wave function (a current density function) that describes the electron. The magnetic moment of a Bohr magneton, Stern Gerlach experiment, g factor, Lamb shift, resonant line width and shape, selection rules, correspondence principle, wave particle duality, excited states, reduced mass, rotational energies, and momenta, orbital and spin splitting, spin-orbital coupling, Knight shift, spin-nuclear coupling are derived in closed form equations based on Maxwell’s equations. The calculations agree with experimental observations.

For any kind of wave advancing with limiting velocity and capable of transmitting signals, the equation of front propagation is the same as the equation for the front of a light wave. By applying this condition to electromagnetic and gravitational fields at particle production, the Schwarzschild metric (SM) is derived from the classical wave equation which modifies general relativity to include conservation of spacetime in addition to momentum and matter/energy. The result gives a natural relationship between Maxwell’s equations, special relativity, and general relativity. It gives gravitation from the atom to the cosmos. The universe is time harmonically oscillatory in matter energy and spacetime expansion and contraction with a minimum radius that is the gravitational radius. In closed form equations with fundamental constants only, CQM gives the deflection of light by stars, the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, the particle masses, the Hubble constant, the age of the universe, the observed acceleration of the expansion, the power of the universe, the power spectrum of the universe, the microwave background temperature, the uniformity of the microwave background radiation, the microkelvin spatial variation of the microwave background radiation, the observed violation of the GZK cutoff, the mass density, the large scale structure of the universe, and the identity of dark matter which matches the criteria for the structure of galaxies. In a special case wherein the gravitational potential energy density of a black hole equals that of the Plank mass, matter converts to energy and spacetime expands with the release of a gamma ray burst. The singularity in the SM is eliminated.

– Summary Tables of Calculated and Experimental Values

Includes tables of parameters for the Hydrogen Molecular Ion and Hydrogen Molecule, One-Through-Twenty-Electron Atoms, Excited States of Helium, Ratios of Masses of Fundamental Particles, and Electron g-factor

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