Page created August 2007, updated November 2007)
About the inventor and his invention with links to relevant documentary.

Adapted from by Dr. Peter Lindemann.
In 1958, Edwin V. Gray, Sr. discovered that the discharge of a high voltage capacitor could be shocked into releasing a huge, radiant, electrostatic burst. This energy spike was produced by his circuitry and captured in a special device Mr. Gray called his “conversion element switching tube.” The non-shocking, cold form of energy that came out of this “conversion tube” powered all of his demonstrations, appliances, and motors, as well as recharged his batteries. Mr. Gray referred to this process as “splitting the positive.” During the 1970’s, based on this discovery, Mr. Gray developed an 80 hp electric automobile engine that kept its batteries charged continuously. Hundreds of people witnessed dozens of demonstrations that Mr. Gray gave in his laboratory. His story is well documented in the following materials.
See also: Biography (1925-1989)
Excerpted From Radiant Energy Power Generation
Millennium Edition, Revised and Expanded ; SECTION 7
Edwin Gray’s Energy System
Thomas H. Moray invented a high efficiency 6,000-hertz power supply. It turns out that Edwin Gray’s power supply also produced this same frequency. Gray claimed that electrical equipment such as solid state radio; television and light bulbs would operate on this type of current.
The overall efficiency of the Gray device was said to be extremely high. From one of his company press releases we are told that it will power loads four times longer in comparison to a standard DC to AC inverter power supply. This particular press statement indicates that he was planning to market a device that outputted 6,000 cycles (6Khz frequency), as compared to the standard 60Hz frequency coming from the public utility power grid.
Both the Moray and Gray energy systems harnessed a very old source of energy in very unique ways. They could be the solution to our power needs by using an inexpensive renewable energy. The advantages over other systems are many. The World is indeed moving at a suicidal pace, we need this technology more than ever. It will light lights, run motors and electrical appliances.
When you put a high potential current across two separate elements, ionization will occur between them. The high voltage elements 12 & 34 develop a pre-discharge plasma glow between them. The charge polarity given to the tube 14 in the Gray circuit puts it into an impulse mode. When a pre-discharge glow is present in this mode no current flows. The tube 14 functions pretty much like a Geiger radiation detection tube waiting for an electromagnetic surge to trigger it into conduction.
Discharge occurs across the spark gap 62 once the capacitor 16 charges to the gaps’ breakdown voltage. Once the arc is broken the capacitor 16 recharges, the cycle repeats and the cycle repeats so long as the batteries remain charged. This discharge current flows along the red wire shown in Figure 6.
Consider an electron moving through a magnetic field, whose lines of force are at right angles to its direction of motion. It is known that the electron is constrained to move in a circular path. In fact, if the field is made strong enough the electron may be forced to revolve in a circular orbit whose diameter is smaller than the field. If a magnetic field is applied transversely to the motion of the electrons, they may be deflected to such an extent as to prevent them from reaching the plate. Thus they are constrained to return to the cathode. A.W. Hall of the General Electric Co. was the first to use this principle in a highly efficient vacuum tube converter that he called a magnetron. The sudden discharge through the element 12 generates an intense electromagnetic field that collapses very abruptly. This discharges the energy stored in capacitor 38 in series with the load 36 and capacitor 16. During this discharge cycle capacitors 16 & 38 recharge and in the same moment a powerful surge of electrical oscillations flows through the load 36. The collapsing magnetic field in conjunction with the reappearance of the pre-glow discharge instantly generates a pulse train of electrical oscillations. This surge of power runs Gray’s unique high frequency motor. The motor functions with extreme efficiency because DC resistance is reduced to a minimum and wasteful heat loss is practically non-existent in this system.

Edwin Gray Energy System – Figure 6:
The blue wires represent the high frequency current path that powers the load 36.
The red wires represent the current discharge path that occurs when the spark gap in the Gray conversion tube 14 fires. Storage batteries 40 and 18 alternately recover the discharge energy through a double-poled switch 48.
When the capacitor 16 discharges an intense oscillating high frequency electromagnetic field is generated through the “switching tube” and load circuit.
Diode 46 returns nearly 100% of the energy that is not used by load 36.
Capacitor 38 and inductive load 36 constitutes a tank circuit that resonates at 6Khz.
Tesla’s last ten years of his life, 1933 – 1943, contrary to popular belief, were his most productive years where he worked in his private laboratory located on Canadian soil. This was communicated to me through his last known living assistant, Arthur H. Matthews, E.E., and B.Sc. before he passed away in 1986. He also revealed to me that special primary batteries with replaceable zinc electrodes powered Tesla’s electric car. This car also had a “fluid transmission” and could travel at 90 miles per hour. The electric motor could run on the batteries for three hundred miles before you had to pull over and attend to the batteries and then you were on your way for another three hundred miles. Matthews claimed that there were enough spare parts in the trunk to run the car for one year! The performance of this vehicle seems to be impossible. However, the characteristics of Tesla’s unidirectional electrical current can generate short duration high-energy that will generate high frequency oscillations when dumped through an inductive coil. This unique principle makes possible many seemingly impossible innovations. It was this principle that was at the very heart of Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter, also known as his “DC transformer” to his assistant Arthur H. Matthews.
– Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads US Pat. No. 4,595,975
– Efficient Electrical Conversion Tube Suitable For Inductive Loads US Pat. No. 4,661,747
– Pulse Power Switching Devices
– Magnetron Tube
– Ion-Regulator Valve
– Safety
Nu Energy Horizons, P. O. Box 22, Rumney, New Hampshire 03266-0022 USA ; Copyright © 2000 & 2001, All Rights Reserved
EVGRAY #1, The Engine that Runs Itself – 02/24/00
This file was originally posted on the KeelyNet BBS on March 23, 1990 and consists of an article on the EMA-4 engine that appeared in a magazine called `Probe The Unknown’ in June 1973. Shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Ron Barker.
An unconventional approach to harnessing energy has created a motor that requires no fuel and produces no waste. It’s inventor say it is the answer to man’s transportation and power problems. By Jack Scagnetti
Newspaper headlines from January, 1973
– Rationing in Effect as Winter Catches U.S. Short of Fuel
– Fuel shortage May Curtail Rail Service
– Smog-Proofed Autos Choking on Own Fumes
– U.S. May Approve Gasoline Rationing
– Pace Picks up in Quest for Clean Engines
Catastrophic Problems, aren’t they? Not only are we taking more out of the earth than the earth has to give, but we’re also using what we take to ruin the air above.
Sitting in a small laboratory in Van Nuys, California is a curious creation which, based on the results of dynamometer tests and other rigid trials, claims to be the solution.
It’s called the EMA (electro-magnetic association) motor and, in technical jargon, is described as;
# “digital-pulsed,”
# “time-phased” and
# “servo-controlled.”
Developed by EvGray Enterprises, an independent research and development firm, the unique engine runs on the principle of electro-magnetic transformation. In terms more meaningful to the layman, the EMA motor requires no fossil fuel, recycles its own energy, creates no waste and is extremely quiet. Its size, weight and horsepower ratios are comparable to motors and turbines now in use.
The EMA’s only external power source consists of four 6-volt batteries which never need recharging and which have the same life expectancy as the standard automobile battery. EvGray claims the motor duplicates the power and torque characteristics of internal combustion engines of similar size and weight, and the Federal and State Air Resources Board has granted the inventors a permit to further prove this claim by installing the EMA in test vehicles. Edwin Gray, Sr., president of EvGray, predicts production costs of the EMA will be comparable to present motors and maintenance costs will be far less. “The EMA motor promises to make the world a cleaner place in which to live,” says Gray, who has spent 12 years developing the engine. “Perfection of the EMA motor as a generating source could mean the availability of inexpensive power to underdeveloped nations.”
EvGray expects the EMA Motor – when tailored for specific applications – to become a desired replacement for virtually all power systems now in use. The full spectrum of possibilities includes:
– (1) industrial engines for application of portable welding generators, standby electric generators, portable battery charger, portable power tools, portable lifting equipment, and industrial utility vehicles;
– (2) engines for agricultural equipment for use on lawn tractors, lawn mowers, soil and harvesting equipment, horticultural equipment, and irrigation booster pumps;
– (3) engines for building and construction equipment, including portable building equipment, concrete mixers, portable conveyors, portable compressors, and construction machinery;
– (4) aircraft, automotive and marine engines, including automobiles, trucks, outboard motorboats, auxiliary yacht engines, lifeboats, light aircraft, and auxiliary glider engines
– (5) engines for household and recreational equipment, including small lawn mower, snowmobiles, golf carts and snow blowers;
– (6) engines for heavy transportation and stationary uses, including railroad locomotives, ships, pumping sets for atomic reactors, generator sets, and jet aircraft engines;
– (7) miscellaneous applications, including fire-fighting pumps, airconditioning units for buses, refrigeration units for trucks, and special military purposes (generator sets, gas turbine, starter units, etc.).
Gray describes the operation of his EMA motor as “similar to re-creating lightning.” He says the engineering and scientific world has known this re-creation is possible but hasn’t known how to do it. “When lightning hits the ground, causing a 10-million- volt buildup, where does energy come from to make it from a static charge to a lethal charge? Nobody really knows.”
Richard B. Hackenberger, Sr., vice-president in engineering for EvGray, explains how the EMA motor system operates.
“Power from the high-voltage section,” says Hackenberger, “is put through a system of electrical circuitry to produce a series of high-voltage `energy spikes.’ The spikes are transferred to a small control unit, which in turn operates the major motor unit.
The control unit, acting in a manner similar to that of a distributor in an internal combustion engine, regulates the spikes, determines their polarity (whether they be north or south) and directs their power to selected electro-magnets in the main unit.
While this occurs, the recycle/regeneration system is recharging the batteries with 60 to 120-amp pulses. The electro-magnets are located on both the rotor and stator of the large motor. Attraction and repulsion between the two sets of magnets causes the motor to operate and generate horsepower.
Once in motion, the motor recharges the batteries as a result of the recycle/regeneration system. To prevent condensation in the main cylinder, a half-pound of air pressure has to be maintained. Air is routed through the programmer for functional purposes. When the ambient temperature is 90 degrees, the motor operates at 170 degrees.”
In short, the principle of the engine is to create electricity and recycle energy by the fact that every time magnets are energized off the peak of transients, a charge goes back into the battery.It’s not a constant charge, but a pulse charge of 60 amps or better; thus, the battery must be of high quality. The batteries for the EMA motor are furnished by McCulloch Electronic Corporation of Los Angeles.
After extensive research and testing, EvGray chose the model 110-75 Energy Center, which is said to produce maximum power for its weight and volume over an exceptionally long life span. This is achieved partly by use of an ultra-lightweight plastic case that minimizes dead weight (energy-storing components comprise more than 90 percent of the battery’s weight).
Features of the battery include extra-large plates separated by indestructible glass-rubber separators and a specially formulated lead oxide composition. Two of the 6-volt batteries are used for operation, while the other two serve as a reservoir.
Mallory Electric Corporation of Carson City, Nevada, has also made a major contribution toward the design of the electronic pulsing system.
Electric-powered vehicles are not new, of course, but the poor energy-storage factor of batteries and their heavy, large size have thus far made them impractical for use in any vehicles requiring a long-range capacity. This drawback has restricted the market for electric power to small limited performance vehicles. The maximum range of these vehicles when driven at 40 miles per hour has been approximately 150 miles. Range is affected by the number of stops and starts, grades traversed, and acceleration demands.
The EMA motor needs only to run at 500 rpm for the normal recharging system to work. In fact, its recharging capabilities are such that the EvGray’s next version of the engine won’t have an alternator or air pump. The air pump will be replaced by blades on the rotor.
“The idea of a self-sustaining electric motor,” says Gray, “at first appears to go against much of the theory of electricity and conservation of energy. The EMA motor does not, however, violate the basic laws of physics, but rather utilizes them in a unique integration in a system in order to maximize upon the characteristics and interrelationships between electrical, magnetic, and physical components. The EMA prototype motor has had considerable operating test time and has been adapted to standard and automatic automobile transmissions.”
Dynamometer tests have recorded the rpm’s of EvGray’s motor at 2550 constant, the torque at 66 pounds constant. Brake horsepower is 32.5 After a test run of 21 1/2 minutes, the battery voltage reading was 25.7. Only three surfaces make physical contact with the motor a feature which dramatically limits friction and increases efficiency. “An internal combustion engine is only 30 percent efficient,” says Gray. “Our engine is 90 percent efficient.” A prime factor in friction control is the so-called “magnetic vacuum,” created in the drum, which literally takes the pressure off of the end bearings and allows the rotor to float within the drum.
“Our motor creates power surges-one behind the other-in microseconds,” says Gray. “By doing this, we are able to direct the magnetic flux field. The magnetic flux is a coolant source, so we need no cooling system.” (this sounds like a reference to the use of swept magnetic fields to remove heat, referred to as ‘magnetocalorics’ .)
Gray says the engine is not affected by rain, heat, cold any other type of inclement weather, or by driving through tunnels. “All this motor needs is oxygen. The only external magnetic effect is that another field system cannot operate within this same battery system. The magnetic field orientation is 360 degrees in all directions.”
The new EMA prototype will weigh about 320 pounds, less than most present internal combustion engines. It will measure 12 inches in diameter, 18 inches in length. (Size is linear to horsepower required.) According to Gray, further research should make it possible to reduce the size and weight through the use of lighter metals and more sophisticated circuitry. Gray says most of the motor’s components can be built in a machine shop with a mill and lathe. The exceptions are the drum itself, the electro-magnets, and a few miscellaneous items bought over the counter in an auto supply store. The company plans to enter into worldwide licensing agreements to manufacture the motor.
The safety features of the EMA are impressive. There’s no fan, no exposed high-voltage component parts, no exhaust fumes, no fuel tanks to explode, and no water reservoirs to clog up, freeze or overheat. EvGray believes the reliability of the engine will be excellent, and maintenance should be minimal because there’s no carbon, water varnish or other impurities – which occur normally as a result of burning oil or gasoline – to damage parts. There is no carburetor to clean and adjust, no oil filter to change, no gas filter, smog valve, gaskets, radiator, water pump ot timing chain. Plug-in type construction makes replacing parts quick and easy. Gray says the training time for EMA mechanics is less than that for mechanics working with a standard electric motor and far less than that for those preparing to work on internal combustion engines.
The EMA also favors the eardrums of mankind. Its noise emission is far less than that of all other power sources, and Gray claims there will be no increase in noise as the engine ages. In fact, electric-motor noise is almost imperceptible when properly suppressed. Perhaps the reason Edwin Gray, now 48, has been able to create such an unconventional engine is his unconventional education. One of 14 children, he began tinkering with magnets and electricity as a boy. He left home when he was 15 and served a year in the U.S. Army before it was discovered he was under age and he was given an honorable discharge. During that year, he attended an Army school for advanced engineering. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, he reenlisted, this time entering the Navy. After serving three years of combat duty in the Pacific zone, he returned to civilian life and found work in the field of mechanics. Resuming his experiments with electro-magnetic power, he seriously examined the theory of energy used is energy spent.
After years of research an experimentation, Gray conducted his first test of the EMA motor in 1961. The engine ran briefly and then broke down. Discouraged but not defeated, he constructed a second electro-magnetic motor, which ran for an hour and a half before failing. A third prototype ran for 32 days attached to various automotive transmissions and test equipment. It was then dismantled for analysis, and detailed reports were prepared. After rejection by large corporations and money promoters, Gray formed a limited partnership in 1971 and constructed the fourth EMA prototype. With assistance from nearly 200 private citizens, EvGray Enterprises has spent $1.1-million in the attempt to recycle present lost energy and redirect magnetic forces with the EMA motor.
Dick Hackenberger, who comes from a more conventional background, compliments Gray’s raw genius with 25 years of diversified functional and management experience in the engineering field. He holds an EE degree from Northeastern University and is a senior engineer in the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Hackenberger has held positions with the Sony Corporation of America and Sylvania Commercial Electronics, and he has served as an engineering consultant to the U.S. Navy. Other EvGray officials include Arthur M. Lange, vice- president in charge of public relations, and George C. Demos, vice-president in charge marketing. Lange has served in management and public relations capacities with both Ford and General Motors, while Demos has worded as division general manager for Control Data, director of marketing for RCA, and president of his own manufacturing firm.
The electro-magnetic motor has attracted attention from important government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Air Resources Board, and the Department of Transportation. Governor Ronald Reagan of California last year presented Gray and his wife, Evelyn, with a certificate of merit. Others indicating interest in the project are congressmen Barry Goldwater, Jr., Edward R. Roybal, Del Clawson and James C. Corman, U.S. Senator Alan Cranston, and state senators Alfred E. Alquist and Nicholas C. Petris. John Brogan, head of the Environmental Protection Agency’s advanced automotive power systems development division, says his 25-man staff has looked at approximately 20 alternate engine proposals each week for the past two years.
He says nearly half of the proposals are of “perpetual motion” machines; that is, machinery that would produce continuous movement without any outside energy source. The concept of perpetual motion violates all known laws of thermodynamics. According to EvGray, some experts believe the EMA is a perpetual-motion engine and is, therefore, invalid. Gray himself refutes this belief. “The EMA motor is definitely not perpetual motion,” he insists. “Only those in the scientific world who understand the theories of physics are able to comprehend how our motor works. There’s only a handful of such persons.
“The programmer directs which magnets are to be energized for what length of time and in what polarity. There are several attractions and repulsions taking place at the same time.”
The search for the clean engine has seen the federal government contribute $23-million to the development of new engines in the past two years. General Motors, spent $36-million last year alone, and Ford laid out $20-million. Senator John V. Tunney of California has proposed legislation to divert $900- million from the Highway Trust Fund into a three-year crash program to develop a clean engine.
Meanwhile, Edwin Gray, after 12 years of research and development, believes he has found the answer for a comparatively meager $1.1-million. Time will tell whether or not he is right.
Input Power : 12 volts dc (of a 24 volt dc system, making use of a 12 volt standard starter motor).
RPM : 2550 RPM constant.
Torque : 66 lbs. / constant.
Horsepower : 100 HP
Brake Horsepower : 32.05
Foot-pounds/minute : 1.057.650
Foot-pounds/second : 755 lbs. (includes 110 lbs for four 6-volt batteries).
Volume : 42″ long x 18″ wide x 22″ high. (This is overall geometry. including control unit, etc.
– The basic motor is a 16″ dia. x 24″ cylinder, which can be repackaged into a 9″ dia. x 12″ cylinder).
Test Run Time : 21.5 minutes.
Battery Voltage : 25.7 volts.
Reading at test completion
Ambient Temperature : 84 degrees constant.
Humidity : 51%
Fuel Consumption : None (other than air).
Cooling : Conduction / 1/2 pound (flow through) air pressure.
Magnetic Field Orientation : 360 degrees-all directions during motor operation.
Lubrication : High temperature bearing grease (2 bearings).
Vibration : Negligible
Noise Level : No direct reading taken – without shielding, no louder than small kitchen appliance,e.g., fan, etc.
Power Hazard : Fully secure – full design safety features.
Start Mode : Simple push button – standard 12V starter motor.
Operating Mode : Rheostat principle with switchable RPM range(500-1300-1950-2550-3350-4100 RPM’s)
Physical Condition : Motor mounted on wheeled test stand – no external connections to stand.
BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE EMA-4 shows how energy is transmitted from the four 6-volt batteries (power supply) to the various stages of the engine and returned.
Both the air pump (A) and the alternator (B) are optional equipment. The air pump prevents condensation around the drum and provides added assurance of air in some environments.
The alternator is not needed for most applications, including use in vehicles, but may be desirable in heavy generator rigs.
The electric pulsators (C), which are contained in the regeneration-recycle unit, are capable of pulsing at 200,000 times per minute, and the pulsation at 60-to-120 amps is fed back to the batteries.

Electronic Power that could change the World’s Economic Power Picture
This file was originally shared with the KeelyNet BBS by Chris Lightner on October 26, 1991.
Though harassed by the authorities, under-financed and ignored by science, business and industry, Edwin V. Gray, a self educated Los Angeles inventor has developed a revolutionary electromagnetic motor that promises to greatly improve conditions for the world. A vast new technology is opening because Gray invented a motor that delivers super-efficient horsepower at lower cost with less wear and tear than any other device known. His EMS motor takes a giant step closer to the magnificent, whirring power plants visualized by science fiction writers.
Implications for the auto industry alone are staggering: Gray appears to have the answer to Detroit’s dilemma involving practical electric vehicles. Ed Gray’s name may well go down in history alongside the likes of Edison, Marconi, Goddard and Bell – that is, if the establishment will get off his back.
A social quality known as “resistance to change” and another called the “economic status quo” have made his motor a tale of bitter frustration. Most people would have quit in despair long ago. However, tireless experimentation and remarkable determination have paid off in a technological triumph that brings the heretofore untapped source of static electricity into the workhouse of man. Any expert can tell you “static electricity will not do work.” Gray is slowly and doggedly proving the experts wrong.
His battle is not over, but perhaps the tide is finally turning in his favor. His corporation, EvGray Enterprises, is seeking the necessary financing to further develop the motor. His efforts were thwarted by serious legal problems which recently were resolved when he agreed to enter a guilty plea to a minor Securities and Exchange violation. Thus nearly two years of legal entanglements came to a close. The legal costs alone have been near ruinous. He’s won some important battles, but he could yet lose the war.
Gray’s start in life wasn’t promising. He was one of six children of a poor Washington, D.C. family and grew up in the streets. Few suspected he had the stuff of a genius. Like many kids, he was fascinated by engines and motors, but his thinking about them went far beyond normal curiosity. He wanted to know more than just what made them run. Gray dropped out of school at 14 and began tinkering with ideas. He was so lacking in formal education that he did not realize for some time that his thinking was both original and far advanced.
Three things about electricity fascinated him:
– (1) a capacitor can store an electric charge and release it on demand,
– (2) pulses of electricity can be sent out and brought back,
– (3) lightning bolts seem to be more powerful when closer to the earth where the atmosphere is heaviest.
These were facts known to every physicist. But to most such scientists, they were unrelated facts. Ed Gray’s genius was in correlating this knowledge into new technology.
“I remember getting a shock when I grabbed a charged capacitor off a work bench,” he recalled. “That simple fact never left my mind. Then I watched when the government people were testing the first radar across the Potomac River – it stuck in my mind when one of the men explained it as `pulse out, pulse back.’ “And I’ve always been a nut about thunderstorms. I watched lightning by the the hours. I noticed how much stronger it appeared to be when closer to the earth and just naturally concluded that more air had something to do with it.”
These three principles, plus a super secret means of generating and mixing static electricity, make up Gray’s EMS motor. Gray grew to adulthood, married, divorced and married again. For 22 years, the idea of a special new kind of motor turned over and over in his mind. Meanwhile, he had moved to Southern California where he maintained a workshop and sought the advice of knowledgeable men. Bit by bit, his ideas began to take shape.
By 1973, Gray was ready to demonstrate his motor to the world. Wisely, he had incorporated himself to prevent the EMS motor from being gobbled up by some industry giant who might want to suppress it. As early as 1957, Gray was pounding the pavement seeking financial backers. Over the years he picked up 788 stockholders, all friends or friends of friends. This fact was to stand Gray in good stead later when the Los Angeles County District Attorney hit him with questionable charges of fraud. From 1957 to 1972, Gray raised about $2 million to make the EMS motor a reality. That same year he incorporated and built the first working model.
Still, more money was a big need. He approached top electronics and automotive firms such as General Dynamics, Rockwell International, Ford, General Motors and the like. Usually he was turned away. “When they did listen to me and got a little interested, it turned out they wanted 90 per cent. Then it was I who did the turning away,” he said. Gray had interested some top experts, though, men who offered the benefits of their knowledge to his fledgling firm. They included Richard B. Hackenberger, an electronics engineer who had served Sony and Sylvania, as well as Fritz Lens, a master machinist who understood what Gray was trying to accomplish. In spring, 1973, Gray and his associates unveiled the EMS motor to the world.
In the workshop, a six-volt car battery rested on a table. Lead wires ran from the battery to a series of capacitors which are the key to Grays’s discovery. The complete system was wired to two electromagnets, each weighing a pound and a quarter.
The first demonstration proved that Gray was using a totally different form of electrical current – a powerful but “cold” form of the energy. As the test started, Gray said: “Now if you tried to charge those two magnets with juice from the battery and make them do what I’m going to make them do, you would drain the battery in 30 minutes and the magnets would get extremely hot.”
Fritz Lens activated the battery. A voltmeter indicated 3,000 volts. Gray threw a switch and there was a loud popping noise. The top magnet flew off with powerful force. Richard Hackenberger caught it in his bare hand. What happened was that Gray had used a totally different form of electrical current – a “cold” form of energy. The fact that Hackenberger caught the magnet and was not burned was evidence enough of that.
It was a moment in history perhaps as important as the day in 1877 when Thomas A. Edison threw a switch which lit up a glass bulb that continued to glow all day and part of the next. The demonstration was witnessed by two unbiased experts and the author of this article, who later printed the story of what he had seen in a national publication.
“The amazing thing is that only a small per cent of the energy was used. Most of it went back into the battery,” Hackenberger said. Actually, two “improbables” had been demonstrated that day. The second was characterized by the lack of heat generated in the magnet, excessive heat being one of the big drawbacks in utilizing electronics advancements. The successful test seemed to be Ed Gray’s big break. In reality, his real troubles were just beginning.
The publicity about the test brought Gray to the attention of a firm in Denver which agreed to back him with several million in new capital over a period of a few years. At the time, Gray planned to test market the EMS motor in a radically new auto body called the “Fascination,” developed by Paul Lewis of Sidney, Nebraska. The first prototypes were due on January 1, 1974. But by then mysterious things had started to happen – misfortunes Gray suspects were created by persons working to undermine his motor’s development. The Fascination trial was dropped.
In July, 1974, raiders from the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office descended on Grey’s plant in Van Nuys. They confiscated plans, records and the latest working prototype of the motor. Investigators for the D.A. threatened to file a variety of charges against Gray, ranging from fraud to grand theft. Yet months passed and no charges were brought. The investigators defied all attempts by the inventor’s lawyers to get the confiscated materials returned. Meanwhile, the D.A.’s men sought out Gray’s investors and tried to convince them to prefer charges against him. All refused.
Finally, eight months after the raid, the D.A.’s office brought a series of charges against Gray, including grand theft, by claiming he had raised money from investors by means of a hoax. But all the serious charges were dropped when it when it was proved they were unfounded. Remaining were two counts of violating SEC regulations. In late March, 1976, Gray pleaded guilty to these misdemeanors, paid a fine and was freed. The long-drawn legal hassle had other serious consequences. The major financing promised by the Denver firm was cut off after only a fraction of the money had dribbled in. Fortunately, there was enough to enable Gray to build a second prototype engine.
Today Gray is very careful in the claims he makes for his motor. Even to discuss that which has already been proved to the satisfaction of skeptical scientists could bring the law down on his head again. “There has been a lot more to the suppression of my ideas than meets the eye,” he said. “It is a wonder we have survived.”
But survived he has – and if some big vested interest was indeed behind all his woes, it may be too late for such a force to stop an idea whose time may have come. Powerful allies are now rallying to his cause. For example, Gray was nominated for “Inventor of the Year” by the Los Angeles Patent Attorney’s Association last February. Two highly respected scientists, Dr. Norm Chalfin and Dr. Gene Wester of California Institute of Technology have publicly endorsed Gray’s motor.
Dr. Chalfin was present when Gray demonstrated the latest working model in front of a stockholders’ meeting. “There is no motor like this in the world,” Dr. Chalfin told the group. “Ordinary electric motors use continuous current and constantly drain power. In this system, energy is used only during a small fraction of a millisecond. Energy not used is returned to an accessory battery for reuse. “It is cool running,” Dr. Chalfin added, putting his hand on the motor. “There is no loss of energy in the system.”
Dr. Chalfin has placed his own considerable prestige on the line by writing the text for Gray’s patent applications, the uneducated inventor finding the technical writing task beyond him. At the same meeting, Dr. Gerald Price, Gray’s patent counsel, told the stockholders: “For discovering and proving a new form of electric power, Mr. Gray has been nominated for the annual award presented by the patent lawyers of Southern California.” Looking forward to prospects of a brighter future, Gray says he wants to get the EMS motor into production and prove he has discovered more than even his backers understand.
Gray is advised by his lawyers to make no claims. However, this reporter who has followed Gray’s work closely for four years has seen and heard enough to feel safe in saying that the inventor may be unlocking the key to a natural phenomenon referred to as “ball lightning.”
With the combined use of capacitor discharge and spikes of energy made up of mixed static and direct current, Gray conceivably could get more out of a battery than a battery has stored in it, simply because he is also tapping the huge reservoir of static electricity in the atmosphere as his motor runs. Scientists balk at this theory, but someday Ed Gray may back them down another notch. He has already proved right about the capacitor discharge motor idea. With that, his motor already is revolutionary – it runs cool. That in itself could solve a myriad of heat- resistance problems for industry. Cool running parts do not experience the intense friction and wear out a quickly as overheated parts do.
If Ed Gray’s motor makes its final breakthrough and goes into general production, it may make the one time dropout into a giant in history. It also could be a massive boon to mankind in the following ways:
* It conceivably could power every auto, airplane, truck, train and ship without using a drop of gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel.
* It could cool or heat every American home at a fraction of the present day cost.
* It could power the engines of all heavy industry – likewise cheaply.
And it could accomplish all this without spitting a single speck of pollution into the earth’s atmosphere.
One question remains: How did Edwin Gray, an unschooled tinkerer, bring together certain facts of technology and nature into a device beyond the capabilities of brilliant, richly subsidized scientists?
“Someone trained in electronics simply would have looked at the concept and said it cannot work,” Dr. Chalfin said. “Gray did not know this, and he made it work. “As a result, he has provided the world with a totally new and exciting technology.”
Newsreal Series, June, 1977
Vanguard note…sorry to report that Ed Gray died about 2 years ago. At this time we do not who has controlling interest in his company, EvGray Enterprises.
Original EVGray file from 02/24/00
Interview with an E. V. Gray Observer
file ‘Dictation #17-8-06-1.doc’, 6 pages, 84kb from Yhaoogroup ‘alfenergy’
This report is transcribed from a tape recorded by Carl Lennon in June 2006. It is an informal interview with Mr. Dowd R. Cannady, a former EV Gray observer who recounts his experiences with E.V. Gray.
Mr. Cannady is currently an inventor living in Mims Florida. Prior to this experience Mr. Cannady was once employed by the US Air Force as a radio mechanic. He therefore had considerable technical experience to better evaluate what Mr. Gray was presenting. This material covers two meetings at Mr. Grays office/shop in Burbank, LA some time in 1972 or 1973. The first visit was Mr. Cannadys introduction to Mr. Gray. The second meeting was a follow up visit a few days later.
The demonstrations described below were being set-up and presented for the benefit of a group of trust managers from the Bing Crosby Foundation. These executives were exploring the possibilities of investing in Mr. Grays work. It was fortunate that Mr. Cannady came along at this time or else he might not have been able to see this many technical details disclosed as compared to Mr. Grays typical run-of-the-mill investor demonstrations.
# A Flash from the Past : My name is D. R. Cannady and I live in Mims Florida, and Im a friend of Carl Lennon. We have known each other on & off for 10, probably 15 years. Anyway he asked me about my experiences with Edwin Gray and I told him that Edwin Gray was introduced to me by a promoter by the name of Tom Robe, from Palsbury, CA.
Tom took me and Charles Henley to E. V. Grays office and as we drove up to it, where the cars parked, there were three big limos in the front yard. I didnt know at the time why all the security, it makes you wonder. There were three guards there, and armed. They checked us over for weapons as we went in the door. As we walked in there was a desk off to the left. There was a slight built man there in about his forties. Tom walked us over and introduced us to this gentleman. This guy was the attorney for Bing Crosby Enterprises. They had been looking at this to see if [or] what merit it had, and one thing or another. I guess to help him [out, financially]. Later I find out, I think that [Mr. Gray] picked up something between (the rumor) $23 and $29 million dollars on this thing.
Not one person would ever deny that it didnt work, because it did. He took us, as we got through saying hello, to this guy and shaking hands, getting in his car and one thing or another. Gray walked in through a doorway off to our right and said Who have we got here, Tom?, or something to that effect. Tom introduced us to Mr. Gray. Gray is a very soft spoken very mild mannered person and a Big Guy. He probably weighed 260 lbs, big shoulders, but just a real gentle guy. I dont know, I took an immediate liking to the guy. So then we go in the other room.
# Popping Coil Demonstration: We have a couple of things here to give you, to kind of break you in on the thinking of this thing. We dont use normal electricity. He says we are using opposing fields and he took us into this room. On the side where he had a table there and he had a 12 volt battery sitting on the table. And, the wires went from the 12 volt battery to an adjustable spark gap arrangement to give the line a load, I guess. And then, it went from the spark gap it went to a timing mechanism where he could set like 30-45 seconds. And the electricity went from there into a step-up transformer to this coil thing. I think it was three big coils, cant remember it was two or three. They were bigger than, each one was the size of a half gallon of milk.
Question by Carl Lennon: Capacitors?
Yea, big capacitors, right. And, then the electricity came from the capacitors down to a drop cord, that was just a great big drop cord rolled up in a 30-35 circle and maybe only 5-6 turns of it laying on the table and that 5-6 turns at 30 had 15,20,30 feet there (actually 39 to 54 feet). He said it was called a Reeses Choke.
Other wise when I show you this demonstration [it] will knock everyones TV out for a second and he says dont need any complaints from that department. So, at the end of this coil he had this single throw double pole (SPDT) switch, the old fashion knife switch. And then he showed us these two rolls of wire he had #18 AWG automotive wire. He said, there is about a 100 turns in each one of these. He put the two plus (+) sides that means where the electricity is going into the coils. A together and he put two toothbrush handles between them and then he set that 30 second timer over there. So any way the just found then there was two long pieces of wire from the top coil of course one wire went to the ground and the other wire went to the knife switch. And then, on the bottom coil one went to ground and one went to the other side of the knife switch. Cause that was when he fired these things [and the 3coil] jumped up in the air. We measured it after the 3rd go and it was jumping up in the air, as I recall 39. It might have varied an inch or two [but] thats about where it was at.
And he said now this is the [kind of] power we are using.
And he shoved down that handle and that thing went WHAM just like a thirty-odd-six (3.06 caliber rifle) and everybody come up out of their chair. I mean it was so loud and sharp it was just like a gun shot and the top coil flew up into the air like I say right around 40. And then, he loaded it up and set the timer for another 30 seconds and fired it again.
Now he said after the 4th or 5th time, he said, Id like to have you feel that and the wiring was absolutely cold, and he said This is called cold electricity that we are doing this with. We have stepped the voltage up from the 12 volts to a higher voltage range. I think on that one he said it was right around 3000V. I dont remember at this moment, but Im pretty sure that is what he said. And he said When you step the voltage up like that you loose your amperage before you end up with Cold Electricity, because amperage causes heat.
And then, everybody was quite impressed by the way that happened. Then he took us in the other room and he had a bench all along the left wall.
Question by Carl Lennon: This 100 turn coil, what was the diameter of it?
He wrapped it around his hand and so I would say it really didnt have much definite shape to it, but I would say you are looking at 3-12/ to 4.
# The EMA4-E2 Motor: So then we go in the other room.Here is one of these shop cart dollies with the four wheels on it. It had a platform in the bottom with four Golf Cart batteries. I believe they were all just a tall high boy 12 volt. And on the top of that he has this strange looking motor on it. And on the end of the motor on top he had an adjustable thing for controlling the speed. It looked almost like a wheel balancer like the different rings to balance a wheel out just before you put the weights on. It had to do with the control of the speed of that motor.
The next thing he did he reached over and flips a switch and this thing roared, RRRRR like this, very loud. And your hair went pointed straight towards it. There was a lot of magnetism in this thing. He had a transmission on the back of it and he had a dyno-motor on the back of that with a gauge showing how many horse power it was pulling down. I recall he had it pulling down 25 HP. This motor was maybe 34 – 36 long and the diameter was about a, Id say probably pretty close to 18 to 20 in diameter. It might have been a little bigger that that. This is just from its been a long time ago, 1973, a heck of a long time ago.
Then he explained to us that this thing, no matter what he did, it would eventually die – it would go dead, because even if you had a charger on it and charged your own batteries sooner or later you would run out of juice. At 25 Hp it would depend upon how much you used and how much he was using for generation to keep your batteries charged. Then he explained to us that this motor made ice as it ran, as it was running. Then he had this fan pump on there that looked like almost like an oil filter thing hooked up by a fan belt to the front of it. That whole thing was designed to pump air into the center of this and keep the moisture out of the center of the motor to prevent ice build up. And that was our first trip in there.
# The Gray Military Mortar: Then he took us into another little room up front where we came in. Maybe it was 8 x 8 or something. He had this big, looked liked Monel metal, it was not copper color and not a bronze color, but it was in that feel of family of metals (nonmagnetic). This was like a reel that you reel up wire on. It was real thick and heavy built. [The end plate] must have been 5/8 of this on the bottom of the reel and in the center. [It also was constructed] with this big roll of wire on it. He had it made, he said he used this to propel [objects] using some kind of mechanism he had, using two opposing fields of wire. He showed the military, they had a big plane out there at the place in Burbank, at the airport. The government wanted to finance him to use his patents with out [payment] if they help furnish the money. He said you could fire that thing 10,000 times with a 12V battery and each time it fired they had a 25 lb projectile that would fit down the center of this thing. When he hit it, that thing would go clear out of sight, gone. He said its just a matter of putting a mechanism on the back to crank the height and zero in your shots, if he wanted to lobe a mortar for example.
But the cost to operate it was virtually nothing compared as what you save from munitions. This guy, he was way ahead of everybody and then .
Carl Lennon: Describe that thing a little better you said it was like Monel metal, I didnt
Well, the overall diameter of it must have been awful close to 20 – 22 and then it was, and the center had a core that was 3-1/2 – 4 and that is what the could put this projectile in and then you would tilt it at whatever angle you want and you hit the button. The opposing fields would hit it and soot it right out of there with such terrible force you wouldnt believe it.
Carl Lennon: Did you see him shoot it?
No, I didnt seem him shoot it while I was there. He explained to me how it went. He told us how he showed it to the Army. He had a drawing there.
Another thing he had at the same time was a small electric hand drill that he was working on that would be completely self powered. It was really well done, a small piece of machinery.
Now the next thing ..
Carl Lennon: Back on this mortar thing. Did he have capacitors sitting up there too? I assume he did same kind of capacitors?
No, he had capacitors for the charging of the power supply [for the coil popping demonstration]. He had it sitting on the floor; he was using it like a coffee table, kind of. This thing was big, it wasnt little. I mean I doubt if two men could lift it. This thing was about this big around and there was this roll of wire from this 3 – 4 core. There must have been quite a bit of weight. This [was] made out of 5/8 based Monel metal with two rings around it.
Carl Lennon: What were those rings for?
Well, it was a reel to hold the wire in. You know how you make a reel to hold wire? You got the wheel on each side and the pipe in the middle to roll wire on, thats what it was. Beautiful machine shop job, Ill tell you that was very impressive.
# End of First Meeting:Then he said I cant spend anymore time with you guys today, but he said if you want to come back at a latter time, Ive got an appointment right now.
He had his wife there and she was a German girl. I dont know where he met her at but I believe her mane was Star. Star was a very beautiful person with snow white hair so she was called snow white.
# The Second Shop Visit: So we didnt hear from him for two or three days and he gave us a call. He says if you get a little time come on up. Maybe with not so many people [here] we can talk a little bit. I said, man I really like what you are doing here. I told him I had been a 778 in the Air Force, a radio aircraft mechanic, in the radio department. But, I didnt have anywhere near the knowledge he had with what he was doing, that was for sure.
# The Black Box Converter : So, then I went up the second time. The second time he took us in the back room. There was a black board on the wall and a [near by] table. On this table he had these 10 pig tail [lamp sockets] wired together to each other in series. In these 10 pig tails he had a 100 watt light bulb in each one of them. At the beginning of this he had a little motor cycle battery [that] was about an 1 thick, say 4 wide and 5 high, more or less those measurements. One of these measurements may be in the wrong place.
Once again it went to a little spark gap thing and it went to this little black box there. I said, What on earth do you have in the black box? He said, That is nothing but a trickle charger from Western Auto that I rewired and added a couple of things to it. Down at the end of these pig tail lights he had a 24 or 20 TV. I guess it was wired into that same wire [as] a series connection. One unit was connected to the next unit to the next unit, all series, no ground. It came on around and he had a big ½ cross pipe handle drill motor there. That was hooked into [the circuit] and came out of the drill motor and went into a Remington [electric] razor. Anyway, then the wire came from the razor back down to the battery and I noticed it was split. One wire went back over to the trickle charger and the other went to the ground [on the storage battery]. I believe I saw a diode going to the ground.
The juice going to the ground couldnt go back up to it. It could go to ground, but the ground couldnt go to it with this diode. And that thing there, when he turned it on all these lights lit, the TV lit, the drill was running, the Remington razor was running and he said they tested it out and they could get 7 days on an average with that little bitty battery with all that power being used up, constant running. He said he was getting 99.99% usage by recycling it.
But, he said the proof of the whole thing is the fact that Cold Electricity will run anything, you dont have to have the frequency,[and] you dont have to have the voltage. It just has to be in that certain range. I said, What voltage do you have here? Well, he said, it runs somewhere between 1200-1400 volts. So he had a little battery stepping it up through that little trickle charger.
And that gave me nightmares for 35 years. Id lay awake at night dreaming about that damn thing. I said, To Hell with the rest, that box is worth a fortune, you know the way hes got that done. Because of that I, later on as the years went by I developed some thoughts about this thing.
It doesnt matter if you use that type of a system there or wither you use small capacitor banks that are discharging opposing each other. As the juice goes through one capacitor bank and through the field windings out through the rotor and out through the other side to the other capacitor bank on their way to ground. The secret to the whole thing is the timing mechanism. I got to the point where I could just about visualize one of these [in] every piece of electrical equipment that was made and be self sustaining.
Carl Lennon: Lets back up a little bit on this thing. I understand all the light bulbs in series and the drill in series and the razor, which is irrelevant
Well, no the interesting thing about the razor is that it doesnt take much power. And you got all these things in series
Carl Lennon: But, what is driving all this?
The 12 volt little motor cycle battery.
Carl Lennon: But something has too .
It went through a step up transformer in a trickle charger. A trickle charger you plug it into the wall at 120V and you get 12 volts out to charge your motor. He put the thing in backwards. Of course he had to, how could you get 1400 Volts out? You got to have 12 volts going in. So, if the 12 volts is going in .
Carl Lennon: Well, he had to do something else to hook it up backwards. He has got to have a vibrator or something.
There has got to be a timing mechanism. There has to be a 555 switch or something.
Carl Lennon: Well, they didnt have 555 switches [back then].
No, he didnt have 555s. So, it would have to be a multivibrator – yea, no argument.
Carl Lennon: This paper I gave you, he [Mr. Gray] was a good friend to Mallory.
OK, Mallory helped him on awful lot. I think Mallory was working out of Denver at the time. Im not sure. It was somewhere up in the mountains [Carson City, NV] maybe Minnesota. I cant remember. But, Mallory did 2 or 3 things to help Gray.
Carl Lennon: He did a lot of things you will find out about it in that paper.
Yes, he did the timing mechanism for it.
# The Lewis Car: At this time he was also dealing with a guy called Highway Aircraft. Cant remember the guy [Paul Lewis], but the company is still called Highway Aircraft. It was a 3 wheel car. They wanted to use EVs motor on it. They were going to help get this thing installed. They were working with him. It was right after that I think he patented this whole ball game.
# The LA DA Bust: Then the dog gone DA came in later on. It might have been a year later [1974]. They came in and confiscated all of his equipment, test [instruments], and everything. Took all of his motors away from him and they never did give them back. They tried to arrest him for fraud. They couldnt get him for fraud. Ive got news paper articles on all this. So what they did get him for [was some administrative issue that was concerned with the minimum number of investors] was that he took in 15 investors. If you take the 16th investor, I might be off on my numbers, but you are in violation of the SEC. That was the only wrap they got him for and that cost him a lot of money.
[These events] disenchanted him. [They] took all his stuff, you know, some of the atrocities they pulled on these people. Dennis Lee and some of these others is just terrible.
# Reference Material and Sources: There is a name you need to know David Walker. He owns Creative Science.
Carl Lennon: Yea, Ive got his stuff.
He will give you all the plans you want. [He] will charge you $10 – $15 a shot but he has all of them.
Carl Lennon: Well, Ive got his catalog but I didnt see the thing you are talking about in there, the jumping coil.
One set of plans they have in there Well you see there are three of those guys, Boeing Green, A & E from Boeing Green. Are you familiar with that one? Well hes another guy that prints this stuff and sells it, and its bad, really bad. The other guy is from California, C&E Engineering or something like that. Ill get you those addresses.
EDWIN V. GRAY, Sr. (1925 – 1989)
Edwin Gray was born in Washington, DC in 1925. He was one of 14 children. At age eleven, he became interested in the emerging field of electronics, when he watched some of the first demonstrations of primitive radar being tested across the Potomac River. He left home at 15 and joined the Army, attending their advanced engineering school for one year before he was discovered and honorably discharged for being under age. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, he re-enlisted in the Navy and served three years of combat duty in the Pacific.
After the War, he worked as a mechanic and continued his studies in electro-magnetics. After experimenting for years, he learned how to “split the positive” in 1958 and had his first Electric Magnetic Association (EMA) motor model running in 1961. His third EMA prototype was successfully tested for 32 days straight before it was torn down for analysis. With this report in hand, Gray started looking for serious funding. After being turned down by every major corporation and venture capital group he approached, he formed his own Limited partnership in 1971. By early 1973, EVGray Enterprises, Inc. had an office in Van Nuys, California, hundreds of private investors and a new (#4) EMA motor prototype. Ed Gray had also received a “Certificate of Merit” from Ronald Reagan, then Governor of California.
By the summer of 1973, Gray was doing demonstrations of his technology and receiving some very positive press. By later that year, Gray had teamed up with automobile designer Paul M. Lewis, to build the first fuelless, electric car in America. But trouble was brewing.
On July 22, 1974, an unprovoked Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office raided the office and shop of EVGray Enterprises, and confiscated all of their business records and working prototypes. For 8 months, the DA tried to get Gray’s stockholders to file charges against him, but none would. Gray was eventually charged with “grand theft,” but even this bogus charge couldn’t stick and was finally dropped. By March 1976, Gray pleaded guilty to two minor SEC violations, was fined, and released. The DA’s office never returned his prototypes.
In spite of these troubles, a number of good things were happening. His first U.S. Patent, on the motor design, issued in June of 1975, and by February 1976, Gray was nominated for “Inventor of the Year” for “discovering and proving a new form of electric power” by the Los Angeles Patent Attorney’s Association. Despite this support, Gray kept a much lower profile after this time. In the late 1970’s, Zetech, Inc. acquired Gray’s technology and EVGray Enterprises ceased to exist. In the early 1980’s, Gray offered the U.S. Government his technology to augment Reagan’s SDI program. He actually wrote letters to every member of Congress, both Senators and Representatives, as well as the President, Vice President, and every member of the Cabinet. Remarkably, in response to this letter writing campaign, Gray did not receive a single reply or even an acknowledgment!
During the early 1980’s, Gray lived in Council, Idaho, where he wrote and was granted his other two U.S. Patents. By 1986, he had a facility in Grand Prairie, Texas, where a number of new prototype EMA motors were built. By 1989, he was working on propulsion applications of the technology, and maintaining his residence in Council, Idaho, as well as shop facilities in Council, Grande Prairie, and Sparks, Nevada.
Edwin V. Gray died at his shop in Sparks, Nevada, in April, 1989, under mysterious circumstances. He was 64 and in good health.
In 1958, Edwin V. Gray, Sr. discovered that the discharge of a high voltage capacitor could be shocked into releasing a huge, radiant, electrostatic burst. This energy spike was produced by his circuitry and captured in a special device Mr. Gray called his “conversion element switching tube.” The non-shocking, cold form of energy that came out of this “conversion tube” powered all of his demonstrations, appliances, and motors, as well as recharged his batteries. Mr. Gray referred to this process as “splitting the positive.”
During the 1970’s, based on this discovery, Mr. Gray developed an 80 hp electric automobile engine that kept its batteries charged continuously. Hundreds of people witnessed dozens of demonstrations that Mr. Gray gave in his laboratory. His story is well documented in the following materials.
– Short Biography of Edwin Gray (Click to view actual article )
– Man Creates Engine That Consumes No Fuel; The National Tattler, July 1, 1973 (Click to view actual article )
– Miracle No-Fuel Electric Engine; The National Tattler, July 8, 1973 (Click to view actual article )
– The Engine That Runs Itself; Probe The Unknown, July 1973 (Click to view actual article, page 1 , page 2 , page 3 , page 4 , page 5 , page 6 , page 7 )
– Smog-Free Engine Ignored; Los Angeles Free Press, December 28, 1973 (Click to view actual article )
– 2 Inventors Work To Devise Fuelless Car; The National Tattler, January 23, 1974 (Click to view actual article, page 1 , )
– Inventor of World’s First No-Fuel Engine is Suppressed by LA District Attorney; The National Tattler, March 16 1975 (Click to view actual article. page 1 , page 2 )
– Auto Motor Inventor Just Fueling Around?; The Progressive Bulletin, July 7, 1975 (Click to view actual article )
– EMS- Electronic Power That Could Change The World’s Economic Power Picture; Newsreal, June 1977 (Click to view actual article, page 1 , , )
Requires Acrobat Reader:
– #3,890,548 – June 17, 1975; Pulsed Capacitor Discharge Electric Engine (Click here to read the patent )
– #4,595,975 – June 17, 1986, Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads (Click here to read the patent )
– #4,661,747 – April 28, 1987, Efficient Electrical Conversion Switching Tube Suitable For Inductive Loads (Click here to read the patent )
– Close up of EMA motor
– Ed Gray and Fritz Lens at workbench
– Unknown visitor at workbench
– Ed Gray running cold electric circuit
– Tom Valentine with cold electric light bulb in water demo
– Richard Hackenberger demonstrating magnetic repulsion
– Ed Gray’s EMS motor demo in 1977
– Ed Gray’s EMS motor demo in 1977
– Etheric Discharge From A Tesla Magnifying Transmitter
For more information (photos, schematics, videos, books, R&D, &c.),
Clear Tech, Inc. ~ P.O.Box 37, Metline Falls, WA 99153 USA ; Phome: (509) 446-2353 ~ Fax: (509) 446-2354; Order Line Only: 1-888-260-2770
“The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” , by Peter A. Lindemann, D.Sc.
VIDEO ~ In the 1970’s, inventor Edwin Gray developed an electric automobile engine that produced 80 horsepower and recharged its own batteries. It ran on what he called “cold electricity.” This amazing technology remained shrouded in mystery until September 2000. This three-part video is the complete technical lecture given by Dr. Lindemann at that time. In it, he explains exactly how Ed Gray’s system works, how he produced “cold electricity” and how that relates to Nikola Tesla’s earlier discovery of “Radiant Energy”. Using 50 slides of articles, patents, photos, and circuit diagrams, Dr. Lindemann documents his research, until the method is fully revealed. Now you can understand one of the most powerful Free Energy methods ever discovered.
“The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity ” , by Peter A. Lindemann, D.Sc.
BOOK ~ This book covers the same information as the video by this title. It explains how Edwin Gray produced “cold electricity” and how that relates to Nikola Tesla’s discovery of “Radiant Energy” over a century ago. All of the images that appear as slides in the video are reproduced in the book, as well as complete reprints of Edwin Gray’s three US patents, and three of Nikola Tesla’s US Patents, which related to the subject. This is an important study manual for serious researchers. Ed Gray’s EMA motor produced 40 times more power than he took from batteries. The secret is in the power supply and this book tells how he did it!
“The History of The E.V. Gray Motor ” , by Norman Wootan
VIDEO ~ The truth is finally revealed. The mystery about Ed Gray’s EMA motors is finally over. With two recovered EMA motor prototypes on stage at the KeelyNet Conference in June 2001, Norman Wootan discusses every design feature possible. Every single way the real motors deviate from the designs revealed in Gray’s Patent are discussed in detail. Now you can see with your own eyes how it was really done. This video is a must for serious researchers wanting to convert Radiant Energy into mechanical power. A great companion piece to “The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity” by Dr. Lindemann where the EMA power supply is discussed. (2 hrs.)
Edwin Gray’s “Splitting the Positive” Engine
One of the real pioneers in early application of causal positron energy was inventor Edwin Gray of Van Nuys California. In WW II Gray learned of radar during his tour in the U.S. Navy, having previously attended advanced engineering school in the Army until discovered to be under age (15) and discharged. After the war, by 1958 he had learned to perform what he called “splitting the positive”, using cold electrical energy as well as the normal positive electrical energy. His first motor was operating by 1961. Preparing to put units into production, in 1974 the Los Angeles District Attorney confiscated all Gray’s records and prototypes. To escape bogus charges, Gray later pleaded guilty to two minor infractions and was released. His prototypes were never returned. After several mishaps, moves, and more prototypes, Gray died in Nevada under mysterious circumstances in April 1989.
A full treatment and analysis of this epochal machine is given in Tom Bearden’s best selling book – “Energy from the Vacuum – Concepts and Principles” .
It is also featured in the Documentary Series “Energy from the Vacuum,” available on DVD.
Author Peter Lindemann (, who has extensively researched the Ed Gray story writes:
The Fascination Car was the brain child of Paul M. Lewis, of the Highway Aircraft Corporation. It was developed with a standard engine, but he wanted to power it with ANYTHING that didn’t burn gasoline. He was in negotiations with Ed Gray for a while to use the EMA Engine, but that fell through. He then approached Joseph Papp for his plasma engine. Ultimately, neither the engines or the car were ever produced.
See: –