(page created for August 2007, updated for November 2007)
May 4, 2007, X-ray Holograms Expose Secret Magnetism, Science Daily
Source http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ Collaborative research between scientists in the UK and USA has led to a major breakthrough in the understanding of antiferromagnets, published in this week’s Nature. Scientists at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, the University of Chicago and the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory have used x-rays to see the internal workings of antiferromagnets for the very first time.
By observing changes in coherent X-ray speckle pattern, such as the one shown above, researchers are able for the first time to investigate nanoscale dynamics of antiferromagnetic domain walls, and observe a cross over from classical to quantum behavior. (Credit: O. Shpyrko, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ill., 60439, USA)
Unlike conventional magnets, antiferromagnets (such as the metal chromium) are materials which exhibit ‘secret’ magnetism, undetectable at a macroscopic level. Instead, their magnetism is confined to very small regions where atoms behave as tiny magnets. They spontaneously align themselves opposite to adjacent atoms, leaving the material magnetically neutral overall.
Professor Gabriel Aeppli, Director of the London Centre for Nanotechnology, said: “People have been familiar with ferromagnets for hundreds of years and they have countless everyday uses; everything from driving electrical motors to storing information on hard disk drives. We haven’t been able to make the same strides with antiferromagnets because we weren’t able to look inside them and see how they were ordered.
“This breakthrough takes our understanding of the internal dynamics of antiferromagnets to where we were ninety years ago with ferromagnets. Once you can see something, it makes it that much easier to start engineering it.”
The magnetic characteristics of ferromagnets have been studied by scientists since Greek antiquity, enabling them to build up a detailed picture of the regions – or “magnetic domains” – into which they are divided. However, antiferromagnets remained a mystery because their internal structure was too fine to be measured.
The internal order of antiferromagnets is on the same scale as the wavelength of x-rays (below 10 nanometers). The latest research used x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy to produce ‘speckle’ patterns; holograms which provide a unique ‘fingerprint’ of a particular magnetic domain configuration.
Dr. Eric D. Isaacs, Director of the Center for Nanoscale Materials, said: “Since the discovery of x-rays over 100 years ago, it has been the dream of scientists and engineers to use them to make holographic images of moving objects, such as magnetic domains, at the nanoscale.
“This has only become possible in the last few years with the availability of sources of coherent x-rays, such as the Advanced Photon Source, and the future looks even brighter with the development of fully coherent x-ray sources called Free Electron Lasers over the next few years.”
In addition to producing the first antiferromagnet holograms, the research also showed that their magnetic domains shift over time, even at the lowest of temperatures. The most likely explanation for this can be found in quantum mechanics and the experiments open the door to the future exploitation of antiferromagnets in emerging technologies such as quantum computing.
“The key finding of our research provides information on the stability of domain walls in antiferromagnets,” said Oleg Shpyrko, lead author on the publication and researcher at the Center for Nanoscale Materials. “Understanding this is the first step towards engineering antiferromagnets into useful nanoscale devices that exploit it.”
Work at the London Centre for Nanotechnology was funded by a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and the Basic Technologies program of Research Councils UK. Work at the Center for Nanoscale Materials and the Advanced Photon Source was supported by the DOE Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. The work at the University of Chicago was supported by the National Science Foundation.
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University College London.
Chemistry, Magnets, & Skepticism
Mainstream scientists resist the idea that magnetism can affect chemistry. For example, they see any use of PM-magnets to relieve human pain as disgusting pseudoscience which should be stamped out. And the continuing controversy about a possible link between EMFs and Cancer is in part due to the widespread scientific skepticism regarding the ability of DC and low-frequency magnetic fields to affect a chemical bond. The skeptics seem to think that if such an important phenomena was real, researchers would already know about it. Up until the 1980s, research involving magnetism and chemistry was too weird to attract funding.
However, the scoffers are wrong. Research increasingly reports evidence that EMF and permanent magnets DO have significant effects upon chemical reactions, especially on sensitive biochemistry. This is ‘taboo science’, and it causes some of the more-conventional researchers to react with a skepticism almost approaching violence. After all, if this simple phenomenon was missed by thousands of professional chemists, it damages their reputations as experts and makes them look like fools. It’s especially painful to those who have loudly and publicly ridiculed these ideas.
Evidence should have a clear voice, but when personal reputations and “science politics” are involved, the voice of the evidence often goes unheard. Disgust and derision take the place of curiousity and truth-seeking, and the verification of the reported observations can conveniently become unimportant.
At the same time, scam artists try to sell expensive magnetic devices which most probably do not work. Where your own wallet is concerned, be VERY skeptical.
Below are some articles and links, some of which describe simple experiments which demonstrate unexplained effects of magnetism on water.
– Effects of magnetizing/oxygenating H2O http://amasci.com/freenrg/wassrmag.html
– Experiment with “water treatment” magnets http://www.wondermagnet.com/magwatertreat.html
– phys-L messages: magnetism affects water http://amasci.com/freenrg/phslmag.txt
– phys-L messages: magnets and healing http://amasci.com/freenrg/magheal.txt
– Magnets affect pain perception http://amasci.com/freenrg/nytmag.txt
– Water/microwave energy source? http://amasci.com/freenrg/magputt.txt and issues regarding Steam Tables http://amasci.com/freenrg/steam1.html and discussion http://www.eskimo.com/~bilb/freenrgl/magnet.txt : energy from water??!
– Well-known diamagnetism http://amasci.com/neodemo.html phenomena.
Water Physics
– Anomalous Water http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/explan.html and other articles http://www.sbu.ac.uk/water/
– Mysteries of Water’s Bonding http://www.aip.org/physnews/preview/1999/h-bond/h-bond.htm
– Water structure and H-bonding http://www.sfu.ca/aqua/aboutwater.html, a gentle intro
Magnetic fields & Biology
– Lai/Singh 2004 60Hz Magnetic Field-Induced DNA Strand Breaks in rat neurons http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2004/6355/abstract.pdf
– 1998 NEUROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RF EM RADIATION http://www.feb.se/EMFguru/Research/dr-henry.html
– 1992 Research on Power-Frequency Fields http://books.nap.edu/books/0309065437/html/index.html
– EMF links to disease: not established http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/members/2001/suppl-6/911-933ahlbom/ahlbom-full.html
– Do-it-yourself water treatment experiments http://www.wondermagnet.com/dev/magwatertreat.html
– Aquaschemes: magnetic devices as ripoffs http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.sfu.ca/aqua
– Human EM sensitivity study http://www.aehf.com/articles/em_sensitive.html
– The politics of EM Field bioeffects http://www.microwavenews.com/front.html
– Powerline/cancer FAQ http://www.mcw.edu/gcrc/cop/powerlines-cancer-FAQ/toc.html (Dr. Moulder)
– EMF Guru http://www.feb.se/EMFguru/ (EMF-L forum)
– Powerline facts http://www.powerlinefacts.com/ (homeowners group)
– Powerline fields and health http://www.ortho.lsumc.edu/Faculty/Marino/Powerline/PowerlineTOC.html (Dr. Marino)
– Binhi: Physical Problems of Magneto-biology http://www.biomagneti.com/
– Pulsed EM congeals milk?!!! http://www.newscientist.com/lastword/answers/320weather.jsp?tp=weather3
– fm SCIENCE NEWS: Magnetic fields can diminish drug action http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arc97/11_29_97/fob3.htm
– fm SCIENCE NEWS: EMFs’ Biological Influences http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arc98/1_10_98/bob1.htm
– fm SCIENCE NEWS: Magnets affect Tamoxifen http://amasci.com/freenrg/magdrug.txt
– fm SCIENCE NEWS: Mag fields trigger enzymes http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arc98/2_21_98/ref1.htm
– Linde’s statement http://www.bioelectromagnetics.org/newsletter/news139.html at EMF review symposium
– The Bioelectromagnetics Society http://www.bioelectromagnetics.org/
– Microwave News: Table of Contents http://www.microwavenews.com/1998toc.html
– Aqua Scams http://www.sfu.ca/aqua/
– Liboff on Magnet Therapy http://www.aps.org/units/fps/aoct98.html
– EM Fields and Health http://dir.yahoo.com/Health/public_health_and_safety/emf_health_issues/ (yahoo index)
– Ask Dr. Bones: Magnet therapy http://lek.net/~fed/magnet.html
– Magnetic Water and Fuel Treatment http://www.csicop.org/si/9801/powell.html at CSICOP http://www.csicop.org/
– Water Cluster physics http://www.psc.edu/MetaCenter/MetaScience/Articles/Jordan/Jordan.html
– FAQ: power lines and cancer http://www.mcw.edu/gcrc/cop/powerlines-cancer-FAQ/toc.html
– Book: Water, the matrix of life http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/085404583X/
– Generalenv http://scaleaway.com/WaterConditioning.html Co., mag water softeners
– Generalenv: Dr. Klaus J. Kronenberg http://scaleaway.com/Kronenberg.html
– Biological EM fields & cellphones http://www.sciencedaily.com/story.asp?filename=980729064343
– Mag. Water Treatment http://gcea.com/articles.shtm articles
Created and maintained by Bill Beaty http://amasci.com/billb.html .
The Equivalence of Magnetic and Kinetic Energy
Review of Paper From PESWiki http://peswiki.com/index.php/Review:Paper:The_Equivalence_of_Magnetic_and_Kinetic_Energy
A review of the Paper: The Equivalence of Magnetic and Kinetic Energy http://www.paradox-paradigm.nl/Van_der_Togt_equiv2ckw.pdf by Carel van der Togt.
“This article proves that QM/QED/QCD/. … assumed, unjustified, that the electromagnetic field is (also) conservative.”
# Overview : On December 18, 2006, Carel van der Togt wrote: Subject: coldfusion/omissions in physics
Dear Sterling D. Allan[1],I read your website concerning cold fusion http://www.freeenergynews.com/Directory/ColdFusion. I’m concerned because mainstream physics is without any doubt hiding serious mistakes made in the past. Omissions so enormous science will not be able to correct without being ridiculed.
Maybe you are interested. In December 2006 the scientific journal “Galilean Electrodynamics” published the article “The Equivalence of Kinetic and Magnetic Energy.” ( http://www.paradox-paradigm.nl/Van_der_Togt_equiv2ckw.pdf ). This article proves that QM/QED/QCD/. … assumed unjustified that the electromagnetic field is (also) conservative.
The electrostatic field is conservative. In early days QM scientists (Feynman ea.) concluded unjustly that the electromagnetic field is also conservative. However this is not the case, which is proven without doubt in this article (section 4 The Electromagnetic Mass). The scientific consequence of this article is that all theoretical conclusions of QM/QED/QCD/. . are fictional.
You can understand it is impossible to publish an article or a comment in mainstream science journals concerning an omission that proves all QM/QED/… formulas are physically false. The Nobel-prize Frank Wilczek e.a. received in 2004 is also based on this false assumption. Possible you realize physics will do anything to hide this mistake. Can you imagine they admit there are no parallel worlds, no ..
Possible it is interesting for you to have a look. Sincerely, Carel van der Togt
# Introduction :
An electric charge placed in vacuum produces an electrostatic field that surrounds the charge. When an observer moves relative to the charge, the electrostatic field observed changes in time, and in addition, the observer will measure a magnetic field. The presence of the magnetic field indicates magnetic energy. For an observer moving relative to a mass, the relative speed of the mass represents kinetic energy. Like magnetic energy, kinetic energy exists only if there is relative movement in this case, relative motion between observer and mass. Kinetic and magnetic energy are thus quite comparable: both forms of energy exist only when there is motion relative to an observer.
The questions that I want to answer are these:
1) How much energy does the magnetic field of a moving charge represent?
2) What is the relation between the magnetic and kinetic energy of a charged mass?
In addressing these questions, only non-relativistic velocities need be considered, because relativistic conditions unnecessarily complicate the situation without adding any additional insight.
# Bibliography :
– Selected Works of H.A. Lorentz V (Palm Publications 1987).
– Roger H. Stuewer, The Compton Effect (Science History Publications, 1975).
– Johan Bakker, Van Paradox tot Paradigma [Uitgeverij Relatief Netherlands, 1999 (translated in English: http://paradox-paradigm.nl/ ].
– R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume II (Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1964).
# Review : Excellent!
On Dec. 23, 2006, New Energy Congress member, Ken Rauen wrote:
The paper by van der Togt is excellent! It took awhile to wade through it, but it is on the mark, as far as I can tell. I am doubly pleased by this paper because it reinforces the physics of Steven Smith on his website, , where kinetic energy is explained as a magnetic energy phenomenon. Smith and van der Togt are talking about the same thing, presenting the math a little differently. Smith is doing it for public readership with high school physics knowledge, and van der Togt is talking at the university physics graduate level.
Contact :Carel van der Togt ; http://vandertogt.com/ ; email: carel {at} vandertogt.com
January 17, 2007, Organic Magnets Open Vast Possibilities
Researchers at the University of Victoria have discovered new lightweight magnets that could be used in making everything from extra-thin magnetic computer memory to ultra-light spacecraft parts.
VICTORIA, BC, CANADA — Researchers at the University of Victoria have discovered new lightweight magnets that could be used in making everything from extra-thin magnetic computer memory to ultra-light spacecraft parts. A paper on the study will appear in the Jan. 18 edition of Nature, a prestigious international science magazine.
For decades, researchers have attempted to create an alternative to conventional pure metal or metal alloy magnets, which are heavy, inflexible and can only be produced under high temperatures.
The team, led by UVic chemist Dr. Robin Hicks, discovered a simple method for making a new family of organic-based magnets by combining nickel and one of three different organic compounds. The discovery is the first step in designing the next generation of magnets which could, in theory, be easily manipulated at room temperature.
The skys the limit for these magnets, in principle, says Hicks. Suppose you want to make a particular shape of magnet these magnets could be dissolved in solution and shaped into a different form.
Conventional magnets are a ubiquitous part of everyday life, controlling everything from computers to cars, so I believe these new, highly processable magnets could have endless applications.
The team will continue to fine-tune this next-generation of magnets, which resemble black powder, to further develop their processability and commercial potential.
SOURCE: University of Victoria Press Release http://communications.uvic.ca/releases/release.php?display=release&id=785 , January 17, 2007
14.09.2006, IPCtec Labs
Magnetism Attracts & Repels … WHY ?
If a dynamic ether could be shown, … could magnetism be akin to the weather in our planet’s atmosphere ?
“Lines of Force” = Helixes in the Ether ? ( ” The First Dynamic Matter ” )
# “A Macrocosm view of the Microcosm”
Pool photo by David Radabaugh
“The Falaco Effect as a topological defect was first noticed by the present author in the swimming pool of an old MIT friend, during a visit in Rio de Janeiro, at the time of Halley’s comet, March 1986. The concept was first presented at the Austin Meeting of Dynamic Days in Austin, January 1987, and caused some interest among the resident topologists. The easily reproduced experiment added to the credence of topological defects in fluids. It is now perceived that this topological phenomena is universal, and will appear at all levels from the microscopic to the galactic.” R.M. Kiehn, rkiehn2352aol.com University of Houston Kiehn’s web site http://www22.pair.com/csdc/car/carfre10.htm .
Imagine that the swimming pool water is the “Zero Point Energy” in which all of our universe is “swimming”.
The topological defects are positions in the ZPE where electrons can form and reside. The helix connecting the counter-rotating dimples, represents the helixes of the magnetic lines of force.
Imagine a second half to this picture, as seen in a mirror two counter rotating electrons connected via a helix. You now see the configuration of a “Cooper Pair.” This system, then develops a new axis of rotation, and you now have a photon. This photon now can be converted into light electro-magnetic radiation by imparting the chartistic vibration ( color of light / frequence of interest ) and accelerating it into a receptive medium this is what RF broadcast technology is all about.
This Paradigm is in line with James Clerk Maxwell’s concept http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/hudson/index.html that the universe is existing in a dynamic medium that has many properties very much like those found in fluids such as water or the Earth’s atmosphere, with respect to the energy movements found there.
The Industrial View
This is how our High Technology Industry understands the concept of magnetism.
What works, works, and we have to consider the magnetic effects that engineers have observed, measured and used to created products. This web site is very good for helping us use “The Correct Language http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/language.htm ” when we are exploring a more detailed vision of how magnetism works and the uses to which it can be applied.
Group Arnold The Magnetic Products Group of SPS Technologies http://www.grouparnold.com/mtc/pm_manual_chap_1.htm Group Arnold is one of the largest magnetic products manufacturers in the world.
The Earth’s Magnetosphere
This image is from an educational web site by David P. Stern and Mauricio Peredo. This site contains information on: Magnetism, Electrons, Ions and Plasmas, Radiation Belts, The Sun and the Solar Wind, Exploring Earthspace, The Dynamic Magnetosphere, Close-Up of the Aurora, Magnetospheres and the Universe.
… If the vast reaches of space between the planets were completely empty, then the magnetic bubble around the earth would be shaped something like a round ball. … NASA image http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/gif/sunearth.jpg
On the Sun, coronal mass ejections http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/gif/solflare.jpg occur when solar magnetic field lines snake around each other, forming the letter “S”. Usually, they go past each other. But if they connect, it’s like a short circuit. The mid-section breaks loose and drives out a coronal mass ejection. (NASA/MSFC) http://www1.msfc.nasa.gov/newsroom/NSSTC/news/photos/2002/photosN02-002.html
Magnetic Levitation at Your Fingertips
Now, there is a way – at last – to have miniature levitating devices that even schoolchildren can make http://www.sci.kun.nl/hfml/fingertip.html . As the picture shows, real levitation is now at your fingertips.
# The “reversed form” (negative solution) of Maxwell’s Fourth Equation, states that a magnetic field can be produced without current flowing in a wire.
A Working “CrossedField” Antenna Using This Principle http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/cfa/index.html
# Oxygen http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/hydro/o.htm is highly paramagnetic (attracted to a magnetic field, but not magnetized). Hydrogen http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/hydro/h.htm is highly diamagnetic; (repelled from a magnetic field but not magnetized). Under normal circumstance, these are such weak forces that they are not considered significant. In vortex flow, they have a more significant effect.
When passed through a strong magnetic field http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/magnetic.htm , oxygen molecules tend to be attracted towards the field and hydrogen molecules repulsed from the field.
Water http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/hydro/h2o.htm is one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. The two atoms of hydrogen make it diamagnetic.
Superconductors http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/hudson/index.html are ideal diamagnetics and completely expel magnetic fields.
– The Magnetic Vortex Theory http://hometown.aol.com/jet22x/vortex.html
– Parallel Path Rotary Motion http://www.flynnresearch.net/rotary_motors.htm
– Magnetic Influences in the Colloidal World http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/info/colloid.htm
– MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS IN MAGNETIC MEDIA http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/cfa/maxmag_3.htm
– Magnetic Fields Around Magnets http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/magfield.htm
– Heat http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/heat.htm
– The Electric Force http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/electric.htm
–Gravity http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/gravity.htm
– The Resonate Coil Project http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/tommy/td.htm
– Site Link List http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/link.htm
– Back to New World http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/newworld.htm
– The Tortoise Shell Life Science Puzzle Box Front Page http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/index.html
December 5, 2003. Electromagnetism http://www.spots.ca/%7Ebelfroy/EMagnIntro.html
In this section there is an attempt to give some theories on parts of electromagnetism for the ideas of the articles below. Vacuum space or space-time may be five dimensional.
There are the three x, y, and z dimensions of the cartesian coordinate system. There may be the fourth dimension of time t, and the fifth dimension of parallel universus or time lines U. Electromagnetism may be five dimensional; it may exists at different times or different universus at the same time. The physics of nature may not be exactly the same in different regions of space, because space may be five dimensional. The state or nature of the electromagnetic wave may not be known until it is detected or observed.
The electromagnetic wave may be in a state of superposition; it may show as a particle, or wave or have different velocities.
The electromagnetic wave may be in a state of superposition; it can exists in one or more possible states at the same time. For example an electromagnetic photon or light particle can be a particle or wave. How it appears may depend how it is detected.
It may exist both as a wave or particle at the same time until it is detected. It may exist as both forms or not exist as any known form, but can show as a particular form when detected.
Another example, electromagnetic waves can travel at the speed of light c or travel at an undefined velocity as explained in article “Electromagnetic Field Propagation Velocity” below. The state of the electromagnetic wave may depend on the signal transmitter and detector.
In another example which may not prove is, sometimes you cannot exactly determine the signal frequency of an electromagnetic wave. The frequencies that are seen be a receiver depends on the receiver antenna. For example, if one person transmitts a 0.1 watt signal amplitude with a signal sine wave frequency of about 5 megahertz and another person tries to see the signal using a smaller receiver antenna and an oscilloscope, the received electromagnetic signal may oscillate or cause electrical oscillation at a faster electric frequency in the smaller receiver antenna. The receiver antenna may electromagnetically oscillate at the harmonic frequencies of the fundamental transmitted frequency. This showing of signal with different frequencies in electronics text is called spurious response; the electromagnetic signal is showing in different radio channels. The received signal state in part may depend on the receiver system.
Vacuum space and electromagnetism may even be six dimensional. The sixth dimension may be parallel universes that have laws of physics that may be slightly different than from our universe. Electromagnetism in the fifth or sixth dimension may exist in a superposition of states.
The electromagnetic wave may exist in a superposition of states until it is detected, because it may be five dimensional.
– Electromagnetic Field Propagation Velocity ……………………. 41 http://www.spots.ca/~belfroy/electromve.html
– Electromagnetic Force Due To Particle Velocity ………………… 45
– Scalar Electromagnetic Wave …….. …………………………. 47 http://www.spots.ca/~belfroy/scalarElectro.html
Now, a scooter that runs on magnetic power
From our ANI Correspondent http://www.dailyindia.com/show/139571.php/Now-a-scooter-that-runs-on-magnetic-power
Thrissur, May 8 : Believe it or not, a man in Thrissur District of Kerala has developer a two-wheeler scooter that runs on magnetic power.
It takes just an ordinary battery to start the scooter and the rest is done by the inbuilt magnetic mechanism, which enables the scooter to run at a speed of 25 to 45 kilometers per hour. It’s noise and pollution free.
“It doesn’t cause any air or noise pollution. This kind of technology can be very useful for our country and this motivated me to create it,” said the 27-year-old Naveen C, the inventor.
He holds a diploma in computers but could not pursue a career in electronic engineering due to personal problems.
But Naveen prepared his scooter using a 25-year-old Chetak two-wheeler scooter. He removed its petrol tank and fixed a magnetic mechanism. It took him seven years to prepare his dream scooter which cost around 20,000 rupees.
Naveen claims that the technology used in his scooter can be used in any vehicle with very little changes. The magnetic power reduces if the scooter is used for a long period. But it can be retrieved in no time.
The scooter named “7th” by Naveen, doesn’t require recharging.
Hailing from Thrissur’s Chellakara area in Kerala, Naveen has become a talk of the town after his invention.
“In the present scenario when petroleum prices are soaring high, this is a very good invention by Naveen, I really appreciate him for this,” said Dr. Krishnamany, a villager
“He has developed this scooter using limited resources available in his house which will become a useful product for the entire nation and our entire village will support him,” said C. Nandakumar, another villager.
Naveen has applied to patent his scooter and is open to share his innovation with any vehicle company approaching him. But it has to be an Indian company, he says.
The Believe Machine
Posted on April 07, 2007, by vlad http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2309
Thanks to Overtone for this: It apparently has been on display in Europe as a work of art. If there is no hidden battery, or other conventional source of energy, it wold be interesting to know the identity of the clever inventor.
(poster’s comment: “clip of a permanent-magnet-engine that I saw at the Augsburger Kunstlabor 2005. music by me …”)
Click on The Believe Machine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD-5aVCNbtg&mode=related&search to see video.
The magnetic shield, in the center of the picture, which resembles a propeller, turns. The magnetic flux cannot pass through the shield. When the shield is in front of the magnets, they are attracted, when the shield is no longer in front of the magnets they are pushed away, because the magnets are now in repulsion. Finally the shield is used as a flywheel, repeatedly taking up and then discharging its kinetic energy.
Suitably modified, it can be used to generate electricity!
Country of origin: France ; Translation was made from the following French text.
DailyMotion – 3/31/2007
Le bouclier anti-magnétique qui ressemble à une hélice tourne et est feromagnétique. Le flux magnétique ne peut passer au travers du bouclier. Quand le bouclier est devant les aimants, ceux ci sont attirés, quand le bouclier n’est plus devant les aimants ceux ci se font répoussé car les aimant sont en position répulsive. Enfin ce bouclier sert de volant d’inertie en se chargeant et en se déchargeant en énergie cinétique. Bon il ne reste plus à convertir en électrécité!
Author: existance12d ; Tags: énergie libre, free energy, magnet perpetual motion. mouvement perpetual.
Magnet Motors
by FreeEnergyNews.com http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/MagneticMotors/index.html
Motors in which magnets are the only motive force. No validated documentation yet obtained of a system in which magnets do not degauss.
Claims to Operational Units
– Perendev’s Magnet Motor http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Perendev_Power_Developments_Pty_(Ltd)
– Calloway Motors http://www.callowayengines.com – Robert H. Calloway describes how an all-magnet motor works: “It is actually harnessing electron spin that drives these engines.” Device description pending after someone else breaks the ice. (Feb. 2006)
– Another perpetual motor built in Russia http://english.pravda.ru/science/19/94/379/15849_perpetual.html – Vyacheslav Strushchenko claims to have working model, but says that for five years the Russian government has refused to grant official recognition or patent. (Pravda; July 23, 2005)
– Howard Johnson’s Magnet Motor http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/Howard_Johnson_Motor/index.html – HJ motor technical information give-away, information.
– Bowman Permanent Magnet Motor http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/MagneticMotors/Bowman/index.html – 1954 variation of the Peregrius (Perrigrinus) motor (1269). Purportedly ran for 1 year, after which the Alcomax magnets were tested and shown to have not diminished in strength.
– Bowman Motor Open Sourcing Project http://www.pureenergysystems.com/os/MagneticMotors/BMM/ – Plans posted based on a design that worked for ~3 months before it ran down due to demagnetization of the magnets. Some speculate that a different orientation that doesn’t stress the magnets as much might work better.
– Minato Wheel http://www.fdp.nu/thebook/default.asp – All magnet motor. Replication project headed by Eric Vogels.
– What Happened to This One? – “Back in the early 80’s, a gentlemen was on T.V showing his magnet powered home using a generator approximately three square feet in size. The top was domed. The unit itself look like a ball, to start the generator the man just spun the ball and the generator started/kept spinning. sometime later I heard this man was trying to work with ray-o-vac to develop a electrical storage unit for his generator. I’ve never heard or seen anything since. The units propulsion was opposing magnet fields.” — Jeff Drescher
– Mikell Claims to have Built a Working All Magnet Motor http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/Howard_Johnson_Motor/Mikell/index.html – stator-armature arrangement description resembles Brady’s perendev motor.
– Coral Castle and Free Energy Technology http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/CoralCastle/index.html – 1920’s Castle in Florida has unusual magnetic wheel. Inventor Ed Leedskalnin said he discovered secrets of gravity. Castle constructed of ~30 ton blocks.
– Wesley Gary Magnet Motor http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/4810/ – 1880’s Pennsylvania, USA, using ferromagnetic phenomenon; self-running (tapping zero point?). Published in Harpers’ magazine.
– Cycclone Magnet Engine (CME) http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Cycclone – All-permanent-magnet engine by Australian company. Oct. 2003 TV footage shows demo prototype in action. Company claims to be building a prototype that can be fitted to an automobile.
– Telesis Magnet Motor with Superconducting Shielding http://peswiki.com/index.php/OS:Telesis:Main_Page – Plans posted for magnetic motor with superconductor stator magnet shields articulating in proper sequence to induce rotation. No working prototype has been achieved, but a prototype has been built. (PESWiki)
– MXLO Magnet Motor DC Generator Plans http://www.pureenergysystems.com/os/MagneticMotors/MXLO/index.html – MagnetHealer.com claims to have working electricity generating unit of approximately one cubic foot in size (scalable), producing in the range of 50 – 280 V DC. Claims that assembly is easy. No replications have worked of 14 known attempts as of June 30, 2004.
– Mag-Gen Magnet Motor http://www.mag-gen.com [link broken, see archive.org back-up http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.mag-gen.com ] – “I am now working on putting together two products for immediate purchase. 1. A tabletop working model. 2. An electricity generating model to power a light bulb. You will soon be able to purchase small, medium, and large gensets to power larger applications.”
– MagnetMotor.ch http://www.magnetmotor.ch
– Psitronics’ Self-sustaining “Free Energy” Permanent Magnet Motors http://home.earthlink.net/~wizzard9 – Claims 600 HP prototype completed (~458 kw), adequate to power 18-wheeler trucks. Most likely more wishful thinking than reality.
Evidence / Theory
– The Astronaut’s Magnetic Boots http://www.cheniere.org/misc/astroboots.htm – Astronaut training boots had permanent magnets with “memory”. The boots and references thereto disappeared from the literature for reasons suspected to do with the magnet motor application which “the powers that be” did not want released. Researcher John Reed uncovers the original Radus magnet boots from Radus’ sister. (Chiniere.org; not dated)
– Leedskalnin Magnetic Currents http://peswiki.com/energy/Directory:Leedskalnin_Magnetic_Currents:Monsieur_Bonheur – Monsieur Bonheur’s experiments and discussion regarding Magnetic Currents, a book written in October 1945 by Edward Leedskalnin, the famous builder of the enigmatic Coral Castle. (PESWiki)
Not Quite All-Magnet Motor
– Franc Jakelj Magnet Motor — Partially Electric http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/MagneticMotors/FrancJakelj/index.html – Allan Hegland, witness of the original prototype, is garnering funds to perfect the design and take the technology to market. Three Jakelj patents. (GTFE Directory)
– Kohei Minato and the Japan Magnet Fan Company http://japan.com/technology/index.php – A maverick inventor’s breakthrough electric motor uses permanent magnets to make power, using just 20% the typical input power, without generating heat or noise. (Japan.com) (Submitted by Eric Vogels)
– Alnico Magnet Motor by Ron Viellieux http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/MagneticMotors/RonViellieux/index.html – Propulsion works for a portion of a turn. Will it also work for full rotation?
– Keith Cochrane’s Magnetic Motor Design http://keithc.netfirms.com – Theory only, no working prototype.
– Butler’s Encyclopedia of Incredible Patents, Permanent Magnet Propulsion, Permanent Magnet Motors – Conveniently bound and indexed into one encyclopedia; 8½ x 11, comb bound, 230 pp.
Design Proposals
– PM3 Permanent magnet machine http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Magnetic_Motors:PM3 – Original project by Felipe Gonzales for a permanent magnet machine. Computer simulations show that it is able to run. This machine is based on theory of TOMI tracks.
– Jan P Cack’s PM Motor http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Jan_P_Cack’s_Permanent_Magnet_Motor – Theoretical design has not yet been tested. Animation show that rotating stator magnets appear to maintain a positive attraction-repulsion relationship.
– The Symmetrical Permanent Magnet Motor http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/Inventors/Bearden/SymmetricalPermanentMagnetMotor/index.html by Tom Bearden, Discusses standard physics models for magnet interaction in a rotor-stator configuration. Proposes model in which “vacuum” energy contributes to the mix to overcome
– Goebke’s Magnet Motor Design
– Calloway Motors http://www.callowaymotors.com – permanent magnetic motors, by repulsion and by pulse.
– Magnet Motor by Mike Rigby http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/MagneticMotors/MikeRigby/index.html (Plans) – High voltage, low amperage, makes for high power electromagnet.
– TiALCo-B Magnet Motor by MagneticEnergy.com http://magneticenergy.com/index.html [alt ] [backup ] – Complete set of instructions, with sketches. Technology give-away. Independent engineer says the instructions are inadequate and suspect.
– Tom Ferko’s Magnet-Gravity Motor Idea http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/MagneticMotors/Ferko_mag_grav/index.html – Concept of combining gravity and magnetic forces to create rotational force came in a dream. Looking for feedback.
– http://mmmgroup.altervista.org/e-magnet.html by Felipe Gonzales (K Pullo)
– Sandeep Acharya’s Magnet Energy to Mechanical Energy Converter http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/newhoaxes/sandeep.html – featured at Museum of Hoaxes July 5, 2003
Related Technology
– Magnetizer — The Science of Applied Magnetics http://www.magnetizer.com – “With decades of extensive research, Magnetizer has developed the most powerful and effective magnetic technology in the world.”
– Batteryless Bicycle Flashing Safety Light System http://www.freelights.co.uk – No friction on any parts of the bicycle; no drag; very bright. Get the energy almost free (at least on bicycle). Uses a tumbling magnet electrical generating system. Exterior magnet can be in any orientation.
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