Suppression of Free-Energy Devices and Inventors

by Joe Mackem,

from (copy available to download here

There has been a revived energy revolution movement going on around the world the past twenty years which has not been covered or reported by the mainstream press, establishement, scientific journals or university research publications.

Most of the discoveries have been made by people with curious, ingenious minds, who on many occasions have observed experimental results in cold fusion, superconductivity and magnetic motors, that appear to violate the currently held laws of physics, chemistry and electrodynamics. A term has been used to describe such phenomena, is called ‘over-unity energy’ or ‘free-energy’, which in many cases means getting more energy out of a system or reaction (magnetic motor or cold fusion reaction) than appears to be put into it. A better explanation is that excess energy is being accessed from as yet not completely explained source. (Note: An atom bomb is an overunity device which gets a tremendous amount of extra energy out, in the form of harmful radiation, which is needed to trigger the reaction).

The first question that usually pops into a sceptic’s mind is that if the technology is for real and discoveries have been made, such as Pons & Flieschman’s Cold Fusion Cell or Roy Johnson’s Fusion Magnetic Motor, why has it not been reported or mass-produced for use by our energy-hungry world? The answer is suppression. What is meant by ‘suppression’? Suppression can be active type – where a corporation or oil company or OPEC, who does not want the invention marketed, will blow up or destroy the laboratory and the prototypes and threaten to kill the inventor if he again attempts to market the revolutionary device. The other type of suppression is the passive type where a competing company, who has big bucks, such as some of the major oil companies, will come in and buy out a patent with no intention of bringing it to market until the demand for oil greatly exceeds the supply and gas prices soar, then they will start marketing a 100 mpg carburettor for ICE (Internal Combustion Engine).

Other types of passive suppression include universities which are receiving big funding from oil or nuclear establishement sources, refusing to do research, or muzzling bright professors (by withholding tenure) from publishing theories and results as to the what, how’s, and whys of these over-unity motors and cold fusion reactions. Or the example where a Patent Office refuses to grant patents in revolutionary technology, claiming perpetual motion machines, as they see them, aren’t patentable, or if they are patentable, that they can place a Secrecy Order on the patent, which prohibits the inventor from disclosing any information to anyone ‘since such disclosure might be detrimental to National Security’.

To the best of our knowledge, the following accounts of suppression are true. This information will hopefully show you some of the reasons why this over-unity technology has not reached world-wide attention or use. Perhaps perpetrators of this much-needed new energy technology suppression will consider reversing their policy and incorporate this technology into their business structure for a future profitable enterprise.

The development of free-energy technology has really captured the imagination of ingenious, non-conformist inventors. Pioneers whom they have admired include Nikola Tesla, John Keely and T. Henry Moray. Two primary areas of R&D have been targeted:
– 1/ Clean cold fusion (as opposed to dirty hot fusion – nuclear energy), and
– 2/ Zero-point energy.

Again, these technologies have been actively and passively suppressed. The following documenteed accounts, will hopefully, give you some specific instances os suppression.

In the late 70’s a brilliant inventor, Rory Johnson of Elgin Illinois, invented a cold fusion, laser activated, magnetic motor that produced 525 HP, weighed 475 lbs, and could propel a large truck or bus 100,000 miles on about 2 pounds of deuterium and gallium. This was years before Pons & Flieschman or Dr. James Patterson entered the scene with their cold fusion technology. Rory Johnson was in the process of negociation with the Greyhound Bus Company to install this revolutionary motor in a few buses to demonstrate the fuel savings, reduced maintenance and more profitable balance sheet for Greyhound.

The mistake Rory Johnson made (little did he kown that OPEC was keeping close track of any future competition to their oil business and that he was number one on the hit list) was to actively publicise his advanced fusion-magnetic motor in many magazines, telling of his plans to manufacture and distribute this revolutionary motor nation-wide. (I have even talked to a few people who had signed up for a distributorship). Coincidentally, after agents of Greyhound tried to get in touch with Rory Johnson after a year of no contact, they were notified that Rory had passed away unexpectedly. A man of robust health in his early fifties dying?! It was later learned that for some threatening reason, Roy moved out of his laboratory unexpectedly in the middle of the night with all his motors and technology and moved to California before he died.

Another astounding development that surfaced was a Restraining Order, or GAG order, by the US Energy Department which was placed on Rory’s Company, Magnatron Inc., prohibiting him from producing the Magnatron engine. Appendix 1 contains a letter from Minnesota State Senator Marion Manning to US Senator from Minnesota, Dave Donenberger inquiring as to why our government would place such a gag order on Mr. Johnson. Isn’t this the land of the free market economy ? Apparently not.

Something seems a little strange about this whole incident. Are the oil cartels dictating energy policy to the US Government?

Remember Ruby Ridge, where over zealous US agents killed Randy Weaver’s wife and son? Well at the same time of this FBI siege, another inventor happened to be living in Northern Idaho and working on an advanced zero-point energy device. As the story goes, (told first hand to me by the investor), an investor was coming to visit the inventor who had just made a breakthough in his free-energy device, but who had made the mistake of publicising his breakthrough on a local TV station. The day before the investor arrived, two government agents broke into the inventor’s home, surmising that both the inventor and his wife were away. It just happened the wife was still at home and was very familiar with the use of a hefty handgun. At point blank range, she hekd the agents at bay inside her house while she debunked their excuse that they were cable TV repairmen checking out their cables lines. If it wasn’t for the siege of Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, who knows what esle would have happened that day.

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