MEMO 10, Memo WFC 429
Optical Thermal Lens: A Miniature Controllable Sun
How is it that a seed of a plant can produce atoms, undergo molecule structuring, support chemical processes that sustains life? The Sun, soil nutrients, and water are only growth stimulators.
How is it that that a baby in the mother womb undergoes atomic structuring to give us life? The child mother does not consume enough food nor absorb enough sun rays to create not even one atom of the new born.
How is it mass is being created in our universe?
And why is it that planets continue to move in orbital pathways? What fuels the universe? The universe is still expanding while being maintained.
Where does fire come from since atoms are neither created nor destroyed during the burning process?
Why is lighting associated with water molecules in air? And what fuels hurricanes … is it the Water Molecule?
Einstein E=MC2 equation shows that the energy comes from somewhere beyond our physical universe.
Is “Particle Oscillation” as a “Energy Generator” the way to tap into this universal energy source to fuel our economy? And if so, by what means?
The WFC Technique of “Easer” is, now, open for scientific dissertation … and is explained in the following way:
In the annals of scientific endeavors, the prior art only subscribed in using the following scenarios to cause “Particle Oscillation” as a “Energy Generator”: particle impact to produce kinetic energy; current flow to manifest light energy by which we see from an incandescent light bulbs; electromagnetic flux-energy to ionize gases inside an fluorescent tube exposed to an electrical power line; photon energy absorption to activate a laser device by the use of a strobe light; chemical stress to cause combustion by rearranging molecular structures; redirecting and splitting light transmission through optical prismatic structures, and the atomic absorption and re-radiation of acoustical energy for sound-box amplification. In reference to WFC Technology of Inventions, “Electrical Stress” propagated by “Opposite Voltage Polarity” is utilized as a “New” way to cause “Particle Oscillation” as a “Energy Generator” … giving way to “the Birth of New Technology” … such as, “The Optical Thermal Lens” called “Easer” … tapping into “Universal Energy” via “Voltage Tickling of State Space” under resonant conditions.
Propagating Electrical Stress
As in reference to WFC Patent Validation Report dated January 14, 1983 as per WFC Test-Results “Mode of Operability” of using “Voltage Potential” to “Dissociates the Water Molecule” by way of the “Electrical Polarization Process”(160) of Figure (3-26) as so specified under U.S. Patent Law (35 USC 101) demonstrate operability, the applied Pulse-Voltage Frequency is adjusted to tune-in to the dielectric properties of water by the use of WFC “Amp Inhibiting Circuit” (970) of Figure (10-1), as further illustrated in WFC Tech-Brief titled “The Birth of New Technology” … U.S. Patent Memos 420 – 428, including “Table of Tabulation” (Appendix A) as to “Glossary of Application Notes” (Appendix B).
The Amp Inhibiting Circuit (970) of Figure (10-1) as to (690) of Figure (7-8) is composed of two copper wires “Bifilar” wound (wrapped) about a magnetic induction core to allow amp restriction (minimizing current leakage) while encouraging “Voltage Potential”(Va xxx V n) across the water molecule to perform WFC “Electrical Polarization Process”, as so illustrated in Figure (7-1) WFC memo (426) titled VIC Matrix Circuit. The energized “Resonant Charging Choke” (56) . of Figure (7-1) as to Figure (10-1) by way of input voltage-pulses (49a xxx 49n) creates an electromagnetic coupling field (Rp1) of Figure (7-8) due to its self-inductance (640) of Figure 73B) crosses over and passes through electrically ground connected Resonant Charging Choke (62), as so illustrated in Figure (10-1) … causing amp flow restriction during each pulsing-cycle since electrons exhibit electromagnetic characteristic … forming “Mutual Inductance Fields” (Rp 1/Rp2) once secondary coil (62) is electromagnetically energized by primary coil (56) and vice versa … thereby, preventing amp “in-fluxing” (discouraging electron arc over) across Dielectric Capacitor Gap (ER)(66/67) while Electrical Stress (ST-ST’ – RU-RU’) of Opposite Voltage Polarity (B+/B-) brings on Energy Priming Stage (520) of Figure (5-3) which is refer to, herein, as “Voltage Tickling of State Space.”
The resultant Amp Inhibiting Circuit Figure (10-1) as to Figure (10-3 A/B) further allows amp restriction (minimizing current leakage) to be continued even if applied “Voltage Amplitude” is increased. The length and diameter size of the copper-wire spiral wrapped coil (56/62) of Figure (10-1) being paired together and electrically energized in conjunction with applied Voltage Pulse-Frequency determines how much “Amp Leakage” will occur across capacitor Gap (Cp) while “Voltage Pulse-Potential” (Va xxx Vn/49a xxx 49n) of “Opposite polarity” (B+/B-) is/are allowed to be applied across “Electrical Voltage Plates” (Voltage-Zones) (66/67). To reduce amp leakage still further, the copper wire of both Resonant Charging Chokes (56/62) can be replaced with an magnetically ~ductive stainless steel wire (430F/FR) having a resistive value (Ohms) to the flow of electrons while taking on the capacitance and inductance characteristic of a coil wire. VIC Bifilar Wrap Coil-Assembly (10-3B) and VIC Dual Coil Wrap-Assembly (10-3A) both utilize either “E”& I and “U” Inductance Core configurations to concentrate Mutual Inductance Fields (Rp l/Rp2) in order to optimize Amp Inhibiting Process (750) of Figure (7-14). “E” I core shape (10-3B) is most preferable since amp spike surge is minimize during repetitive pulsing operations.
Beyond amp restricting characteristic of said Amp Inhibiting Circuit (970) of Figure (10-1) as to Voltage Intensifier Circuit (60) of Figure (3-22), the spiral-wrapped coils (Resonant Charging Chokes 56/62) being paired together, also, causes voltage level enhancement beyond applied voltage input since the “Distributed Capacitance” (C1a xxx C1n – C2a xxx C2n) / “Distributed Inductance” (FL1a xxx FL1n- FL2a xxx FL2n) of said “bifilar” wrapped coils (Figure 7-3) as to (990) of Figure (10-3) encourages the compounding effect (increasing magnetic field-strength during each pulsing cycle) of electromagnetic field-strength (Rp 1 a xxx Rp 1 n – Rp2a xxx Rp2n) (mutual induction) when applied Pulse-Voltage frequency (49a xxx 49n) of Figure (334) passes through the positive energized Resonant Charging Choke (56). Furthermore, the paired coil-wires opposite voltage potential [ positive electrical attraction force (B+) – negative electrical attraction force (B-)] [ hereinafter called Electrical Stress (SS’- RR’) as to (160) of Figure (3-26)] are always equal in electrical magnitude/intensity since the wirelength of each coil are the same. Pulse-Voltage repetition rate sets up the step-up charging effect Figure (1-3) since the “Resonant Cavity” (Cp) functions as a “Capacitor” (ER) due to the dielectric value of the liquid (or gases) which becomes an integral part of the VIC Circuit, as so illustrated in (650) of Figure (7-4). The resultant voltage enhancement (Voltage Amplitude) can exceed 40 kilovolts to instantly convert water (droplets) into thermal explosive energy (gtnt) on demand, as so illustrated in Voltage Intensifier Circuit Diagram (970) of Figure (10-1). Blocking Diode (52) of Figure (4-9) as to Figure (1-1) allows unipolar pulse-wave to go more positive on each pulse-cycle since the Blocking Diode (52) prevents the Resonant Cavity (Cp) from discharging during pulse off-time, as so illustrated in Figure (1-4) as to (60) of Figure (3-22) … allowing the developed “Electrical Stress”(RU/RU’ – ST/ST’) of Figure (5-1/5-2) across Capacitor Gap (Cp) to go to the farthest point beyond the “State of Equilibrium” … see Atomic Energy Balance of Water (WFC memo 424), once again. The programmable pulse-frequency (49a xxx 49n) of Figure (10-1) input is simply adjusted to tune-in to the dielectric property of the Water Molecule. The resultant Dynamic Electrical Charging Effect (612) of Figure (8-1) acts as a progressive energy enhancer (Energy Priming Stage) (500) of Figure (5-1) when Static State Space (790) of (8-3) is configured to Dynamic State Space (800) of Figure (8-4), as so illustrated in WFC memo (427) titled “Voltage Wave-Guide” … whereby, the Voltage Wave-Guides forms Water Gap (Cp).
Voltage to Amp Differential Ratio
Opposite polarity Voltage Wave burst (1010) of Figure (10-5) as to Dynamic Voltage Stimulation (770B) of Figure (8-1) is simply produced when Programmable Variable Pulse-Width Pulse-Train Waveform (49a xxx 49n) is allowed to be electrically transmitted through and beyond / Resonant Charging Chokes Stages (56/62a xx 56/62n + SS56/62a xxx SS56/62n) of Figure (10-4) that are not only electrically connected in sequential order but likewise magnetically linked by Inductance Coupling field (511/512a xxx 511/512n), as so pictorially illustrated in (580) of Figure (6-1). The resultant ever increasing pulsating opposite electrical voltage fields (603/604a xxx 603/604n) of Figure (8-1) having superimposed thereon counter opposing Rippling Voltage- Surfaces (64/B+a xxx 64/B-n) [Dynamic Electrica1 Charging Effect (612) of Figure (8-1B)], now, set ups, causes, and applies ever increasing (rubberbanding effect) Pulsating Opposite Electrical Stress (RU-RU’ – ST-ST’) across Water Gap (Cp) … encouraging “Particle Oscillation” as a. “Energy Generator” by way of pulsating “Electrical Stress” as the combustible gas atom particles of the water molecule undergo “Particle Deflection” farthest from the point of “State of Equilibrium” and returning back to “Stable State of Equilibrium” during-pulse off-time (T2) for repeated “Snapping Action” (Rubberbanding effect) in accordance with bi-polar Voltage Rippling Effect (1010) of Figure (10-5), as so illustrated in (280) of Figure (3-35). The greater the Electrical Stress (RU-RU’ a xxx ST -ST’n) applied (64B+/64B-a xxx 64B+/64B-), the greater amount of thermal explosive energy (16/gtnta xxx 16/gtntn) of Figure (6-2) as to (70) of Figure (4-5) is released from Resonant Water Gap (Cp) (970) of Figure (10-1), as further illustrated in (70) of Figure (4-5). Increasing energy-yield (16/gtnt) still further (xxx 16/gtntnl+ 16/gtntn2 + 16/gtntn … etc.) is accomplished by increasing the number of Resonant Charging Choke Stages (xxx 56/62n + 56/62n 1+ 56/62n2 + 56/62n … etc. -S- xxx SS56/62n + SS56/62nl + SS56/62n2 + SS56/62n … etc.) of Figure (10-4) in “Sequential Order” ( -S-) since the total number of Multi-Coil Magnet bifilar coils (56/62a xxx 56/62n) serially electrically connected together are sequentially electrically linked to an equal number of serially electrically aligned Stainless Steel Resonant Coils (SS/56/62a xxx SS/56/62n) … allowing eachlboth bifilar coil assembly (56/62a xxx 56/62n -SSS56/ 62a xxx SS56/62n) to be electrically and magnetically energized in the same progressive direction toward Water Gap (Cp) and away from blocking diode (55) of Figure (3-34) as to Figure (10-1) and Figure (10-3) ‘” keeping amp-surge (inhibiting amp flow) to a minimal level [See Voltage Performance Graph (750) of Figure (7-14)] while enhancing Voltage Potential of Electrical Stress (64/RU-RU’a xxx 64/ST-ST’n) as additional Dual Choke Coils (56/62 _ SS56/62) are included in the stacked coil-array forming Voltage Intensifier Circuit (970) of Figure (10-1) as to (620) of figure (7-1) … see Dynamic Voltage Waveform (770) of Figure (8-1), once again.
In Retrospect, the use of Stainless Steel composite coil-wire (430FIFR) consists of both inductance and resistive properties (typically .0048 ohms per foot) which when combined together in metallurgical form aids amp restriction beyond the singularly use ot~elf-inductance magnet (Copper) coil-wire having a lower resistive value. Stainless Steel bifil~ Coil-Stage Assembly (SS56/62a xxx SS56/62n) is electrically placed between Magnet Coil-Stage Assembly (56/62a xxx 56/62n) and Water Gap (Cp) to obtain optimum Voltage to Amp Differential Ratio (Vhighest:Alowest ratio). Together, Coil Stages (56/62a xxx 56/62n + SS56/62a xxx SS56/62) added/stacked sequentially into a single overall coil-array assembly (990A/B) of Figure (10-3) forms Amp Inhibiting Network (Figure 8XA) as to (970) of Figure (10-1) (hereinafter called VIC Multi-Coil Spool Assembly).
The magnet Coil-Wire (56/62) is best suited for Voltage inducement while the inductance/capacitance/resistance properties of Stainless Steel coil-wire (SS56-SS62) is appropriately used to restrict electron movement beyond the self-inductance of each energized coil when elevated voltage levels (up to beyond 40 kilovolts) are to be reached/obtained without experiencing any appreciable amount of “Amp Influxing.” Generally, magnet coil-wire length is longer than the Stainless steel coil-wire length and magnet bifilar-coil (56/62) is placed on top of Stainless Steel bifilar-coil (SS56/62) to maximize mutual inductance coil-field (Rp2) (adding Rp1 +Rp2) of (690) of Figure (7-8) to cause coil capacitance (Cda xxx Cdn) to help maintain and even increase pulse voltage amplitude (xxx Vn + Vn 1 + Vn2 + Vn …. etc.) while the resistive value (Rs2) of SS Coil-Wire (SS56/62) performs the work of further resisting the flow of amps not inhibited by both self-Inductance fields (Rpl + Rp2), as so illustrated in (690) of Figure (7-8). In all cases, bifilar coils (56/62 – SS56/62) are electromagnetically orientated in the same direction.
In terms of operability, electrically flexing (Particle Oscillation) the combustible atoms of the water molecule as a “Energy Generator” by way of opposite voltage polarity is extremely economical since voltage is not consumed in an electronic circuit. Amp Inhibiting Circuit (970) of Figure (10-1) restricts/inhibits amp flow to a minimal level while elevating “Difference of Potential” to the highest possible level. The greater the “Difference of Potential”(in this case, electrical stress) the greater amount of work is performed … thereby, being in compliance with the Laws of Physics since atoms are the source of all energy in our physical universe and atoms are directly responsive to / stimulated by external electrical forces.
Optical Thermal Lens
When unexcited matter (quiescent state) is stimulated into an excited state (active state) by way of “Electrical Stress”, a new form of thermal-energy (Ers) release is possible beyond gas combustion stage (gtnt) by the use of WFC Optical Thermal Lens; as so illustrated in (980) of Figure (10-2). Water Cap (Cp) is, now, Transformed into Vacuum Cavity (Vc) where only hydrogen atoms in a fluid medium is exposed to Voltage Zones (ER) … forming Capacitor Gap (Cv) since the gas medium, ~so, exhibits a dielectric value and amp in-fluxing (prohibiting amp leakage into and away from CapacitorVacuum-Gap Cv) is held to a minimum due to the bifilar wrapped resonant-coils (56/62). The Energy Pumping Stage (520) of Figure (5-3) as to (500) of Figure (5-1) attenuates the hydrogen energy aperture (7) of (550) of Figure (5-8) when applied Opposite Voltage Potential (Va xxx Vn) (49a xxx 49n) (B+/B-) produces pulsating Electrical Stress Wave-form (opposite electrical attraction force) (RU/RU’ – ST/ST’a xxx RU/RU’ ST/ST’n) during Pulsing Operations. The stimulated Emitted Energy Radiation (Ers) from the hydrogen atoms are, now, amplified (compressed together) when discrete Emitted Energy Radiation Wavelets (Ersa xxx Ersn) from each hydrogen atom is/are reflected back and forth between Reflective End Plates (915/916) before exiting through Partially Transparent End Plate (916) … emitting Coherent Energy Wave-Fonn(917), as so illustrated in (980) of Figure (10-2). The Vacuum Chamber (Cv) containing the hydrogen gas atoms is composed of a high temperature quartz material (918) while Voltage Zones (ER) becomes Voltage Wave-Guides (770) of Figure (8-1) by the use of chemically inert T304 stainless steel material … forming Electrical Conductance Zones (Skin Effect) (587) … allowing unipolar Voltage Pulse-waves (583/602axxx 583/602n) of Figure (8-1A) to travel the linear length of the Voltage Wave-Guide. The Static Electrical Charging Effect ( -) (585) is set up when applied Electrical Stress Wave-form (R D /R D’ – ST /ST’) is simultaneously applied on opposite sides of the hydrogen atoms … propagating “Particle Oscillation” as a “Energy Generator” in a vacuum rather than by chemical interaction (chemical stress) of gas combustion (gtnt).
Quartz Tube Configuration & Operational Parameters
Exposing the hydrogen atoms to applied Static Voltage Stimulation (770) of Figure (8-1) causes the Static Electrical Charging Effect (585) to set up “Voltage Tickling of State Space” which takes the hydrogen atom (s) from “Quiescent State”(Qs) to “Active State”(As) and then back again to “Quiescent State (Qs) once applied unipolar pulse-wave (583/602) goes through Voltage Pulsing Cycle (Vpwf) from “Ground State”(Gs) to Voltage Peak potential (Vpp) (780) of Figure (8-2A) and then returns to “Ground State” (Gs) for continued repetitive Voltage-Pulsing (583/602a xxx 583/602n) … forming Pulse Wave Frequency (Pwf), as so illustrated in (780) of Figure (8-2) as to (770) of Figure (8-1).
The resultant Flex-Density (Fd) of the hydrogen atom (s) is, now, directly related to applied Voltage Amplitude (64a – 64b – 64c – 64n) of Figure (8-2A) which directly determines the Field Strength (Fs) of Static Electrical Charging Effect (Sece )(585). The Voltage Pulse Field (Vpf) (forming leading and trailing edges of each Voltage Pulse) determines the duration of the Static Electrical Charging Effect (Sece) being superimposed onto the Hydrogen Atom (s) during each Voltage Pulsing Cycle (Vpwf). The Electrical Conduction Zone (587) (Skin Effect) between the dielectric gas medium (919) and the Electrical Contact Surface of the inside surface area of the Voltage Wave-Guides (66/67) allows Unipolar Pulse Train (583a/602a-583b/602b – 583n/602n) to travel the entire length of the Voltage Wave Guides that make up Voltage Zones (66/E9 67/E10). Static Voltage Stimulation (770) of Figure (8-1A) is where Voltage Peak Potential (Vpp) remains constant during Voltage Pulse Formation (VpbNpa) to keep reforming Flex-Density Potential (Fdpa xxx Fdpn) from going beyond a certain point away from Static State of Equilibrium (Esse) [Quiescent State of the hydrogen atom (s)]; whereby, Dynamic Voltage Stimulation (770) of Figure (8-1B) continues to go farther and farther away from the State of Equilibrium (Esse) during each and every Voltage Pulsing Cycle (Vpf), as so illustrated in (770) of Figure (8-1B} … establishing variable Dynamic Electrical Charging Effect (612).
In both cases, Static Voltage Stimulation (770) of Figure (8-1A) and Dynamic Voltage Stimulation (770) of Figure (8-1B) incorporates the use of Positive Electrical Voltage Potential (B+) (Ell) and Negative Electrical Voltage Potential (B-) (EI2) to form synchronized diametrically opposed Voltage Gate-Pulse (Vgp) (583/602) across Vacuum Gap (V c) … thereby, establishing functional parameters of Optical Thermal Lens (980) of Figure (10-2) when Voltage Intensifier Circuit (VIC Circuit) (10-1) is electrically connected to Voltage Zones (ER) (66/Ell-67/E12). Remember, Voltage- Sync Gate-Pulse (Vgp) produces opposite electrical attraction forces (B+/ST -ST’ – B-/R U – R U’) of Figure (5-1) that are not consumed in an electronic circuit.
A Technique Called “Easer”
Energy Priming Stage (500) of Figure (5-1) is, now, activated and performed when the hydrogen atom (s) is exposed to applied Voltage-Sync Gate Pulse (V gp) by which Electrical Voltage Attraction Forces (Electrical Stress) (RU-RU’ – ST-ST’) causes “Particle Oscillation” of the hydrogen atom (s) to emit radiant energy (Ers) (919), as so illustrated in (980) of Figure (10-2) as to (500) of Figure (5-1). The applied unipolar Positive Voltage Pulse (B+) (ST -ST’) electrically attracts the negative charged atom electron; while, simultaneously, applied unipolar Negative Voltage Pulse (B-) (RU-RU’) electrically attracts the positive charged Proton,(3) that forms the nucleus of the hydrogen atom … causing the hydrogen atom to elongate under Atomic Electrical Stress (Aes)(.AA’-.ZZ’) … whereby, atomicelectrica1 attraction force (4) that exists between the deflected orbital negative charged electron- (1) and the pivotal positive charged Proton (3) is attenuated (.4a xxx .4n-.5axxx. .5n) … which, in turns, attenuates the spin-velocity of the “Gyroscopic Regulator” of the hydrogen nucleus to cause Energy Aperture (7) to emit/transmit more or greater amount of Universal Energy (9) into, through, and beyond the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom for “Energy Propagation” (atoms being an “Energy Generator” in our physical universe) by way of “Particle Oscillation” of the hydrogen atom (or any other atom), as so illustrated in (570) of Figure (5-10) as to (550) of Figure (5-8).
Voltage Peak Potential [peaking-out electrical stress (xxx Aes) since opposite voltage potential creates/determines electrical field-strength/establishes electrical attraction forces between electrical charged particles in space relationship in an electronic circuit] (Vpp) not only determines on how far the deflected orbital electron will move away from the pivotal proton during “active state” but, also, is directly related to Flex-Density (Fd) of the hydrogen atom … Flex-Density (Fd) being the measure of energy-intensity (Wavelets of energy) emitted/released from the oscillatory hydrogen atom (undergoing particle oscillation) in proportional relationship to the field strength/intensity of the external electrical stress-force (Est) superimposed onto the electrical field strength (AA’ -ZZ’) of Figure (5-3) of the hydrogen atom in “Quiescent State-Space” (Qss) … which, in turns, causes Energy Aperture (7) of the hydrogen atom to elongate (enlarges) to emit a discrete amount of Universal Energy (Ue)(9) into the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom during each and every applied Voltage-Sync Pulsing Cycle (Vgpa xxx Vgpn).
Going from “Quiescent State-Space” (Qss) to “Active State-Space” (Ass) and returning to “Quiescent State-Space”(Qss) once again for repetitive “State Change” beyond the “State Condition” of Equilibrium (Esse) in a given/predetermined unit of time (d time) is, herein, called “Voltage Tickling of State Space.” The greater the electrical stress force (xxxEsfn) per (-) Voltage Gate-Pulse (Esf- V gpa xxx Esf- V gpn) applied, the greater amount of Flex-Density (xxx Fdn) of electromagnetic radiant energy (917 a xxx 917) of Figure (10-2) per cm3 occurs.
Once the hydrogen atom “absorbs” a sufficient amount of Universal Energy (Ue)(9a-9b-9c-9n) within the atom energy spectrum, the deftected electron (15) that have ~ to a higher energy state (activated state )(K to L orbit or beyond) suddenly jumps back to it original lower energy state (quiescent state )(back to K orbit) when Input Pulse Frequency (49) terminates Voltage-Sync Pulse (Vsp) during applied pulse off-time (T2) of Figure (7-8) … causing spontaneous emission of coherent energy (919) of Figure (10-2) to be emitted from partially transparent end plate (916) as long as positive pulse “on-time” (Tl) of Figure (7-8) continues. The Radiant-Intensity (Rei) of thecoherent wave-energy (919) being released from the quartz tube (918) is, further, enhanced when emitted energy-wavelets (Ers) given off by the activated hydrogen atom are allowed to oscillates (back and forth movement) at an ever increasing “difference of potential” between the end plates (915/916).
Together but in separate variable forms, Applied Voltage Peak Potential (Vpp),Voltage Pulse Cycling (49a xxx 49n), and Opposite Voltage Potential (Vgpa xxx Vgp) forming Voltage Sync-Pulse (49-Vpp-Vgpa xxx 49-Vpp-Vgpn) determines the energy-intensity (Eie) of the coherent-beam (919). Focusing lens (921) is simply used to redirect the Radiant-Energy (917) to a heat diffuser (923) capable of converting Radiant-Energy (917) to heat energy for industrial usage.
The stimulated spontaneously emission of electromagnetic radiation from the hydrogen atom (or other atoms) by way of “Electrical Stress” is, hereinafter, called “Easer.”



