“Joe Speak” ; tape-3
Did I add anything to the water, to the ultra-pure water that Wayne and Brook the government agents brought up? No, if you add anything to the water, it pulls heaps of current, the water goes hot, the gas is no good – not that they’re using the gas. But it just doesn’t work. And plus, if you noticed on the videos and everything else, so far, what you may have had… Anything what is in the water wants to come out to the surface. That is any mineral, any substance, that’s sewerage, salts, coffee, caustic soda, flamin’ acids, scum everything else which I showed you the paperwork of here yesterday, you can look at.
Everything single thing comes out of that water. You do not use an electrolyte to carry any current. If you have to use an electrolyte, then your cell is not lined up. It’s just not lined up right. What happens is, that our normal way that the government talks about conductivity and everything else is, you add stuff to the water. Now like we’ve got Les Banky and everybody else out there making hydrogen/oxygen cells, and to make ’em work and everything else they have to add heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps of caustic or acid. And that pulls heaps and heaps of current.
Now if you go to Les and check on him and everything else, when I took the water cell down there, he put a twelve volt battery on it, it had plain water in it. He metered it because he’s a TV/video technician, electronics expert and everything else. He put a meter on the cell and everything else, and he said twelve volt input, one sixty-fourth of an amp. And that kicked off as a welder within three seconds flat. It was working as a welder, and there’s not much gas in that time, but you’re not using it as a gas. Right? And that also runs a car and everything else. And what you’ll see in a few minutes is, gas production, after we take Wayne and Brook for a run in the car, what we’re gunna do now is we’re gunna show the car running with the petrol like I said. Then we’re gunna block up the jets as we’ve just come to them? Then we’re gunna run it, show you with that. You know with the jets blocked up. And so on.
That’s the intermediate high-speed jets completely blocked up, and the idle jet, sixty-nine sizes smaller um, and so on. Now, we put the water cell on, and then the uh, we’ll start the vehicle up, and then you’ll be able to take it over idling. Where with the other way, with just petrol on you won’t. Then we’ll re-set the timing, and bring the timing right around to buggery in advance. You’ll hear the motor smooth out and everything else, and then she’ll go right up to ten thousand revs. Okay, with the jets blocked.
Then we take off the fuel. Now, after we take these people for a run up the road and back. Right, out on the road for, probably a seven or eight mile run, and then back in again and everything else. Um, I take the cell out of the car again, we check the batteries in the boot. They’re putting meters on every damn thing what they brought, not my metering. They check the batteries, they check the coil, they check everything else what’s happening. They even get voltages, AC and DC out of the plain straight water, and it had no input while it was in that car, while it’s run the car. Now, when the cell is taken out of the car, we add a little bit of charged water into it, because, when it’s running in the car you always have it lower. You know the water in the cell is never to the top.
No. Never to the top of the cell. It’s always down. If you were under vacuum, ah, you will find that the vacuum will suck water straight out of the cell and set its own level anyway. It’ll drop the cell down probably four or five inches. It’ll suck that amount out first to set its own level, then it won’t use any water from there on. All right, but if you lift that water up, which I found in the first place, it will suck that water out if you have it under vacuum. In fact, if you see with a power connected on the fire extinguisher- now that’s a blue one – and the flamin’ cell for the car, if the water is too high, you’ll find that she pumps it out, over the sides and runs over the sides, until she just, gets its own level. It sets that.
Right? So, when you do that and everything else you leave it down there. Now when I come back to show them how much energy is in this cell, what was just running the car with all of them in it, um, I add a little bit of the charged water which has charge in it, out of the keg, you know, it had a little bit in it, to bring the
level back up to the top, so they can see the bubbles, and they can see what, see the water. To see what it is doing. Whether it’s running over the sides, or how much energy in it, so we can light it and show you. Now, even with that little bit of tiny charged water in it to bring it back up to the top, you’ll see, put a match to the top, and it goes: ‘pop. pop.’ and then it doesn’t light.
It means that the gas, as a gas unit and everything else, has zero energy in the bubbles. And the main reason is because you’re asking it to do something else. We were asking it to give us the gas to run the car, we’re asking it to give energy, to store in the motor. Into the body, and make that car do another thing, you know like cool the water, and cool the exhaust, and make the motor run and everything else. Where, you know, like, you’ve seen the fire extinguisher, just to give an example, you’ve seen the fire extinguisher, uh, which is on the tape you’ve got.
Now we, as I explained a little bit earlier on the tape, we took it, and we lit it. The bubbles were pouring over the side, running down sitting on the bench. Right? And they get more violent as they run over the sides, not on top of the water, they get more violent as they run down. So, um, the same cell then was just turned off. we went on to a few other things and then we come back to it, and then I put the cap on the top, sealed the lid and took that white hose off. And then I put it into non-charged water in a glass container, and drove the bubbles underneath the water, what you would call like a flash arrestor. All right, that’s on the video you’ve got.
And um, when you first do that, the bubbles, what come out on the top, you can’t light em. The reason is, because the gas itself is bringing the charge out of the vessel, out of the fire extinguisher. But the water what it’s travelling through, is non-charged, so the charge factor, what is in the bubbles is um, going into that water which is non-charged, then until it charges up some with the bubbles going through it, you cannot light the gas, coming off the cell. And then when that water picks up a bit of a charge, then you start lighting it on the top. Now you can sit down at home and watch all of this, ’cause you’ve got that video. All right? And then, as the water charges up, you then get all the different gases running through like: pip-pop-pip-pop! as I described before.
It does probably about, you know you can visibly see about, in here, five or so different gases with the power on. Okay? Now as I run through the process, which is on the other tape you’ve got too, you turn the machine on and you turn it off, and we get an in-suck, you know air sucking in. You turn it on, you turn it off, you get an output. You turn it on, you turn it off, you get a bang. All these different things, we get a variety. Now I’ve gone up to twenty different gases, five, um, between five and ten, depends on which water you got. You know, like you can get a water with minerals and shit and everything else in it, and it has to pull all that out. Now, we run through a whole lot of different gases and that because, each mineral gives a different kind of gas. You know, like if you got a chlorine, you got a fluoride, you got a you know, acid, you got salts, you got everything else. You know, you end with all different kinds of gases but, when you initially break down, when you virtually remove every damn thing that you figure out, out of that water. You know the government will tell you that you have no conductivity in that water at all.
All right, that’s why we’re showing all this paperwork and everything else before. Now, the water has got nothing in it. But it works, it reacts greater with nothing in it, with these cells, than it does with. That’s the only way to store energy. To keep a cell, which has continuous charge factor, what you were talking about. You know like as electricity or, not bubbles, okay? But what I’m talking about is the energy to run a vehicle, or to run electricity, or to sustain its own field.
The um, the cell itself, if you have minerals in the water, you will find, in a normal electrolysis cell, if you add anything into the water, as soon as you turn the machine on, you don’t get any bubbles on the surface, you don’t get a surface tension, but you can produce hydrogen and oxygen. Okay, it’s sort of like you don’t have anything like you see me doing. But as soon as you turn that machine on okay, you’d pulling heaps of amps, as soon as you turn the machine off you’ve got nothing. You don’t have any bubbles with it coming afterwards. You don’t have anything stored in that cell, your not able to light anything again, um, so on like that, you see?
Now, and your cell, soon as you turn the machine off your cell’s dead, your water’s dead. The main reason is because the acids, or the salts, or the flamin’ caustic, or anything else what you got in the water there, it pulls current. And if your water’s ditched, or any electricity, instantly that you turn any input off, it’s used up straight away by the reaction between your minerals, what are in the water. Okay’?
Now, if you have a water, which doesn’t have any minerals in it, and your cell’s lined up properly, then what happens is, is you’ve got yourself a cell which doesn’t use any excess electricity.
If it makes it or if it stores it, that’s a capacitor. We don’t have enough time to make it a big capacitor, to do what it’s damn well doing, because the amount of electricity what has to produce those bubbles under normal circumstances, is a phenomenal amount of electricity. To produce any kind of bubbling and gas, and you know reactions like that. We don’t put that amount in, we’re only running it for seconds, you know half, a quarter of a minute. It’s not enough to produce bubbles as well, and store anything to run afterwards. In any other circumstances you don’t have anything what goes on into the input.
What do youse do? And we’re only running for a very short time. Now the more you leave ’em going if they’re running like that, then uh, the greater the bubbles’ performance, the greater the performance goes. But, if you add any minerals like I said into there, it will discharge anything you’ve got into there. So the cleaner the water, it stores energy which nothing can effect.
Ultra-pure water. What you’re seeing here, these government agencies, Paul Christiansen and all that, he’s been out there and released all these tapes, he can tell you he brought his own water. He had nothing in it, even though he didn’t understand it didn’t have anything in it. Because it was rain water from near the ocean, and that brown shit in that tape which you’ve got in ’95, actually brings this shit out of the water, because, you don’t taste it, you don’t know it, but it’s just got a fine bit of salt mixed in that rain. From blowing off the top of the ocean. And that pulls it out. It takes it out of the water. That water underneath, when you remove all the stuff off the top, it doesn’t have any electrolyte in there, it doesn’t have any caustic acids. But you need to add them, to make standard electrolysis work. But this is not standard electrolysis.
With electrolysis, shut the power down, you’ve got nothing where there is a sustainable energy. Well these things here, you know, you’ve seen it on the tape that you’ve got, you haven’t seen these other ones here with ultra-pure water, four times distilled, de-ionised, de-magnetised, everything you can do to the water, it is non-conductive in any way the government can tell you. Wayne and Brook brought their own water up here, but that will not conduct anything that you understand as electricity, AC or DC or any other thing. But, with the cell I’ve got, in the configuration of plates that you’ve seen here this morning, there’s no shit coming out of the water. It is showing you absolutely brilliant, white, white as a ghost bubbles and water and everything in it.
Clean as a whistle compared to the other stuff, isn’t it? And there’s no shit comes out, even when you light the bubbles, and jar the water and do everything else, no shit comes out of that water.
And that water there, instantly conducts, doesn’t it? And it gives you violent bubbles straight away, doesn’t it? And out of those bubbles which you witnessed here, what come out of those bubbles when I lit it? Wasn’t it? EXPLODING out, that white, misty stuff. It just shot out like a cannon out of a bubble right out of a keg. And that was only on for what, not even a quarter of a minute? And we had a whole lot of bubbles on the surface and everything else. And then, after we lit ’em, the power’s disconnected, and it still does the same thing, it still goes bang, it still blows those things out, and then it still on-produces. After a quarter of a minute – now that’s non-conductive water! Ultra-pure, and it is doing more action than what that other one was with Solly’s stuff in it.
And those cells will go on – and they’ll stay like that for ages and ages, and what we’ve got is… You try it with any gases of any kind, get it into a bubble, and see two to three to four days later, that you have the bubbles still sitting on the surface, and those things get more violent after two to three days. Where’s that energy coming from, because you haven’t got ’em anywhere – you can sit ’em on a bench, you can sit ’em on a table, you can sit ’em on anywhere… Take ’em off the cell, and they don’t burst. You go sit ’em
somewhere else for a while, and they get more violent. Where’s that coming from? It’s not coming out of water. That’s not coming out of electrolyte. That’s not coming out of electricity input. ‘Cause there’s no flippin’ input.
There’s something about it, I didn’t say I knew what they were doing. All these other people are calling it, first of all they called it vacuum space energy. Well the thing is I didn’t have it under vacuum so you can’t call it vacuum space energy. So when I told people about that they went back to the people who called it vacuum space energy. Now they call it ‘Joe Phenomenon’ because it’s out of zero point energy. I don’t know what zero point energy is. I don’t know whether anybody else does either.
You see, if we’re creating a vacuum which, what happens in some of these things is… Now I’ll agree in some things. I’ve taken some of these gases off. If you’re looking at some of your ideas on it… I’ve taken some of the gases off, and we’ve got witnesses here and everything else all around the place, that I put some of these bubbles into a balloon. And then, if I don’t cover up my arms and face and every damn thing else there is, and I light some of those bubbles, the in-rushing air to that vacuum-implode going in, actually wipes out – you don’t feel anything -there’s no flame… All the hairs on your arm are aiming – what’s left of them are aiming towards the balloon. You’ve got nothing left on your hands, or your face or anywhere else. It just totally implodes. The air rushes in that fast it just takes – bums off the hairs. And it’s not burnt off, it’s actually sucked them off. Pulled them clean off your arm. Now, your other bubbles, we got there with the yellow flame, an explosion, doesn’t hurt your ears, doesn’t do anything else, doesn’t bum your head, doesn’t do anything.
Now that is an ex-, you know, and the other’s an in-. All right, so what is ex-? Well you can’t call it eximplosion. Or vacuum. All right, it’s ex outwards. That’s not an implosion, that’s not a vacuum. With the ones we did do, we did it on a variety of things others haven’t really got now, Ian Hakon and all the other jokers and everything else, are now calling it the orgone. I don’t even know what orgone energy is, I’ve never checked it and everything else. Somebody gave me a piece of paper on it, when somebody wrote about orgone energy, what it does. Now, sounds like orgone by what they wrote on the paper, does some of the similar things that this water does. But in all the different cells in all the different ways, they do different things. Not just the one constant thing.
Cause these people have got it in their head that, one constant thing is, produce the bubble, produce a gas, hook it up to a car, run a stinking car. This is not all that these things are doing.
It’s not all the way the cells are made. Now fine, all these cells that we’ve got I’ve hooked up to different vehicles, and the vehicles have run. They’ve run different ways, you know, I mean the same sort of thing but, different ways, some are weak and some are strong, some are, you know… Now, but the energy what’s in there but we’re not using a gas. Tried running gas, under vacuum and everything else, but it doesn’t do anything. Doesn’t run the car. Tapes youse’ve probably got and other people’ve got and everything else, putting it under vacuum… Finding out the containers, under vacuum the containers expand. Flaming expanding out, like it’s gunna blow you to pieces, and if the stuff gets out, you’re probably looking like, I’m not joking here, you’re probably looking like what this energy is, is Hiroshima and Nagasaki-type stuff. You know what I mean? Because we’ve um, in Casino and all that before with some of this stuff when I first started, lighting one little bubble on top of the water was shaking and breaking glasses, and shaking four houses down the road.
It was pulling people’s ear drums while they’re half deaf and they’re listening to TV, right across the road, with the TV turned up. Light a bubble, and those people would come across whinging that their ears were hurting because it imploded them right across the road. That’s old Edgar. And we got me son and everything else with his mates, four rooms away with all the doors and walls and everything else all shut up, and you light one bubble what sucked air, and this was the government agent too working for ASIO, one itsy bitsy tiny little bubble sitting on top of plain straight water, on me son’s pool table, in two litres of water… It sat
there for over twenty minutes while we were outside talking, we come back in, and he says, oh nothing’s happening with the cell. I said well’s there’s one tiny little bubble, how ’bout we light it?
He said, oh it won’t do anything. So we put a match to it, and this is the guy that’s got that F 1 00 to lift off the ground. Anyway, ??? light the bubble and everything else, the two litres of water instantly went straight out of the cell, up under the roof, all over the light, and then fell straight back down over us and all over me son’s pool table. Him being four rooms away with the doors shut and everything else, him and his mates come out with their eardrums hurting like buggery.
And that was one itsy bitsy tiny, tiniest bubble you could ever see. And it went into the water, and threw the whole two litres of water clean up into the air. We’ve got quarter-inch bullet proof glass, what I had on the side verandahs what I had in the window, quarter-inch stuff, and it cracked the damn stuff, smashed it. Rachel here, sitting here, has seen by me lighting the bubble, she’s seen me being picked up, and taken across the other side of the room and deposited. sat down, she was hanging out the window and I lit a bubble on the top and it just picked me up. I didn’t feel it, she said it picked me up and threw me across the room. I didn’t feel being thrown across the room, I felt, oh just picked up, moved, and sat down again.
Ah, we’ve shot electricity from lighting these bubbles, we’ve shot electricity out both, um where you put your leads on, both leads, right around the flaming house. Right around me shed here, shooting right around the shed. It goes into screw drivers, out the other side. Throws the screw drivers around the room. We’ve got balloons just blown, burnt, just sitting on the bench, with nothing in them burnt to cinders. We’ve got jumper leads with the steel, you know, gripper on the end, and the copper wires… The copper and the steel has burnt apart at that point, just absolutely burnt, and they weren’t even connected to the cell when I lit a bubble, they were… We put the battery on with the jumper leads, and then charged the water up, and a few bubbles on the top. I disconnected all that, and then this electricity jumped out of the flaming cell when I lit the bubble, went into those leads, and blew those two metals apart, and burnt it to cinders.
Right? We’ve got bits where we’ve been lighting bubbles on the top of a cell, and coming out of my little finger, straight out of my little finger, no flames no nothing, a little pin hole of light jumps out, puts a hole in me finger, takes blood and everything on top of the cell. The cell blows to oblivion, and sucks it inwards. Sucks the top of a curved lid, right down inside. We’ve got people over there, Jack Lew and all them who have witnessed this, and then from it, after it did that, it shot electricity around the shed, all over the shed. And then, from the cell, went straight back in, about a sixteenth of an inch, beside, where it come out of my finger, and my finger just, little finger blew up like a balloon like it was smashed, and it went black as charcoal.
And the next-door neighbours, which is the two German guys, the’Lew guys, Jack and Jack… They were in there having lunch, and they reckon that the bang – they jumped nearly to the roof, while they were eating dinner. And I went in to see them. They said, what’d you do? And I showed them me finger, and they couldn’t believe it. And in a split second me finger was up as hard as a rock and so on. Now, one of the holes what come out of, something come out of it, and set the cell off. That healed up by the next day. But where it went back in again, it took about three weeks to heal that hole up. Now I don’t understand that, but that’s what took place. I’ve had some phenomenal sort of happenings happen, you know what I mean’.?
We’re talking about up here on the front lawn, Rachel was here as well, at that stage. And I’ve only got her here, but she doesn’t talk very much… But me son, screaming, white as a ghost shaking when the cell first kicked in and everything else, white as a ghost, because it blew his motor up, it didn’t blow his motor up. It was revving like mad, you know going right up to sixteen thousand revs, and it lost all its noise. And the neighbours complained here. And we’ve got, the little boy’s out here, who’s a sickly fella, my son’s girlfriend’s brother, he goes out and he leans on the mudguard with his hand, and the car dies out. Tell him to get his hand off and the car picks up again. Nobody touches anything, that’s all he does is lean on the mudguard, you know?
I don’t know, we got some phenomenal stuff happening around here you know. That’s not all, that’s just some of this stuff. Sorry, in plain straight water we take a, you know the socket bar, you know the
sidchrome, long socket bar? In plain straight water, and put a battery onto it. Nothing else in it, just put a couple of plates into it, not two, you know you don’t have your neutral plates. Put that in, and about a half a minute later, you have no, excuse me, you have no iron bar left – what you’ve got in the bottom of the bucket is about an inch of powder. Just all powder, you tip the water off, you put your hand in and you’ve got iron powder. It just totally turned the bar into powder. Now Peter Stevens was there for that, so was Ron Davis who is dead now, can’t get him to verify it. And so was a heap of others. I don’t know whether Cliff was there at that stage and everything else, I so. And, a lot of other people who were on the videos in the past.
They were there and I put the iron bar in, and I turned it on, and we ended up with flamin’ iron filings on the bottom of the container in plain water straight away. It just turned the bar into iron filings. What your mate’s gunna see here and everything else is this welder, very shortly after I’ve run through the process in the car, we’re gunna go straight onto the water welder I’ve got. Which has no flame, no hole in it, you don’t light it, no power input. It’s plain straight water, and this is off the fire extinguisher. Okay what we lit up there earlier and everything else, and you’ve seen going. Uh, with the lid on it, and sealed up, there’s no gas production, no nothing. I don’t light it, I put it on me face, on me hands and everything else. There’s no flame, it doesn’t burn. It’s cold, it’s nothing there. It’s cold because there’s nothing there. And then I put it down to a steel bench, it’s a bit of steel, and what your mate here’s gunna witness and everything else, is the steel catch alight.
In front of it off the end of the torch, by putting it there for not even a second type thing, or maybe a second only, and the steel catches alight, and the steel keeps burning, when I take the torch away. And I keep talking to these government agents for a fair while, and then I lean back and I have to blow the flame out. And then put it back, the torch on me hands and face again, it doesn’t burn. I put it on their hands and face, and it doesn’t bum them. And then I hold up, just a rubber party balloon, with nothing in it, just straight up in front of the camera with no tricks or anything else, put the torch on my face, put the torch on my hand, and then bring the torch up closer to this rubber balloon, and in front of your eyes, with no flame out of that torch, the rubber balloon just atomises into flame. And then that flame, which is burning the balloon, it bums my hand, cause I go ouch. But the torch doesn’t bum my hand. But it just pre-combusts it in front of us.
So this energy is having a reaction against the atomic structure of the materials and just combusting them. The pre-combustion you’ve heard of and everything, just pre-combusts the balloon in front of your very eyes, with no flame. But the government or anybody else weren’t interested in the torch, in the welder. For doing that.
The real interest was just to come here and stop me playing around with cars. They weren’t interested in another thing which is on tape which you may have witnessed and everything else… We tried many experiments, and we got, we got a little vacuum pump, you know the little battery twelve-volt vacuum pumps. You’ll see it here, you have one for cars, pumping up your tyres and so on like that, just a small one. We hooked it up to um, the fire extinguisher. And um, when you’ve got these vacuum pumps, they’re only a plastic piston – you can stick your fingers over the two holes. One hole, two holes, it doesn’t matter. And they will just keep going, you can’t stall them, because they will just override. The piston has no strength there and overrides and runs all day long. Can’t bum them out. Now, you hook them up to the fire extinguisher, and put them under vacuum, and you vacuum suck out. With no power turned on, the vacuum pump still keeps pumping.
You can stick your thumb over the end of the hose what’s coming out of the pump, and it’s just hooked up a hose from the input of the vacuum pump to the stainless fire extinguisher. And it just vacuums the air out, it doesn’t do anything else. We were doing it by trying to vacuum gas out and then pump gas forward, understand?
So what took place within about a half a minute, was the vacuum pump, just kept pumping on and everything else so we decided to turn the power onto the stainless container, just put a twelve volt battery on it. Soon as we did that, the flamin’ motor, not the pump, the motor in this vacuum pump, seized up and burnt out. Just seized up. Anyway, there was no flames, no burning or anything else. When I say seized up, it just stalls out. And then, you know it just didn’t work again. So then what we did was, and you’ll see it here. You’ll see the vacuum pump’s still there, so we took off all the main end wirings, and we got a great big electric two forty volt electric fan. And we took the fan blade off, and we made up in the lathe, we made a little brass fitting, like as a connector, like a shaft. So we could screw that onto the shaft of the vacuum pump, and then hook the other end of it onto the fan blade, where the fan blade goes onto the motor, and screw it onto there.
And then I mounted it onto a steel frame. So we got this little machine now. Instead of having a DC, because the DC is affected when we turned the power on. And your mate here’s gunna see this, with the government agents here and everything else, I’m gunna explain that to ’em, and they seen what happened and everything else. Now, hook it up to two forty volts, and that turns the fan. Now, don’t have the power turned on to the fire extinguisher, but just have it, you know, connected to the cell like I said, and that’s vacuuming, it’s sucking, and blowing. And the pump just keeps going, and it’ll keep going. You stick your finger over it, it’ll keep going. Turn the power, on to the cell, go that now the cell will be producing some gas energy of some sort, or whatever. And then what happens to the motor, the AC motor, is the same thing with what happened to the DC one. She just slows down and stalls. Now, with an electric motor, if you stall one, they sit there and they go CWWOORORORGGGR! They won’t turn, they’ll just sit there and make a big humming noise and then finally bum out. This damn thing doesn’t do any humming.
It stalls it, there’s no humming. there’s no shorting out that you can hear in the motor. There’s no nothing takes place. All right? And what the government agents by witnessing this and everything else, said something, maybe you might be able to remember it, when I show it to him on tape, some other energy which they’re talking about, which they think is actually coming out of the cell, going back down, and it’s actually transferring or annihilating the AC. Now, what you do is, that just stalls that motor, you cannot turn that shaft with your hands, you can’t turn it. It’s sort of like the vacuum lock-up we talked about prior. But the motor doesn’t bum out or hum or do anything else. Now, you can turn the power off again, disconnect your battery or your rectifier or anything else from that cell, and straight away the motor re-starts itself. The pump starts itself again. And you turn the power back on again, and she just goes BWWRR! and stalls it again. You turn the power off again, and away it starts itself again, and it doesn’t bum out, You can leave it there stalled, that AC stalled, with the power turned on at the cell all day long, and you can’t bum that motor out.
Well I think it will stall with any motor because, you think of this… When you’ve got an AC, and you’ve got a rectifier, to produce DC. What happens to the AC? You haven’t got any AC there then. You have at the start of it and everything else but then what you’ve got out the other end is DC. Now when you’ve got DC and you wanna produce AC, where is the DC? All right, well you haven’t got any. Okay, so looking at it best I can and everything else is, we’ve got AC coming down to that motor to turn the pump and everything else, we’ve got another energy field which is in these bubbles, which produces electricity of its own kind. A different kind, because our normal electricity we’re talking about going into that DC pump motor, and into the AC motor is… It produces heat. IF we hook it up to a light it produces heat. If we hook it up to a heater it produces heat. If we sort of back it up, it produces heat under pressure.
This kind of electricity, as I described before and everything else… We’ve got an AC light, and it makes it glow brilliant white. Instead of a two forty volt, forty watt light just yellow and dull, and it’s hot anyway if straight away you turn it on, this thing here is freezing damn cold, not ice cold, freezing cold, and it’s a brilliant whitest white light you can’t even look at. Now that’s with the AC. All right? now, DC like I said on the Holden headlight, they’re only a yellow light, not a very bright light. Now when you hook the cell up to that, the light is over 180 or 200 watts, what you would look at classing as that in brilliant white light, but
you can put your hand on the bulb, and the glass and everything else, put your hands right up to it – you’ve go allot people who can verify that. And it’s cold, freezing flipping cold, and it’s producing this brilliant white light. So is it sort of producing like a rectifier, takes AC and produces DC, so there’s no AC there? Won’t shock you or anything else.
It’s not sort of like another energy which then your AC which turns the motor at that stage, it’s not there to turn the motor. You know it’s running a field through, and that is not shorting it out, it’s not storing it up, it’s just either annihilating it or changing it, or it’s not working for you at that present time, and as soon as you turn off the power to the cell, bingo! Your AC starts working the motor again. I don’t know, I never went into those things too much. They weren’t even interested in that either. But she didn’t even want to know about that kind of field. They mostly interested in, let’s have a go in this car then, they call them h-particles, or they slip the tongue and call it hydrogen. Now how can it be the damn hydrogen when we’re not producing the gas, we’re not putting electrolysis in, we’re not putting charge to it, we’re not hooking a big hose up to the vacuum in the car… How can they call it flaming h-particle or hydrogen going into a motor and making the motor run, when we’re not producing the damn stuff, what you would call hydrogen? As a gas.
Very dumb people out there some places, you know? Oh, they’re maybe not so dumb. Well, what we’re going to do is, we’re going to get on with this now. On the end of the last tape, I just remembered, on the end of the last tape what cut off, right at the end, we were talking about the effect of this energy coming out of the cells when it’s lined up properly. No power input, and the electricity which is stored up, or whatever is stored up in this water, plain straight water, turns these lights on. How we hooked it up and everything else was, if you hook up where you charge the water initially, you got neutral plates in there but… You hook up the positive, and negative with the wires to turn the light on.
What takes place is that, if you hook it up to positive and negative, where you hook your leads up, you blow every light. Doesn’t matter what size or anything else. What you gotta hook up to is one wire on the negative, and then you go on to any neutral plates. And that’s what turns them on. You go to either the positive, and then across to neutral, it turns them off. As soon as you go to positive and negative you blow everything. Lights are working, they’re cold, real bright light, no heat in them whatsoever, no power input, and while that’s taking place as I said, the cell itself puts out more bubbles from off the plates than we can produce with power input, than I’ve ever done with electrolysis, with you know putting anything into water, or putting nothing into water. While it’s pulling electricity off we get phenomenal amounts of bubbles, and as I said, for some reason, I’ve never ever tried to light one of those bubbles to find out what was in them. I wasn’t interested.
When you do finally get a cell working on a vehicle and everything else, what you’ll find is that after a period of time when your whole motor and your whole car and everything else charges up, you can disconnect your cell. You don’t need to run with the cell on the vehicle. Because what happens is, that she charges up everything else and, you don’t need the water, you don’t need the cell, you don’t need connections, you don’t need anything else and your car on goes. The Rover, checked by RTA and everything else, plus Professor Ron Davis and everything else, down at Taree, Mt George…. It sat down there for three months. And run out of registration, it had no cell on it, nothing else, no fuel in the tank. After three months of sitting and never being fired up or anything else, just went straight down there, hopped into the vehicle after three months of no cell on, hit the key, we had to put a battery into it. Hit the key, fired it up, and drove it two mile up to the shed.
No cell. You don’t need a cell on after this energy gets in and completely saturates your motor, your body, your everything else. You do not need it. And what your mate’s gunna see here, can’t show youse on the cassette tape but, what your mate’s gunna see is, the energy transfers across atmosphere. Across rooms. What we’re gunna do, is we’re gunna take in front of these government agents to prove this and talk about it and everything else. We’re gunna take some charged water which is only charged for about a minute, a couple of days prior. It’s never been turned back on again. We don’t need the plates in the water, it’s plain water what they brought up this ultra-pure four times distilled water. Couple of days later, from when we
first originally charged it for about half a minute, we’re going to not turn it on, not do anything else to it, just sit in me shed, we’re gunna send the government agent over to my mum’s tap, and take water out of the tap to a plastic bucket.
A pink plastic bucket. He’s gunna bring it back and he’s gunna sit it down in the shed.- It doesn’t have to be very close to the cell. And we’re gunna stand around and watch it for a couple of minutes, and the water what come out of the tap is clean. Just like what you drink. Depends on where you are and what it looks like, but this is clean. Melbourne water’s green.
So he just put it into a bucket. Do not do anything else. And within a few minutes of standing around, what will happen is, the water in the keg which has been priorly charged you know for that half a minute, it won’t move. But the water what’s in the bucket will start turning clockwise because the water what was in the keg turned anti-clockwise earlier.
Two days earlier. Now, that is a figure-eighting effect. Our water turns, which is on video tape, which this fella here will hear shortly, when we’re charging the water, this is a government agent watching this and then he explains for his own videotape which your mate here’s gunna watch, which I don’t possess remember… Um, he’s going to explain on the tape here that, the fully charged water what you do is, if you’ve got any minerals or shit in the water, the water will turn anti-clockwise, if it’s charging the right way. Anti-clockwise until all the shit’s out of the water. And when all the shit’s out of the water it will stop turning.
And that then is fully charged water, for that water at that stage. Okay.? Now, that water then, just remove all the shit off the top and everything else, it stops turning when all the shit’s out. If you store all the shit back up into the water and everything else, you know mix it all back in, and so on like that, turn power on and it wants to bring it back out, you know doesn’t mix back in but dirties the water – it will turn, the water will turn until all the craps back out of the water again.
And it will stop turning. Now, with the figure-eighting effect, this bucket of water put down beside it, in our water up here we’ve got aluminium, you know alum, fluoride, chlorine, you know, thousand and one other things you know they put in the water to clean it up. Take the smells out, take the colours out, take everything else out because our stuff comes out of a flaming Boree creek dam out here, it’s just dirty water out there… And they don’t take it out they lock it in. So, we put this bucket down beside the keg, we don’t turn the keg on. We don’t even have the plates into it. You don’t need that.
That water has now got a charge into it. What happens within a couple of minutes is, that within the plastic bucket sitting anywhere in the room near it, we will end up with probably two to three inches of solid shit. Crud. On the bottom. And the water is that crystal clear you can’t even see the water in the bucket hardly. That’s so crystal clear, and all the shit on the bottom. Now, what we do then is, tip this water out of that plastic bucket into another bucket, stir it up.
It goes brownish. Okay? And it goes back into a brown colour. And the government agent asks, now was it that colour when we put it in there? I said no, it’s just normal tap water, the colour. But now it’s back to the colour of the dam. When they pulled it out of the dam, before they put the alum and chlorine and fluoride and all the rest of the shit in there. It’s dirty. So we tip it out of the other bucket back into the pink bucket, and sit it down on the ground again. We don’t turn the cell back on.
We don’t charge the water again. We don’t do any of that. We just sit the bucket back down again, on the ground, near the keg, and we wait a few minutes. And within a few minutes, all of that crud, which your mate here can verify, is just gunna fall straight out of the flamin’ water, and you’re gunna end up exactly the same as you were before with all that shit on the bottom. And the water so crystal clear on the top you can hardly see it. It’s just gunna fall out. And that water there doesn’t need ever putting into a charger, into a cell or into anything else with plates in and turn any power on, that is now charged water. You can’t get a dam bit of any pollutant to stay in that water, if you take it out of that bucket and put it anywhere else, and put anything into it, any other contaminant. You can put caustic soda into it, it’ll fall out. You can put salt into it,
It’ll fall out. You can put acid into it, it’ll come out. You can put sewerage into it, it’ll come out. You can put flaming dirt into it, it’ll fall out. You won’t get a damn thing into it.
And if you take that water to the universities to have it analysed, they will tell you that this water has nothing in it, which we’ve got paperwork here on, and it will not conduct. It is nothing in there, with no salts, no nothing, with no conductivity. You put that into a cell and everything else, and the flipping thing rages straight away and never pulls any shit out. It just goes, you can put it into a cell instantly. And violent bubbles, instantly. Never pull any shit out of it. And your mate here’s gunna witness that, so he can tell you. If he doesn’t witness that, he won’t tell you that.
Okay, we’ll just here, witness the little Escort, being transferred over. Yes? From the petrol to petrol and cell. And from the petrol and the cell, to running a clean out, and then running the cell all by itself. And then taking some government agents and everything else, for a pretty good run up the road. And, was it or was it not going well over seven thousand, in tacho readings? Correct?
Correct. Um, with all the jets blocked up and everything else, and no fuel on board. Um, different sounds in the motor, everything else. Ice on the exhaust. Wasn’t there before, I didn’t make that too clear to this man here, but I gave him a view of a black exhaust with to start with, and then all this white stuff all over the exhaust. I’m not going into too many things with it. Now,’ we’ve also witnessed the water dropping out of the cells in buckets without any power charge. Watching energy fields of all different kinds, we’ve also seen the water welder yes? No flame?
No heat? Lighting steel and keeping it burning? And atomising a balloon into flame right in front of your eyes? Without any flames.
No gas, no flame, only the balloon catches alight and then it’ll bum you.
No hole in the end of the tip. Now, on top of that he has now witnessed what not many other people have witnessed either, and a couple of times, he’s witnessed the drag car on the drag track. He’s written down the times and, a quarter mile. What in seconds does it do?
BOB: 4.71.
4.71 seconds. That’s it. Was there any acceleration before… any acceleration in the motor before…
There was no revving of the motor prior to the people counting to zero, or the clock changing to green? It was on idle. And you could see that with the white vapour pouring out of the back of the vehicle? Soon as they count to zero, and the clock’s changed, touch the accelerator and, what? Motor explosion?
No flame? No wheel spin? No wheel stand?
And in camera shot?
Got out of camera shot a few times. All right? Okay. And it broke, and it says so, it broke all the track records, but then they eliminated this track record. You can’t find them, somebody’s taken them off the list again. This was done in front of thousands of people yes? What you seen?
In front of a crowd. All right, now the other thing I want to explain to you is about… We can go on to something different here. I want to talk about to mechanics, and to everybody else, about the power of vacuum, compared to the power of pressure. Now, mechanics of some sort should know… Let’s look at a Falcon six-cylinder motor for a second. Look at any others, but just that one for a second. If we start a Falcon motor too fast, start it up too quickly and accelerate, some times in Falcon motors, they bend the push rods. And they’ll only bend one, in one cylinder. Now, that means that bending one push rod, the valve isn’t working. Okay? Now, you’ve got a miss in that motor. The motor still goes and everything else, it just bent the push rod, and that valve now isn’t opening and shutting. Happens stacks of times with Falcons. Now, if you ever had it happen, what takes place is that, if you try and accelerate, you’ve got a six cylinder Falcon motor against one valve push rod bent, one valve not opening. You try and accelerate, and that motor, if you hold the accelerator down, it will only rev a little tiny bit, and then start to die out. and if you hold that acceleration open, it will not keep the motor going, it will stall, completely stall the engine.
One valve pressure, against five other pistons. Now if you have ten cylinders, and you try and rev it up, one valve not opening, that is a vacuum in the cylinder instead of a pressure, that one valve, being bent, that one cylinder will stall ten cylinders against their compression and fire, greater than a six cylinder. If you hold the cylinder down and try and accelerate, it will not accelerate out, it will stall if you hold the accelerator open. It will just keep going until the motor stops. But if you don’t wait until the motor completely stops, you can just back off the accelerator, which will go back to idle, and she’ll just have a miss in it. But you try and accelerate up, and she will just stall the motor up with that BRRBRBRBBRRRR! You understand?
If you’ve got a twelve cylinder motor, it will do it greater. So you’ve got eleven cylinders against one, and it is faster for seizing that motor, stalling that motor, not seizing, stalling that motor. And all you’ve got in that cylinder is no compression, really. It’s not so much no compression, it is actually holding back under vacuum. One cylinder against eleven, in a twelve cylinder motor, stalls it greater than one cylinder out in a six cylinder. You mechanics, you think about that, and all the other people. You don’t think that happens, go and try it. Go out to one of your motors and everything else and pull out one of the push rods.
Start it up, and try it. You think that compression would be greater than vacuum, but vacuum will stall, the more you put against it, the more it will stall. Everything else, could be one to a thousand times greater power, than what pressure is. But we run on a pressure motor. But now you figure out what is eighty degrees advance. Plus more, in some motors, eighty degrees advance timing. Is it exploding? Is it imploding? Is it… What’s it doing? Well, now I’m going to give you what we’ve already done the analysing on, we’ve got the analysing of this, compression tests and everything else.
At eighty degrees advance, the only thing we’re talking about there is the spark igniting. That’s where our motor fires. With no petrol, the only other thing you can say is going into the motor is air. There’s no gas and so on. And the energy which is charging that air. Eighty degrees advance, we have taken out one of the spark plugs out of the V8 motor, that’s the 3500 Rover motor. And at eighty degrees advance timing, as the spark fires, it creates an implosion in the bore, and implosion, right, vacuum takes an expanse of space, the same
as pressure, takes an expanse of space. For every action we apply the same thing. There is an opposite an equal reaction. Well, what we are told, and it happens this way, but it also happens a different way… Vacuum eliminates pressure. So if we had a vessel with some pressure in it, we created a vacuum we wouldn’t have any pressure in there. Now, this is not a very good view of it, but it gives you some understanding. If you have a vacuum cleaner, in the front of a vacuum cleaner, you have a suck. At the other end of a vacuum cleaner, you have a pressure. Now inside these cylinders what we found is, that a normal engine, standard 3500 Rover motor, on normal petrol and air, at the top of the stroke, for compression we run somewhere around about 140 to 150 pounds compression. It’s not a real lot, but that’s what we were reading. That’s at the top of the stroke. When we had one spark plug out of the eight cylinder, and at the very given point that the spark fired, we took a compression reading at the top of the spark plug where we put our gauge, we had four hundred and twenty five pounds of compression against the hole where the spark plug came in, but we were creating a suck on the piston.
What happened was there was a suck, pulling the piston upwards, and all the compression what we have compressed, up to the eighty pounds, because from the bottom of the stroke to the firing point of 80 degrees, before top dead centre, we start a small amount of compression. That small amount of compression went in front, like the vacuum cleaner, it went in front of the vacuum. So the vacuum in this stage did not annihilate the compression. For every action there’s an opposite and equal. In one case, vacuum annihilates pressure, pressure fills a vacuum. In this case, vacuum applied and sucked the piston, and blew like the vacuum cleaner, the compression ahead, up against the spark plug hole where our gauge was. It’s not up against a head gasket, but it is definitely up against the of the head valves.
Now, when the piston got tot the very top of the stroke, we have measured it. It is 830 to 850 pounds compression at the piston at the top of the stroke. Now if you injected 850 pounds compression, into a motor which wasn’t even going, through spark plug hole, with a piston at the top of the stroke, how fast does your piston go to the bottom? So, if you’re looking at trying to figure out what’s happening in these motors is, get two people, we’re gunna do it here to show this man, youse get two people. And you get one person with his fist closed, and you have his elbow bent, and you just push your flat hand up against his. And he starts like the piston and starts to compress, push against your hand. When he starts to compress, do what an implosion would do. Wrap your fingers, while he’s pushing against you, against but over his fist, and pull forward. And what you’ll find is, all of his weight will nearly drop him flat on the ground.
Because he’s got all of his own weight behind the fist to push. In your motor, you’ve got a fly wheel. You’ve got the weight of the motor, you’ve got the weight of the vehicle pushing you ahead. If you’ve created a vacuum, with the weight of all that plus the compression against the piston pushing up, and then you created no friction. A straight pull forward, the same as a person, pushing against your hand, just falls now forward, with all his weight behind it.
That’s what resistance does, in the car while it’s driving along the road. And plus if it’s just sitting there revving, you’ve got the crankshaft weight, you’ve got the flywheel weight, and you’ve got the other pistons, which are pushing down the stroke on their power stroke and everything else. Pushing against that one which is coming up as well. Now at 830 to 850 pounds in a V8 Rover at the top of the stroke, releasing that poundage on the downstroke, because now when the piston hits the top of the stroke, on the power stroke downwards, 825 to 850 pounds of push, will definitely drive that piston down extremely quickly. Extremely quickly. We only need a radiator, we only get friction, we only fight ourselves, there is only a limitation of speed in our motor, on the compression stroke because we’re fighting against our compression. Plus, we’re pulling the weight of the vehicle. Pulling the weight of the vehicle as well.
Now, as you look at the Falcon motor, vacuum can stall out, the more you put against it can stall out more. Twelve cylinders, for one valve. One push rod out of that, or drop one valve. Just make a valve not work, and she will stall eleven others under compression. And that one isn’t even firing. The vacuum one isn’t even firing. But it stalls the rest of your motor. In these motors.
Now, we’ve got a radiator in there, because in our bore, we’ve got friction, compression, which creates heat. So the radiator, needs to cool down the motor, or we melt it. Plus, we’ve got explosion of fuel and air, firing which creates heat in there as well. So, definitely the radiator. Why do we get ice on our radiator cap and ice on our exhaust in these cars? Because if you’re vacuuming a piston up the bore, the same as when a person falls forward when you grab ’em and give ’em a yank. When they’re pushing against you, it takes away all friction. And then when the piston hits the top and starts pushing itself down that’s on the power stroke, there’s no weight against that. That’s a free run. It’s not where you get your heat from. You start cooling when she goes down. If she starts heating up under compression, just grab a pushbike pump, stick your finger over the end of her push pipe up, and let a little tiny bit of air out, it’ll bum the end of your finger.
Let a lot of air out in a big hurry, and it won’t bum your finger. So it’s restricted in air, compressing it. The more compression, the more heat. That’s why the radiator, that’s why the exhaust heat, and with explosion, the exhaust pipe’s hot. With implosion, opposite effect. Then you can figure out then, what takes place. We did discuss valve bounce to people on the tape did we? Just you. Mechanics, I’m give a very short little thing, and anybody else out there.
Valve bounce, what does that mean to you in a motor. Well most people say, that our motor is turning over that damn fast, that our valve stays open, because it can’t shut fast enough. So, rev a motor up and it starts revving out and out and out, and then it hits its what we call valve bounce, where she just goes BWRRBWRRRBWWRR! And won’t go any faster, because a valve is keeping itself open, because it can’t go any faster. It stays open, it can’t shut. Now we can do a couple of things, we can put double valve springs on, so that puts more tension on it, sucks it closed a little bit more, and we get a little bit faster out of it, and it still valve bounces.
Okay, you could probably say then yes, okay it’s valve bounce. What is a speed that a valve can open and shut? What is a speed that a piston can go straight up to the top, and stop and go straight down again, so how fast is the up and down stroke? Is there a limit to it anyway. Now, so, without replacing double valve springs in a motor. We have a motor what will valve bounce under normal conditions on petrol and air, timing and everything else. Nothing else put onto it. Let’s make it a really monstrous motor. 300 cubic inch, in a bore. From the intake valve opening, to the bottom of the stroke, till the intake valve shuts, under atmospheric pressure, which is 14 and half pounds per square inch, we pull 300 cubic inches, because that is what you can fit into that bore under those conditions.
The intake valve shuts. We start compressing. As we start compress, we get something called blow-by. We lose some of that 300 cubic inches past the rings. We build up a compression, we hit the top of the stroke, just before the top of the stroke, somewhere round about 3 to 8 to 22 degrees advanced timing, spark fires. Fuel gets hot, air and fuel gets hot, starts expanding, and we lose a little bit more past the piston. Air gets really hot, heat loss and everything else, then we go over the top of the piston, and down the power stroke, and the piston starts pushing to the bottom. When we filled that chamber, we needed the valve open to put 300 cubic inches from top to bottom. Do we have that 300 cubic inches anymore? No we don’t, because when she goes down the power stroke, as she goes down the power stroke under the heat, she doesn’t expand anymore, she starts to cool. Fuel and air starts to cool. As it starts to cool, it starts to shrink. We don’t have 300 cubic inches of air in there anymore, anyway. Because we lost some on the up stroke. Through blow-by.
We lost a lot more at the top of the stroke under explosion and heat. We now cool, and the piston gets so far down the bore, and she’s now starts to create a vacuum. And the vacuum as we explained is far greater than compression. And she just grabs a valve, and sucks it open. Now, to explain that, you can add the extra double valve springs if you like. But we’re not gunna do that for a second, we’re gunna explain something else to youse. Standard motor valve bounces at 5000 revs, what we call valve bounce. Normally the way you ask them to draw it in, which I said with the split manifold for starting the vehicle. All right, it’s a difficult thing to start. So if you just like, sort of like a dry motor, and so on like that, we used a Webber, and they were using a Toyota carburettor, you know pump and everything else and different kinds. He had some photos, and those photos, there was no photos taken when of what we did that. No photos be brought back here of it, or tape of it, that Paul said didn’t turn out. And they’re not on the video tape which you’ve got,
which is the full videotape what we done. I didn’t mind them doing the video. It has, I don’t know whether he’s got it or not, there was stuff what he done and everything else. He noticed first that it had actually pushed all the fuel clean back out of the carburettor, and you could see that. That’s not how I do it, I don’t leave the lines on, as you saw. That’s why I disconnect everything. You know, just keep running it and redoing your timing. Your motor will start adjusting itself, and advancing the timing-and everything, as soon as you put in the cell. You first put the cell on, the Escort being the car I started on. She starts to fluctuate a lot. I don’t know what it went to, while it was in the vehicle. It was in top gear 40km/h down the road, and he got scared and everything else and he sent the tacho, clean off the top over the other side. Just howling the wheels in top gear and it just freaked him out and he walked in here. We worked everything out by the tacho. It jumped the needle stop, and everything else, and no noise.
Going, no noise, and I just left it going at that. You could hear the air in the fan, but you couldn’t hear, you know like you noticed yesterday when we were adjusting the distributor and this stuff in the motor, cause there’s still a bit of petrol, you can hear the motor get very noisy, ’cause there’s petrol there, and then she’d go noisy, and then quieten herself. And inside the cab was just a normal car. You know your exhaust noises.
It was going WWRR!WWRR! pull it back into itself, and as it did, she wasn’t come down noise like BBWWRRR! Pull it back down, wasn’t it? That’s what it was. And everything else, you would get this pulling back in effect. A major explosion. Something that we really wanted to find out about, or know about or anything else too much, it didn’t matter. We just heard the difference. What we really did was. we just run it for a short time and then shut the fuel off ?????
(About the petrol line.)
Early model P76 and everything else for a Rover 3500 SDI. Up around, in there it’s got manifold where the carburettors go on. Heater box through the manifold like most of our cars do today ???? and that’s only for atomisation ???? top of the carburettors, in between it ???? over, if you look at it goes over the two front cylinders. ??? number, the two cylinders back from the motor, and they ????? over the top, feeds over the top of them, all right and that just ????? on the Rover what we did was just hooked up the water cylinder ???? water cylinder ???? Transferred over the fuel line comes into the right hand one as a straight line, and then butts in, goes across as a secondary runner to the other carby. Yeah, it’s in the valley, she runs front and back. One on bank and two middle ones on the other bank. Yeah well it’s not, we don’t just go to forty degrees, no what we’re doing is we just grab that distributor, and you hear a motor, okay once she’s on the four cylinders out, she starts running rough as a mongrel dog with no power. Anyway, so I just starts advancing the distributor ????? actually just took it up to where it felt like it revved clear and everything else. ???the left-hand side carburettor it’s doing there to stop the fuel pouring out I found a blank bolt and put it into there, it had a little rubber o-ring to seal off, so I screwed it into there. I left everything else standard and she just cuts out. Then I went to the left-hand carburettor, pulled that line off.
(Too hard to decipher.)
You do need to pull the carburettors up a bit, because you will drop down on revs. she’ll still run, but she’ll want to drop down well below 500 revs, and motors don’t like running that low ??? Initially for doing the transfer over onto the cell, the distributor stays there, the motor’s still running, what I do then is I bring the distributor ahead. When I feel the motor and carburettor start to die and the carby, I know is running out of fuel. I bring it further forward and everything else, you find out that retarding ?? and you are getting up to around eighty degrees advance then ??? and while you are doing that she is getting rid of all the petrol in the carby at that point, and then you can just go to the car and just turn it off and re-start it. And as soon as you hit that key, you don’t have to wind it over, she just goes BANG! you don’t have to hold the key on very long. She just goes.
??? Really it’s a frequency thing. It is like when you had that flash in your eye from the rectifier, which worked your optic vision, you know your light before your eyes. that means you can see my veins light up in my arms. Because it’s like turning on a fluoro, because this spark is coming through… But that’s what happens to me, my kids can tell you, Rachel can tell you, and a few other people can tell you.
You can touch the body or not touch the body for me. Without getting into this one too much and everything else, if you ever got to me… But anybody else who does come through normally, if you call me up or something else, she might just speak to them and send them on their way.
Running on water cells is okay but if they get onto other things they might be sent on their way.
Noah up here applied through the RTA and got a rego A-R-K – ARK, and then he’s got double -oh- seven on the end of it, you know Noah with his ARK – 007. Now they put a Leyland P76 motor into it, and Alan Rush wired it all. They’re having heaps and heaps of problems where it would start and run but it just wouldn’t rev up… And I just had the Scorpion, before I had it all painted I had it I had it suped up by Waggat Engineering – took ’em twelve months to build the motor, with a Leyland 4.4, okay? The Rovers are a 3 500 or 3.5, and the P76 is the 4.4. It would do 250 to 300 miles per hour with Waggat’s engineering and Waggat’s cams and all that, in my motor. They put new pistons with Holden lifters, he didn’t case-harden them again (the valve ends), all the valves pulled through the collets and dropped down and smashed the pistons, and bent the rods.
When we go it back we found out we couldn’t rev the motor up over two thousand revs. We tried petrol, we could start it on that, and they just said the motor’s a bit big for that, so… It had a 38/78 drag cam in it??? the valves in it were over-sized chevy valves which used to nick ’emselves, you know in the heads. Had to port them out ???? everything else balanced out so she ???? he put the wrong stuff in it everywhere it was the fuel what wasn’t giving it the right revs, so I had to heaps and heaps of people and so on without getting on it and… then tried, you know, racing fuel ???? at this stage and everything else I had not had the car registered. Then they said well the only way I can register it is on LPG… ? In fact petrol was sometimes better. It would ping and break down, so we then tried boosting fuels up, ourselves. Now we had to have a vehicle which was on the road, this damn thing wouldn’t rev.
We had overhauled the damn thing. The fact of the story is I took the distributor down to the proper electronic experts, and they had it up over I 1,000 revs without any break down. I had it built for that thing. After I put it in, that did not make any difference. But then she smashed the piston… knocking and detonating, and the cylinders. Flaming valves fell out, pulled the collets clean off the end of the stems. They had not case-hardened the ends of the valves. He re-built it all again and everything else. What we did then was we reduced the compression. I just went over there and got thicker gaskets. ‘Cause we only had the Rover, we were running the Rover tin gaskets, which are thin as buggery, and the Leyland P76 ran with a thicker gasket, so we put two Leyland head gaskets… And we lowered the compression. Now we get the thing to sort of rev. We still had the distributor built to run over ten grand and so Noah, after farting around himself for a long time, brought it over to me at my place. He said, do you know what’s wrong with the damn thing?
I said, well if it’s breaking down, you’ve been through everything, change points, condensers, and coils and flaming everything else, how about we just look at the distributor in case she’s just shorting out. So I said, I’ve got my distributor which over there, which has been run up over ten grand, let’s drop her in. Anyway, we just dropped it straight in, I just lined it up on number one by eye, down the bottom, and so on. So I says to Noah, just get in and turn her over. Now this is the funny part. I had the distributor cap upside down in my hand. Noah could not see because of the raised bonnet, and I had the distributor cap in my left hand, and so I just said hit the key and bring her around. He hit the key and the motor started. I had the cap in my hand and all the leads were still connected, I don’t care whether you believe this or not. All right you can just go and
you can talk to Alan… And I said to Alan, stick your head around here. So he sticks his head out around the flamin , side of the bonnet, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.
He says the motor’s going and you’ve got the distributor cap off and upside down in your hand. I said yeah. So he shuts it down, and he says, can I see that again myself.? And I said sure. So he’s really stretching himself to lean across this bonnet and mudguard, he turns the key on and so on, and I’ve got the cap upside down in my hands, we shut the motor down and he’s stretching, he hits the key and the motor fires straight up. Smooth as glass. It would have been a couple of inches above the distributor, with all the leads still connected.
And I had my hand on the distributor, to give it a bit of turn, that wasn’t it either. I take that hand off. And with this cap upside down, the car, she revved as smooth as glass, right up to full revs and back again. All the way. So I said just shut it down again. So it only done it that time, and I have never ever tried to do it again, in any other vehicle, or that one again. Anyway so, we puts the distributor cap on with my hand, set the distributor properly, and put the timing light on, and we got a break down again. He still had the break down and he had come here for that reason. He hops into it and so on and he heads back home to his place. He’s gone belting over there in his car, and he says to his father, dad, that flaming Joe over there, he’s had the distributor cap off upside down in his hands and the flaming motor starts! Twice! And it’s working smooth as glass, and we put the cap back on and do everything else, and the motor runs like a mongrel dog again! There’s no cracks in the cap, there’s no nothing else like that.
Now, there’s no answer to that, I don’t understand it. I was just giving you an example about some things that have happened. You asked about sparky, and with the frequencies and things. I don’t know what is making that flaming Leyland P76 run with the distributor cap upside down, with it not in. I don’t really know. Or the other one where I had all the leads bunched together next to the block, and the motor ran.
These are some of the things we’ve found. I myself, really don’t think that it is a spark what makes them run. It’s not just a thinking ability on your own.
Um, we haven’t talked about the Japanese yet… Here’s something we didn’t finish talking about the other night. If you’ve got a motor with the ignition turned off, and you ??? And you do it, it’s called dieseling on. What I do, is when ??? if you like. Run out and ??? say no spark. What I said was the ignition turned off.
BOB: Yeah, yeah, yeah – you’ve got the ignition turned off.
with no sparking, all right? Now you say, well, the ignition’s turned off.
Yeah, but our spark isn’t coming through the positive wire through the ignition. It’s jumping across the block from our negative back through that way. But, when you do turn, as we described, um, on the tape… You have turned off the ignition, and the motor’s still going, your alternator is still charging, but it backcharges. You understand? You’ve still got charge coming out of your alternator, because your motor’s still going the same way, your alternator’s still turning the same way. And in the alternator you’ve got diodes in there which switch across, okay So you don’t blow the diodes because they won’t feed backwards, single runs, single flows. Where a generator will go backwards and forwards and any which way you flaming like. Okay?
And a generator and everything else, well it’ll back charge, it will charge forwards, you can take the battery out and it won’t blow anything in it, because there’s no diodes, no nothing in it. It’ll feed any which way. Just touch them on the metal, and it won’t blow your generator. All right? It’ll still run.
The Japanese motors are a little different ??? they wanted to make it (cheaper to run ?)
When you do shut down your ignition and your motor is still going over the ???? alternator, or your generator’s charging, you haven’t got rid of your spark, you haven’t got rid of, you know your charge. We’ll go into that. if you like that, we’ll go into it, because it covers a fair bit of things now.
Waste spark management, there’s people out there who don’t understand it, and um.-.. So I’m going to relate it to the same thing, back to our question that is… I really don’t know. The spark, I don’t believe it sparks. We’ve got different motors running different ways without the stinking petrol. I believe, that with petrol a motor runs. Fine. And you shut the petrol off and they don’t run. But you see it’s been set up for that way. All right? Let’s look at a different way on that fuel side.
We’ve a drag car racing motor… ‘these motors, they usually start running on, colder fuel, like methanol, alcohol, and all those types of fuels. As I was talking to you the other day, petrol itself, when you put some on your hand, you’re instantly burnt. Straight through, because they bum inwards, straight onto the skin. And, if you put metho, methanol fuel, like there is there… on your hand -it doesn’t bum you! The flame’s there, a different kind of flame. It hasn’t got so much of the yellow flame in it.
Let’s have a look a flame, you look at hydrogen. ??? in the, and I was saying all these others were hydrogen, but maybe there’s a possibility, that being a liquid, ’cause if you break everything down it mostly is water, the liquid side of everything is water… So possibly, water is hydrogen and oxygen, I don’t know too much but… Being liquids, you break ’em all down, they’re all water. Whether all the rest of these things is a liquid, now I don’t know…
But um, go through it, and you go down through the racing fuels and everything else but, if you put the methanol, alcohol, metho, anything else like that, which does bum too, and you put it onto your hand, it’s a cleaner burn ??? liquids, what you put onto it ??? You put a match to it, it don’t burn you, until all of that is gone. All of the wet fuel and vapour and everything else is gone. Petrol instantly bums inwards.
Now when you go onto your bigger high compression suped-up motors and everything else, what you gotta do, they go into these different kinds of fuels. Like alcohol, like methanol, like ???? And what you gotta do in your distributor, this is your frequency stuff, your spark stuff and your frequency stuff is, take your damn distributor out. And you start advancing it one to two teeth, and drop it back in. Off you’re running on petrol, you put petrol into that motor now with your teeth, what runs on these other fuels, put petrol in the motor, they don’t run.
They don’t start and run on that. if you can get ’em to start running on it, they definitely won’t rev on it. All right? You saw me brother’s race car out in the shed, modified race car? He’s got a fully blown, damn 350 Chev motor, running on monstrous flaming Holley, carburettor on. Drills all the jets out to flaming nothing, just runs through, he runs methanol on it, okay? Forty-four gallon drums of methanol, runs through the stuff. Understand? A lot of amount of cost. But the motors, I mean, a phenomenal power in them too. I mean they’re holding the foot, on dirt tracks they’re holding the foot flat to the floor, and they’re just drifting the whole way, and spinning the wheels the whole damn way…
So he puts the methanol in and everything else, but when that motor is dead freezing cold, and you try and fire that thing on methanol, she rolls over. And she’ll kick back on that flaming starter motor and your fly wheel and everything else so phenomenally because, not when it’s running, but when you go to start the mongrels. Because your timing and everything is so far advanced for the methanol and everything when it’s cold… When you first let them sit for a while, you have to pour petrol down their throat. And you kick the guts out of the motor, with methanol. Had it running out everywhere. Cylinders was full of the shit of the stuff.
And I think you pour in a little bit of petrol and into it, she fires – BANG! Fires! And you warm it up a few times, you know a few revs, you can’t put the petrol in again. She fires and runs on the actual methanol then. She runs, goes, revs, everything else.
If we go to this now, if we try and run our motors on this, I’ve tried it, we try and run our suped up motors on it because we got the ???? and the noise. Um, so you try and run one of these suped-up motors with all the advanced timing ???
We’ll give you just a little demonstration of ??? our drags. All right, I build drag motors. I quarter mile drag myself all the time, bikes, cars. I don’t like cars that much, but I do it on the bikes. ??? so much an idiot on bikes. I was entered into Bathurst and everything else. ??? I build these motors myself, I got sick of other people building them. Waggats put it in your car, and he stuffed up, and that’s the last one I’m getting done by them. I build these things and I know what they’re doing and everything else, Um… The really super vehicles, you know cars on the drag track ????? run. What you would call ???? run. Um, points ??? make them run, electronic. ???Start over here on his race car I modified. Started off with a set of points, a condenser and coils. And he decides to send to America and pay flaming a thousand dollars for a distributor, and that one’s an electronic one. And within the first run around the track, the flaming box inside had blew, and it cost him five hundred bucks.
It didn’t do what he wanted it to do. It wasn’t giving the performance. It didn’t rev out, it didn’t do what wanted. So anyway, he’s played and played and played and played, went over the distributor and did everything else… But anyway, we go to our drag trials on the track. They’re going back to the early, cars. The earliest of early cars had magnetos. Maggies. The flaming, these rails and everything else, the big motors and all these things and everything else, they’re running double magnetos. It’s the only way they can get the damn things running. And they’re running these high-volume fuels with their double A fuel rails ????
All the early cars, all our old vintage cars I’m coming to now, they all didn’t use any of those things. In fact most of them ??? else, any of those things. They just had magnetos. They took the lead straight out of the magneto and straight across onto ??? That’s what they run. on These suped motors ??? frequencies ??? magnetos.
What we want out of these motors, because our normal technology ??? Back to playing with the vintage cars and everything else. Found out too that uh, does anybody out there know what happened to ???? ones without any of the main ignition keys or anything else. They got the spark advancer on the uh, on the steering column. They’ve got either a chain-drive diff, or a flaming shaft drive diff ??? couple of gears ??? over, over-geared. What these buggers do when they start running out of fuel, is they start to you know like your pre-ignition, they start to jerk. You know, jump. They start to jump like buggery. They’re only a light car, and all this.
And, if they don’t snuff out by the over-gearing, usually people do another weird thing and they pull back on the spark ??? They know they’re running out of fuel so they go and get some more petrol. I don’t do that… You go around to all the vintage people around here, they’d think I’m crazy. ‘Cause I go over there, and I worked for these guys, and I built these vehicles, and I built the old-style cars like that and everything else, and I figured out looking at their magnetos and ??? Rubbish heaps in their paddocks. So I put them together and try and figure out what makes the buggers run..
I found out that the, what I do, they all think- I’m silly, I go out there and when something starts to run out of petrol and I make it do it, on purpose. I make it do it. So it starts to jump and jerk, before she over-gears and snuffs out, I just push the flaming advancer forward. And the stinking cars run. And they start to pick up and run pretty good that they actually spin wheels. And that’s what happens when you’re cruising along, you know you do a little bit of a speed in old vintage rig… She starts to run out of petrol so you’re up in revs a bit, you’re up in gearing, you’re momentum moving and everything else. She starts to run out of fuel and the motor starts to get this jerky effect. The motor doing the jerking, the wheels and everything else actually start to give the spin, you know, before she over-gears and snuffs out.
So like I said, they either pull back on the spark advancer a bit, or she just snuffs it. What we do to our motor which is pre-igniting anyway, if you got a manual, put her into gear, drop the clutch and you put your foot on the break. Other than that, if she’s keeping on jerking too much, you can put her into first gear and she’ll just hop down the road, you know: RU – RIH -RIH – RIH! Jump the car down the road. Just like an awful big cam, until she snuffs out.
Anyway, so I just push the advancer ahead, and the flaming motor picks up. And it hasn’t got the fuel in it. But then you go and look at a motor mower, and so on like that, and you start to run out of fuel in a motor mower, and they scream before they stop. They scream. There, you go and do that.
I think what’s happening is, see our fuel, we’re trying to atomise the fuel, and we’re putting fuel in there as a wetting agent, lubrication and everything else, plus, we’re trying to atomise it. Now all our fuel doesn’t atomise. So the wetting, agent what is happening is, that’s what I say, you can check it if you like…
???? The fuel doesn’t, what they mix into there is wetting agent, it doesn’t atomise. Most of it goes in, and spits out, flaming pollutants ???? But the rest of it what does atomise, it is there for a reason. And this is my belief.- the air is then being charged. You put all the things we talk about, like Brocky with his air polariser, you know in the manifolds, you seen that one I had there. Fifteen years ago! no fuels, we’re talking about all these other things with running without fuels, like the water cells and everything else going into motors. You look at the motor mowers. You look at your own cars when they run out of petrol. Well maybe yours don’t start screaming when they run out of petrol. But, if we tune, if mechanics tune them and everything else, they run a hell of a lot flaming smoother and better if you lean out the fuel.
But what takes place is, the outside air going into your motor gets too damn hot. Just like the pushbike pump with your finger over the damn end, she gets red hot. It’s only because the air itself is not charged, and under compression she gets hot. And for every action there’s an opposite and equal reaction – why can’t the air go cold? Well it flipping does, if you put the right frequency on it. And I can prove that to you with all the things I’ve been doing. That little one I showed you over in the shed you played with and everything else, I can imagine what it is and everything else…. With the right frequency on that, no fuel at all, putting it into the air intake, the motor runs cool. You don’t even need a radiator on that. It doesn’t make ice or anything else. It’s running on air, all right? It’s running on air, with a frequency inputted into the air, and your motor runs cool.
It doesn’t overheat. But we do understand that air overheats if we flaming reduce the fuel. Because it’s a wetting agent, it’s a cooling agent, and a lubricating agent. And air under compression gets flipping hot. But there’s no reason why you can’t make air colder. It’s just we may not have had the right frequency to do it, or the right way of knowing what to do with the damn things.
Well, um, in your motor and everything else, it would be better to run less fuel. If you’ve got a pre-igniting motor on heat ??? you can check it. The pre-ignition on the motor is hot, and you turn the ignition off that is so-called, our forward spark what we put in the motor ????? keeps going, we do have fuel there. We do have fuel there – the fuel is that flipping hot it is just what we call, pre-igniting. All right? But then we’ve got the vintage ones and everything else. Brocky had a box in the back, had a flaming air polariser in the front. He was out of fuel three laps prior, by the computers and everything else, but what’s a fuel polariser gunna do if you ain’t got any fuel?
Okay, think about it. Don’t tell Brocky, I told you that. You know, with the no fuel there, let’s put all these things together. We’ve come up with the no fuel there and everything else and so on, and the motors are jerking and coughing. We advance our damn distributor, and the motor picks up, Fine, well we got spark there now. Okay, we’ve got spark. Now that’s on the vintage one. We just advance our spark, and we ain’t got the fuel there. That’s on a magneto. On our normal car we’ve got the ignition turned off. We’ve got the petrol there, we’ve got the ignition turned off, and it’s heated up, and we’ve got pre-ignition. So, the motor’s going DA -DA -DA – DA – DA – DUM! Well what happens when it’s doing that and you turn the key back on to give it the forward spark, well fine, she runs smooth again.
Just like before you turn the key off, the motor’s running smooth. Turn the key back off again, DA -DA -DA-DA-DA-DUMMMM! Turn your key back on. What have you really done? Well, funny thing is if you go out there, while she’s pre-igniting, go out there and grab hold of a spark plug lead. Don’t tell me you’re not gunna get booted! You have negative running through the block, you’ve got the points opening and shutting, you’ve got your coils on there and everything else, you got a condenser, you got a resistor it’s all there and everything else. You got the alternator turning or the generator turning. There is spark coming through. Now what it is is, the reverse damn spark. Reverse spark. Now we’re gunna talk about that because this is called waste spark management.
What the Commodores have, is it implosion? I’ll talk about implosion in the same thing. Now in the waste spark management, we have normal spark, compression number one, and it fires in there with the ignition turned on and the fuel near there. That’s our normal one, and now our petrol breaks down into pollutants.