### About the WATER in a JOECELL:
## See also the new ‘Water Scalar Charging’ page in the ‘ORMUS’ part of the website
## from Alchemical HomeopathyTM http://www.asc-alchemy.com/alchemicalhomeopathy.html
In 1920, American scientists proposed the concept of hydrogen bonds in their discussion of liquids having dielectric constant values much higher than anticipated (like water) . Hydrogen bonding between water molecules occurs not only in liquid water but also in ice and in water vapour. It has been estimated from the heat of fusion of ice that only a small fraction, say about 10 per cent of hydrogen bonds in ice are broken when it melts at O 2oC. Liquid water is still hydrogen bonded at 100 2oC as indicated by its high heat of vapourisation and dielectric constant. That water is highly hydrogen bonded and still a fluid and not a solid is a paradox.
The dielectric constant of water is very high, water is one of the most polar of all solvents. Consequently electrically charged molecules are easily separated in the presence of water. The heat capacity of water is also very high or in other words, a large amount of heat is needed to raise its temperature by a degree. This property gives a tremendous advantage to biological systems wherein the cells undergo moderate biological activity. Despite the fact that large amount of heat is generated by these metabolic activities the temperature of the cell-water system does not rise beyond reasonable limits.
Water has a high heat of vapourisation resulting in perspiration being an effective method of cooling the body. The high heat of vapourisation also prevents water sources in the tropics from getting evaporated quickly. The high conductivity of water makes nerve conduction an effective and sensitive mechanism of the body. It would appear that nature has designed the properties of water to exactly suit the needs of the living.
Water has higher melting point, boiling point, heat of vapourisation, heat of fusion and surface tension than comparable hydrides such as hydrogen sulphide or ammonia or, for that matter, most liquids. All these properties indicate that in liquid water, the forces of attraction between the molecules is high or, in other words, internal cohesion is relatively high. These properties are due to a unique kind of a bond known as the hydrogen bond. This bond is a weak electrostatic force of attraction between the proton of a hydrogen atom and the electron cloud of a neighbouring electro-negative atom. In other words, hydrogen atom with its electron locked in a chemical bond with an electro negative atom has an exposed positively charged proton, which in turn electrostatically interacts with the electron cloud of the neighbour.
The importance of water is further enhanced as it is expected to be the source of energy in the future. Hydrogen, which is expected to be an energy carrier, can be obtained from water using any primary energy source like solar energy, electricity or thermal energy or a hybrid system consisting of more than one of these primary energy sources. Hydrogen, a secondary energy carrier, can be converted to produce water and this water appears to be an endless source of energy.
The importance of water to life can be gauged from the fact that cellular life, evolved in water billions of years ago. The cells are filled with water and are bathed in watery tissue fluids. Water is the medium in which the cells biochemical reactions take place. The cell surface, a lipid-protein-lipid is stabilised by hydrophobic interaction.
Moreover, the proteins and membranes in cells are hydrogen bonded through water which protects them from denaturation and conformational transitions when there are thermal fluctuations. Transportation of ions from cell to cell is possible only because of the presence of water.
Water is extremely important for structural stabilisation of proteins, lipids, membranes and cells. Any attempt to remove water from these structures will lead to many changes in their physical properties and structural stability. This then raises the question whether biological systems can survive without water or precisely, can there be any life without water.
Tremendous amount of research has gone into in the understanding of water and its structure. Despite all this, it is surprising that the microscopic forces that define the structure of water is not fully known. Even now several publications aim at better understanding of the structure of water. For instance, in a report in Nature (December 1993), scientists have studied the details of the inter-atomic structure of water at super critical temperature using neutron diffraction. Recently they have shown that a minimum of six molecules of water are required to form a three-dimensional cage-like structure. Groups up to five water molecules and fewer form one-molecule- thick, planar structures (New Scientist, February 1997).
Imagine a non-polar group in a cluster of water molecules. Since there is no interaction between water, a polar solvent and a non-polar group, water tends to surround this non-polar group resulting in higher ordering of water molecules.
Consequently the entropy of the system lowers with increase in Free Energy. When yet another non-polar group is brought closer to the first non-polar group the energy of the surrounding water forces the two groups to be close to one another.
(to link the article above use: #H2O1)
## Thermoluminescence of ultra-high dilutions of lithium chloride and sodium chloride. Rey L. ; Physica A 2003, 323, 67-74 , from http://www.asc-alchemy.com/alchemicalhomeopathy.html
New research suggests water remembers what has been dissolved in it, even after dilution beyond the point where no molecule of the original substances could remain. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reports.
For more than a century, practitioners of homeopathy have used highly diluted solutions of medicinal substances to treat diseases. Some substances are diluted way beyond the point at which no trace of the original substances could remain. It is as though the water has retained memory of the departed molecules. This has aroused a great deal of scepticism within the conventional medical and scientific community. To this day, ‘homeopathic’ is used as a term of derision, to indicate something imagined that has no reality.
But a series of recent discoveries in the conventional scientific community is making people think again. First, there were the South Korean chemists who discovered two years ago that molecules dissolved in water clump together as they get more diluted (see SiS 15), which was totally unexpected; and further more, the size of the clumps depends on the history of dilution, making a mockery of the ‘laws of chemistry’.
Now, physicist Louis Rey in Lausanne, Switzerland, has published a paper in the mainstream journal, Physica A, describing experiments that suggest water does have a memory of molecules that have been diluted away, as can be demonstrated by a relatively new physical technique that measures thermoluminescence.
In this technique, the material is ‘activated’ by irradiation at low temperature, with UV, X-rays, electron beams, or other high-energy sub-atomic particles. This causes electrons to come loose from the atoms and molecules, creating ‘electron-hole pairs’ that become separated and trapped at different energy levels.
Then, when the irradiated material is warmed up, it releases the absorbed energy and the trapped electrons and holes come together and recombine. This causes the release of a characteristic glow of light, peaking at different temperatures depending on the magnitude of the separation between electron and hole.
As a general rule, the phenomenon is observed in crystals with an ordered arrangement of atoms and molecules, but it is also seen in disordered materials such as glasses. In this mechanism, imperfections in the atomic/molecular lattice are considered to be the sites at which luminescence appears.
Rey decided to use the technique to investigate water, starting with heavy water or deuterium oxide that’s been frozen into ice at a temperature of 77K. The absolute temperature scale (degree K, after Lord Kelvin) is used in science. (The zero degree K is equivalent to -273 C, and deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen which is twice as heavy as hydrogen).
As the ice warms up, a first peak of luminescence appears near 120K, and a second peak near 166 K. Heavy water gives a much stronger signal than water. In both cases, samples that were not irradiated gave no signals at all.
For both water and heavy water, the relative intensity of the thermoluminescence depends on the irradiation dose. There has been a suggestion that peak 2 comes from the hydrogen-bonded network within ice, whereas peak 1 comes from the individual molecules. This was confirmed by looking at a totally different material that is known to present strong hydrogen bonds, which showed a similar glow in the peak 2 region, but nothing in peak 1.
Rey then investigated what would happen when he dissolved some chemicals in the water and diluted it in steps of one hundred fold with vigorous stirring (as in the preparation of homeopathic remedies), until he reached a concentration of 10 to the power -30 g per centilitre, and compare that to the control that has not had any chemical dissolved in it and diluted in the same way.
The samples were frozen and activated with irradiation as usual. Much to his surprise, when lithium chloride, LiCl, a chemical that would be expected to break hydrogen bonds between water molecules was added, and then diluted away, the thermoluminescent glow became reduced, but the reduction of peak 2 was greater relative to peak 1. Sodium chloride, NaCl, had the same effect albeit to a lesser degree.
It appears, therefore, that substances like LiCl and NaCl can modify the hydrogen-bonded network of water, and that this modification remains even when the molecules have been diluted away.
The fact that this ‘memory’ remains, in spite of, or because of vigorous stirring or shaking at successive dilutions, indicates that the ‘memory’ is by no means static, but depends on a dynamic process, perhaps a collective quantum excitation of water molecules that has a high degree of stability (see “The strangeness of water and homeopathic memory” , SiS 15).
(to link the article above use: #THERMO)
## May 16, 2006 Bernie’s Paper on Water Charging, from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/joecellfreeenergydevice/message/6327
I enjoyed Tom Kramers papers so much, the I decided to write my own. It might help some of the new “cellers” get to stage 3 quickly.
Enjoy, Bernie
First of all, I would like to thank Joe, Peter Stevens, Alex Schiffers, and Barry Hilton, for their pioneering efforts, and their efforts to make the information available free to everyone. I also want to thank Bill Williams, for re-kindleing interest in the cell. Also the BNE guys, who showed me that a cell doesn’t have to be very elaborate to run a car. And lastly,much as I hate to say it, to thank Greg Watson, for pushing me to think in different directions.
Now that interest in the cells is once again at a high level, and many new people are assembling cells, I’ve been trying to come up with charging techniques to help all these new cellers get their cells to stage 3, and not have this interest all die off because of frustration. That being said, I’d like to first do some myth debunking.
# 1. Stage 3 water is ultra pure. This one is easy Pure water is an insulator. It is impossible to get current through pure water.
What stage 3 water really is in fact, is water with all the anions and cat ions precipitated out. That is all elements with a net charge in solution. The remaining ions are electrically neutral in solution. I’m suggesting that the water used by our Aussie friends is loaded with neutral elements,since they can apparently get 1 amp of current through their cells with only 12 volts.
In other words, I’m suggesting that stage 3 water will have a neutral PH of close to 7. When current is applied the PH of the water in the inner ring will shift to slightly acidic, and the outer ring will shift toward the alkaline. This is once again caused by the fact that the remaining non-neutral elements in the water will still be attracted to the different potentials. I’m not positive of this PH conjecture, but after much reading of other’s opinions, and my own experiments, I think this is true.
If I’m not mistaken, electrically neutral water is also good to drink > free radicals and all that.
# 2. You need a charging vat for serious cell work. Not necessarily true. I think the same ends can be achieved with 2 simple SS plates in a glass container, or even in any cell, for the reasons specified above.
# 3. You need to have a bottom bolt to introduce the negative into the cell. While this is a proven way to go, it’s not really necessary, and adds greatly to the cost and complexity of a cell. Just get the negative connected to the bottom of the center cylinder any way you can. An insulated SS wire or strap is fine. Just run it up next to the container.
The same goes for the welded bottom. It’s nice, but it complicates things., and it forces the use of the bottom bolt to support the inner cylinders.
Without the welded bottom all the cylinders can be supported with spacers. It’s probably best to have an SS bottom on the cell but it can simply be held there with whatever means are convenient to the builder. I use PVC end caps and o-rings, which seem to work fine, until the unit is subjected to vacuum.
Than you need to back the o-rings up with something like sikaflex or other caulking. To prevent air leaks.
# 4. Stainless steel that is non-magnetic. This is probably necessary, even for a cell that is not used to charge water. The reason, I think,is because the ferromagnetism causes magnet fields to be built up when current flows through the cell that directly counter the desired magnetic fields. This causes the charged ions to be repelled, when we actually want them to concentrate and precipitate out during the charging process.
# 5. Short duration charging cycles. This is the key to the whole thing. As I ‘ve mentioned above, the charging involves getting rid of all the charged elements. There are 2 very obvious ways to do this. The first would be to start with distilled water and introduce only the desired impurities.
Anybody with any chemistry background should be able to look at a chart of the elements and come up with a good guess as to what might work.
The second way is to force the undesirable elements to precipitate out of the water. This is the traditional way in the Joe Cell world, whether you use a charging vat, a cell, or some other esoteric means to charge the water.
All this is well and good, but what does it mean in the real world, or just how do you accomplish this. Here is a simple and effective technique that I think will work well. At least it has for me in a couple cells.
First you want to cook the cell. By that I mean simply charge it for a long time. What this does is concentrates the charged ions near the positive or negative (relatively speaking) plates. The ions will then cluster and precipitate out of solution. As far as how long to do this, my best guess is until the water gets hot to the touch. I think boiling the water would be counter-productive because the agitation would probably disperse the clusters.
Once this stage is reached, immediately coarse filter the water into a glass or SS container using something like an old t-shirt. Try to avoid lint.
Now rinse any remaining sludge out of the cell. Tap water should be fine for this. Get as much of this undesirable water out of the cell as you can in a short time by simply inverting it and let it drain for a few minutes/
Now fine filter the water back into the cell. A couple thicknesses of paper towel should work fine. The water in the cell should now be very clear, but it could have some coloration. Not to worry, this is caused by the desirable impurities in the water.
Now just let the water cool to room temperature and try a normal charging cycle. You should see stage 3 bubbles start to form very quickly. If they don’t, I think it simply indicates that your starting water was very contaminated and you need to repeat the process to clear it some more.
The closer cylinder spacing of my test/charging cell really does this well. The water becomes a really sludgy mess with a lot of precipitates. After one pass through this process the cell now really produces lots of stage three bubbles.
For cells with the normal 1″ spacing on the cylinders, this appears to be a slower process, and several passes will probably be required. I tried one with 2,3,4, and 5″ cylinders, and it’s producing some stage 3 bubbles after one pass. I think one more cycle through the process will prep the water enough to take it into a good stage 3.
Alex Schiffers was always pushing filtering, and now I think I understand why it helps. If you don’t filter after each charging cycle, a lot of the undesired materials simply get re-dissolved back into the water.
The idea of “cooking” the water this way is really nothing new, just a way to speed up the process and filter off a lot with each cycle.
I don’t think the heat that builds up is a necessary part of this process, so it’s possible that by controlling the buildup with an ice pack might allow for an even longer charging cycle, and get larger cells to get the water prepped to stage 3 levels in a single pass. Higher current should speed up the process as well.
I hope some others will try this approach to water preparation and report back on their results. Two cells is a small sample on which to base conclusions.
The concepts mentioned above go a long way toward explaining why my charging/test cell has been such a good tool for water prepping. It always produces a lot of scum, both on top and on the bottom.
My chemistry related comments might be flawed (it’s been quite a few years since my last chemistry class) so terminology corrections are welcome.
(to link the article above use: #BER)
## Jim’s Joe Cell replication, from PESWiki http://peswiki.com/index.php/OS:Joe_Cell:Replication:Jim
# Test Results :
Cell is run at 90 volts with no electrolyte and a square wave pulse “dc motor speed controller, with a heavy duty mofset” for a few hours until brown scum stops..
Cell can then be run for hours on 12v with sodium hydroxide added to bring the current up to 1 or 2 amps, no brown scum forms.. I use a stick on aquarium thermometer and stop charging if the temp goes off the scale 60-90 %f,, this helps me to keep from overheating the whole mess.
I found if you use only stainless steel, nitril rubber, and glass in your cell the brown scumm will stop,, any other compounds especially petrolium based will generate alot of colloid.
In my truck for two weeks now, timming moved from 8 to 12 degrees and the truck comes alive.. I can get the truck to idle at 46 degrees but stalls if fuel pump is switched off. Also at any more than 19 degrees and the cell sucks itself dry..
I wouldnt call this a sucess as far as running on “cell energy” alone is concerned, but I would call the huge power increase a sucess..
I have found a stainless top for the cell as the glass top, “now cracked” needs replaced. perhaps with the correct metal top I will have more sucess..
All my cells are made from 304 ss muffler pipe from (http://stores.ebay.com/Verocious-Motorsports_Tubing_W0QQcolZ2QQdirZQ2d1QQftidZ2QQtZkm). The smaller tubes I beleive are meant for bearing races and are 316 ss .5″ and 1″, but all the rest are 304 ss 1.5″ 2″ and 2.5″
I cut small peices of nitril rubber sheet 1/4″ to use as spacers “worked great”.
The cells hold charge, act as expected, quickly seem to go stage 3 but no go on the running without gasoline..Im not done yet..
see more and full size pictures on PESWiki page
I suggest that we could use the phenomenom of the cell’s overexpansion of water as a method of measuring acclamation of the engine.. IE, if you advance too far the cell will overexpand the water and empty itself.. A few degrees back toward normal and its fine.. As the engine acclimates this threshold should migrate toward advance until you can run on cell energy alone…
# Contact ; Jim ; Yahoo!Groups id: “Jim From joescell2 yahoo groups”
(to link the article above use: #JJIM)
Also know as auto-disassociation of water. It is an example of autoprotolsis and relies on the amphoteric nature of water. One possible explanation for the charging of a thunderstorm involves the thermoelectric effect on the ice crystals present in the cloud. An equal number of H^+ and OH^- ions are present, making the ice electrically neutral, but a temperature gradient across the length of the crystal causes more of the ion pairs to be located at the warmer end. The H^+ ions diffuse faster allowing the warm end to be weakly negative and the cooler end to be positive. This creates a potential difference.
In the Joe Cell, our initial current creates a temperature differential between the anode and a cathode that may be inducing this state.
Concentration and frequency
The preceding reaction has a chemical equilibrium constant. For reactions in water (or any aqueous solutions), the molarity (a unit of concentration) of water, [H2O], is practically constant and is omitted from the equilibrium constant expression by convention. The resulting equilibrium constant is called the ionization constant, dissociation constant, or self-ionization constant, or ion product of water and is symbolized by Kw. After omitting [H2O], the equilibrium expression is: Kw = [H3O+] [OH-]where[H3O+] = molarity of hydrogen or hydronium ion, and[OH-] = molarity of hydroxide ion .
At Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure (SATP), about 25°C (298K), Kw = [H3O+][OH-] = 1.0 × 10-14. Pure water ionizes or dissociates into equal amounts of H3O+ and OH-, so their molarities are equal: [H3O+] = [OH-].
At SATP, the concentrations of hydroxide and hydronium are both 1.0 × 10-7. Since the concentration of water molecules in water is largely unaffected by dissociation and [H2O] equals approximately 56 mol.l-1, it follows that for every 5.6 × 108 water molecules, one pair will exist as ions. Any solution in which the H3O+ and OH- concentrations equal each other is considered a neutral solution. Absolutely pure water is neutral, although even trace amounts of impurities could affect these ion concentrations and the water may no longer be neutral. Kw is sensitive to both pressure and temperature; it increases when either increases.
By definition, pKw = -log10 Kw. At SATP, pKw = -log10 (1.0 × 10-14) = 14. pKw also varies with temperature. As temperature increases, pKw decreases; and as temperature decreases, pKw increases.
Hydroxide and hydronium ions have low concentrations in water, and they are rarely produced: a randomly selected water molecule will dissociate within approximately 10 hours (1).
It should be noted that deionized water (also called DI water) is water that has had most impurity ions common in tap water or natural water sources (such as Na+ and Cl-) removed by means of distillation or some other water purification method. Removal of all ions from water is next to impossible, since water self-ionizes quickly to reach equilibrium.
pH is a logarithmic measure of the acidity (or alkalinity) of an aqueous solution. By definition, pH = -log10 [H3O+]. Since [H3O+] = [OH-] in a neutral solution, by mathematics, for a neutral aqueous solution pH = 7 at SATP. Self-ionization is the process that determines the pH of water. Since the concentration of hydronium at SATP (~25°C) is 1.0 × 10-7mol.l-1, the pH of pure liquid water at this temperature is 7. Since Kw increases as temperature increases, hot water has a higher concentration of hydronium than cold water (and hence lower pH), but this does not mean it is more acidic, as the hydroxide concentration is also higher by the same amount.
Geissler et al. have determined that electric field fluctuations in liquid water cause molecular dissociation (2). They propose the following sequence of events that takes place in about 150 fs: the system begins in a neutral state; the solvent’s electric field breaks a hydrogen bond between two water molecules, creating a hydroxide and hydronium ion; the proton of the hydronium ion travels along water molecules by the Grotthuss mechanism; and a change in the hydrogen bond network in the solvent isolates the two ions, which are stabilized by solvation. Within 1 ps, however, a second reorganization of the hydrogen bond network allows rapid proton transfer down the electric potential difference and subsequent recombination of the ions. This timescale is consistent with the time it takes for hydrogen bonds to reorient themselves in water (3,4,5).
(to link the article above use: #JOEW2)
## High voltage electric field and space-charge distributions in highly purified water
Research article can be purchased here: http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServlet?prog=normal&id=JAPIAU000054000009004762000001&idtype=cvips&gifs=yes
Markus Zahn and Tatsuo Takada, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, High Voltage Research Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
(Received 10 January 1983; accepted 29 April 1983)
High voltage Kerr electro-optic field mapping measurements in highly purified water show significant field distortions due to injected positive space charge over the temperature range of 8-25 °C using parallel plane stainless steel electrodes stressed to average field strengths up to 150 kV/cm.
The net space charge was always positive with density of 2 C/m3 which is about 40% of the background value of charge density of thermally generated hydronium and hydroxyl ions. Because measurements only showed a net positive space charge, a unipolar drift dominated conduction model was developed where positive charge would migrate in an ohmic medium.
This model predicts the observed propagating charge front, electric field enhancement at the noncharge injecting electrode, and field decrease at the charge injecting electrode. The time of flight of positive charge between electrodes gave an estimate of the positive ion mobility of u4×10-7 m2/(Vs) which is inbetween the values of the hydronium ion mobility measured at low voltages and the electrohydrodynamic mobility which accounts for fluid convection effects due to the Coulombic force putting the fluid into motion.
The dielectric relaxation time at T8 °C (320 µsec) measured at low voltage was much less than the measured charge transport time between electrodes, mig 2 msec, so that the calculated effects of space charge were much less than measured because the charge relaxes quickly as it migrates. It was found that a dielectric relaxation time of 1.6 msec would provide a good fit between analysis and experiments. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.
(to link the article above use: #JOEW1)
## Re: [JoesCell2] Given validation & plans – We’ll build one for you?!4/24/2006
Daniel Moeck wrote: Hello Frank,
Your offer deserves serious attention by anyone here who has ever successfully run a car on a Joe Cell. I know there are a few. There are many obvious and legitimate reasons why they may not want to come forward publicly to accept your offer. If you fail to get the response you are looking for even privately then here are my suggestions ( a restating for the group of what I told you privately last week):
The person or company who puts the first turn-key Joe Cells on the retail shelves will be a hero, for a little while. Hopefully they will work dependably and you will make a fair profit before the Chinese knock-offs appear several months later and price you out of the market. But the person or company who introduces it with a complete scientific model for how and why it works should have a primary place in the marketplace and in history for a very long time. Because only then will it really be taken seriously enough to catch on world wide, as it should.
I think the Joe Cell still requires a certain amount of R&D before serious production engineering should even be considered. Right now, if you start multiplying all of the variations in working cells and how they are applied, the number is astronomical. If you decide to invest in one of the Australian designs, for instance, you might well find that it doesn’t work in the States because of differences in our cars here, or the water or weather, or?
I, personally, have become more than 100% certain over the years that the over-unity aspect of the cell is due to aqueous platinum group elements found in nearly all healthy natural water sources. These are collectively known as “ormus” and have already been shown to be the source of over-unity in the cold fusion phenomenon. Now that cold fusion has finally been given some of the recognition it has always deserved I think there is an ideal opportunity to show how the Joe Cell is related. This could be done by non-professionals, like myself or others here who know how to tinker and think with an open and organized mind. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to prove that the Joe Cell works by principles that are already known.
By picking a starting point, such as the one I am suggesting, a knowledge base can be quickly assembled and verified at each step. Then you will be the first to know for certain things like, what water will work in what cell application and why. Of course I believe that my model will leave the shortest number of steps to mastery, but others may have their ideas too. But if you build it without really understanding how it works then I think you are only creating an icon of superstition and probable ridicule. I don’t want to see anyone fail at an endeavor like this.
Daniel Moeck
(to link the article above use: #JOEMOEC)
## Subject: RE: [JoesCell2] Joe cell beginner here…..let’s talk about water, From: Bernie Heere – To: JoesCell2@yahoogroups.com – Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 1:13 AM
John, I’m as much like a cracked record as you are. The water IS the Joe Cell! You can spend all the money you want on Stainless steel, but it’s just so much tin if you can’t come up with water that works in it. Bill must have lucked out with the water he used. The point that I’m trying to make is that cellery is very frustrating, so coming up with techniques for water prep will help a lot of people. I just tried vortexing in a blender with magnets, and it didn’t seem to work, Possibly because the blender is designed to minimize the vortexing action. Maybe I’ll try again if I can find a more appropriate blender. I have something else that I’ll be trying next week, and I’ll let everyone know if it’s successful. Maybe the ozonator would help – I’d like to try one, but they’re fairly expensive. If we can’t come up with a good technique, than everyone should build a charging vat before they build their cell.
I’ve got a 5″ cell on my bench here right now. 316L ss, and I can’t get it to do much of anything. I filled it with some of the water that I had charged, and some juvenile water thinking that It would go right to stage 3. Instead it’s actually regressed. Yet right next to it is one made from 304SS and it’s coming along nicely, with just juvenile water.
It’s been very frustrating to me to go through the failures, but they have finally been offset with some successes. Now I’m looking for surer techniques that I can pass along to make everyone’s life a little easier. RIght now Joe Cells are a hot topic, but they won’t stay that way if nobody else succeeds.
BTW, I made some L-rods, and tore down a cell that was fighting me and tested the tubes. What a kick. Works just like it’s supposed to, and I re-assembled the cell with proper polarity. Seems far-fetched, but one needs an open mind.
I made them per the instructions on the Peswiki site. ! 7 3/4″ & 5″ handles. Just used some 12 gauge electrical wire. Sacrificed 2 old bollpoint pens for the handles. The rods spread on one end of the cylinders, and come together on the other, with the cylinders on a horizontal dowel.
Generally, I keep a gallon of water in a glass jug over the ring generator, which is constantly pulsed with 15 Hz at a couple ma. The water than goes into my 6 cylinder test cell, and goes through repeated chargeing cycles. The test cell is in a glass Wal-Mart cookie jar that holds about 3/4 gallon of water. Then it’s ready for the car cell. I’ve come to think that most of the results are from the test cell, but pre-chargeing with the orgonite device reduces the chargeing cycles required with the test cell.
Just recently I noticed a device on the Hootens’ website (www.hootenization.com)called a drink charger, which really intrigued me. So I sent them an Email, and Suze created an oversize one for me to use in water chargeing. Just got it yesterday, and am trying it out now. I put it in the bottom of a cell that was stuck at the seeding stage, and it seems to be increasing the activity. Still need to do more playing with it. In any event it’s a simpler device than My ring generator, and could be just as effective. It’s really hard to judge. If anyone is interested in trying something like this, I’m sure she’d be glad to make more. Her prices are reasonable, considering the amount of work that goes into something like this. Besides, if you don’t like it for the Joe Cell, you can always use it for a coaster and charge your drinks.
from another message: (I’m interested in your comment about the tube polarity. Do I understand you correctly that you used L-rods to check the polarity of each tube and they showed which ends were positive and negative and you re-assmbled the tubes accordingly and the cell responded.)
(to link the article above use: #JOEBER1)
## A very surprising information about water, what is inside, and may be what is at the origine of the superpowers of a JOECELL : Electric ORMUS : ormus_index.html#ORMELEC
– Since 20 years now, David Hudson discovered microclusters of elements that show SUPERCONDUCTOR behaviors ;They are present in water, and can be concentrated in very simple ways ormus_traps.html , and then they can be used for health, agriculture, time travel, antigravity …. and may be in a JOECELL ; I get the idea that they are may be the factor that make a water to charge in a JOECELL ; and that’s why certain water said ‘alive’ (from pure ground source) are working better ….
– Original article in the fantastic NEXUS magazine, Volume 14, Number 2 (February – March 2007) http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/Ormus.html
-The Effects of Magnetic Water (another kind of ‘CHARGED WATER’) : ormus_index.html#MAGWAT
(to link the article above use: #JOE01)
## New link that could help in the understanding of ‘how and why’ the JOECELL works, and how it creates matter …(about water memories/frequencies) :Pattern and Resonance in the Natural World m_other_medecines.html#MAME , original from http://www.normanallan.com/Sci/bs.html
Extracts: Chapter One: Beyond Substance, by Norman Allan, Ph.D.
… MAME found that a solution of viral DNA, diluted beyond substance in the manner of homeopathy, can physically bind its substantial, molecular, complementary strand. This implies that the water “remembers” the substance that was in it. It behaves as though the DNA – even though diluted beyond substance – were still there. The ramifications of this phenomenon deeply effects our understanding of physics, medicine, and of psychology, and as I hope to explain may prove to be the key to our understanding consciousness itself.
In Prof. AbouHaidar‘s viral assay a solution of DNA, the genetic ribbon – even after it has been serially diluted until there was no substance left – binds its labeled complementary strand. This means water can be patterned; can carry a signal, and in this sense “remembers”. Water prefers to be ordered, to be patterned, prefers this to our usual conception of liquid as random. Water is stressed by, rather than enjoying amorphous chaos. It prefers to be organized, to behave like a crystal. So water takes whatever substance we put in it, be that salt, or sulphur, or viral DNA, as a seed from which to organize a pattern.
… “How can water, with nothing in it, remember what was there formerly, but is no longer there?”
… First let’s look at the patterning of water. If you put, say, one part salt in a hundred parts of water, it seems that the salt will pattern the water – the water mirrors the salt’s “vibration”.
… Now if homeopathic [ultradilute, potentiated] remedies are having effects on organisms – they cured my cat – one of the implications, it seems, is that the body has vibrational fields, patterned energy fields, on which these (vibrational, patterned) remedies can work.
… A further implication of homeopathy is seen in the fact that the personality, the emotional make-up, the thought patterns, of patients are the most important guiding feature in deciding which remedy to use. The “mentals” are given more weight then the physical symptoms. The implication of this is that mind, that thought and emotion, are patterns.
… First, the material substances, the mother tinctures, are vibrating at very high frequencies: frequencies in the megahertz and gigahertz range, and beyond. That’s millions and billion of cycles per second. And these high frequencies have effects on atoms and molecules, but they’re out of the range of more complex larger systems such as the nervous system.
… The second reason came to me one evening while standing out on our “deck” with my friend Darrell. There was a large basin there filled with rain water. Darrell started jiggling it with his foot. When he jiggled it rapidly we saw choppy little waves. When he rocked it more slowly he’d generate larger waves that almost jumped out of the basin onto the deck. Low frequency waves, here, tended to have larger amplitudes. They had more “umph”
… homeopathic remedies seemed to defy the law of conservation of energy, one of the most basic tenets of science. You see the remedies last for years and years (there are some of Herring’s remedies from early in the 19th century, still around, and still apparently “potent”) and yet the remedies seem to radiate: there are those who say you only need to be carrying the remedy to feel the effects.
… The natural world loves pattern. We see this in the study of “Chaos”. Nature spurns and rearranges the random much like she abhors a vacuum. But in order to see a pattern we need a clean field. If we had put our salt into muddy water the signal would be lost in the “noise”. A clean (smooth, featureless) field invites patterning.
… The interesting thing about amorphous liquids, said the authors, is not their chaos and their randomness, but rather how closely in their behaviour they resemble crystals, and display order. In “non-crystalline materials… so many properties differ hardly at all from those of crystals”. Give water half a chance and it will carry a message, and this message may be the key to our understanding the further ordering of the world, and the mind.
… Back to our pattern in water, our snowflake, or salt “pattern”, or DNA “pattern” in water: there are only certain ways the water vibrations can be set up as a stable pattern. What’s vibrating?! Ionic dipoles. In standing waves. Setting up patterns, like snowflakes. And there are, in all probability, an infinite number of ways, of patterns, that the oscillating dipoles can take, but there are infinitely more patterns that aren’t stable.
… In so far as the water (dipoles) fall away from the pattern, they fall into chaos and the pattern dissipates, and no doubt this happens. But meanwhile, through resonance (through a process akin to “entrainment”) the system is capturing new energy that will amplify the already established patterns.
… Vibrations do three very wonderful things: they “resonate”, they can “amplify”, and they “entrain”.
… This was the apparent pattern in the low dilutions, up to about forty-five, and then these two waveforms (when plotted out in a graph of successive dilutions they appear as waves) seem to “entrain” each other – a “compromise” was reached – and thereafter we saw peeks and troughs with a new periodicity. So with entrainment we have two periodic functions and they “entrain” one another to give one resultant function. This indeed is part of the essence that makes an oscillation “non-linear”: where two periodic functions don’t simply sum, but interact, we say they are “non-linear” – that is, they don’t add together in a linear fashion like the waves in a pool.
… Back to the Physicist’s question, why don’t homeopathic remedies dissipate there energies? They do! but meanwhile they’re capturing and structuring energies. The remedy sits there on the shelf, radiating its signal: however in the meantime it is catching and interacting with the seismic vibrations, and other energies, that are incident upon it, and where these incident vibrations resonate with the remedy, they drive it, they energise it.
… The physicist, Del Guidice, after hearing Benveniste speak, went back to his lab and started to look at the mathematics and physics of dipole oscillation in water. The result is four pages of equations unfathomable to a layman. The conclusion is that such oscillations do not consume energy – like the electrons orbiting round atoms in their electron shells, the oscillating dipoles are energetically neutral – once a pattern of oscillation is set up in dipoles in water it will continue to vibrate .. forever.” (9)
…He used water from the old laboratory, and subsequently found that the assay would work with any water except the double distilled “multiplex” water used by the summer student.
… The phenomenon worked robustly for Dobbs in late summer, though in the new building the “pattern” shifted. It was no longer always the 18th and 25th dilution, but scattered unpredictable dilutions that were active.
… The fact that when MAME moved labs the phenomenon vanished is itself fascinating.
… When we begin to understand the level of organisation of matter indicated by homeopathic ultradilution we will have in our hands a new tool: a tool with which we may be able to open new doorways of understanding into such things as mind /consciousness/ experience (again, recall that “mentals” – personality, thoughts – are the most important criteria for the selection of homeopathic remedies).
(to link the article above use: #JOEPATE)
## ORMUS and Ozone, by Barry Carter http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/ozone.htm
A very interresting link ! resumed at ormus_index.html#ORMOZ
Short extracts :
… We have found that these materials have an affinity for oxygen and water. David Hudson postulates that this affinity is due to a common resonance frequency between these materials.
… “This little zero point frequency I showed you between the positron and the electron; if you follow that right up the electromagnetic spectrum, it agrees with the molecular frequency of hydrogen dioxide, or water. So there is an affinity for this material and water. That’s why it is normally taken in water. When you come to understand that your body is, in fact, mainly water. That, literally, this material when you distill water it distills with the water as the oridide, the iridide, the ruthidide, just like chlorine.
And so if you distill water thinking you are getting high purity water, it goes with the water. And it literally changes the bond angles of the water. That one iridium atom controls 56 waters of hydration around itself. And all the bond angles of all 56 waters are altered when iridium is present. I haven’t carefully studied the research work of people working with water but I strongly suspect that their water isn’t completely pure and they are finding that the bond angles can be changed. There is something else besides H2O in the water.”
… Ultra-pure water made from pure hydrogen burned in pure oxygen does not behave anything like the water we know. The ORMUS elements effect the viscosity, boiling point, freezing point and surface tension of water.
… I believe that they should be suspected to be present in any chemical compound which cannot be synthesized. Chlorophyll would be an example of this type of compound. I understand that the “secret” ingredient in chlorophyll is the ORMUS form of copper.
… Apparently, anti-gravity like effects have recently been measured emitting above and below the spin axis of Bose-Einstein condensates in spin coherence. See: http://popularmechanics.com/science/research/1999/10/taming_gravity/
This anti-gravity like force was discovered by Dr. Ning Li who calls it “AC Gravity”. I suspect it may also be related to the spin fields (scalar waves) that Alexandr Shpilman has associated with the ORMUS elements.
(to link the article above use: #JOEOZ)
## See: Theoretical explanation of the Joe Cell,by Jan Wicherink of Byron New Energy http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/Joe_Cell.html
# and Interresting link:WaterCHARGED Compression: The Symmetry of LIFE http://www.soulinvitation.com/watercharged/
A lot of info about the theory of ‘Water Molecular Clusters’ that could pump and transform the ZPE in a JOECELL …
PERFECT SUPER COHERENCE : Primordial Water Crystal in M-Activated Water,from Perhaps the best web summary of all the different healing waters: http://www.0disease.com/0waterheal.html#beyond
In summary, the current short range electrostatic theory of molecule interaction-recognition via random collision cannot help us understand how biological reactions really work. The key/keyhole and the structural matching are just cartoonesque descriptions of the exceedingly more sophisticated mechanism which is required to command the extraordinarily complex and rapid cascade of intricate biochemical reactions supporting life. By contrast, the EM interactions afforded by the capacity of water to support long range EM fields provide fascinating possibilities for understanding:
1) the specific and rapid long distance attraction of coresonating mates;
2) how the formation of aggregates with appropriate frequencies initiates the next step in the biochemical sequence;
3) how the steric structure of molecules can be altered or stabilized by subtle changes in their primary composition.
(to link the article above use: #JOECHAR)
## 2006, A very interresting paper on WATER CHARGING with High voltage
Stiffler Scientific, Air, Humidity and Electrostatics, by Dr. Ronald Stiffler
… If one does a search of the Internet, one may find a number of web sites that state that ‘Water Charging is Quackery’ and is usually found in association with one or more claims as to medical benefits. Also found is a number of sites that advertise charged water to be used for any number of physical conditions. This paper does not touch on the area of charged water as associated with medical conditions or usage thereof, neither will I address the difference if any between the charged water in my research and charged water advertised for medical purposes. I do not discount the possibility that such products are real and beneficial, although I do not have sufficient information to allow me to comment on these products.
The Charged Water addressed in this paper is a form of normally available (such as tap water) water that is Electro-statically Charged in such a manner that it will retain a high static voltage in the thousands of volts. The water so charged can be manipulated in common ways, such as pouring from one container to another and still retain its high voltage charge. The charge so retained can be utilized to perform similar work as that of common electricity.
… The first experiment was not founded in theory, rather it was performed because of a tremendous amount of Internet interest in what is called the ‘Joe Cell’. Some of the layman papers available on the ‘Joe Cell’ state a condition where, when the cell is used in powering an Internal Combustion Engine (or ICE) that a Cold condition arises in the engine during operation. I found these statements of great interest with respect to current research at Stiffler Scientifc in the area of Cooling11 and Dehumidification. My primary interest was if the ‘Joe Cell’ was in some way causing an Endothermic condition, then it would be of great interest to myself and my associates working on current projects.
Initial Experiment. A crude first test, yet very insightful and showing positive results.
I used a 150 mL Pyrex beaker filled with 75 mL of tap water. (I did not perform tests on the condition of the water, such as pH, Cl content or any other measurements with regard to quality). I placed a carbon rod anode of 3 cm X 0.5 cm connected by pressure contact to a #24 gauge copper wire in the center of the beaker. (See the image at the top of this page). The electrode and wire were supported by a clip to the Pyrex beaker.
I formed a ring out of 0.25 copper tubing and placed it over the outside of the beaker, positioned about the mid point of the 75 mL of water. Using 5kv1 power supply (with a 220pf filter capacitor), I applied the Positive of the supply to the carbon anode and the Negative of the supply was connected to Earth Ground and the copper cathode ring.
The voltage was applied for approximately 3 minutes and then the anode lead was disconnected from the carbon rod. I had no idea what tests to perform and thought maybe I should leave the supply connected for a longer period in case I could see a form of electrolysis even though the cathode was capacitively coupled through the Pyrex beaker. I decided to reconnect the anode and when the supply lead was withing about 4 mm of the anode wire a crisp reddish blue arc jumped between the lead and the anode wire. My first thought was that the 220pf capacitor had not discharged, yet it was bypassed by a safety bleeder resistor and this seemed remote. To insure this was not the case I shorted the supply for a minute to insure full discharge of the filter capacitor.
I again began to reconnect the supply to the anode, while watching for the indication of the prior arc. The arc did again take place, with what appeared to be the same intensity. I then connected a lead from the earth ground connection and numerous times drew off arcs from the anode of the cell to ground.
I reconnected the supply and charged the cell for about four minutes, followed by disconnection of the anode lead. I performed a very unscientific test, I allowed the anode to arc to my finger. I wanted to know if this were just a weak static charge or something of real interest. I have been shocked enough over the years, so I was very surprised by how the arc over felt. It was not a small static build up.
My next thought was that I had created a small capacitor with the copper ring and the carbon rod acting as the plates with the water and Pyrex beaker the dielectric. Even before I measured the capacity of the cell I knew it was far to small to account for the charge being held.
I turned back to the ‘Joe Cell’ concept and decided to pour the water from one beaker to another and see if the charge went with the water. It would be easy to tell if in fact the charge did move as it was possible to draw an arc to ones finger directly from the surface of the water. Yes, indeed the charge did move with the water.
A very strange thing at the time was that one could draw an arc from the carbon rod to ground after the water had been removed from the beaker. The arc was weaker, but present. It appears and remains to be confirmed that a electrostatic field existed between the rod and the Pyrex beaker after the removal of the water. The carbon rod could be removed, placed on the lab bench for 30 seconds and placed back into the beaker and again draw a small arc. This would imply that the beaker was in some way maintaining a charge field and once the rod was replaced, it again obtained charge from this field. Placing the charged water back into the electrode fitted beaker restored the original charge condition where 4-8 mm arcs could be drawn.
(to link the article above use: #WATC)
## Some supporting information is available as concerns the corona discharge and temperature differentials being obtained. One reference can be found under ‘United States Patent #3,872,917 March 25, 1975 to Blomgren, Sr. et al.10 and additional information at www.yesterdaystractors.com/articles/artint153.htm as concerns the polarity effects in DC arc welding and the cooling or heating that results from different polarity connection.
The following image is from a cooling experiment where the corona4 at the tips of the discharge spider5 can be easily seen. The distance of the spider5 from the water surface and the voltage applied to the spider are critical for optimum operation and cooling. In the indicated experiment, 150 mL of water was cooled 3 ‘C in six minutes with only 90 microamps of current with an electrode voltage of 3650 volt.
The research paper .
9 ‘Our Energy Future’ by Dr. Harold Aspden, http://www.energyscience.org.uk/message.html
10 As of 05/10/2006 information on this patent and additional information on corona discharge effects could be found at; http://www.rexresearch.com/blomgren/blomgren.htm
11 Doing a Google Search for ‘Electrostatic Cooling’ will yield a number of responses.
See; Worldchanging http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/001574.html for short article on other work on this subject.
(to link the article above use: #OTH)
## Another message collected on a JoeCell Forum: Charge Sequences Gone Strange
Message #4772 of 7769 ; Re: Charge Sequences Gone Strange
Hi.. I have just started my research into this whole JC movement, and one thing that caught my attention right from the start was the idea of creating “new” water to use in the JC. I’m no scientist, but using an electrolyzer to turn water into “Brown’s Gas” seems to remove all impurities etc. I havent been able to test this, but I have an electrolyzer on the way, and will begin playing with BG soon. When BG is lit, the hydrogen & oxygen recombine into water. Using this “new water”, it could be programmed/energized/frequency-enhanced in whatever way necessary, perhaps?
I know the specs for JC require juvenile water, and *perhaps* the reason it is required is because of the presence of superconductive materials native in deep groundwater. I’m speaking of ORMUS or ORME’s however you wish to say it. These superconductors, (to my mind anyways) would have a great deal of influence on the water, the cell, and the orgone. There are many sources of ORMUS, gold being one of the better sources, but getting some, and mixing it with new water, may help.
I don’t know, but I hope I am helping… Sean LeSage
(to link the article above use: #ME4)